
Treasure trove

Jason was not sure whether it would be better to enter the depths of the cave or to leave as soon as possible.

Both decisions could bring doom to him, and each had their own advantages and disadvantages.

As such, he could only look at the six tunnels, while using his Emperor Eyes to roughly gauge where they would lead to.

In the end, Jason decided to let fate take its course and that he would simply enter the tunnels that had the weakest and fewest beasts of whom he could see the mana fluctuations.

This could be a mistake but avoiding death and ensuring his survival was the highest priority for Jason.

It was obvious, and because of that, it didn't really matter whether he remained inside the cave or made his way to the surface as long as he was alive.

Thus he slowly inched his way towards the narrow tunnel where he could perceive the weakest mana fluctuations and time seemed to drag for eternity.