
1x03: Your Love

Episode Synopsis: Rachel and Finn find themselves at odds with one another after Rachel realizes Finn and Brody fighting for her attention. An argument between them makes Rachel realize Finn's true intentions as to why he sent her to New York; Santana reveals to Dani her sexuality and invites Dani to a friendly dinner at the loft-until she gets an unexpected guest; Kurt gets a job at and his increased workload might put a strain on his relationship with Blaine.

"I don't get it, Finn." Rachel said as she and Finn sat down at the kitchen table later that week. Finn was currently working on his homework while Rachel was reading over a script for her playwriting class. "I know I told you to go and find something for you to do in New York, but I didn't mean go to NYADA." Rachel was still a bit concerned as to why Finn decided to go to NYADA. She knew he loved music, but not even Rachel had a thought that Finn had a chance to get in. They only let in 20 students for the new semester. How was Finn one of the 20 students?

"Well I wanted to hone my musical skills. Who knows what I'll do." Finn shrugged his shoulders, looking up from his homework and stared at Rachel.

"Finn, this has nothing to do with Brody, does it?" Rachel raised an eyebrow, becoming suspicious. "Because last time I checked, you didn't like Brody at all."

"Rachel, this has nothing to do with Brody." Finn lied with a straight face. "You think that I got into NYADA just to find a way to stop Brody from hanging out with you?" Rachel studied Finn's face, finally releasing a sigh.

"You're right, sorry." Rachel said. "I should give you more credibility than that." Finn saw Rachel looking down at her paper. "So are your classes okay?"

"My classes, yeah, they're fine." Finn nodded his head. "Although I have this dance teacher who is a complete monster." That was enough to get Rachel to look up at Finn with interest.

"You have a dance teacher? What's her name?" Rachel questioned.

"Her name is Cassandra July." Finn shook his head, wanting to forget about her. "She said that I have two left feet…then actually tripped my left foot as I tried to dance again. I was made to look like a fool in front of her.

"Yikes, that's terrible." Rachel sympathized with Finn. "I don't take dance until next semester, but I know that I'm not going to look forward to it."

"What makes you say that?" Finn asked. Rachel considered answering Finn's question, then released a smile.

"Because if she treats you badly then she'll treat me worse." Rachel chuckled, putting her hand in Finn's. Finn stared down at his hand in Rachel's, trying to analyze what it meant. Rachel looked into Finn's eyes, trying to find something to say. Before Rachel could say anything, there was a knock on the door, causing Rachel and Finn to turn their heads to one another in confusion. "Are you expecting someone?" Rachel let go of Finn's hand in order to get up from the kitchen table, going to the door.

"No, were you expecting someone?" Finn got up from the chair to follow her.

"No, that's why I asked you." Rachel got to the door as Finn checked the peephole. Finn suddenly grabbed the door and slid it open, revealing it to be none other than—Puck!

"PUCK!" Finn exclaimed as Puck shared the same smile.

"FINN! My brother!" Finn and Puck went in for a man hug as Rachel nodded her head over to the both of them.

"Hi Noah." Rachel said.

"Rachel. How goes it." Puck gave Rachel a quick hug, noticing that Rachel was pretty uncomfortable.

"So glad that you're here." Rachel said. "But I have to go to my room and work on my play for my playwriting class. You can stay and talk to Finn though." Rachel waved to the both of them, heading towards her room and closing the door.

"Finn, when were you going to tell me that you were back together with Rachel?" Puck smirked as the two boys made their way to the living room. Finn let out a sad sigh, shaking his head.

"I wasn't going to tell you because I'm not back together with Rachel." Finn said. "I mean, I want to be but I have other things on my mind right now."

"Like what?" Puck wondered. Finn looked around; making sure that Rachel wasn't in ear distance.

"There's this douche in school that is trying to bag Rachel." Finn whispered. "The thing is he plays this innocent card with Rachel and it makes me look like the liar."

"What's his name?" Puck asked.

"Brody Weston." Finn rolled his eyes as Brody's name rolled off his tongue. "Look, I have to find a way to keep Brody away from Rachel and I can't do that if Brody's constantly all over her. There has to be something I could do."

"Ah, let me help you bro." Puck shrugged his shoulders with a smirk. "I have nothing better to do anyway."

"What about your pool cleaning business in L.A.?" Finn raised an eyebrow towards Puck.

"My pool cleaning business can wait." Puck waved it off. "Right now we need to make sure that you keep your girl. Besides, not even Rachel deserves to go out with a womanizer."

"Sounds like a plan." Finn and Puck turned their heads to hear Rachel's room door close as she entered the living room with her purse and jacket. "Where are you going, Rachel?" Rachel turned to Puck and Finn, glancing at the both of them with a small smile.

"Oh, Brody called and asked if I wanted to go to this NYADA club named Callbacks." Rachel answered. "Of course, I said yes and I figured why not. I think it would be a good idea."

"Oh, do you mind if we go with you?" Finn asked. Rachel turned to Puck who nodded his head in agreement. Rachel looked back to Finn, crossing her arms.

