
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · Fantasie
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72 Chs

Chapter 23: Tempering the Body, Refining Meat, Strengthening

"Uncle Zhang? Where is he?" Wang Ping and the others turned around, pointing towards the lame man not far away.

The latter seemed composed at the moment, regarding Chen Fan and remarking, "You're here, I see. You performed remarkably well this time. Nevertheless, don't let it go to your head. Even wildebeests are considered low-level beasts. When you encounter mid-level beasts, you'll realize that the bow in your hand is merely a tickle."

"Oh, this..." Wang Ping and the others exchanged uncertain glances.

Uncle Zhang appeared unreasonably severe.

Brother Fan had undoubtedly earned the title of MVP of the hunting team this time, and the entire village was singing his praises. Would it hurt to offer a few words of praise in return?

Chen Fan replied with a nonchalant smile, nodding, and saying, "You're right, Uncle Zhang. We did indeed encounter an armored rhinoceros on our journey this time."

"An Iron Armored Rhino!"

"Wow!" Wang Ping and the others were taken aback.

The lame man's eyelids twitched rapidly a few times.

"We managed to evade it without attracting its attention," Chen Fan continued.

A collective sigh of relief swept through the group.

"Brother Fan, you had us worried there. That creature is not to be trifled with," Wang Ping commented, his voice tinged with relief.

"Yeah, I've heard stories of villagers provoking armored rhinos in the past, only to be chased all the way back to the village. The enraged armored rhinos even breached the village walls before finally calming down and leaving," added another villager.

Chen Fan nodded in agreement, then shifted his gaze towards the lame man. "So, Uncle Zhang, I'm interested in learning some martial arts from you to increase my strength. In case we encounter an armored rhinoceros again, I want to be able to protect myself."

"Learning martial arts to enhance strength?" Uncle Zhang Wang Ping and the others widened their eyes in surprise, glancing back and forth between Chen Fan and the lame man.

What was happening? Why were they suddenly discussing this?

A flicker of astonishment crossed the lame man's eyes as he inquired, "You know about this?"

"Indeed," Chen Fan replied confidently. "Uncle Wei and the others must have learned this as well, which is why they were initially only able to draw a sixty-pound bow but can now handle a one-hundred-pound bow, right?"

Wang Pingping stood there, stunned, while Zhao Feng's breathing quickened. He had a vague sense that they were onto something incredible.

"Correct," the lame man nodded, glancing at Wang Ping and the others before focusing on Chen Fan. "Do you still remember the warrior I mentioned before?"

"Of course, I remember," Chen Fan affirmed eagerly.

"After the cataclysmic changes in the world, awakened humans have emerged with combat abilities comparable to firearms. Ordinary people without such abilities are left defenseless and vulnerable," the lame man explained. "Before the mutations, ordinary people could strengthen their bodies to improve their physical attributes. After the mutations, the human body's limitations were shattered. Through body tempering, ordinary individuals can enhance their muscles and bones, granting superior strength."

"Body tempering?"

"Body tempering?" Everyone, including Chen Fan, exclaimed.

For Wang Ping and the others, this concept was entirely unfamiliar. However, Chen Fan had some inkling of what Uncle Zhang was referring to, considering the "yes" status he noticed in the system's state column. Could this be related to body tempering?

"Yes," the lame man affirmed with a serious expression. "Body tempering is categorized into three levels based on muscle strength, with early, middle, and late stages within each level. Under normal circumstances, the punching strength of an average person doesn't exceed 50 kilograms, which is the level most villagers are at."

"If one can achieve a punching strength of 100 kilograms, they reach the first level of body tempering and can be called a warrior. The Wei family brothers who left our village are at this level. With their pure strength, they can draw a 200-pound bow, although it exhausts them after a single pull. A 100-pound bow is more manageable; you might not grasp the significance of that."

He glanced at Chen Fan and explained further, "A bow with a draw weight of 100 pounds can penetrate leather armor from a distance of 200 meters. It can even pierce through fine chainmail."

Chen Fan took a deep breath, absorbing this newfound knowledge.

He could currently only draw a 60-pound bow, and there was still a considerable distance to cover before reaching 100 pounds.

"If it reaches 150 kilograms, that's the second level of body tempering. At the third level of body tempering, muscle strength can hit 200 kilograms, akin to the strength of a pre-mutation human boxing champion. With such power, one can pull a 200-jin longbow and eliminate targets within a range of four to five hundred meters."

The room echoed with gasps of astonishment.

"Uncle Zhang," Chen Fan thought of the 300-jin longbow in the warehouse and couldn't resist asking, "Is this just the initial stage of body tempering?"

"Ah?" Wang Ping's mouth hung open wide enough to accommodate several eggs.

"Is this extraordinary strength just the starting point?"

The lame man nodded in approval, "Yes, after body tempering comes the refinement of the flesh. A warrior who reaches this level possesses muscles as hard as steel throughout their body, and their strength knows no limits. A hundred-jin battle bow and an iron-armored rhinoceros are like mere playthings before such a warrior."

Gasps of amazement once again filled the room.

"How far can one go?" Chen Fan couldn't help but inquire.

"Going further, it's energy."

The lame man seemed lost in thought as he continued, "Entering the realm of energy involves bright energy, dark energy, and transformation energy. At the highest level, one can even manipulate the air itself. An Jin, I've heard of some individuals achieving it, but most of them turn to a life of crime. As for Hua Jin, it's even rarer."

"But now, something has changed..." Chen Fan hesitated to speak.

"Well, something has indeed changed. In Anshan City, a hundred kilometers away from here, there's someone who has reached Hua Jin. Their power is incomprehensible, and they possess..."

"Even True Qi, the kind you read about in martial arts novels. I've heard that some people have attained it."

"What! True Qi!"

"My goodness, is this for real?"

Several people were left stunned.

Yet, they were also more excited.

This warrior seemed incredibly formidable, didn't he?

Chen Fan couldn't help but think back to what his father had told him. With this newfound information, he began to suspect that Uncle Zhang might have come from Anshan City, perhaps having crossed paths with someone he shouldn't have and ended up being hunted down.

Could it be that Uncle Zhang was a formidable martial artist?

"Don't get too carried away," the lame man cautioned, injecting a dose of reality into their excitement.

"Even if you're a martial artist, it won't matter much. Not only would you be vulnerable in front of an awakened individual, but even an ordinary person with a gun could easily end your life. Even those who have cultivated True Qi might not be able to deflect a bullet."

"However, if you want to survive in this world, you need the power to protect yourself," Chen Fan replied with a smile.

The lame man was momentarily taken aback, then nodded, "You're right. Even achieving the first level of body tempering is a significant improvement over an ordinary person. So, are you sure you want to learn martial arts from me?"

Chen Fan was about to respond, but the lame man raised his hand and said, "Listen to me first."