

        In 'Glance,' love and fate collide in a story of second chances. Follow Zavier, a man scarred by betrayal, as he finds unexpected love with Tessa. But Tessa's heart is divided between the man who saved her and her departed best friend. In this emotional rollercoaster, 'Glance' explores the power of forgiveness, redemption, and the unbreakable bonds of the heart. Dive into a tale of love's twists and turns that will keep you turning pages until the very end On a misty, moonlit night, Zavier found himself on the edge of destiny. Beneath the canopy of stars, he stood overlooking a tranquil lake, its waters mirroring the shimmering night sky. In that serenity, his thoughts were consumed by one memory—a single glance. It was the glance that had ignited a fire in his heart, the moment he met Tessa. In that gaze, he found not just a reflection of his own longing but also a promise of a love deeper than any he had known. Little did he realize that this glance would become the first chapter of a love story written in the language of whispered secrets and stolen kisses. As he breathed in the fragrant night air, Zavier made a vow to himself—to cherish and protect this love, to build a life with Tessa that would forever be a testament to the power of that one enchanting glance.

Blue_Beauty7 · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three

"Why are you away from your family?", Luke asked the old man across from him with curiosity.

The old man coughed and looked at him in a weird manner.

"You don't get to ask me that question. You should be on your way home…Luke ", Mr. Black. replied.

"Please, let's stay here for another day. I won't leave until I hear all the details from you", Luke said adamantly. That made the old man tell his story.

"I was threatened by the enemies - F9. They would kill my family one by one if I go back", Mr. Black replied.

"F9 as in the fast and furious 9", Luke laughed and expected the man to join him in the laughter but he stared at him with no expression.

"That's their name, boy"

"What did you do to them? What can I do to help?", Luke responded.

"Nothing. They planned by death. If I stay here, my family is safe but if I reveal myself to them, we're all dead. It was just a misunderstanding between two companies but things went out of hand and we signed an agreement", Mr. Black continued with a sigh.

"I… I don't really get it. Can you-"

"Yeah, let me tell you what happened. It's not what people think. I didn't do anything wrong. But there's this sneaky person at my company who tricked everyone into believing what I did. They made up fake stuff and made it seem like I was doing bad business with special gemstones. It's not true, but they made it look real enough to fool everyone ", Mr. Black explained.

"Are you saying that you kinda sold rare gemstones to someone or to some people and it was fake?", Luke asked and he nodded.

Mr. Black watched Luke gasp in surprise. "Fuck! That's bad!"

"I know, son. Then, this person threatened me. They said that they'd tell everyone about the fake stuff unless I disappeared and acted like I was gone forever. I was really scared for my wife and the rest of my family, so I had to go into hiding. It's hard, you know, because I didn't do anything. But I had to do it to keep you all safe. I hope one day I can fix this mess and come back"

Luke looked at Mr. Black in sympathy. A part of him is telling him that he didn't do it. They did frame him so he had no choice than to succumb to the wishes of his enemies.

"But you could have gone to the cops", Luke raised a brow.

"The cops?", Mr. Black hissed. "All the cops are corrupt fools. Put some cash into their itchy palms and you get to control their lives. It was obvious that they were bribes so I could not report", Mr. Black replied.

"Oh", Luke said with his mouth spinning into an 'oh'

"When do you plan to return home?", Luke asked.

"I wish I could give you a definite answer, Luke. Right now, I'm working on sorting things out. I need to find a way to prove that I didn't do anything wrong. Once it's safe and everything's straightened out, I'll come back home. I miss them all terribly, but I have to make sure it's okay for me first. I also hope Raymond is fine"

"I hope so too. He's got himself a girlfriend", Luke spat out and covered his mouth immediately.

"I know. I watch the news most times", Mr. Black smiled. "Raymond is a strong guy. He's been handling things while I'm away. I trust him to take care of things here. I'll make sure to check on him as soon as I can. How's he been holding up?"

"He's taking the company to another level entirely. He's making you proud. Don't worry ", Luke assured him.

"That's good to hear. I always knew Raymond had it in him to do great things. I'm proud of him, and I'm glad he's stepping up for the company. Thanks for keeping me updated, Luke. It eases my mind knowing he's doing well ", Mr. Black smiled widely.


"I think you're making a bad decision Mr. Ray", a shareholder spoke with a smirk.

"I don't think so, Mr. Fisher", a female shareholder argued.

"I can see what you all can't", Mr. Fisher replied while glaring at the woman. "At this point, I'll advise you to keep quiet when you can, Georgia", Mr. Fisher spat rudely.

Raymond cleared his throat thrice and spoke loudly, "I'll appreciate it if you can tell me what you can see, Fisher"

The other shareholder and officials watched Raymond question Mr. Fisher. They wanted to hear what the I-know-all man would say.

"I think we are going to have bad sales if we launch this product sir", Mr. Fisher declared looking stupefied.

"Tell me Fisher", Raymond began. "Did you drill the rocks for the diamonds?"


"Did you partake in turning the stones into a finished product"

"No. Why are you asking me these questions?", Mr. Fisher asked, getting annoyed with his questions.

