
glitch into the unkown

glitch is an agent, he is being interrogated by Agent 47, as the story counites we see into glitch's past and learn more about him and the mysterious hard drive and about the agency only known as S.H.A.D.E

Shahardel90 · Aktion
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32 Chs

Lia Carter

[Year 2024]

Agent 47 walks into the room where Glitch is tied up, and Glitch immediately confronts him.

Glitch: I swear to god if you don't tell me why my sister thinks I'm dead, I will never give you any more info about the hard drive.

Agent 47: You already gave me what I wanted.

Glitch is confused and asks for clarification.

Glitch: What do you mean?

Agent 47 chuckles and teases Glitch.

Agent 47: Do you really want to waste your question on that?

Glitch quickly responds, insisting on knowing why his sister believes he's dead.

Glitch: Just tell me why my sister thinks I'm dead.

Agent 47 explains the familiar deal they have.

Agent 47: You know how this goes. You give me info about the hard drive, and I'll give you info about your sister.

Glitch refuses, determined to get information about his sister first.

Glitch: Not this time. If I don't get info about my sister, I swear to god I will not tell you anything.

Agent 47 locks eyes with Glitch and issues a challenge.

Agent 47: Try me.

As Agent 47 exits the room, he communicates with Agent 35 and gives a specific instruction.

Agent 47: Do not give our prisoner any food for about six days. He will survive that.

Agent 35 acknowledges the order with a nod.

[6 days later]

Agent 47 talks to Agent 35 outside the investigation room.

Agent 47: Is he willing to talk yet?

Agent 35: I've been playing mind games with him for 6 days, but he hasn't said a word.

Agent 47: Keep pushing him. Hit all of his nerves, bring up his sister, mention Agent 10 his Family —anything to break him.

Agent 96 rushes through the door, holding a ringing cell phone.

Agent 96: Call for you.

Agent 47 yells in frustration: Not right now! Can't you see I'm working?

Agent 96 insists: It's "her."

Agent 47, surprised, takes the call.

[Cut to 2 minutes later]

Agent 35 walks into the room with a tray of food, and Glitch's face lights up with joy, thinking Agent 47 has given in.

Minutes later, Agent 47 enters the room and delivers an unsettling message.

Agent 47: My employer has insisted that I don't accidentally kill you just yet.

Glitch's happiness is short-lived as he processes Agent 47's words.

In Glitch's mind: "Employer? Agent 47 is working for someone? But who...? It can't be Black Watch... can it?"

Glitch's mind fills with questions as Agent 47 continues:

Agent 47: I am also forced to tell you about your sister.

Glitch's face lights up as he hears Agent 47 mention that he has to tell him about his sister. The scene cuts to 2022, during the terrorist attack.

As Glitch's sister, Lia Carter, manages to survive the explosion that killed her parents and numerous bystanders, she walks down the street trying to reach her house , wounded but not critically. Two Black Watch agents, Agent 5 and Agent 87, approach her from a nearby van.

Agent 5: Excuse me, ma'am. Are you Lia Carter?

Lia Carter, also known as Glitch's sister: Yes, that would be me.

Agent 87: You need to come with us now.

They guide her into the van, and Lia Carter questions their intentions.

Lia Carter: What do you want with me?

Agent 5: We work for an agency called Black Watch. Your life is in grave danger.

Lia Carter: Does this have anything to do with that bomb? Where are my parents? i need to talk to my brother

Agent 86 delivers the heartbreaking news.

Agent 86: Both your parents and your brother are dead. I'm sorry to inform you.

Lia Carter breaks down, crying and screaming, overwhelmed by the devastating news. Agent 5 attempts to calm her down.

Agent 5: Listen, your parents worked for Black Watch, and they were killed because of their involvement. They wanted their legacy to continue.

Tears stream down Lia Carter's face as her voice breaks with emotion.

Lia Carter: They worked for you guys? Who are you anyway? I've never heard of you

Agent 86: We will explain everything when we get to headquarters.

The scene cuts back to 2024, where Glitch is experiencing a mix of happiness and anger. He is relieved that his sister is alive and well, but he is furious with Black Watch for lying to her. He turns to Agent 47 and asks a crucial question.

Glitch: Wait... how do you know this?

Agent 47 chuckles, revealing his prior knowledge.

Agent 47: I killed the driver of the van when they were still at headquarters and replaced him. I overheard the entire conversation.

Glitch realizes that Agent 47 had been planning to betray Black Watch long before he ever joined their ranks.

Agent 47: Well, as you know, our deal was that I would give you information about your sister in exchange for information about the hard drive. Now that I've fulfilled my part, it's time for you to keep your end of the bargain.

(To be continued)