
Glimpse From The Multiverse

Every Chapter shows snippets about VOID, or Chrysanta Godfried's adventure in the multiverse. There is no specific timeline for when or where the events occurred. The chapters are random, some may occur in the same timeline, and some will show or mention characters or events from my previous, and admittedly incomplete, works. Cross-Posted from AO3 | Art by me After finding out the volume system, I decided to separate my works by Fandom.

BINAR_ES · Videospiele
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13 Chs

Wrong Portal to Another Universe

"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆, 𝒉𝒎."


"Are you sure you want to sit this one out, 'Ante?", the knight asked, Vergil didn't bother to ask Dante, but he was staring at her.

He smirked, "Yeah! Just bring home some pizza — no olives, please 'Lum, don't let him do the ordering.", this got a hearty laugh from the knight.

"No promises!"

"The portal is ready.", Vergil states, sheathing the Yamato with a soft 'clink!'. The night looks at the Dark Slayer and nods and waves goodbye to the younger twin, which the said twin returns, putting his hand down the moment the portal closes.

"It's rare you requested this one's assistance. Is it serious?"

"No, I just wanted to get away from that buffoon for a bit.", Vergil sighed and rests his eyes for a bit.

"Uh, Dark Slayer?", he opens an eye to see he isn't anywhere near the place they needed to go, but a living room. A neat one at that. The shelves were brimming with Vergil Apparel, a shelf with neatly categorized games, and the Devil May Cry games according to order.

"What is this—"

"Vergil, you're… home?", a lady appeared from the kitchen, a sweet smile on her face before it changed upon seeing the lady beside him, who waves.

"Hi…? We're as confused as you are.", the knight said with a shy smile, "I hope you don't mind if we ask questions."


"He's another Vergil then.", the knight nods, "You're one of his coworkers? How come you're not in the games?", The homeowner pouted, but the Knight could see a glimmer in her eyes "You look cool, and you'd make a wonderful addition alongside Lady and Trish!"

The Knight laughed, "I appreciate the compliment, but I'm often busy, so accompanying the business becomes a rarity", she explains without a beat. "How about you? From how you greeted our Dark Slayer over here, you seem to be closer than me and him."

The homeowner perked up, and blushed, "Well, he just appeared in my house one day, while I was playing Devil May Cry!"

The knight hums and nods in understanding, "That explains things a bit better.", Vergil frowns and looks at his coworker.

"You sound oddly happy."

The knight shook her head, "Why not? A Vergil found happiness within others, that's a celebration in and of itself!"

"Fool.", Vergil looks away from the two.

"You two are in great talking terms.", The homeowner said, "Are you his lover perhaps?"

"Oh!", The knight's face went red and she began to wave her hands in front of in dismissal, "No, no! We're just friends!", Her face went back to its normal shade and turned to Vergil with a confused look, "Right?"

"This is foolish.", with that he stood up and pulled out his Yamato from its sheath, and made a massive slash forth.

"Wait, your…!"


Vergil turned, his scowl deepened, "Explain woman.", he began to stomp forth only to stop when the knight came between the two.

"Calm down, half-breed!"

"This must be this witch's doing…! Explain yourself before I find something to kill you with!"

"NOBODY IS KILLING ANYBODY!", With that Vergil's arms, legs and torso are held in place, making him frozen.

"I was going to explain that Vergil's demonic heritage doesn't work here. He's basically human here!", the homeowner said sheepishly, "Well, I'm not sure if you're a demon, angel or a witch, but it seems your power still works."

"I'm none of those.", The knight sighs, and snaps her fingers and frees Vergil from his invisible prison. "I'm nothing but a mere knight blessed by the stars.", she explains in a chipper tone, a hand on hip and the other placed on her chest, where her heart would be. The knight's expression then turned to concern, "Are you okay? Sorry for scaring you—wait,", she turns to Vergil, "Why am I apologizing for you. Get on your knees and apologize!", she basically commands.

Before any of that can happen another portal opens, and steps out Dante and Vergil.

"Heya, Smaller Big Sis!"



Vergil remained silent.

"Now how did another version of my brother and this beautiful lady get here?", Dante asked as he placed a box of Pizza on the kitchen table.

With that, the knight placed her hand on her temple, and closed her eyes as she made a tired sigh.


"A version of my brother where you exist, huh?"

