
Global Freeze: I built the safe house of doom

The world entered the ice age, the cold end times came, 95% of the planet's human beings all perished!   In his last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because he was kind-hearted.    One month before his rebirth in the Ice Age, Zhang Yi awakened his spatial ability and started to hoard supplies like crazy!    Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a superstore warehouse worth 10 billion!    Not comfortable to live? He built a super safe house comparable to the fortress of doom!    The end of the day came, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite of food can give up everything.    But Zhang Yi was more comfortable than before the end of the world.    Dream goddess: Zhang Yi, as long as you let me into your house, I promise to be your girlfriend.    The arrogant rich kid: Zhang Yi, I'm willing to trade all my money for a meal in your house!    Beastly neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the supplies with us, you shouldn't be so selfish!   ......    Looking at these people who had betrayed him in his previous life, Zhang Yi was lying in a safe house, comfortably living a life like a paradise.    Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me if you die or not? I feed my stuff to the dogs and not to you!

Happy_Pear · Fantasie
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90 Chs

Auntie Lin who is a bully

Zhang Yi took Auntie Lin's words as complete fart.

  However, he was idle and intended to tease this old woman.

  "Yoho, Auntie Lin is so swollen! If you're so capable, go tell Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao to go downstairs and plow the snow!"

  He named them inside the group, not caring about anyone's face at all.

  Chen Zhenghao, nicknamed Brother Hao, was a famous social gangster.

  When he first broke into their house, he was the one who led the way with a mountain axe in his hand.

  Xu Hao, the arrogant and domineering second-generation rich man, was the first person to use a knife on Zhang Yi.

  In short, apart from a very few good people, the rest of these neighbors were involved in the attack or robbery against Zhang Yi.

  He could even guess that after his own death in his previous life, each and every one of them had their share of the pie.

  That was why Zhang Yi didn't give face to anyone and just tore open their cover nakedly, disgusting them.

  Big Aunt Lin's face changed as she looked at her cell phone.

  Zhang Yi had named her so much, but instead, he had made it difficult for her to ride the tiger.

  Saying a thousand words, if she wimped out at this time, she would definitely become the laughing stock of everyone.

  And everyone wouldn't listen to her orders in the future.

  There was no way around it, so she had no choice but to Ait Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao in the group.

  "Families, the neighborhood is my home, snow removal depends on everyone. I hope that the family members who are free can bring their tools and go out to plow snow together."

  Not a moment later, id 25#602 Chen Zhenghao sent a few question marks.

  Afterwards, a voice clip was sent to the group.

  "Sweeping snow, sweep your x head ah! Are you blind? Can't you see that it's still snowing so heavily outside?"

  "X's, are you sick in the head? If you are sick, go to the hospital, don't bark here. Don't yell here. If you don't get to me again, I'll kill you."

  Chen Zhenghao scolded Auntie Lin, who had called him a name, in a very unpleasant manner.

  After the owners in the group heard this, they were so happy that they covered their stomachs and laughed.

  This Auntie Lin had taken herself for a figurehead, but it turned out that people didn't put her in their eyes at all.

  A small neighborhood committee member, just a little bit of influence on ordinary owners.

  People like this socialite wouldn't treat her like an onion!

  And rich second generation Xu Hao also sent a voice.

  "It's none of my business if you guys plow snow! It doesn't matter if I don't need to go to work and sleep at home every day."

  After saying that, he also sent a picture of himself lying under a thick blanket with a woman in his arms.

  This house was only bought by Xu Hao to keep a woman, and he was coincidentally imprisoned here.

  When Auntie Li asked him to sweep the snow, he thought that this woman was sick in the head.

  Auntie Lin was scolded by Chen Zhenghao and didn't dare to talk back, how could she dare to provoke a truly ruthless person!

  But when she saw Xu Hao being so provocative, she still had a stiff upper lip and said, "No matter what, you are also a member of the homeowners! Sweeping snow is your obligation."

  Xu Hao said disdainfully, "Bah! I pay the property fee every month for nothing, right? Without my money, all of you neighborhood committee members would have to starve to death."

  "X's, taking the property owners' money every day to make a fool of themselves and treating themselves as masters. Funny!"

  None of those rich second-generation people were simple, and although Xu Hao was idle, he had also seen the world.