"Is there a reason why you want to go to Callbacks? This has nothing to do with Brody, Finn does it?" Rachel began to sound exasperated.

"No, it's just…Puck's going to be in New York for the week so I figured I'd take him to where all the NYADA kids go to. I didn't know that Callbacks was where they all hung out." Finn innocently answered. Rachel considered Finn's answer, letting out a sigh of defeat.

"All right, grab your jackets and let's go." Rachel instructed. Finn nodded his head, getting his jacket from his room while Rachel stood there, staring at Puck. "This has nothing to do with Brody, does it Puck?" Puck walked over to Rachel, giving her his signature smirk.

"Rachel…this has everything to do with Brody." Puck patted Rachel's shoulder, causing Rachel's eyes to widen. She turned back to Finn who had his jacket, but instead of arguing, she let out a warm smile to him.

"Um, come on. Let's go." Rachel slid open the door, causing Puck and Finn to follow Rachel. Rachel hid her smile from Puck and Finn, actually touched that Finn was so interested and intent on fighting for her. She then realized that she had come to New York to make it as a star—not to be sidetracked in boy troubles.

Rachel, Finn and Puck entered Callbacks a half hour later, with Finn spotting Brody by the bar area. Finn motioned to Puck as both their gazes focused on Brody. Rachel led them both over as Brody let out a grin to Rachel. His grin suddenly vanished when he saw Finn and someone he never met coming towards him as well. Brody knew what Finn was doing, it was obvious.

"Rachel…" Brody looked down to Rachel, plastering his smile on his face once again. "It's great to see you."

"It's great to see you too, Brody." Rachel turned to Finn and Puck seeing that their smiles were plastered on their faces. "Brody, you remember Finn. And this is Noah Puckerman. He went to school with Finn and me in High School."

"Oh, just call me Puck." Puck shook Brody's hand, but kept his gaze on Brody. "All the chicks and dudes do."

"All right then…noted." Brody nodded his head, giving Puck the same glare. Brody cleared his throat, and let Rachel over to one of the tables. "Um, I got us a table but seeing that you brought some friends over, I guess I should have got the table for four instead."

"It's fine Brody." Rachel assured him. "I'm just here trying to take in the nighttime NYADA scene. You know, there's not a lot of places like this back in Lima."

"I can imagine." Brody chuckled, noticing Finn was staring at him. "Um, can I get you three anything to drink? I mean, there's a bar right behind us."

"Sure, if you want." Rachel smiled at him. "What about you boys?"

"Sure, why not." Puck shrugged as Finn stared at Brody.

"No thanks, I'm good." Finn said. Brody simply nodded his head, keeping face in front of Rachel. Brody walked away to get Rachel and Puck some drinks as Finn shrugged his shoulders. He turned to the stage, seeing some people singing an old 80's song. Finn gaped over at the stage, something that caught Rachel's interest.

"You know Finn, if you want to sing then you should." Rachel smiled at him, noticing that face expression. Finn turned back to Rachel, feeling his cheeks redden. Rachel patted Finn's hand, seeing he was still conflicted.

"I haven't really sung on stage…in front of people since Nationals." Finn sounded nervous. "What if I sound bad? What if I sound pitchy? What if my voice breaks?" Rachel knew Finn was beginning to sound comical towards the end, causing her to chuckle.

"Ask Puck to sing with you." Rachel pointed towards Puck. "Both of you did really awesome duets in High School."

"I'm down." Puck shrugged his shoulders. "I have nothing better to do." Finn noticed Brody coming back with Rachel and Puck's drinks, placing them down in front of them and taking a seat.

"Thanks Brody." Rachel grinned, taking a sip from her drink. Finn stared over at Brody, an idea forming in his mind. He was going to sing—but with a catch.

"All right, Puck and I will sing." Finn agreed. He then leaned closer to Brody, giving him a smirk. "But Brody has to sing with us."

"I have to sing with you two?" Brody looked at them with a surprised expression.

"Come on Brody, it will be fun." Finn smirked. "Besides, we get to show Rachel just how musically gifted we are. That is…you're not chicken…are you?" Brody noticed Rachel's stare, not wanting to disappoint her. After a moment, Brody turned to Finn, nodding his head.

"Fine, I'll sing with you and Puck." Brody got up from the table, going over to the stage with Finn and Puck following.

"Wish me luck." Finn said back to Rachel, who gave him thumbs up. Rachel watched as they went to the stage, still trying to wrap her head around Brody and Finn. It almost seemed like they were fighting for her attention. No, that can't be, Rachel thought to herself. Finn's probably just a little jealous that Brody wants to get to know me better, and it's perfectly natural for him to feel that way. After all, he and I used to date. Rachel saw Finn sitting behind the drum set with Puck on the guitar and Brody the lead vocalist. She had to wonder what song they were going to sing, they haven't announced it to the room yet. "Hi, I'm Finn. This is Puck and Brody and we're going to sing Your Love by The Outfield." Finn turned his attention to Puck, nodding his head with a grin before his eyes fixated on Rachel while playing the drums. Rachel couldn't help but eye Finn, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes while his grin illuminated the room—and possibly her heart.


