
Global Transformation: Only i'm a True Dragon

On the day of the beast Awakening Ceremony our protagonist Max Darkwing awakened his low Talent and Beast form System of a small gray colored lizard of the lowest grade. laughed at as the weakest of the whole school. But none of them knew he has the biggest potential. R-18 Content will be marked before begin that reader can skip these parts. (This is my first Book and English is not my first Language but i hope you will like it.)and i would aprecciate any donations to me https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/FrederikKallweit

Rewave · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 New Friends

Chapter 7 New Friends

Max Lied down in his bed and checked his status as he didn't knew what else he could do until the bus comes to get him between 6 and 7 pm.


Name: Max Darkwing

Realm: 1th Layer Dragon might Gathering

Progress: 2%

TD might: 100 (+80)

Transformation: Primordial Chaos Divine True Dragon(Phase: youngling)

Attributes: Chaos

Foundation: 302%

Physical strength: 30.000 pounds

Length: 50 Meters (+24,8)

Hight: 20 Meters (+18,7)

Devoured skills: Fake (SS), Size adjustment (S+)(Passive), Stealth (D)

Skills: Eyes of the True Dragon(???), Roar of the True Dragons(???), Chaos Dragons Breath(???)

System note: ??? of user consumed the rest of bloody spider lily medical effects to nurture itself.

??? awakening progress is 3/


"when it continues like this my status becomes too long. At least I can change it with Fake in order not to stand out too much, so I won't land on the list of targets to assassinate of the Beasts and Otherworldly demons or get attacked by other disciples who want to get rid of other talented competition."


Name: Max Darkwing

Realm: 1th Layer Essence gathering

Essence: 100

Transformation: Mutated Giant gray Lizard

Mutations: Horns + Wings

Attributes: None

Length: 25 Meters

Hight: 10 Meters

Potential: B

Talent: B

Skills: Flame Breath (D-), Lizard growl (D)( weakens opponents slightly), Stealth (E+)


"This took way too long to adjust it to an average Level! But I will still be considered strong at the same Cultivation rank with this size even if I can only bring out half (15.000 pounds) of his strength out, which is still comparable to the third Layer of Essence gathering."

As he finally stood up to go get something to drink he got a glimpse of the clock in his room. In a state of panic, Max run back into his room to pack his stuff and also take clothes to take a shower as it was already 5:30 pm.

But as Max opened his wardrobe he was greeted by one set of clothes and on top a ring with a small note saying everything else is already packed inside.

As Max reed the note, he took a look at the ring. It was an S grade Space ring with 1.000 cubic meter of space. Max was greatly shocked as he heard that space rings can only be found in ancient ruins as no one is able to create them. Making everyone to use space bags as the biggest space ring known by the public to be found is E+ with 50 cubic meters and humanity is able to produce space bags up to SS grade with 5000 cubic meters making the rings things, only used by rich people to show off their wealth.

Max took the ring and put on his finger, before disappearing with his clothes in the bathroom for fifteen minutes before came out freshly showered and dressed in the new set of clothes carrying them down an threw them in the trash bin of the kitchen.

"I could have just walked back naked with the amount these pieces have still covered."

Max quickly made himself a small snack for himself. Just after he finished an heavily armored bus came to a stop in front of his house and his name was called from the inside of the bus. With some quick movement he put on another pair of shoes bevor leaving through the front door and entering the bus where he was told to get in the back of the bus from the annoyed looking bus driver.


 As Max walked inside looking for a free place to sit he saw many different people, until he finally found a free space in the last row with an boy on the window seat and a sleeping girl leaving the aisle seat vacant. Max asked politely:

"Hey is it ok if i sit here?"

 "Yes as long as you are ok with sitting next to my snoring sister for the whole eighteen hour drive." answered the boy jokingly.

"So just like my own sister." responded max with enthusiastic.

"My name is Elias and this is my sister Sophia and what's yours? Sayd the boy while max sat down. 


After max told him his name the two continued their conversation giving Max many information from them. there background is being from a slightly bigger family who go since many Generations to the Horizon even those with higher potential. Also there Transformation where an A grade potential Stone Giant from Luis and his sister Sophie being more Talented than him with an A+ grade potential Constellation Lizard with the special ability to strengthen herself with the Energy of various constellations causing her fighting style to constantly change making it hard to predict and both also being in the first layer Essence gathering realm like him, the rest was just some small talk.

After only two hours remained there got disturbed by the still sleeping Sophie who suddenly tipped over and landing with her head on max shoulder bevor she wrapped her arms around his arm using him as a pillow. Elias quickly wanted to apologize for his sister behavior as the first drop of sliver hit max shoulder, but Max assured him not to worry about it.

