
Global Awakening: I created the system

"When everyone believes a lie it becomes the truth" "When everyone is in a dream then it becomes reality" [Blue Star, year 20023] Like every other day on the blue start, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. At least it should have been until it happened! Before anybody could react, the whole planet was infected by a burst of strange energy giving things both living and nonliving incredible abilities and characteristics. The Qin terracotta warriors came to life shouting that their emperor was about to descend Mona Lisa stepped out of her painting saying a new era had begun In the Vatican, an ancient tomb arose from the ground saying Jesus was about to rise once more Hitler's cap appeared giving a random German the ability to brainwash millions of lives All around the world, strange events started happening with historical and legendary items taking the lead And if that wasn't unexpected enough, they came! The Gods and Monsters who humans of the blue start only thought of as myths or legends began to descend Choosing various warriors and awakeners to carry their will These people were called divine warriors and stood out from the awakened Unexpectedly, a thousand years later the Blue star had produced hundreds of strongmen capable of kicking the moon and punching the stars. However, in the most unbelievable circumstances, the most powerful gods and awakeners gathered together to defeat one man Deceiver Ye Tian! Characterised by a signature joker mask, he was one awaker whose true abilities were never known Displaying an array of different powers on each occasion, he was dubbed the title 'Jack of all trades master of all" Unfortunately, under the combined attack of the powerhouses including Zeus, Odin, and the Dragon goddess Tiamat, there was no chance for him to survive Using his last means, he transports himself to the past planning to use his power properly and fix all regrets "With this power, the universe shall fall at my feet!" Deciding to abandon the humans who betrayed him, deciding to live for himself Ye Tian devices a means to force all lives to work for him without ever revealing his identity Using his power he created the one thing which would cause all life in the universe to yearn for Using his power, he created the one thing which could only be thought of as fiction even with the advent of global awakening Using this power, he creates the system! This is a story of how Ye Tian, the future lord of the multiverse, The biggest black hand behind the scenes, The source of the extraordinary, The only God, The father of Evil Gods, and The master of the system is born! ------------------------------------------------ discord server: https://discord.gg/Up35G9Hzzk

Ghost_Worker · Fantasie
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177 Chs

Getting costumes

Second day after rebirth and thirteen days till global awakening, Ye Tian at this time could be seen putting his plans into action.

"Good morning boss, it's me"

"I need you to buy a few costumes, what do you have in store?"

Standing in front of an empty kid's toy store, Ye Tian shouted for the owner to come forward

Obviously, although the store looked empty Ye Tian knew otherwise.

And sure enough, without waiting too long, a voice suddenly came from the store.

"Haha, if it isn't the boy from the Ye family, how are you?'"

"And shouldn't you be in school?"

Coming out from the back of the store, a man with a large pudgy bell came out laughing heartily.

Hearing the tone in his voice and manner of speech, it was obvious he and Ye Tian had known each other for a long time.

"Uncle Zhang! I'm fine, and how is your business?"

"As for school, I applied for a two-day leave. I'm going to the city lord's daughter's birthday party this afternoon"

Talking about the city lord's birthday party, Ye Tian had a sly grin on his face.

Last night before he slept, he remembered the new city lord would be throwing a huge birthday party for his daughter around this time.

And it was an open party in central park allowing all kids and adults around to participate including the elites who the city lord was familiar with.

Thinking back to this party, it was a pity couldn't go in his last life as he was too busy with school.

Back then, this party was heralded as the party of the year as it brought the people closer to the city lord.

Because of this, even when the global awakening happened the city lord was still re-elected into position.

"However, this time I have to go to the party!"

Clenching his fists, Ye Tian couldn't help but think of his plan.

Just like the description, for his power to fully manifest he needs an audience to deceive.

And thinking of the number of little children that would attend the birthday party, Ye Tian couldn't think of a better audience to deceive than a group of children.

"Haha, they always say it isn't good to lie to children"

"However, by the time I'm done, who would be sure it's still a lie?"

Murmuring to himself, Ye Tian couldn't wait to quickly regain his powers.

Feeling the weakness of his past self, to be honest, Ye Tian was disgusted with his current body state.

*Hopefully, I won't have to stay in this weak body for much longer."

Relaxing his eyes, Ye Tian turned to face the man named Zhang in front of him.

Zhang Yuan

A middle-aged uncle and owner of the local toys and costume shop near the school.

And due to it being so close, both of them end up seeing each other regularly on Ye Tian's journey to and back from school.

So seeing Ye Tian coming to his shop even when school was going on, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be confused.

However, hearing the city lord's party he had a look of realisation on his face.

According to Zhang Yuan's thoughts, Ye Tian probably wanted to use this as an opportunity to make contact with the upper circle thus paving a way for his future carrier

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan gave Ye Tian a thumbs up


"Haha, Ye boy, why didn't I know you could be so smart"

"It seems that the old man still looks down on you too much"

Bursting into a fit of hearty laughter, Zhang Yuan patted Ye Tian on his back wishing he could go and make use of this opportunity.

Who knows, maybe his shop could make proper use of this chance and ruse to a whole new level

Unfortunately, due to him being the only one in the shop, he couldn't leave

Realising this, his ecstatic expression soon changed to a disappointed one.

*Cough cough*

"Boss Zhang, I'm kind of in a hurry. Can I take a look at the costumes you have quickly?"

Watching Zhang Yuan change emotions one after another, Ye Tian who was in a hurry couldn't help but cough, deliberately interrupting his train thoughts.

"Oh silly me, forgive me about that."

"I've just been a bit busy lately so I kind of spaced out"

Giving an embarrassed laugh, Zhang Yuan quickly told him a random excuse since the real reason for his spacing out was a bit embarrassing.

Just kidding, could he tell Ye Tian he was jealous he couldn't go and mingle with the city lord at a kid's birthday party?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan felt that his current reply was the best one.

Unfortunately for him, Ye Tian didn't believe it.

Just taking a quick glance at the shop, he could see some bits of cobwebs accumulating in the corner

Even though he just experienced rebirth and wasn't sure about some things in the past, Ye Tian was sure that busy shops weren't filled with cobwebs and dust.

However, considering he was in a hurry, Ye Tian didn't point out the flaws in Zhang Yuan's words but rather cooperated.

"Haha boss Zhang, it's good you're busy isn't it?"

"That means more business"

Giving a slight laugh, Ye Tian once again talked about his reason for coming here

"However boss Zhang, like I said earlier I'm in a hurry"

"Can I see the costumes you currently have?"

Looking at the time on his phone screen, Ye Tian noticed that the birthday party would being in a few hours

*Damn! I need to hurry up, if not I don't know when next I'll find a better situation.*

Luckily, perhaps it was because of his desire to change the topic Zhang Yuan quickly replied

"Oh that? Why didn't you tell me since"

"You're lucky boy, I just got a fresh set of them and a few of them should be your size."

"Just wait a bit, I'll bring them from the back"

Not giving Ye Tian a chance to refuse, Zhang Yuan quickly left, exiting the awkward atmosphere.