Josie's on a vacation far away

Come around and talk it over

So many things that I wanna say

You know I like my girls a little bit older


I just wanna use your love tonight

[Finn with Puck]

I don't wanna lose your love tonight


I ain't got many friends left to talk to

Nowhere to run when I'm in trouble

You know I'd do anything for you

Stay the night but keep it undercover


I just wanna use your love tonight

[Finn with Puck]

I don't wanna lose your love tonight

[Finn, Puck and Brody]

Try to stop my hands from shaking

Something in my mind's not making sense

It's been a while since we've been all alone

I can't hide the way I'm feeling


As you leave me would you please close the door

And don't forget what I told you

Just cause you're right doesn't mean I'm wrong

Another shoulder to cry upon

I just wanna use your love tonight

[Finn with Puck]

I don't wanna lose your love tonight (Finn: Yeah!)


I just wanna use your love tonight


I don't wanna lose your love tonight


I just wanna use your love (with Finn and Puck: Tonight)


I don't wanna lose your love tonight (Finn: Yeah!)

[Puck with Brody]

Use your love

Use your love (Finn: Yeah! I don't wanna lose)

Use your love tonight (Finn: I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don' wanna lose tonight!)

I just wanna use your love tonight (Finn: Oh yeah!)

The crowd at Callbacks applauded the three men on the stage as Rachel looked over to Finn and Brody. She noticed that they were hugging it out on stage—but she caught a glimpse of Brody's face turning stern. She noticed Finn and Brody looking at each other with the same face expression as they made their way back towards Rachel, their faces brightening when they reached her. Rachel pretended she didn't see the encounter, smiling at the both of them.

"That was really good guys. Wow." Rachel clapped her hands to the both of them. Finn nodded his head, turning his head to Brody, putting an arm around Brody's shoulder.

"Hanging out with you and Brody, singing all the time? Yeah, I'm going to like New York and NYADA." Finn's tone was far from friendly, but it wasn't rude either.

"Get your arm off me." Brody whispered harshly, without Rachel hearing. Finn removed his arm away from Brody, looking towards Rachel. "So Rachel, what did you think?" Rachel looked to the both of them, then to Puck who shrugged his shoulders. Rachel looked back to the two boys, releasing a small smile.

"I…I loved it." Rachel said, faking a smile as she looked to the both of them. If it wasn't obvious before, it was obvious now—Finn and Brody were fighting over her…

The next morning, Kurt got out of the Times Square station in the city and walked over to one of the most prestigious buildings that could grace New York: Vogue. Vogue was anyone's fashion guide. The models made you envy them with their style while the male models gained the interest of Kurt, wondering if they were gay or not. This morning he had an interview for an intern position with Isabelle Wright. She was the head of Vogue and . She was the one that made Kurt want to take an after school fashion course at McKinley when there wasn't Glee practice. It was because of her that Kurt aimed to be a fashion designer—even if he didn't get into NYADA. Kurt entered the building, looking to the receptionist who didn't look friendly. Kurt walked slowly to the receptionist, clearing his throat.

"Hi there, I'm looking for Isabelle Wright? I have an appointment." Kurt softly said. The receptionist simply pointed to one of the chairs, still looking at her phone. Kurt shrugged his shoulders, taking a seat next to the stack of Vogue magazines. Kurt opened one of the magazines, skimming through them, and thinking of what he would change on each of the models outfits. Some of them had snakeskin boots and fox coats, something Kurt wouldn't have approved. As Kurt continued to look through the magazines, Isabelle exited the office, staring at Kurt with a smile.

"Hi, are you Kurt Hummel?" Isabelle asked. Kurt turned his head and placed a smile on his face, shaking Isabelle's hand courteously.

"Isabelle Wright, I presume?" Kurt politely asked.

"Yes, that would be me." Isabelle motioned Kurt to one of the rooms, sitting him down in one of the comfortable chairs. "I see that you took a liking to the magazine that was in the waiting room. Can I get you some coffee?"

"Yes please." Kurt nodded his head as Isabelle walked over to the coffee machine. "Wow, what a beautiful office. I love the fabrics."

"Thank you Kurt." Isabelle sounded impressed that he enjoyed the room. "I wish I could take all the credit for this but I have to give credit to the ones that designed the room. All I did was bring in some of the chairs, decided on the lamps and the rug on the floor."

"Well, it's still beautiful." Kurt said. Isabelle handed Kurt a cup of coffee as he thanked her; Isabelle heading to the other side of the desk with a smile.

"All right, so you're applying for the intern position?" Isabelle questioned.

"Yes ma'am." Kurt nodded his head, handing his portfolio to Isabelle. Isabelle took the portfolio, skimming through the designs. As she scanned through them, she found herself becoming more and more impressed with Kurt's work.

"Wow Kurt, this is amazing." Isabelle complimented. "I love the Hippo broach on this design." She showed Kurt the picture as Kurt blushed. "It's different yet it's intriguing. You have quite the fashion sense."

