
Global Superpower: Getting Stronger through Reading

When millions of monsters appeared on Earth from a different dimension, humans were introduced to a Class system to fight against them. There were Martial Artists, Swordsmen, Archers, Medics, Mages, Summoners… Lin Bai had awoken an SSS-Grade Class, the Reader. He had the power to summon any item or power he had read from a book. After reading Journey to the West, he collected the [Flying Nimbus] and [Complaint Golden-Hooped Rod]. After reading Legend of Ninja Village, he learned [Shadow Clone] and [Reincarnation]. After reading Big Pirate's Treasure, he received the [Random Fruit] and [Random Domineering]. After reading Blue Cat-Shaped Robot from Future, he was awarded the [Bamboo-copter], [Translation Jelly], and [Gourmet Tablecloth]. … The world was shocked when they learned of his Class. It was undoubtedly the strongest Class of all.

Unreachable Nose · Urban
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40 Chs

SSS-Grade Class, Reader!

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

The Hunter Elementary Test was compulsory to become a qualified hunter. As long as one was studying at a university, they were qualified to sign up, regardless of their grades.

However, if he could not pass the Hunter Elementary Test before graduation, he could only become an ordinary person.

"Professor, everyone can participate in the Hunter Elementary Test after their Awakening, so why can't I?" Lin Bai retorted rather gloomily.

Professor Cage sighed helplessly and said, "Lin Bai, I can understand how you feel. However, even the danger at the Elementary Test is beyond your imagination. I can't watch you die!"

Even if Lin Bai was his worst student that no one else could compare to, as a professor, he could not watch helplessly as Lin Bai went to die in the Hunter training field!

"I haven't gone yet. How do you know that I'll definitely die?!"

Lin Bai cursed silently.

However, he still nodded and responded to Professor Cage. Even then, he was thinking about whether he should check the library to see if there were any records about the Reader Class.

"In the Hunter Elementary Test, not only do you have to face the attacks of giant magical beasts that are three to four meters tall, but you also have to face the attacks of participants from other colleges. Your Class… really doesn't have much offensive power. Joining the Hunter Elementary Test will only cost you your life!"

Professor Cage saw Lin Bai's blank expression and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Seeing that his student was hopefully apathetic, as a professor, Cage felt even worse.

"Lin Bai, actually other than becoming a Hunter, the lives of ordinary people are also filled with joy…"

Lin Bai glanced at Professor Cage, who was still talking non-stop, and said rather impatiently, "Professor, I appreciate your kindness. Um, I have something urgent to attend to. I'll get going first!"

Then, he abandoned Professor Cage, who was confused, and ran to the library.

Experience from his previous life told Lin Bai that if he were to reply to Professor Cage while Professor Cage was nagging, there would be no end to it.

Only by slipping away could he escape this disaster!

Seeing Lin Bai suddenly turn around and run, Professor Cage's heart skipped a beat. A few years ago, a student like Lin Bai had chosen to commit suicide because he couldn't withstand this heavy blow!

Could it be that Lin Bai wanted to kill himself too?

"Lin Bai! Stop right there!"

Professor Cage shouted and quickly followed after him.

Sensing that Professor Cage was getting closer and closer, Lin Bai simply sped up and left Professor Cage a distance away.

"Lin Bai! Listen to me. A person only has one life. Don't do anything stupid!" Professor Cage shouted at Lin Bai as he chased after him.

Professor Cage's shout attracted the attention of Su Ya, who was surrounded by the crowd.

She glanced at Lin Bai and pondered for a moment. Then, she pushed away the surrounding crowd and gave Professor Cage a sly smile.

"Professor, I'll help you get him back!"

Then, she chased after Lin Bai.

"Su Ya, you…"

Professor Cage raised his hand and was about to call Su Ya, the new star of the college, back.

However, in the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared from his sight.

Professor Cage shook his head helplessly and walked back to the field to continue arranging for the Awakening of the remaining students.

What if… another genius like Su Ya appeared?