Just as Max finished Sophie began telling with her eyes still closed an being half asleep to Elias to shut up. Elias responded to her to check on who she is sleeping on. Confused by the question, Sophie opened her sleepy eyes looking into max mesmerizing gray eyes before saying without thinking. "So Beautiful." just realizing what she did and said she pulled away from max and covered her face in embarrassment as it already began turning red.


After a few seconds she began confronting her brother for not waking her up while hitting him softly.

Sophie then introduce herself to max after calming down.


From what Max was told during the rest of the Trip from the two siblings Sophie is more of a timid personality who prefers to avoid fighting when it is not necessary, but also wouldn't back down to one if needed


After the bus parked and the doors opened, Sophie stood up and did a big stretch before beginning to walk out and called out to max and her brother to follow her while max barely stood up Elias put his hand on top of his shoulder: "please be nice to her it's the first time since a long time she was able to talk this freely with a boy of similar age besides myself as she was almost killed by an older student which made a Love confession, which she rejected as she didn't like him. This offended him because he was from a big and Powerful family and making him think it was a honor for her a person from a small family to become one of his woman causing him to fall into rage that he attacked her and could only be stopped in his rampage thanks to a teacher. 

There's even a rumor that he's awakened an ability that can steal the talents of mentally subjugated women, because the current girlfriend became a shell of herself shortly after his awakening and his talent and potential increased from D grade to C grade. This was repeated a second time with a girl with B potential as a new girlfriend and of course the same thing repeated itself. She turned into an empty shell and his talent rose to B grade but sadly there is never proof so there families couldn't do anything against him.

So please look out to for her, as he also entered this Academy's his name Nathan Behemoth. Also be careful of his subordinates from the moon family all of them are ruthless people."


"Don't worry Elias as a friend its natural for me to look out for her"

"Thanks Max you are already a good friends."


Reaching the spot Sophie run to, they were now standing in front of a massive gate with more and more people gathering in front of it, reaching around 500 people.


While waiting many began talking, when suddenly a shout came from behind them "Silence!!".

 In just a few seconds it became very quit and people began making a way for the senior that had shouted.


As the person reached the gate and turned back to the crowd which already closed the made way.

"This year there will be a change in admissions, as There will be the admission to the main academy again in six months.

So it was decided by the principle to limit the admission to 50 people but grant those 50 also an opportunity by allowing the first place to become an inner disciple and receives extra time each month for a year in the Body Refining rooms and those in the top 10 will also become inner disciples just without the extra time and this year's group will be exempted from the expulsion competitions!"


Many of the youth had an sour expression knowing that there wouldn't succeed with their low talent and would lose the most important time for their growth even if they would try again next year they wouldn't be able to keep up with their peers as there loose the time where it is the easiest to improve there strengh, the first year after the awakening.


Causing 100 out of 500 participants to leave already and the rest followed the Elder through the gate, which begun to slowly open during his speech.

Almost everyone got surprised as they didn't appear on the other side and instead appeared inside of an building with multiple doors everywhere.

"Hahaha. Looking at The surprised faces of the participant is the only thing i can enjoy, while being stuck inside." the Elder suddenly said while laughing loudly.

"What do you mean sir with being stuck here" asked a small boy with glasses." "This means i can't leave this hall as i fused myself into it, because i was deadly wounded during the fight to obtain this hall which was only possible because the treasures spirit was Destroyed. Also this Treasure here is what makes this branch academy special, its SS grade Artifact the Illusion warrior's hall which creates an life like body with all ability's replicated from the person, and allows to transfer the conscious into the replica making it possible to fight for the disciple to spar without consequence. Once the hundred people are decided they will obtain there identification token containing there Information and will be used to contain your contribution points but let's begin with the competition before i talk to much again!" He said before clapping his hands making the doors open up.

As max walked into a door, he felt danger approaching him, when he suddenly felt something entering his body, before blacking out for a short moment, he already begann regained conscious. " what was that!" he Called out with a painful headache.

"How is this possible, my Soul got slightly damaged while taking the soul samples, even when my Soul is reappeared in at most a day i won't be able to create Illusion warrior's as i lost the part to store the Soul pieces. I should definitely report this incident to the principle." Before the Elder disappeared into a wall of the artifact.


Back to Max who was still holding his head because of the headache, suddenly saw something similar to his status appear Infront of him.


[Registered warrior Nr. 1389501]

Name: Max Darkwing

Realm: 1th Layer Essence gathering realm

Essence: 100

Transformation: Mutated Giant gray Lizard

Mutation: Horns + Wings

Attributes: None

Length: 25 Meters

Hight: 10 Meters

Potential: B

Talent: B

Skills: Flame Breath (D-), Lizard growl (D), Stealth (E+)





Opponents are pulled on Random once ever warrior hit there "Pull Opponent" button.