"Thank you, Isabelle." Kurt smiled. He then went into his pocket to get the Hippo broach out to show her. "I actually bought it in case you took a liking to it in the picture."

"Wow, it's really something." Isabelle grinned. She then looked through more of the photos, closing the folders, folding her hands on top of them. "Kurt, I must say for someone your age, this was impressive."

"Really? I mean, it's nothing compared to the things that you do." Kurt said. He considered saying something else, taking a deep breath and holding the magazine he had from the waiting room. "There was something I wanted to discuss with you. It has to do with this outfit with the black and white spotted coat and the snakeskin boots. I was thinking the outfit would look so much better without the snakeskin boots. I mean you can use the same scheme but when I read it was actual snakeskin I was thinking—how would it be with faux snakeskin. It would still be the best and it would be from the finest faux snakeskin ever. Um, it was just a thought." Isabelle looked at the magazine, staring back at Kurt.

"I designed those snakeskin boots." Isabelle pointed to the picture. Kurt's eyes widened, realizing that he had made a mistake. He then heard Isabelle chuckle, seeing she wasn't mad at Kurt's commentary. "I guess faux would have been better—and better for the snakes. Fashionable and an animal lover—I like you Kurt. I like you a lot." Kurt's smile returned as Isabelle grinned at him. "I just hope you know this job isn't going to be easy, and it's going to take a lot of hard work. Also, there can be no distractions. I think you can handle that." Kurt smiled at Isabelle, realizing that in a subtle way, she said that he had the job. Kurt got up from the chair, shaking Isabelle's hand while beaming.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Kurt sounded ecstatic. "I won't let you down! I promise."

"I know you won't." Isabelle smiled at him. "I see great things in you Kurt Hummel. I really do." Kurt couldn't believe that he was in this position. He had to pinch himself once more just to make sure that he had gotten the job. Kurt pinched himself and heard himself yelp, still seeing that he was in the room. Yep…he had gotten the job.

Rachel sat in the library of NYADA brushing up on a book that she had gotten from one of the shelves, trying to keep herself occupied as she waited for Finn to come meet her. She asked Finn to come so they could talk about the night before at Callbacks, realizing that Finn and Brody were head over heels for her and were willing to do whatever it took to get into Rachel's arms. She had to set the record straight. Rachel looked up to see Finn entering the library, and her face softened when she saw he was holding an ice pack to his forehead. Rachel turned worried, getting up from the chair and walking over to him.

"Finn, what happened?" Rachel asked as she reached him. Finn stared over at her, wincing as he held the ice pack over his forehead.

"I was on my way here from the other side of school and I fell." Finn said in evident pain. "I got an ice pack from the nurse—and then she was nice enough to say I was the first klutz to fall over the bike rack in front of the school, then trip down the stairs and crash into a trashcan. I don't think she was being nice about it." Rachel put a hand on the ice pack, instructing Finn to follower and sit down with him. Finn sat down next to Rachel as she eyed his bruise. She made a 'tsk' noise, still putting the ice pack on Finn's head.

"Ouch, it looks like it hurts." Rachel stated the obvious.

"Well it doesn't feel good." Finn countered. Rachel eyed the bruise, putting her hand on it, which caused Finn to yelp in pain. "Damn it, Rachel!"

"Sorry, sorry." Rachel panicked slightly. She looked into Finn's eye, then up to his bruise as she placed a kiss on his bruise. She wasn't sure what she was doing but Finn looked surprised.

"Rachel? Did you just kiss my bruise?" Finn pointed to his bruise as Rachel blushed. She nodded her head slowly, moving her hair away from her face.

"My dads used to do that when I would get bruises…I guess my motherly instincts kicked in." Rachel slightly lied. She wasn't quite sure why she kissed Finn's face, but they just continued to look at one another in interest. "Hey, I was wondering—I wanted to talk to you about last night."

"What about last night?" Finn tried to play it off as Rachel stared at him.

"Um, I wanted to ask something and I need you to be honest with me." Rachel took Finn's hands in hers, staring into his eyes. "Last night at Callbacks it seemed that you and Brody were a little…at odds with one another. I could tell."

"I wasn't at odds with Brody." Finn shrugged his shoulders. "I…" Finn looked Rachel in the eyes, seeing that she was staring at him in confusion. Finn released a sigh, shaking his head. "I'm not at odds with Brody. It's just that I'm not sure whether to make heads or tails of him."

"So you don't trust Brody." Rachel raised an eyebrow at him. "That's why you've been acting a little squirrely? Because you don't trust Brody?"

"Yeah, I believe I said that…" Finn looked down, avoiding Rachel's gaze. Rachel lifted Finn's head causing him to look into her eyes. "I'm just trying to protect you, Rachel…"

"Finn…Brody's a nice guy, okay?" Rachel assured him. "Brody is not going try to hurt me in anyway."

"And how certain about Brody are you?" Finn asked, becoming interested. "I mean, you always seem to see the good in people, but what if Brody has no good? What if Brody just has intentions that aren't good for you? You're a smart girl Rachel, but I don't want to see people take advantage of you. There will be a lot of people that will do that." Rachel continued to look at Finn, shaking her head.

