
Global Awakening: My Clones Have Different Classes

Sun Xin was a martial artist that was renown to the underground fighting. He dreamed of Awakening a good power to fight villains. Until one day, he awakened a power called "Cloning". In which he could clone himself. With him as a martial artist, he fought villains but he was still regarded as trash. In this age of Heroes, Dungeons, and, Villains. With others able to breathe fire and command other elements, he could only punch and kick. Up until one day, all his clones awakened and a mass Awakening happened. Awakening, Combat Class! Dragon knight! Necromancer! Berserker! Swordsman! Druid! Lycanthropy! Conjurer! Awakening, Production Class! Blacksmith! Mechanical Engineer! Hacker IT! Inventor! Alchemist! Enchanter! Bookworm! Now, with him as their trainer and leader, all of the villains would cower in his presence.

pantserplotter · Aktion
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82 Chs


Xin made his father eat first in the restaurant and then dressed him first. His clothes were ragged and he was taken for a hot spring bath. They enjoyed their moments but Xiel was excited to see his family and so, Xin and him went to come back home.

His father saw the great difference from before and the buildings were tall. New ones were seen being built. Their way home also felt different and has a different vibes.

They went to their home by a taxi cab and his father and Xin arrived at their home at last. The excitement was getting ahead of Xiel and he could feel his palpitations rising.

Inside the car, he saw their home having a huge difference from before. It was painted with white and more classy than the past. It also has a second floor.

"Son, is this our new home?" Xiel said with a weak voice. He was worried, "Did you made a huge sum of money?" he asked.

"Yes father, let's come inside," Xin said to him. Finally, proud that he was a successsful this time of his life. And a Family to take care too.

"Really son? You must have worked hard," he was excited to come inside.

By the doorway, Xian saw his father entering the doorway. Making her drop the coffee she was sipping.

"Dad? Is that you?" She ran and hugged him.

"Xian, you are now a big girl!" Xiel was finally able to see his favorite youngest child. He wept silently for a moment. He missed his daughter so much.

"When I am in the dark prison, I am always thinking of you all. Praying that I will at least see you all before my death. Oh, at last, I am able to meet you all," he said in a bitter voice.

Xian was hurt of what he said, "Dad don't talk like that we will be complete soon, Big brother is doing his best,"

"Yes, of course I will not say that again," he said then his eyes went bulging for a reason. He looked at the stairs and saw someone walking down like an Angel. Someone that dear to him, someone that was very familiar and someone he loved.

"Hey, Xian, what is this ruckus about?" Shen was walking down the stairs. To Xiel, what he saw was a princess walking down the stairs to meet him. Despite their age, his wife was young looking and was still like a blooming petals of a flower in the season of a spring.

The two met eye to eye and saw each other's faces. Xiel let go of Xian and walked to meet her. Still mouth agape and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Is this a dream? Shen! You're awake now!" He said in unbelief.

Shen immediately ran to hug him and they were happy at that moment.

"Yes, I am indeed healed," she said to him while weeping.

Xin was happy to see such imagery and the emotional meetup of the couple. His family will be complete soon just minus his older sister.

They soon ate dinner and the mood was bright and beautiful. It's like a plethora of emotions that could be felt. Happiness, contentment, and more.

The closest feeling he could feel was tears of joy. He was slightly weeping at what's he was seeing. The mood lasted until his father asked where was Xien.

"Father, I know where she was and she was experimented in the Hero project. She awakened a class that could steal powers but she was limited and the backlash was to lose some of her memories. She was missing since many years now and still no news about her." Xin said sadly.

"Ah I see, I don't have a powerful Awakening but I will be useful. I have a Scout class that could detect or scan the surroundings. Maybe I could help you rescue her," Xiel said to him.

"By the way son, how did you get money for your mother's recovery?" Xiel was worried that his son was doing something illegal, "Don't tell me you are still doing underground fighting and doing illegal works now?"

His father raised his voice and wanted to scold Xin. But Xin understands why his father was like that. It was because he was guilty of asking a loan to the loan sharks. And also having dirty money in turn and was hold up. He was very disappointed of himself and as well as his son.

"Son, I am disappointed with you. I didn't raise you to do illegal works! Are you a drug lord now?" He was furious but Xin was silent and calm then he replied.

"No dad, I registered as a Hero and Hunter now. I met the founder of the association and gave me a chance to save mom. I will still repay him though," Xin said with a bit of confidence.

"Ah I see, I am sorry for jumping to conclusions. I ask forgiveness my son. I am just a terrible father, and I couldn't protect you all. I am just feeling this guilt that will not be easily forgotten."

"It's okay father, but please forgive yourself, for Xian okay?"

"Of course, of course, for Xian!" He said in a resolute voice.

His mother was not able to awaken and it was a rare occurrence. But she was okay now. Maybe she would awaken too if she will be assessed.

The problem of his sister has to be solved or else his family will still be in unrest. As for it, he needs to awaken several clones more because if he will meet her, she will only fight him nothing more.

Her stolen skills by now if Xin estimated it will be, Super strength, Speed, Flight, Resilience, and Regeneration. She would defeat villains easily with her skills. But the problem was, she already lost her memories of her family by now.

And so, Xin has to lead to coercion or trap her with a deal by fighting her in a duel and if he won, he would at least make conditions that if he win, she would listen to him.

She would likely not listen to him and ignore him. And so, he needed to be strong enough to take on her punch and attacks. And then beat some sense to her.