
searching for shelter

Jolly froze where she was standing thinking how she will live now? in the small village there was no job except the farming works , people of this place were moving to the capital for better living and who would give her a job?

her friend rinku saw her sad face and asked Jolly "are you okay ! why standing still? " Jolly replied because of my decision now I'm homeless." rinku also shocked to hear this thinking how can a loving father can make a life hard to a daughter ?

Jolly said "now I have to find a shelter for me otherwise where I will hide my head this night? " Rinku replied " if you don't mind come to my house today I will talk to my parents. It gave Jolly a litter hope but it was not easy because Rinku's mother was a tough lady to approach and she didn't have her own father, they were living with her step father.