
Go Home a Like Turtle

WPC #304 (...) Go home at a snail's pace. It seems to be the watchword of the X-Monk survivors. Go home. It is the before and after of a tripolar life: Plant-Animal-Human. You will know how the characters live or lived at home. With or without their spirits or demons. With gifts and kindnesses that help them to continue. And Bierny opens her heart to listen to her friends and give timely advice and help. They are short stories of the intermediate places between the lost home and the new conquered home. Patience and Hope. Soon you will arrive at a firm and safe place appropriate to your circumstances. The third novel: (WPC #308) Academy Artesan ProCreation, belongs to the saga: GenX2022 along with the novels: https://www.webnovel.com/book/academy-artesan-procreation_23934150405486205 Second novel: Go Home a Like Turtle: (Two 1,500-word Chapters twice a week: Thursday and Monday) (WPC #304) https://www.webnovel.com/book/go-home-at-pace-turtle_23822104806738905 Third novel: XMonk Apocalypse Primate: (A 1,500-word Chapter once a week: Wednesday) (WPC #302) https://www.webnovel.com/book/x-monky-apocalypse-x-primate_23770584306263105 The edition/update of the 2021 novels, between Saturday and Sunday. BitLove, DarkMan, X Prays... And if you like the characters and their characterized stories, there are a series of illustrations of all the novels on the Instagram account: @genxprays. Discord: #9340 Fanpage: facebook.com/genxprays WhatsApp Business: +51 933 123 278 Patreon / PayPal: genxconectados Thank you for your reviews, votes, collections and comments on the WPC #304.

GenXPrays · Geschichte
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62 Chs

"Case No. 1" Fate gives you a chance.

<The social universe of Taraon Saulo>

After an arduous operation, the young man exsanguinated, who was an extinct SMonky, his bipolar nature: hitman of the howler monkey mafia and a young man steeped in drugs... seems to have been extinguished in the blood that he lost.

Well, he began to count: Taraon Saulo.

Please call me by my real human name and not the transmigrated animal name. I will be very grateful if you consider this way of treating me.

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is: Taraon Saulo.

Just in case the doubts, I'm not from Tarsus (I joke, after consenting to enter the dialogue)

From a very young age, I had to escape from the clutches of a stepfather, who beat my mother and abused my sisters.

I did not manage to flee, but the day that finally consumed his desire. That night in the dark he came into my room and harassed me. From there I repudiated my short existence; and expanding my strength despite physical and soul pain… I ran until I fell unconscious on the outskirts of the city.

Upon awakening, I was already part of a group of misfits and together we grew up to join the XMonk very young.

So we were captured, trained and turned into SMonky. The rest of the story read in the novel XMonky Apocalypse Primate.

Taraon Saulo, -the former SMonky hitman, continued recounting-:

Assimilating as a scavenger of howler monkeys is an infernal trance, nothing compared to human life, then, being transmigrated from human to animal. You have to live more difficult, contradictory and unspeakable things.

But I don't want to be too specific about my past; but the most cordial in this present that your attentions allow me.

<The work universe for Taraon Saulo>

[Occupational Therapy: CreaMYPE Workshop]

-Speak, Judicial Officer-

Thank you, friend Bierny for welcoming us, -in your CreaMYPE Workshop training center-. The judges of the correctional facility for minors, based on the new standards for juvenile treatment for being immersed in organized crime. –And addressing Taraon Saulo-, He asked, as if inquiring-:

Did they give you a choice, Taraon Saulo? Taraon Saul replied:

I preferred a workshop to a Solomonic outlet in my adult life. A, a prison, which I incited: to form, a criminal profile. -Adding, with lofty reasoning-: Whose character is difficult to change! When you start as a child or very young.

In fact, said the Judicial Officer, who gave the go-ahead for the recovery. And who, having been: informed, of the TCreaMYPE center, gave his consent. And it was signed: the act of commitment for the best resocialization of young people. –Arguing:

I do not understand as a human, -on the subject of possessions and paranormal experiences-; but if I would tell you to apply: What you learned at the BadHabits Academy: Bitterness of Spirit! (for Case No. 2: Sasry). And try: keep the Scholarship. Well, I'll be waiting for you to comply with it. –Reaffirming:

Like: -Supervisor of your performance is Mr. Bierny-. For my part: I will make the necessary visits! To control, that everything goes according to the established commitment; and that: today, with your signature: you agree, for its realization. –Highlighting:

I listened to you carefully. "And I firmly believe that you will be a new young man." With social value! And with a professional future, assured. Ensuring that:

It starts with something! And then more help will come. Do not disappoint the hands that welcome you nor forsake the arms that shelter you.

[-The CreaMYPE Workshop curriculum-, has the same resocialization purposes, similar to what the prisons propose.]

He explained, Bierny to consolidate, -what was masterfully exposed-, by the Judicial Officer, named: Shaul.

[Shaul, today, is an eminent lawyer, a mention that allows him to work as a Judicial Officer, although: in a very distant time, from his childhood, he was a newspaper vendor or newspaper vendor. Trained by Bierny in the Tumbes Region, back in 2003: in the Unión newspaper, in the city of Zarumilla. Newspaper that, to date: is current. Although its founder is not named: Bierny]

Bierny, continued managing the decision:

The difference is, you have to value the freedom, to be someone for yourself.

Fate gives you a chance. Take advantage of it!

Who knows if it can be repeated? It won't be the same another time like this.

Defrauding your own destiny would touch the other option of commitment. -At the same time, Bierny said-: Follow, Mr. Judicial Officer, with the protocol:

The judicial officer. He gave Taraon Saulo a good handshake and a cordial hug and wished him with a fatherly look -like a father who recovers his son-. Be an example! Well, behind you come many more.

You have defeated death! And life: like this, as it is presented to you: It is for victories in all the battles that are presented to you!

In the judicial precinct, the faces could not be distinguished, since almost all of them had their faces soaked with tears: of joy for the recovered health of Taraon Saulo, of hope for the opportunity of job training.

-Of conviction-. Well, to jail: better to live in a home -not animalized- and as human as possible. Things of the Creator who loves the creation of him.

To the intermediate places between the lost home and the new achieved home. Patience and Hope.

Soon you will arrive at a firm and safe place appropriate to your circumstances.

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