
Global Beast Taming My Battle Pet is Double of Others (Beast Taming)

“Ding, Tempest War Eagle had leveled up. Its blood hereditary had been activated and evolved into Dark flame Phoenix!” “Ding! Black tortoise level synchronization completed, current level: Immortal rank!” Qi revived, ferocious beasts were rampant, and humans lost half of their population instantly. The beast tamers emerged right on the verge of humanity’s extinction, allowing them to survive. Today, this was a world full of beast tamers. Su Bai had traveled through time and space to this world, awakening his talent in making the dual contract so that he could possess twice as many battle pets as others! With his hot-blooded personality, Su Bai would eventually become the eternal legend of this world

Zero_D_Darkness · Andere
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130 Chs

Chapter 109

The furious blood-eating vines can only wave the vines and destroy everything around them.

The vicious beasts suddenly suffered a disaster, even the silver-level vicious beasts would be exhausted under the vines of infinite rebirth, and then devoured cleanly.

After Su Bai released the phantom dust, without stopping, he spread his feet and ran away.

Just kidding, this thing is so durable, if you don't run, it will get cold.

With Su Bai's physical strength, in five minutes, he just ran out for several kilometers, and then decisively summoned the Holy Heavenly Horse.

Due to his previous carelessness, Yu Nan exposed the existence of the Holy Heavenly Horse, and now Su Bai carries a cloak and mask with him.

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

The purpose is to cover up his face when summoning the Holy Pegasus.

Last time, if his whole body was not covered in blood, and the few beastmasters regarded him as a silver-level beastmaster, they automatically added a master filter, otherwise, his identity would probably be exposed.

Even so, Su Bai was still worried.

It's just that he placed his family in the second ring, and he was next to the head of the regiment, and he himself had been fighting in the wild. Even if someone wanted to deal with him, they had to ask the tens of thousands of beasts if they would answer.

Ferocious beasts, no matter who you are, as long as you enter their line of sight, they will attack.

Riding on the Holy Heavenly Horse, Su Bai flew directly for more than ten kilometers before landing.

"This place should be out of the perception range of that gluttonous blood-eating vine ramet."


Su Bai was a little uncertain, and watched the movement around him with lingering fears.

Fortunately, after half an hour, except for a few beasts passing by, there was no trace of the gluttonous blood vine.

This made Su Bai feel relieved.

I found a cave, cleaned up the beasts inside, let their family go on the road neatly, and then sprinkled dust on the entrance of the cave, and then moved stones to block the entrance.

Tracer Dust is a field survival tool specially used to clear the scent of the Beastmaster.

The scent of the beastmaster is completely different from that of the beasts, and if they encounter a beast with a keen sense of smell, they will be tracked immediately.

The trace dust exists for this reason. As long as a small amount, it can eliminate the smell of the beastmaster and ensure the safety of the resting point.

In the cave, as soon as Su Bai relaxed, he felt that his stomach was empty like a fire, and he kept making thunderous sounds.

Not much to say, keep on grilling.

Or four-eared rabbit legs, or a secret barbecue dipping sauce.

The outside is coke and the inside is tender, hot and boiling, and one bite is full of happiness.

After the charcoal fire washing, the rabbit legs are full of aroma, and because of the color of the secret dipping sauce, they become more flavorful, tender and crispy, fresh, salty and spicy.

In an instant, happiness spreads on the tip of the tongue.

Su Bai took out another bottle of happy water from the space ring, and it was still in an ice-cold state just like when he put it in.

Take a sip, and the feeling of excitement spreads all over the body.


Su Bai hiccupped and showed a satisfied smile.

This life is so comfortable! predict.

Chapter 86 Are you messing with me?

This time, Su Bai ate four rabbit legs, which made him feel no longer hungry.

Then, check the Sky Steel Crow in the pet space.

In the experience value column, the value reached 54950/180000.

"This speed of gaining experience is too fierce!"

Although Su Bai felt that his bones were about to fall apart, his heart was still hot.

Going down at this speed, he can even rise to the silver level before ambushing the Dai family and his son!

In the original estimate, it would take almost two months to upgrade to the silver level!

The emergence of gluttonous blood vines brought both unprecedented dangers and unprecedented opportunities.

An opportunity to rapidly improve Su Bai's level!

After being attacked by Zhu Yeqing, a subordinate of Baiyin, Su Bai found that his existing pets were still not enough, or rather, not strong enough.

Limited by the current level, the Sky Steel Crow and the Ice Tortoise cannot complete the most critical final evolution.

Although the bloodline was activated to 50%, new talents and skills were obtained.

But in the final analysis, it is still a bronze-level pet.

And silver level are completely two concepts.

Thunder and Thunder Eagle!

Mysterious Crystal Turtle!

Second round of evolution!

Two brand new pets!

This is what Su Bai will gain on the bright side after rising to the silver level, and his combat power is by no means comparable to the current bronze level.

If the new pet has special abilities, or the innate skills of the wind and thunder war eagle and the mysterious turtle are strong enough, he can even face the gold-level beastmaster!

Once Su Bai felt that the silver level was still some distance away, but after encountering the gluttonous blood vine, Su Bai suddenly found that the silver level was within reach.

"Sleep, after replenishing your energy, go to the blood-eating vine tomorrow!"

Although it was only the afternoon, Su Bai had been fighting for a long time and was very tired.

The Phantom Butterfly was recruited, and the spirit was not very good.

After all, the use of phantom dust is very expensive. As a conscientious boss, Su Bai will naturally not let the pet work in vain.

There are many spar in the space ring. First, take out a bunch of them as snacks for Phantom Butterfly, and then also have the favorite nectar of insect beasts.

This nectar is mixed with a large amount of elixir, and a small bottle about the size of a thumb is worth 30 contribution points, almost 2,000 federal coins.