To win warrior needs to kill the Opponent, make him unable to continue the fight ore by throwing the Opponent out of the Fighting ring. It is also possible to win when the Opponent Admits defeat.


If 3 matches where lost, you are out ore with two matches are lost back to back you are out to.



All pain is replicated 1 to 1 so to avoid mental damage, warriors should admit defeat if damage surpasses there pain endurance!!



"Amazing that it is able to replicate the damage. Others who have real fighting Experiment like me will definitely have an advantage over those who advanced with resources" Max said to himself, before pressing the "Pull Opponent" Button which appeared In front of him.



After he pressed the button many different numbers, appeared one after another in front of him. ...., Nr.1389480, Nr.1389494 and stopped on Nr.1389503.

Before he could react he already appeared on a enormous arena with the status of his opponent in front of him


Warrior Nr.1389503

Name: Frank Hull

Realm: 1th Layer Essence gathering realm 

Essence: 83

Transformation: Earth ostrich

Attributes: Earth

Hight: 8 Meters

Wingspan: 10 Meters

Potential: B-

Talent: B-

Skills: Stone claws (C-), Wings of stone (D-)



As Max estimated that he could easily defeat his opponent even without using his full strength when his opponent called out to him. "Hey if you give up, i can guarantee you 1.000.000 Beast coins and you can became my subordinate." But max rushed at him before he could even finish his last word. As Max rushed on to his opponent with his sword, which tripped over his own feet, during his attempt to dodge falling down causing Max sword instead of decapitating his opponent and only shopped the nose off.


Frank screamed with all his might: "aaaah!! How dare you cut me! Every commoner needs to follow my order! You are going to pay for it, my brother will def!" Max without hesitation lounched another attack, splitting his opponent in half and making unable to finish his sentence, cousing the corpse to disperse after just a few second.


[!CONGATULATION Warrior Nr.1389501!]

You advanced to the second round.


Teleportation to next fight against Warrior Nr. 1389643 in 3. 2. 1. 0.


As the countdown reached 0 max appeared in the next Arena when he already saw his opponent rushing at him in his Beast form, a Minotaur. 


Max dodged his Opponent in a hair's breadth and quickly turned to his opponent with a quick movement only to see him running of the edge of the Arena.

When he noticed the reason with a quick look at his opponents status. The reason was one of his skill. Rage rush (S) (once used speed and attack are tripled but will be unable to turn ore stop until being collided with something.). "He surely tried to catch me by Suprise me and finish me of with this attack" max thought while he received the Congratulations and the amount of people left in the competition before disappearing and reappearing in waiting room filled with many people and the walls covered in monitors showing the last ongoing fight who quickly ended in barely a minute.


With the last fight ending another countdown began. He was teleported in the new Arena with his new opponent.


However, Max is very surprised as his opponent looked like a Buddhistic monk, because from his knowledge Buddhistic Monks, have their temples which they join because they see the Beast Transformation as an impure practice and instead began to practice by Tempering there human body's only causing there human body's to obtain a terrifying defense allowing them to often be able to fight above there realm in the early stages but not in the later stages someone gains in there beast form, which is the reason for the to not become a big power. 


"My name is Max and sorry if it's rude to ask, but what does a Buddhist monk want in one of the academies I thought you monks hate the academies because the transformation are an impure practice in their eyes?"

 "Your right, usually it would be like this, but this isn't the same for an monk who was kicked out from the temple for the transformation he awakened." 


Warrior Nr.1389509

Name: Luke Brahmadhvaja

Realm: 1th Layer Essence gathering 

Essence: 120

Transformation: Asura 

Attributes: Demonic, slaughter, Blood, Hellfire

Hight: 12 Meters

Potential: C-

Talent: D+

Skills: Punch combo (S+) (With each continuously punch, attack power increases by 5%, if interrupted combo is lost.)


Extras Information seen through eyes of the true dragon.

Cultivation Technique: Calm minded Golden Budda (SS+) [Level 1/10] (Calms the mind and allows one to cultivate the Buddas golden divine body.), [Hidden/unawakened] Infinite Slaughter Scripture (SSS+) (Allows user to rapidly cultivate trough continuously fighting and killing.) [warning: if used by someone without enough mental strength and calmness they will turn into spirits of slaughter if not brought under control.]

Awakening Condition: First kill.


[Hidden]Skills awakened by cultivation skill activation:(Passive) Path of slaughter (???) The more the user fights the more his talent will be enhances.,(Passive) Innate warrior (SS) (User will quickly adapt to opponents fighting styles.)



both took on a fighting stance, before rushing at each other.When there fist collided max overpowered Lukes strength of estimated 11.000 pounds with his 15.000 pounds of strength. Pushing Luke 4 meters back and he himself got pushed 1 meter back, but without out stop more and more punches where exchanged which became faster and faster until max noticed that Lukes strengh had already increased to around 13.500 pounds.