"Well, yes.", she points to a pizza which Dante and Vergil nod to, which made her smile and take a slice. "You want? We haven't had anything to eat since yesterday."

"I'm fine.", Vergil said with a halting hand, "And stop treating me like a child."

She glares at the half-breed beside her, "Stop acting like one, then.", He huffs and takes a slice, and to the knight's relief, he eats it.

"Speaking of which, lady.", The knight turns back to Dante. "Never really gave us a name to call you by."

With that, she realized her mistake, "Oh! I'm sorry!", with that she placed an unoccupied hand to her chest, "You may call me Caelum!"

"Nice to finally meet you Caelum.", the homeowner said, but then gasped, "Knight, Caelum.", she muttered, then stared at her in shock and glee, "LIKE NOCTIS LUCIS CAELUM?!"

"Good reference!", Caelum smiled, "It was too good to pass up, and Caelum also means the Heavens, so I killed two birds with one meteor!"

"FF15 reference!"

The new Vergil [my this is getting very confusing.] smiled a bit at his wife's antics. "Be careful, Starry Knight, you are awakening my wife's fangirling.", this Vergil somewhat found amusement at Caelum's smile and her Vergil's confused look.

"But wait,", Caelum's smile turns to confusion once more, "Miss Homeowner said that you Spardas are basically human in this world, who has the Yamato, then?"

"Oh! Vergil's kid – Nero, I'm sure he knows by now – has the Yamato.", Dante throws a thumb towards his brother, "He taught him how to open Portals the moment he got home.", at the end of his story, he saw Caelum have this soft, heartwarming smile. "Oh? You soft for my brother?"

"More like at the sound of him having a great relationship with his son that he trusts him to wield the Yamato."

"Oh? Has he not talked to his Nero yet?", The other Vergil asks, to which she shakes her head.

"The twins just recently returned from Hell. A week ago, Dante threw a party for their return, so add that with my little talk with him during the party, let's say he's still bundling his thoughts together to make logic and sense of everything.", Caelum then turns to her Vergil, "Although, I believe that's mere speculation on my end. I can only tell by his eyes, and he often looks away from me."

"Is that why you keep staring at me, foolish God?"

"Hey, I stare at Dante's eyes too! You have no idea how lucky you twins have to have pretty eyes!", with that, she heard a Chuckle from the other twins.

"'Foolish God?'", Miss Homeowner said, and Caelum snaps from Vergil's wife, to her Vergil with a glare, then sighs as she turns back to the other twins, and the older Sparda's wife.

"I grant wishes in the Omnipresent God's stead. Since she's – y'know – dead."

"We have that, too.", Other Vergil said with a hum, "Although I was more focused on obtaining the Sparda that I ignored Arkham's recommendation."

"I wonder what made it different..", Caelum turns to her Vergil.

"I was desperate."

"Oh, he opens up after all..!", Vergil glares at Caelum who just smiles at him. "There's nothing wrong with that. You two are the same in a way, there's nothing to hide."

"You will tell Dante."

"For a price, hubbub."

"OMG, you called him Hubbub.", Miss Homeowner giggled next to her husband, then turned to him, "Maybe I should too!"

"Fool.", her Husband said with a smirk and she just giggled.

"You said, you're just a mere knight blessed by the stars. Why did you lie?"

Caelum paused as she was about to bite into the crust. "Technically, I just downplayed myself. I'm not one for big names, you see. I have problems with attending too many people, probably end up being the figure of worship that might start up some messy cult in the name of 'The Omnipresent God', y'know.", she shrugs and finally bites into the curst, "Better downplay or I might have to start snatching heads because they use a shit excuse to worship the heavens and hurt people in the process."

"Sounds like something that happened to you."

"Too many times, love.", with that, she takes a sip of her soda. When she puts down her glass, she smiles at the other twins, "Thank you for the food by the way."

"Don't mention it.", Dante shrugs. "Why don't we buy another box?"



"It's fine, I'll eat whatever you serve."

"Even demon parts?"

"Now, that's just morbid."


"𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮."

In which the knight joined Vergil for a job, only to end up… in front of a quaint home. (A chapter inspired by ReichuAsakura’s “The Portal-Opening Days Are Over… Not!” in AO3)

Also more dialogue driven, since I kinda just went "lemme try to write this" and it became a whole scenario and now here we are posting abt it.

BINAR_EScreators' thoughts