

Above the cosmos... Nothing hangs. How do you know? I'm not all-powerful, but I have common sense, you know? It is as if you were proposing life after death, a banality for the hopeless; but there is reincarnation... What? Confusing, meaningless and lacking logic... Above the cosmos? Could there be another more brilliant jewel that adorns the crown? It makes no sense, just like rebirth... Who would like to remember past memories? Traumas, attachments, beings; unless you are a slave. But who is not a slave? There are no exceptions... Could it be that above the cosmos I will find an answer? 'Son of a bitch', that's the best abstract promotion framework I've ever seen...

Finger_of_Shiva · Fantasie
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79 Chs

[A cup of tea]

In parallel...

The sun rose in the east and sank in the west. Not even the serenity of the moon could silence the continuous murmurs; unreal commotion mingled in them.

All this was happening in the Athens City-State, in the Central Zone. From early to late, there was no end to the visits of individuals to the Royal Palace; representatives of noble forces.

The reason was unique, but it did not lose weight for it: The death of a young man; it was not so renowned to be the cause of such a gigantic commotion, but due to the perpetrator of the act: Federick Battlemman, Prince of Athens and commemorated heir.

His condition was delicate, as he was practically considered the future governor. The early virtues reflected the future ones.

Without considering much, it was a matter of great question; it suited the whole state policy.

Although there was one point that stood out: the rotten nails and teeth of the nobles, in reality, were impeccably directed at the jugular of the Young Heir; with no intention of searching his body.

Although there was an attempt at dissimulation, their positions were high and their chins shared the same phenomenon; resulting in an ineffective and lazy attempt.

Thus, word had begun to spread, due to the continuous entry of individuals, during the morning and afternoon at the Royal Palace.

Voices became rumors. Rumors became misrepresentations. Hell became a euphemism.

Originally some servants watched the scene. They had seen Leonardo's pitiful state, how he was fainting without strength, hitting the ground unopposed; his eyes were rapidly turning white, his veins stood out on his neck and his skin was turning reddish.

In front of him, a moderate child...

They were several servants, so out of fear, the original story did not suffer alteration.

But on the outskirts, there was a rumor of an eccentric, immoderate, and indiscreet attitude of an immature Young Federick, who superimposed his pleasure on the suffering of others.


The sun had already set in the west. An individual walked at a moderate pace, but his helmet and copper boots broke the silence of the night.

His features and skull were masculine, showing unintentional temperament. He wore a copper armor, covering his pectorals, abs, and shoulders; on his armor, a blue cloth was crisscrossed.

It was a military badge belonging to the special unit: "Omega Guard".

A military unit that had been established in ancient times. Its main duty was to serve and protect the Royal Family.

At this moment he was walking in the direction of the home of Federick, the Young Prince. He had been ordered to guide and safeguard him to the Palace, where he would be replaced by a servant.

Even in the distance and darkness of the night, he watched as a young man walked in his direction. He immediately recognized him as his target, Federick.

"The night is young, the air is fresh, the wine is unstocked... How would I abandon a lover?" Said the Young Man in the direction of the moon, as he made a 360-degree turn.

"Greetings, Honorable Son. I am John, and by higher edict, I must guide you to the Palace; Please cooperate." John had not understood his words, but immediately saluted him.

"Lead the way, but slowly! My legs are trembling with anxiety." Federick replied soberly.


He was quickly led down different paths until he reached a sealed room. He had been informed that he was to be placed under interrogation.

The room was dark and closed, Federick sat in a single seat.

Suddenly three people entered. Two men and a woman.

"We will be the ones to dispense. We expect you to cooperate positively." Said in a deep voice the youngest, representative of the three.

"Hourglass... Patience... Hourglass... Patience... Hourglass... Patience..." Federick murmured in a whisper.

"Do you recognize the fact why it is quoted?". He asked patiently.

"Yes, I do," Federick replied curtly.

"What did you do yesterday, during the interval of dusk and early evening?"...

Suddenly Federick wanted to joke, but observing the seriousness in the eyes of the three, he desisted.

"Yes, at your mother's house."

That never happened...

"I offered a companion an energy drink because his mouth was dry," Federick replied.

"What was this 'Energy Drink' item you mention?".

"I kissed a toad who became Prince. In reward, he gave me his vomit."

"Please, Federick." Said the Young Man wearily.

"You didn't believe me?".



During the second day, the situation had not progressed in the slightest, until late in the evening, when finally the King scheduled an emergency meeting for the third day.

On this occasion, no informal representatives attended, but the main faces of the different forces.

The two Patriarchs of the Liu and Avens Families respectively, had shown up.

Cunning and intriguing as "Old Bamboo".

Characters of great power like the Headmaster of the Purple Academy.

And in a rudimentary wheelchair, the "Venerable Primordial Origin Ancestral Father". An old man with more skin than bones. His nickname was an inside joke due to his decrepit state, which had remained for the past few decades...

The situation boiled to the boiling point. The room was not calm, and different characters were vociferating at the meeting.

"It is an irrevocable act, the death of a young Athenian, belonging to the Battlemman Royal Family; but the act of greater concern is that it was done by Federick, the Young Crown Prince to Wisdom."

"How can we entrust our safety to such a deviant figure?".

"We hope that Your Majesty, you will act objectively in carrying out your sentence, awarding a just condemnation."

Different arguments were presented to the silent King. But this was presided over by select individuals; most of the forces did not seek the refusal of the royal family.

But this was silenced with the thunderous sounding of the gates; they opened wide, despite their size.

A young man with an arrogant and erect posture flaunted his presence. Taking on the appearance of a swan leading his chicks, he strode over and took his seat without a care in the world.

"Talking about others behind their backs is impolite... Or so Mom said." Federick breaking mentioned the silence caused.

Like boiling milk, the liquid overflowed the vessel; but this scene was contained by the action of the King, Charles II.

"Silence." Was his only word.

"This meeting was inaugurated to make a verdict, not to listen to your complaints." Said the old dominant King.

At this, the room fell silent on another level.

"Indeed, Prince Federick is guilty of what he is accused of. But evidence has also been found of the victim colluding with opposing forces, with negative intentions; Committing treason against the Royal Crown." Charles II was reading a report.

"For these reasons, it has been determined that Federick, the Prince, cannot be sentenced."

At this verdict, there were different reactions in the courtroom; Surprise, shock, and calm. Some intended to protest, but a voice silenced them.

"This is the Absolute Word". Carlos II finished.