

Even though Jason wanted to enter the Ascendion stage as quickly as possible, cultivating required time…lots of it.

As such, he had to stay patient.

Thus, efficiently utilizing the time he currently had in order to experiment with a single Soa crystal before enlisting in a mission to procure more of them should be the best.

Passively, the mana gathering in his sub-area would generate liquefied mana droplets which he would use later to compress the thread of mana that was ought to connect to his soul thread.

In fact, Jason was pretty sure that it wouldn't be long before he had enough mana droplets to accomplish the task at hand.

Thus, he allowed his passive mana gathering to do the cultivation job in the meantime. 

Meanwhile, Jason focused on the Kanadi of a Primordial technique, as well as the procuring of Soa crystals.