"I don't think Brody is bad." Rachel said.

"Let me ask you something." Finn leaned back in his chair while eyeing Rachel. "What did I say about Jesse St. James? I said he was no good for you. What did he do? He and his Vocal Adrenaline buddies egged you in the school parking lot. I think I know when I see bad things in people. And I just wish that you would believe me, just once."

"Okay, Finn." Rachel began to sound annoyed with Finn's constant hovering. "I don't know what your problem here is but I am going to be Brody's friend, whether you like it or not. You're not my boyfriend so you can't keep telling me what to do."

"You act like you don't still love me, Rachel." Finn began to feel his voice raising. "But Rachel, I know that you still have feelings for me. You still love me but you're trying to bottle up all your feelings and trying to pursue the bad boy of NYADA. Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Because you left me, that's why!" Rachel screamed, not realizing that she was bringing attention to herself. "You put me on that New York train and you let me go! Why didn't you fight for me?! Why didn't you WANT ME?!"

"I DID WANT YOU RACHEL!" Finn exclaimed, getting up from his seat.

"Really? You wanted me?!" Rachel shook her head, feeling tears stream down her face. "Well you had a funny way of showing it."

"Oh so just letting you stay in Lima, letting you marry me, just letting you settle was the right thing to do?!" Finn seemed almost disgusted. "You would have HATED me and you know it! You would have been unhappy and you would have blamed me. You would have asked me, 'why didn't you let me go! I could have made something of myself but instead I'm stuck with you!' I didn't want to hear that. Rachel, I loved you…I still love you…and that's why I let you go. That's why I let you go. Because I wanted you to be happy." Rachel crossed her arms, shaking her head at Finn. "Look, I'm sorry I was being an ass to Brody, all right? I'm sorry but you don't understand how much I love you…and I was just trying to protect you." Rachel stood silent, staring at Finn, not sure if she should say anything. There were a small crowd of students staring at both Finn and Rachel. Finn felt his face softening as his voice broke. "Rachel, say something please…" Rachel crossed her arms, looking down at the ground. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to say. She looked up at him, shrugging her shoulders.

"Finn, what do you want me to say?" Rachel felt the tears stream down her cheeks. "I don't know what to say right now…I love you…I do. But things are so awkward between us right now. It's kind of confusing. I love you but…I don't know if I can forgive you." Rachel and Finn stood quiet for a few moments until Finn cleared his throat with tears of his own falling down his cheeks.

"You don't know if you can forgive me?" Finn sounded heartbroken. "I put you on a train to New York. I made you follow your dream in the city. And you don't know if you can forgive me? You don't know if you can forgive me for making YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE?!" Finn wiped the tears from his face, still looking at Rachel. "I joined the army because I felt empty. I let you go off and live your dreams—and I didn't know what I was going to do with my life. To find out I wasn't cut out for the army really sucked Rachel. It sucked. I had no direction until I decided to come here and try to make something of myself. But now that I'm here and realizing that you don't want me…what's there to do? You'd rather go out with Brody. So you know what, go right ahead. Go right ahead and date him. But since I'm at NYADA…I have to make a name for myself—whether that's with you by my side or not." Finn walked past Rachel, leaving the library and the door closing behind her. Rachel wiped her tears, standing there and thinking about Finn's words. Was Rachel really being unfair towards Finn?

Kurt sat at his new desk at , staring around at his surroundings. He couldn't believe that he was here—he was at Vogue. He was working at where was his dream job (sort of). Kurt heard his iPhone ring, seeing Blaine on the screen. Kurt had told Blaine about his new job at Vogue during his lunch break, but before he could go into detail, he had to do more work for Isabelle. Kurt picked up the phone, staring at the computer screen, viewing the fall collection lines.

"Hello?" Kurt said.

"Hey stranger. How goes it?" Blaine's voice filled Kurt's ear. Kurt's smile widened as he continued to stare at the computer.

"Just doing some work for Isabelle. We have to have the printouts for the October issue of the magazine in the morning." Kurt answered, holding the phone close to him. Before Kurt could answer, he heard the work phone ring. "Oh, Blaine I have to take this. Sorry. Give me a minute." Kurt went over to the work phone, taking the phone call as he put the phone to his ear. "Hello? Oh hi Margaret…" While Kurt was talking on the phone, Blaine sat at his room desk patiently, hearing Kurt laugh with glee. It almost sounded like Kurt was having fun in New York. A little too much fun without him. He was blending into his surroundings, and he was stuck in boring Lima for another year. Kurt was having an adventure—Blaine's only adventure was to be in the Glee Club. After what seemed like an eternity, Blaine heard Kurt clear his throat. "Oh, sorry Blaine."

"It's fine." Blaine said, looking down at his feet. "So Vogue sounds like a lot of fun."

"Oh it is the best." Kurt gushed. "I've only been here one day and I feel like I'm at my calling. Now I know how Rachel must feel at NYADA. This is the place for me. I can feel it. I mean, I've never been happier in my entire life."