"If i let this go on and allow his strengh to continue to increase, he will become in at most half a minute strong enough to overpower me!"

Max quickly decided to create a distance between himself and Luke, before transforming, but already before he could even Finnish his transformation Luke began his own growing two pairs of arms and two more heads and growing into a red giant while he was rushing at him.

Max reacted quickly and with a quick turn using his tail like a whip to whip Lukes legs away, who catches himself with his 6 arms and dodge to the side to avoid Max's next attack by doing so.

But doing so his punch combo broke of, leaving him again in a disadvantage.


Luke was able to quickly regain his footing and successfully launched multiple punches at the same time using all of his six arms, creating another punch combo raising his strengh far enough to crack max scales.

"Even with my meager potential being disowned by my family just for having an more impure transformation then others! If i would had understood it if i it had a high potential but this is just an OVERREACTION, I HAVE NOT EVEN THE TALENT TO BECOME STRONG ENOUGH TO TAKE REVENGE ON THEM FOR KILLING MY MOTHER UNDER THE ACCUSATION OF MAKING A PACT WITH THE DEVIL TO INCREASES HER BIUTY To SEDUCE THE HEAD MONK COUSING HER SON TO BECOME THE INCARNATION OF A DEVIL!" Luke yelled in anger causing him not to notice that max slowly mowed more and more forward bringing him closer and closer towards the edge of Arena. and the moment Luke was the least prepared after his last punch chattered part of one of Maxes horns.


Max spew his Flame Breath, which he created by just using only his Chaos flame Breath fire attribute.


As Luke saw the flame Breath closing in on him he tried to stop it using his six arms to block, which surprisingly didn't create the slightest damage on him but the force behind the flame breath was still enough to push him the last 4 Meters and almost threw him to the edge of the platform.


while just barely able to keep himself from falling until he got so confused from max words that he stopped to regain his balance that he finally fell out of the arena.


"You have more than enough talent to get revenge, you just need to learn how to use it!"


[!CONGATULATION Warrior Nr.1389501!]

You advanced to the third round, just 102 Warrior remaining.


Teleportation 3. 2. 1. 0!


[10 Minutes recovery phase after this rounds last match is concluded.]


As Max reappeared in the waiting room he decided to look for Sophia and Elias, while hoping that they still here.

After searching for them through the crowd, he discovered these two standing together in the corner of the room.


Walking towards them, max was by someone who held him on one of his arm.

As he turned around he saw thar the person who grabbed him was Luke. "What do you want Luke?"

"I want to know what you meant about my Talent."

"Oh, i have the ability to see hidden Information from others and after looking at you i saw that your talent just needs to be awakened."

"and how do i Awaken my talent then?"


"It actually Pritty simple you just need to kill something."


"But killing is against the Buddhistic teachings, is there no other way?"


"No there isn't and Why do you want to keep follow the teachings of the people who wronged you? You can maybe follow the other teachings and just not the not killing one, but it's up to you."


"Maybe your right?" Luke questioned himself quietly while walking away barely loud enough to hear for max.


"Hey Max, who was that just now, is it a friend of yours?" 

Max got surprised when Luis suddenly called out to him while approaching him from behind with his sister.


"Oh hey you two the one just now was my previous opponent, he just wanted to ask me something and how where your fight going?"


"Just fine, we barely got through." 

[Congratulations as the last 50 Warriors you are now disciples of the academy! Please continue to fight with all your might to determine an accurate final ranking. (67 people have chosen to give up to compete.)]


"Juhu we did it!" 

Sophia shouted after the announcement and pulled both boys into a hug while she continued to cheer.

Before she again realized what she did releasing her hug and looked to the ground to hide her red face in embarrassment. 


"It's really wonderful to see my sister being so carefree again with someone after her death. Thank you max." 

Why do you thank me, i didn't do anything besides talking with you two and nothing else?"


"Exactly, because you can talk with her I'm thanking you, because since the death of her best friend and the attack on her, she was unable to talk with anyone besides me as she is usually unable to respond to someone of the opposite gender, but you somehow make her feel so relaxed close to you that she can speak with us even with other's around us."


As Sophia recovered from her embarrassment without having heard the conversation between the twi at all, she apologize for being so pushy with her hug out of nowhere, she bit her own tongue on accident.


"Sowwi. I mean sorry I didn't want to be so intrusive with my sudden hug."


"Don't i have nothing against someone like you hugging me."


To be continue…