"Those questions should always tell you to keep your mouth shut, Fisher. If all you can do is condemn our work. I don't want a negative person around me. This is not the first, second or third time you'll say this fucking shit!!!", Raymond hit the table angrily.

"I…I thought -"

"Save your speech Mr. Fisher", Raymond cut him short and waved his hand at the presenter to continue.

"This stunning piece holds a total of three diamonds, each with its own unique brilliance. The largest stone, the centerpiece, weighs a dazzling 2 carats, while the smaller ones contribute an additional 1 carat each. Crafted by the renowned artisan, Alessandro Rossi. This masterpiece was meticulously brought to life with unparalleled skill. As for its origin, these breathtaking stones were discovered in the depths of South Africa, where their journey of brilliance began", the presenter continued.

"A-alessandro Rossi?!!", Mr. Fisher stood up in surprise. "I didn't know that. That's awesome ", he continued.

"One more, Mr. Fisher", Ray said with a cool aura. Mr. Fisher sat down immediately and apologized to the people. At this rate, Vivian was laughing at the drama going on in the room. She knew that her boyfriend was angry and that's why she had been placing palm on his hand so he could calm down at least for her sake.

"You may continue, presenter", Mr. Fisher said and sat down.

""The journey of these breathtaking stones from the depths of South Africa is truly remarkable…"


"I'm so sorry girlfriend ", Tessa hugged Kim tightly as she cried in her arms.

"I… I still haven't heard any…any news from Luke. H-he still hasn't called me", Kim teared up.

"No-no-no. He's coming, Kim. He won't want another guy to snatch his girl. Don't cry Kim ", Tessa joked and she chuckled.

"I bet he's coming to get you. He can't stay that long without you. Please, hold on", Tessa assured her.

"Should I cook for you all?", Kim asked the small group of school mates that came to visit her.

"Ah! I ate before coming", Tessa lied immediately. She hasn't forgotten that Kim cooks badly.

"Me too"

"Same here"

The rest continued giving out excuses and Kim couldn't help but stare at Tessa.

"Not my fault", Tessa said and laughed hard.

"I'll get back to you for this, Tess. You crazy bitch!!", Kim yelled and rushed at Tessa. Tessa screamed and ran away. She knew that Kim was going to drag her hair hard by telling everyone to reject her food.

"It's for our benefit, Kim. You don't want us to vomit, do you?"

"Tessa!!!", Kim yelled and ran faster. The other girls laughed as they watched the two best friends chase each other happily.


Luke sat in the club in the VIP section. He was thinking about what Mr. Black told him. His car was damaged beyond repair and he has sent money for another car.

He gulped down the alcohol in one go and slammed the cup on the table. He knew the girls across his table were eying him but he was in no mood for that shit.

One of them was brave enough to approach him.

"Hi handsome", the girl said and sat down. "Why are you drinking so hard? You look pitiful", the girl smiled.

"I'd like to be alone ", Luke said with a smile. The girl thought he was being shy and began rubbing his thigh seductively.

"Oh! C'mon. We can do a quickie", the girl whispered and got on his lap and began rubbing her hand on his chest. Luke was annoyed but as the calm guy that he was, he removed her hands from him.

"I have a girlfriend that can do that to me", Luke said.

"Rubbish!!', the girl exclaimed in anger. "She's not here, is she?", she asked and flipped her hair. "I bet that she's not as pretty as I am", the girl mocked.

"She's more pretty than the combination of you all", Luke answered her and pushed her off him. She fell hard on her butt and cried out. Surprisingly, her friends didn't rush to help her but continued to stare at Luke's beautiful face. Luke ordered more wine and drank it.

The girl looked at him with a bad eye and stood up furiously to attack them. Luke brought out his phone to do some findings.

"Fuck!", he exclaimed.


Allen played with a pen as he thought of what he wanted to tell Tessa. He watched her type on her phone and giggled. It was obvious that she was talking to her crazy boyfriend. How dare he threaten him. Does he know who he is? Does he know what he does? Fuck him!!!

He stood from his seat and went to sit beside Tessa. The female students began whispering to themselves as soon as he touched her hair slowly.

👥 Are they dating?

👥 I don't think so

👥 I do think so!

👥 What about Zavier?

👥 He's so hot!!

Tessa was not happy with the rumors she's hearing lately. She's just grateful that her relationship with Zavier isn't strained yet because of Allen. Yes, he's hot but she has feelings for Zavier alone.

Luke came and she said no. Damon also asked her out and she declined. Her cousin fell in love with her but she rejected him too. He won't be the one she will accept. Besides, she's in love with Zavier and her love for him grows each day.

"Would you like to watch me race today?", Allen asked her. Tessa didn't know what he was talking about. There are many different types of races.

"I mean, race as in sports cars. Racing?", he explained and she smiled.

"I'd love to but Zavier-"

"He'll be there", he interrupted her with a short smile.

"He will?"

"Yes", he answered. "He usually comes there twice a week. Don't you know?", he asked her and she shook her head negatively.

"It seems like your boyfriend is in some trouble", Allen tsked.

"Can I race?", Tessa asked and he looked reluctant to answer her.