"I'm glad your happy Kurt, I really am." Blaine sounded saddened. Kurt caught onto Blaine's sadness, holding the phone close to his ear.

"No you're not…what's the matter?" Kurt sighed.

"Well, it's nothing." Blaine tried to lie, but when Kurt cleared his throat, Blaine knew he couldn't do it. "What if you get too busy for me? I mean, Vogue is a prestigious honor and there's not a lot of jobs hanging around like that."

"Blaine, I could never get too busy for you." Kurt sighed. "I'll try my hardest to make time for you. I really will." However, as those words came out of Kurt's mouth, Kurt heard the phone ring once again, causing him to emit a groan. "Look, I'll call you back later, okay?"

"Okay…" Blaine was about to tell Kurt he loved him—until Kurt hung up the phone. Blaine put the phone to the side of him, burying his heads in his hands. He wanted to think Kurt getting a high maintenance job was going to be good for their relationship—but the more Blaine thought about it, the more of a possibility that Kurt's job could drag them both down.

Santana spent her afternoon, sitting in the art gallery with Dani, working on Dani's latest painting—and Santana could easily tell you that being with Dani wasn't easy. All afternoon, the two of them had sent glances to one another, giving one another a smirk and a smile. Santana was trying her hardest to hide the fact that she played for the other team in front of Dani, but the more she tried, the harder it was. Santana and Dani sat on the floor, painting one of the pictures, realizing that it was a little too quiet in the room. Santana figured that some conversation could lighten the mood, and Dani probably would have thought it would be a good idea.

"So, what do you call this painting after you called your last one Equality?" Santana asked. Dani thought for a moment, shrugging her shoulders with a smirk.

"I was thinking, Love." Dani muttered. Santana stared over at Dani, looking down at the picture. They did draw many hearts that were paired together with the same color. Santana thought that the message behind the painting was marriage equality, how the hearts were the same colors and they were paired together.

"How about you scrap the name of your last painting and call this one, Equal Love." Santana suggested. Dani looked down at the painting, realizing Santana's point, nodding her head.

"That's a good idea." Dani agreed. As the both of them stared down at the picture and back at one another, Santana clasped her hands together. She needed a big distraction from staring into Dani's eyes, and she figured out the perfect one—music.

"How about we play some tunes here?" Santana went into her backpack, pulling out an iPod and a pair of speakers. "I think it's getting a little too quiet in here and music usually helps."

"That sounds like a great idea." Dani saw Santana looking through the songs, spotting one that she wanted to hear. "How about you play that one?"

"This one?" Santana looked at the name of the song, thinking about whether she should. She didn't want to send clues and hints about her sexuality towards Dani, but she decided that it couldn't have been a bad idea. After all, they did need some inspiration for their new painting Equal Love, right? "All right, let's play it." Santana pressed a button on the iPod, the room filling with the house beat. Dani and Santana found themselves singing along to the music, staring into each other's eyes, having the best time that they possibly could.

{Scene starts with Dani getting up and walking around Santana as Santana grins towards her}


I need your love

I need your time

When everything's wrong

You make it right

I feel so high

I come alive

I need to be free with you tonight

I need your love

{Dani and Santana get up from the floor and start dancing to the music}


I need your love

{Santana and Dani paint the picture and Santana stares at Dani as Dani notices}


I take a deep breath every time I pass your door

I know you're there but I can't see it anymore

And that's the reason that you're in the dark

I've been a stranger ever since we fell apart

And I feel so helpless here

Watch my eyes are filled with fear

Tell me do you feel the same

Hold me in your arms again

{Santana and Dani run along the hallways of the art gallery, smiling and singing along}

[Dani and Santana]

I need your love

I need your time

When everything's wrong

You make it right

I feel so high

I come alive

I need to be free with you tonight

I need your love

I need your love

{Dani and Santana hold paintbrushes and they paint small flowers on each other's cheeks}


Now I'm dreaming will I ever find you now

I walk in circles but I never figure out

What I mean to you, do I belong

I try to fight this but I know I'm not that strong

And I feel so helpless here

Watch my eyes are filled with fear

Tell me do you feel the same

Hold me in your arms again

[Dani and Santana]

I need your love

I need your time

When everything's wrong

You make it right

I feel so high

I come alive

I need to be free with you tonight

I need your love

I need your love

{Dani and Santana hang the pictures up as they each glance at each other with smiles}


All the years

All the times

You were never been to blame

But now my eyes are open

And now my heart is closing


And all the tears

All the lies

All the waste

I've been trying to make a change

But now my eyes is open

{Dani and Santana do a playful tango around the room with smiles}

[Dani and Santana]

I need your love

I need your time

When everything's wrong

You make it right

I feel so high

I come alive

I need to be free

I need your love

Santana and Dani lay on the floor, looking up at the ceiling after singing, never recalling having so much fun before at work. Santana eyed Dani with a grin, her face then turning to solemn. Dani seemed like a cool person that wasn't ashamed of being herself, so why was Santana having that trouble as well? Santana sat up, staring over at Dani.

