
Go to Another World with the Beautiful Goddess

A Japanese teenager who likes to shut himself up named Shinomiya Riku, accidentally gets involved in hero summoning with his classmates. At that time he met a beautiful goddess who was the one who had summoned them to ask them for help in defeating the Demon King who was currently wreaking havoc in another world. Riku and his friends are given special powers to help them defeat the Demon King. However, different from the others, Riku instead chose a power that could make him rich in that other world. Not only that, when he wanted to be sent to that other world, he also accidentally dragged the goddess along with him. Now, Riku is forced to be responsible for defeating the Demon King in order to bring the goddess back to her origins armed only with strength that is not specifically devoted to fighting.

HappyBoy · Fantasie
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51 Chs

Chapter 6: The first city and the beginning, Holand

When I thought this would be a long journey, without realizing it we had arrived at the nearest city, namely the city that would be the beginning of my real adventure, the city of Holand.

"Fuhahaha, this is a real fantasy world! Goodbye primitive life and welcome to my new life! From today onwards I will live in peace and wealth!" I shouted excitedly as soon as we made it out of the forest area.

Outside, I can see a path not far from here. On the street, all kinds of people and horse-drawn carriages were lining up to pass through the city gates. Seeing them all, my eyes were beaming with great enthusiasm.

Yes, this is a real fantasy world.

This is the peace I've always dreamed of.

There's no raging dragon, there's no dangerous plant, there's no threat to my life anymore.

"Umm, Riku-san, this is my first time going to a human city… It makes me very nervous. Is this going to be okay?" muttered Elvy beside me.

"Don't worry, Elvy-chan. This is my first time too!"

"Eh, what does that mean—"

"—Well, what are you waiting for, let's go!" Before Elvy finished speaking, I cut her off and immediately followed the path to join the queue to enter the city.

Our group consists of me, Alicia, and also Elvy. Actually there is still one more person, but until now she still hasn't come out of my shadow, could she be a self-isolating person now?

Well, I'm sure she'll come out too soon, so I don't mind it.

Forget all that. We've walked a long way and finally arrived in this city after all the hard struggles we've been through. Therefore, first of all, what we have to do is have fun.

With full confidence, I walked along the path.


Is it possible that this is just my feeling?

For some reason I felt everyone's eyes were on us.

Oh my, could they all be in awe of me?

Well, if that's the case what can I do. I was born to stand out, so please continue to admire me in your hearts, because soon I will become a famous person in this city.

"Nee, Riku, you said you would become filthy rich with the money from selling your potions, right? Can I buy expensive sake later using that money?"

Still on my back, the goddess asked.

It seemed that she was also very excited to enter the city.

"Of course, buy as much as you want, I'll also drink it later. Today we are going to have a big party!" I answered and Alicia looked very happy. "Elvy-chan too, is there something you want?"

"U-Umm, is that okay?"

"Of course, don't be shy, just name it whatever you want. We'll buy all of it! Because after arriving in the city, we will become very rich!"

"T-Then, I want to see the clothes in this town. I heard that in the human city they make all kinds of pretty dresses."

"Clothes huh?"

Hearing that, I looked at my current clothes, they were the same clothes I was wearing when I was sent into this world. "You're probably right, I also can't wear this school uniform all the time. This is fine, only it would destroy the impression of fantasy. Alright, we'll buy the clothes together later… Is there nothing else you want?" I asked again.

"Thank you, Riku-san. But, maybe for now, that's all I am…" Elvy answered with an innocent smile.

I nodded and turned to Alicia. "How about you?" I asked.

"I guess I'm the same as Elvy, for now I just want to drink," Alicia replied, which surprised me.

"I-Is that so? Fine, if that's what you want."

They really are very simple, even though I told you they can buy whatever they want. But they only want the one thing they really want.

If it was a girl from the world I came from, they'd jump right out and buy whatever they wanted if I told them they were free to buy anything. However, Elvy and Alicia were different from them, was it due to cultural differences?

Well, whatever, no point thinking about that either.

"Alright, we'll first go to the adventurers guild to sell the potions. After that just go for fun."

"Ooooh-!!" shouted the two girls, raising their hands.