Lin Bai arrived in front of the library of Sorcha College. A white statue stood out from the two-story building behind it, which was wrapped in creepers and had mottled walls.

Logically speaking, there had not been a single Hunter in the last-place universities like Sorcha College over the past few decades. Thus, the school was even more cash-strapped and could not even provide the funds to repair the library. However, this statue seemed to have just been painted.

"Orlando Merlin?!"

Lin Bai whispered the words below the statue.

The Great Mage Merlin was the father of Orlando City?!

"Oh! No wonder the four-eyed Cage always talks about the existence of a saint in Sorcha College. I thought he was bragging, but there really have been important people in the college!"

It was said that there was no such thing as the worst college, only the worst students. This was completely right!

Lin Bai walked through the weed-filled front yard and pushed open the creaking wooden door. Then, a strong rotting smell rushed into his nostrils. Even his lungs felt the smell of decay. Lin Bai pinched his nose as he walked into the library.

Other than an old man guarding the door, the huge library was empty.

The noon sun shone through the window and into the library, but it produced a strong sense of decay.

"The first three shelves contain books on the old cities and colleges in Orlando. Meanwhile, the shelves behind contain tool books, as well as information on monsters and mystic realms collected by the past principals. As for the last shelves, it contains random books. Do whatever you want!"

The librarian wore a thick pair of reading glasses. After observing Lin Bai from his head to his toes, he waved his hand.

Lin Bai was the only student who had walked into the library in the past 20 years. After all, Mechanics, Drivers, and Cleaners were better off not studying. Thus, not much could be asked of them.

Lin Bai swept away the thick spider webs on the bookshelf and picked up an old book made of cowhide paper. Then, he flicked off the dust that was thicker than copper coins on it.

"Merlin's Autobiography"?!

He glanced at the title of the book and its simple binding. It was a thread-bound manuscript, and he could tell from the unblemished pages that no one had touched the book since it had arrived at the library.

"Heh, this is a new book!"

Lin Bai opened the first few pages, which were filled with Merlin's childhood memories. However, Lin Bai was not interested in Merlin's memories of his peaceful squabbles and catching earthworms, so he simply skipped this section.

On the 28th page, a sentence that instantly drew Lin Bai's attention appeared.

"I, Merlin, am not a Mage! My real Class is that of a Reader!"


Lin Bai's eyes widened. He stared at these words for a full five seconds as his mind went blank!

The great mage who had single-handedly built Orlando City on a mystic realm and was rumored to have lived for thousands of years was actually… also a Reader?!

According to Merlin's own description, as long as a Reader read books, they would be able to obtain the items and skills recorded in the books. They could even instantly master extremely difficult spells!

"However, there is only one Reader in the world. Once a Reader dies, a new Reader will only appear a few years after their death! The Reader is a godly Class that has surpassed the SSS-Grade Class!"

When he saw these words, Lin Bai gasped in shock and subconsciously tucked the book into his bosom. This secret could not be known to outsiders. After all, growing ruthlessly was the way to go!

Then, he quickly walked to the last row of bookshelves. As he irreversibly destroyed the old books, Lin Bai stole a glance at the old librarian and accidentally discovered that there was a book called "Magical Youth and the Demon King" on the bookshelf!

"Oh? This is a famous children's book!"

Lin Bai secretly threw the torn pieces of paper in a corner and casually picked up the copy of "Magical Youth and the Demon King", pretending to read it.

At that moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Lin Bai's ear. "The invincible Elder Wand is made of elderflower wood and the tail feathers of the Thestrals…"

As this voice sounded, Lin Bai's palm suddenly became warm.


Lin Bai hurriedly put down the book and scratched his palm. Something unexpected had happened!

A magic wand had actually appeared in his palm!

"Oh? What is this? Why does it look familiar?!"

Lin Bai looked at the magic wand in his hand.

Could it be that… this was the strongest magic wand that belonged to the President of the Magic College in the book?!

Lin Bai's mind immediately went blank. Then, he looked at the wand in his hand in disbelief and said softly, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

A book immediately floated in front of him!

"It really is the Elder Wand!"