  He wouldn't even put the tiny neighborhood committee amah in his eyes.

  After he said that, he also proudly mocked:

  "I can have today, relying on the energy of my parents and family, can it be the same as you poor bastards?"

  "Hurry up if you want to plow snow, you still have to go out to earn money for food! After I finish clearing the snow, I'll be able to leave this hellhole."

  As everyone listened to Xu Hao's arrogant words, they were all furious.

  But again, they were all powerless to refute them.

  Who made people cast their birthdays well?

  Although those words were harsh, how could they not be the truth.

Chen Zhenghao making such a mess with Xu Hao also completely chilled everyone's heart.

  Auntie Lin's words also became dog shit and no one paid attention to them.

  Auntie Lin was simply furious.

  However, she was not angry with Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao, but rather with Zhang Yi!

  She felt that she had succeeded in mobilizing the owners, and it was Zhang Yi, the shit-stirrer, who had spoiled her good work!

  So she sent a private message to Zhang Yi and asked very angrily, "Zhang Yi, are you deliberately messing with me?"

  "Tell me what you really want! I told everyone to go out and plow snow, does everyone need to go out?"

  "This is great, everyone is quitting, are we going to stay sealed up at home all the time?"

  Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows.

  Yoo-hoo, there are still those who sent their doors to look for scolding?

  "You damn well don't pretend to me! You're a bully and not a good person, why are you still barking here?"

  "You've been scolded by others and don't even dare to let out a single fart, so you come to me to find a sense of existence, right?"

  "I'm telling you, your grandfather is not a good bully. Bark at me again, or I'll kill you!"

  Zhang Yi had taken Big Mother Lin's character to death.

  It was just a punk who bullied the soft and feared the hard.

  Sure enough, after Zhang Yi said these harsh words, he also made Big Mother Lin scared to death.

  She was an old woman living with her grandchildren, and it was only because of her neighborhood committee status that people gave her face.

  But if others disregarded his neighborhood committee status and played with her, she was simply not enough for others to beat her.

  She didn't dare to speak at once, as if she was afraid of really enraging Zhang Yi.

  Big Aunt Lin hurriedly pulled Zhang Yi's blackout, fearing that Zhang Yi would spray her again.

  Her body trembled, not knowing if it was because she was freezing, or she was frightened by Zhang Yi.

  "This son of a bitch! Simply an asshole, a psychopath!"

  "It's better not to provoke him now, wait, I'll have ways to make your life bad in the future!"

  Big Aunt Lin's mind thought of the future, when she relied on her status as a neighborhood committee to make things difficult for Zhang Yi.

  For example, when distributing living supplies, she deliberately dragged Zhang Yi.

  Or maybe there were any good community activities that Zhang Yi was not told about.

  She brainstormed Zhang Yi's remorseful appearance at that time, and even felt that Zhang Yi would come over and beg her to let it go, while she shut the door in a highhanded manner and said, "Aren't you arrogant? You're arrogant again!"

  Big Mother Lin smiled beautifully as she thought about it.

  "Hey, sooner or later, there will be a day when you come begging for me!"

  "For now, I won't get on your bad side."

  Big Mother Lin got satisfaction with this aq method of spiritual triumph.

  She then proceeded to run to the group to mobilize the others to go out and plow snow.

  The big guys were very contemptuous of Big Mother Lin though.

  However, most of them would have to go out to work in the future, and considering the problem of their own traveling, there were still some honest people who took their tools and went out to sweep the snow, braving the bitter cold of over 70 degrees below zero.

  Zhang Yi, however, did not expect that this side had just scolded away a Lin Auntie, and over there, someone else came over to find trouble.

  This time, his WeChat phone was called.

  He took a look at the avatar, and it was that Chen Zhenghao from the group.

  It looked like Zhang Yi had just taken him to task in the group, making him feel bad, thus calling over to scare Zhang Yi.

  Zhang Yi already had a grudge against this asshole, and when he saw him calling, he immediately narrowed his eyes.

  The current him was rather hoping that this ungrateful thing would come over to find trouble for him.

  After all, this safe house, it was impossible for Zhang Yi to go out.

  But if anyone dared to come over to find trouble, he could have the means to make that person die a very miserable death!

  So Zhang Yi picked up the phone.