
Chapter 2

The Event l

The twins enter the carriage and said goodbye to there father there mother die of childbirth,and there father is taking good care of them even if his the King of Jennovia. But his tiring his best to take care of his kingdom and his children.

On their way to the school they stop at the bakery to buy some of there bakery's snacks they love so much.

"Greeting your majesty". said Kai father.

"Hello Kai father".said the twins.

"What can I get you".said Kai father.

"Wait?we're is Kai".said Prince Blaze.

"Oh my son,he at school today".said Kai father.

"He have started school,what type"said Prince Blaze.

"Is a simple school for me to offer"said Kai father.

"Ok?"said the twins.

"What can I get for you".said Kai father.

"I want the vanilla and strawberry cake please". said Princess Zoey.

"Ok what about you your highness".said Kai father.

"You can call me Blaze remove the highness and the other thing".said Prince Blaze."and I will have chocolate cake and the jam bun please".

"Ok Blaze and her majesty"said Kai father.

He went to the kitchen to get what they order for him,and he came out with what they want.

"Thank you Kai father ".said the twins plea there thank.

"Thank you your majesty for coming to my bakery,if my son come back from school I will let you know".said Kai father.

"Ok Kai father"said the twins.

And they left the bakery and went to school. At school there was alot of carriages dropping the Prince's and Princesses.

The twins came down and meet there friend.

"Prince Leon". shouted Prince Blaze.

Prince Leon turned around to see the person that just called him."Prince Blaze".said Prince Leon.

"Hey men".said Prince Blaze.

"What up I can't believe you made it on time this time. Hey Zoey"said Prince Leon.

"Hi"said Princess Zoey.

"So what are they doing today"said Prince Blaze curious while looking around.

"It the day when we have a study free day".said Prince Leon.

"A study free day,that a lie ".said the twins.

"I am not lieing ".said Prince Leon.

"So what the event".asked Prince Blaze.

"I don't know,only the thing I know is a man with a weird eye came to this school for something".said Prince Leon.

"Ok that is weird".said Princess Zoey.

"And one more thing,when he saw my emerald gemstone necklace.He was surprised".said Prince Leon.

"But I have the same thing like you I and my sister".said Prince Blaze.

"Glatical Force".said Princess Zoey.

"Glatical Force what".said Leon and Blaze."Who are those people they sound cool.

"You should listen more in class.The Glatical Force is a group of five warriors who risk there life to save the world from the dragon King".said Princess Zoey.

"Glatical Force who risk there life to save the world from the dragon King".said Prince Blaze and Leon is surprise.

"Yes there gemstones are separate all over the Kingdoms,there gemstones can come in different jewelry like necklace,ring,hair pin, bracelet,and earrings.said Princess Zoey.

"Like your own is hairpin and my is a weird bracelet".said Prince blaze."wait Kai have a gemstones ring".

"Who is Kai?"asked Prince Leon.

"Kai is a friend of ours,his father have a bakery that sell the best snacks".said the twins.

"Oh how did he got he own!"asked Prince Leon.

"His grandparents gave it to him on his birthday,that why he treasure it that much.because that was the only gift his grandparents left for him before they die,and my sister have a huge crush on him."said Prince Blaze.

"No I don't".said Princess Zoey in embarrassed.

"Wow!sorry for him and I hope he will love you too".said Prince Leon in a sad voice.

"I know right"said Prince Blaze.

"What colour is his gemstone"

"Blue"said Prince Blaze.

"Ok well I will be going to the event,are you guys coming ".said Prince Leon.

"Ok let go".aid Prince Blaze.