After that, we enthusiastically went in through the city gates.




"Nee, Riku, could it be that I'm dreaming right now? Didn't you say we would live in peace and be rich?"

"S-Shut up, I didn't expect it to turn out like this either!"

Currently, together with Alicia and Elvy, we are in prison.

"C-Calm down, Riku-san, Alicia-san. I-I'm sure it will be fine."

"Elvy, you can also be angry you know, after all the reason we can be here is also because of this stupid man."


Hearing the insults from Alicia, I couldn't help but remain silent.

"What is 'Welcome to my new life!'? Are you saying that getting a criminal record was the start of your life?"

The goddess said whatever she wanted to say in annoyance. But, I can't deny it all, because what she said is true.

"C-Calm down, Alicia-san. Riku-san did it all for me, so if there's someone to blame, I'm also at fault," said Elvy who supported me.

Hearing that, I wanted to cry.

"Elvy-chan…" I regained my smile.

She really is a good girl.

"Riku-san, back then, thank you for getting angry for me, when Riku-san said that, I was really really happy. But, I don't want Riku-san to do it again, I don't want Riku-san to get hurt because of Elvy. So, please, please don't do anything reckless again," said Elvy while holding my hand and looking at me with worried eyes.

"…." I'm speechless.

Oh no, I think I'm going to cry.

As I was thinking whether I should cry in hers arms again like before. Someone came to our prison cell, it was the warden who arrested us earlier.

My eyebrows raised and I turned to her.

"Oh, isn't this a hot lady warden, what more do you want from us?"

"Hot lady warden?! Could that be my nickname?!" The hot lady warden was shocked when she heard the nickname I made up with all my heart to describe her beautiful body.

"Hey, Riku, don't sexually assault every woman you meet. Hold back your lust a little, you don't want our prison term to be extended because of your fault again, right?"

"Sorry, it's my bad habit."

When Alicia warned me, I bowed apologetically to the matron and she quickly regained her senses. Then, she coughed once and returned to hers original firm posture.

"W-Well, I'll pretend I never heard of it, please be more careful next time," said the female warden with slightly reddened cheeks. After that, she looked at me one more time. "Umm, Shino, miya… -san?"

"Just Riku is fine."

"Well then, Riku-san. I've heard everything that happened from witnesses who saw it. I heard you beat up a noble because you were angry he insulted your friend, am I right?"


"Please don't joke."


When I snapped my fingers like a professional detective at the words that female warden said, she gave me a cold look. It seems that my jokes are not accepted by the people of this world.

"Alright, back to the topic, since Riku-san has compensated for the injuries the nobleman received. We decided to release you," continued the warden woman and she immediately unlocked our prison cell.

Seeing that, Alicia and I looked at each other.

Now we are free.

"Umm, is it fine to let us go? Not that I know what kind of laws work in this country, but I've beaten that noble to a pulp, are you sure you want to just let us go?" I asked who was still confused by this situation.

At that, the warden woman smiled. "Don't worry Riku-san. We guards have no obligation to obey a noble who uses their power as they please. What Riku-san did was also innocent, so there's no reason for us to lock you up again."

"Is that so? Well, in that case, I thank you-"

"By the way, I heard that Riku-san intends to stay in this town and become a rich man by selling the potions you have, is that true?" asked the warden who suddenly cut me off.

I'm a bit surprised. "Y-Yeah, that was my intention," I replied a bit nervously when the woman started glaring at me like a predator, I got goosebumps.

"Riku-san— No, Riku-sama. I guess I haven't introduced myself properly, my name is Grace, I'm a woman who is known to be very hot when I'm naked. I'm 27 years old, I'm also single. So, if it's okay with you, would you accept me to be-"

"—Thank you for the hard work, Grace-san! We're in a hurry, so we'll be going first! If we have destiny, we will definitely meet again! See you!"

Realizing that it was a dangerous situation to be with the warden, I immediately dragged Alicia and Elvy to leave that place.

Just for a moment I praised the simple women in this world, I was wrong.

Want in any world, a woman is still a woman.

I must not fall into honey traps like that, or else the peaceful life I desire will quickly come to an end.

Women are downright scary when they're desperate.