
Chapter 1

The New Chosen One's

The story begin with a great battle between the dragon King and Glatical Force.The battle was deadly but no one's survive except the dragon King that survive,he want to get his hand on the the five chosen one's gemstones but there gemstones was separate to look for the next chosen one's to stop the dragon King for taking over the world.

Meanwhile at the Kingdom of Jennovia there live a twins that was getting ready for school.

"Were is my school bag". said the young Prince Blaze.

"I thought you have your school bag". said King Edward.

"I forgot it father".said Prince Blaze.

"Here you go your highness" said one of the maiden."I was just cleaning it like you said yesterday".

"Oh I remember now! Sorry father".said Prince Blaze.

"Careless?".said his twins sister Princess Zoey.

"I am not careless,I am responsible Zoey".said Prince Blaze confidently.

"What ever blaze,let us just go to school our friend should be waiting for us".said Princess Zoey.

Blaze and Zoey are twins doing birth there mother 'Queen Astrid' die but Zoey and Blaze may it alive.There father 'King Edward' raise they up and still took over the Kingdoms.Blaze is stubborn and Careless,he has red fury hair,pointed nose,green eye ,red rose lip and fair smooth skin.

As for Zoey,she smart,neat but like to argue with her brother.She has pink rose hair,long eyelashes, beautiful curve face, pointed nose,pink lip and blue eyes.Her and her brother are ldentican twins but Blaze and Zoey inherited different look.Blaze inherited his father looked like they 'say like father like son' while Zoey inherited her mother looked, Everyday when King Edward look at his daughter he will see his Astrid in her.

"Yes your right sis,let go".said Prince Blaze.

"Goodbye the both of you make such you will not annoy your teacher and I am mostly talking to you Blaze".said King Edward.

"Ok King father I will take good care of my brother".said Princess Zoey.

"Hey I'm not a baby that needs his babysitters sis".said Prince Blaze."I can take good care of myself".

"What ever? Like I said before".said Princess Zoey.

"Ok stop arguing the both of you and start going".said King Edward in a commanding voice.

"Yes father".answer the twins.