"Hey…there's something I have to tell you." Santana sighed. Dani stared over at Santana, nodding her head with a small grin.

"I pretty much know what you're going to tell me." Dani sat up from her position, looking Santana in the eyes. "You're gay." Santana was taken aback, looking at Dani in shock.

"Do you mind if I ask how you knew what I was going to say?" Santana questioned. Dani shrugged her shoulders, a playful smile tugging her lips.

"I kind of figured because I saw the way you were looking at me." Dani said. "It's the same way my ex-girlfriend used to look at me. It was actually kind of nice…"

"Yeah, about that…" Santana crossed her legs, looking at Dani. "I have a girlfriend back home. Her name is Brittany. I like you a lot Dani and I know we only knew each other for a little while, but…I just can't do that to Brittany."

"I understand, Santana." Dani put her hand up, stopping Santana from her babbling. "I'd be the exact same way if it were me."

"You would?" Santana questioned.

"I would." Dani answered truthfully. "Actually, I think that it's really sweet that you care about your girlfriend so much. Well, don't worry. We can still be friends if you'd like."

"I would really like that." Santana said. Santana continued to stare over at Dani for a few more seconds, the question that came out of her mouth just flying out as if it was nothing. "Do you want to come over to the loft I live in later? I could cook you a dinner or something?" Dani continued to stare at Santana, finally nodding her head with a grin.

"I would love that, Santana."

"Dude, you can't just pack up your things and leave." Puck sat on the chair next to Finn's bed as Finn started packing his belongings from the room into his backpack. "This is like running away from your problems."

"I'm not running away from my problems." Finn tried to convince Puck. "I just need to give Rachel a little bit of breathing room. Besides, it seems like I'm not wanted here. She blames me for sending her to New York instead of getting married. She really, really blames me for it. It's like she's unhappy I chose her happiness first."

"Finn, I think she's just confused." Puck tried to reason. "I mean, you did force her onto a train, sending her a thousand miles away from Lima, Ohio into the bright lights of New York City. Anyone would be a bit confused of a person's intentions there."

"Why are you sounding like you've been watching re-runs of Oprah?" Finn wondered.

"Because maybe I have been." Puck admitted, turning serious again. "Finn, you can't just walk out that door and leave Rachel like that. It wouldn't be fair to her and it wouldn't be fair to you."

"So it's okay for her to go and want to sleep with the bad boy of NYADA?" Finn scoffed. "If she wants to sleep with him, I'm not gonna be here to hear the bed slam against my wall."

"But you're already enrolled in NYADA. It's not like you can blow off school." Puck said.

"The only reason I really joined NYADA was because I wanted to get Rachel back, okay?" Finn revealed. "There was no reason for me to really be there. Whatever kid that Carmen Tibideaux was going to give the spot to before me can have it."

"Finn, this is getting too much." Puck shook his head. "You feel like you're not good enough for the army, and now you feel like you're not good enough for NYADA. Dude, you're scared you're going to fail at everything so you plan on running away. Do we fail in life sometimes? Yes! We do. But we have to go against the current and just keep swimming."

"And now you're quoting Finding Nemo." Finn sighed. "Really, is there anything that you're not going to use from T.V. to get me to change my mind?"

"Finn, I'm saying this because you're my bro and I love you like a brother." Puck got up to place a hand on Finn's shoulder. "Please don't go. If you go then you're going to regret it because that's going to mean Brody won. Brody's going to take Rachel's heart, he's going to break it and you're not going to be there to catch her when she falls. Rachel doesn't need that jackass. She needs you." Finn continued to look at Puck, still wondering if he was right.

"I don't know Puck…" Finn sighed.

"Look, you have to talk to her. That argument I heard you had in the library sounded pretty serious." Puck softly said. "You don't want to be cold towards one another and never have another chance at being together, do you?"

"Well…no, but…" Finn started to say before Puck cut him off.

"But nothing." Puck firmly said. "You're going to stay here, you're going to go to NYADA and you're going to convince Rachel that you belong with her. It's as simple as that." Puck started to head to the door when he heard footsteps coming down the hallway. "And judging by those shoes, it sounds like Rachel. I'm gonna let you two talk…I'm going to walk around New York a bit and try to get some phone numbers from models." As Puck left out the door, Rachel peered into Finn's room. She was wondering whether she should talk to him or not—and she realized now she had her chance. Rachel entered the room, noticing Finn's bags packed, feeling guilty that she had drove him this far.

