
end of the hope

Jolly was sure of her father's disagreement with her future plans, concerning her own life and dreams. she was the girl of enthusiasm but her excitement about her dreams were being in danger. her father came and asked about her personal decision of following the desire of her own heart , right after completing her high school , she planned to join the nursing course because she has a burning desire to serve the people. father asked "is it your final decision that you want to serve as a nurse" for him the nursing was not a good job. she answered "yes it is my final decision ". her father tried to frighten her telling lol I'm not supporting you financially if you are not changing your mind . Jolly thought mother will support me she repeated her decision that she was not going to change her mind concerning her dream. what is wrong with a person who wants to live in their own choice? she just amazed by her father's reaction. she didn't believe her father is really becoming tough for her! again father gave her last chance to change her mind her but she remained the same because it was her life she wouldn't live without fulfilling her dreams.

finally the father took a decision to remove her from his family "if you are not changing your mind the door of our house is closed for you, till you changed your mind and come otherwise go wherever you want ". Jolly felt shocked thought her world of hope is ending soon , but she can't live by not doing what she exactly wanted to do.