"Finn, can we talk about this for a moment?" Rachel sat down on Finn's bed, noticing that Finn wasn't looking at her. Rachel looked away from him, letting out a sigh. "All right, I'm just going to talk and I'm going to pretend that you are listening because I really need you here. Without you, I don't really know what I'm doing, what kind of person I am! I don't even know what I'm doing in New York. I'm way out of my league here! I'm freaking out Finn! I really am! I'm sorry that I told you that it's your fault and I'm sorry about everything that's happened since you got here. I haven't been extremely fair with you, and the last thing I want to do is hurt you but you need to understand, that I'm just as lost as you are." Finn turned his head slightly when he heard Rachel's voice break, seeing that she was on the verge of crying again. "I'm lost Finn and I can't do this on my own. Santana and Kurt are doing their own thing and if you leave then I will truly be on my own again. I don't want to feel like that ever again. Something felt like it was missing—I…" Rachel didn't get a chance to finish her sentence. A moment later, Finn swooped in and kissed Rachel's lips passionately. Rachel didn't even bother trying to push Finn away. She clung her hands into the back of his neck, forcefully kissing him back with every bone in her body. After a moment, they parted, eyeing one another in the eyes. Finn wasn't sure what took over Rachel, but she was suddenly eyeing him with lust—as if she needed more.

"I'm not going anywhere…" Finn whispered, shaking his head. Finn grabbed Rachel's hand, looking her in the eyes and released a small smile. "I'm not going anywhere." Rachel wasn't quite sure what was going on—but she needed Finn and she needed him right now. Finn knew that look as well—and he also wanted her.

{Scene starts with Rachel and Finn sitting on the edge of Finn's bed, looking at one another as Finn starts pressing kisses on Rachel's lips}


I hear you breathing in

Another day begins

The stars are falling now

My dreams are fading out, fading out

{Rachel unbuttons Finn's shirt as she looks at him, giving him a passionate kiss}


I've been keeping my eyes wide open

I've been keeping my eyes wide open

[Finn and Rachel]

Oh your love is a symphony

All around me

Running through me

Oh your love is a melody

Underneath me

Running to me

{Finn and Rachel fall back on Finn's bed as Rachel looks him in the eyes with a smile}

Your love is a song

{Scene changes with a split: Blaine sitting on his bed while Kurt sits at the desk in Vogue, staring at the catalog}


The dawn is fire by

The dancing city lights

The crowds are growing loud

The moon is blacking out

Oh it's blacking out


I've been keeping my mind wide open

I've been keeping my mind wide open

[Blaine and Kurt]

Oh your love is a symphony

All around me

Running through me

Oh your love is a melody

Underneath me

Running to me

{Scene shows just Kurt staring up at the window and staring out the window}


Oh, your love is a song

Your love is a song

{Scene goes to Finn and Rachel covered in the blankets, giving each other kisses}

[Finn and Rachel]

Oh, your love is a song

Your love is strong

{Scene goes to Dani and Santana sitting on the loft floor, staring at one another with a smile}


With my eyes wide open

I got my eyes wide open


I've been keeping my hopes unbroken

Yeah, yeah

{Scene switches between Santana and Dani's dinner, Kurt sitting at his desk, Blaine sitting on his bed and Rachel and Finn looking at the ceiling covered in sheet}

[Finn, Rachel, Santana, Dani, Kurt and Blaine]

Oh your love is a symphony

All around me

Running through me

Oh your love is a melody

Underneath me

Running to me

[Santana and Dani]

Your love is a song

{Scene changes to Rachel falling asleep in Finn's arms and him kissing her forehead}


Yeah, yeah

Your love is my remedy

Your love is a song

{Finn turns off the light next to him and the scene goes back to Santana and Dani eating dinner}

"I had no idea that you made such good linguine." Dani complimented as she took a bite of her dinner.

"Oh, I didn't know I had it in me either." Santana smiled, turning away so that Dani couldn't hear her. "Thank you Olive Garden."

"This is really nice, Santana. It really is." Dani gave Santana a grin, as the both of them stared at one another. "I never knew that I could enjoy a dinner with a friend."

"So just for conversation…um, what was your last girlfriend like?" Santana raised her sparkling cider to her lips.

"She was so overbearing." Dani admitted. "I don't know why I went out with her. I guess because I felt that I wasn't beautiful enough or something. I don't know…"

"Well, I don't know why you think you aren't beautiful." Santana softly said. "You obviously are." Dani looked to Santana, feeling her cheeks reddening at Santana's compliment. Suddenly, they were interrupted by a knock at the door, which puzzled Santana. Kurt had a key and Rachel and Finn were both in the loft in their rooms. Who could it have been? "Hold on, let me get that." Santana got up from the floor to walk over to the door. Santana slid it open and she had to make sure that she did a double take. It was none other than Brittany— who was staring right at Dani. Brittany looked to Santana, back to Dani and finally to Santana again, wondering if it was a wrong time—and just what in the world was going on there. "Brittany…um…what are you doing in New York?"


Dean Geyer as Brody Weston

Demi Lovato as Dani

Mark Salling as Noah "Puck" Puckerman

Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson

Sarah Jessica Parker as Isabelle Wright

Heather Morris as Brittany Pierce


Your Love (Originally by The Outfield): Performed by Noah "Puck" Puckerman, Brody Weston and Finn Hudson

I Need Your Love (Originally by Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding): Performed by Dani and Santana Lopez

Your Love Is A Song (Originally by Switchfoot): Performed by Finn Hudson, Rachel Berry, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Dani and Santana Lopez