"I can't. It's fine. I'll just look"

"No-no", Allen stated. "I was just watching out for you. This stuff is dangerous and I won't like you to get hurt", he said with emotions.

👥 He's her watchman. He won't like her to get hurt!!!

👥 That's so romallen-tess

The girls bursted into laughter at the last gossip.

"Make sure to wear pants when you're coming. I don't mind if it's sexy", Allen said and stood up. Tessa felt hot when he said that because all the girls looked at her as if she's the flirt there.

"Bitch gotta breathe Allen!", Anastasia yelled out.

"Any jealous bitch should kiss my ass!! It's not my fault no one ever asked you out. That's because you're so ugly that when you went for the beauty pageant competition, they said 'you should wait till they launch the ugly pageant competition' ", Allen spoke and the students gasped.


"That's not all Ana! They also chose you to be the spectator because you were a professional in the field", Allen continued. Anastasia was deeply embarrassed by his words and felt hurt. She took out her mirror from her bag and looked at her reflection.


"Don't be surprised when that mirror cracks a little bit. It can't stand your ugliness ", a nerd boy said but Anastasia replied to him.

"Go talk to your parents before you talk to me", Anastasia replied.

"I've got no parents", the nerd boy retorted.

"That's none of my business. Shut your filthy mouth, you nerdy freak!!"

"That's enough Ana. You shouldn't insult him like that", Another pretty girl spoke up. She's one of the girls that is crushing on Allen.

"And who are you?", Anastasia asked with a long hiss.

"Someone who hasn't slept with the cleaner ", the girl replied. The students gasped when they heard that.

"Don't tell me you thought I didn't see you fucking Javier", the girl said and showed her the video. Anastasia felt all the blood leave her body. That was her in the video.

"H-how d-did you g-get that?", she asked her.

"That's none of your business. So, from now on, mind your fucking business and keep shut else, I have no choice than to do you a small favor"

"What …favor?"

"Post your video on the school group or on …xxx videos", the pretty girl said and Anastasia fainted immediately.


Tessa let Kim do wonders to her body from her head to her toes. She persuaded Kim to come with her so they can have fun together. These days, she had been looking gloomy because her boyfriend was not with her. It's been two to three days since she's seen him. Also, the accident didn't go well with her.

The incident at the police station didn't go well with her either. How could they arrest her and suspect her for murder. That's ridiculous on her side.

Tessa watched her watch her hair and dye it blue. It was just a little part that was dyed blue. Today, she'll show Zavier and let him beg her. She's gonna make him jealous madly. They told each other not to fight and not to keep things from each other. How come she's hearing that information from Allen. A stranger!!!

Her hair was ready and she begged Kim to dye her hair too. But Kim dyed her hair all black. She said she wanted to look pretty in black so she did that. Now, it was time for the attire. Kim opted for a shorts and crop top while Tessa would be rocking a jumpsuit. The two besties took out their lovely boots and wore it elegantly.

"Aren't we overdressed?", Tessa asked when she looked at her reflection.

"Not yet babe. We almost forgot something", Kim brought her memory back to the makeover.

"Oh Kim!", Tessa begged.

"Just a little Tess. We gotta make your boyfriend drool a lot this evening ", Kim smiled and began to transform her into a stunning girl.

7PM @ Tesla M. Park

"Oh God!!!! Do you know the price of this car, Kim? Jun ho-"

"Let's party baby!!", Kim yelled and got out of the car and flipped her hair. Tessa knew she did that purposely and rolled her eyes. She wanted to get back into the car and drive home but she couldn't because Kim rushed to her and linked her arms with hers.

"Don't you dare!", Kim whispered. "I know what you're thinking. Let them look. That's why you're pretty", Kim smiled and let her ass bounce.

"Shake what mama gave you", she yelled and walked into the main park.

Tessa was rocking a stunning black leather jumpsuit that fits like a second skin, hugging every curve elegantly. Her hair had been straightened already so she flipped it when necessary. This time, she was happy that her cleavage was exposed. Zavier will get more jealous when the guys stare more at her.

The buttons around the chest were paired with fancy stones, making it stand out more. The pockets were perfectly cut in a C shape. Her tiny waist was envied by other girls. Her jumpsuit was paired with knee-high boots, making her look like a boss lady.

His mouth was open in awe when he saw Tessa approaching him. He couldn't believe she was the one but on a closer look, he admitted she was the one.

"Hi! I guess you are…Kim", he shook Kim's hand and kissed the back of her palm like the gentleman that he is.

"Yes, I am. It's good to see you, Allen", Kim responded.

"You know my name? How do you know my name, beautiful?"

"I've heard a lot about you from my bestie", Kim eyed Tessa.

"I hope it was good things", Allen said and she nodded positively.

"Cool. Would you guys like to check out my car? I guess your boyfriend is over there Kim", Allen announced and Kim widened her eyes.

"What do you mean? How can Luke be in this place?", Kim asked but kept quiet when she saw Like laughing with a pretty girl. She felt jealous and marched to the place angrily.

"Two guys are now in trouble", Allen laughed with Tessa.

"You look hot. Did you really dress for this stuff or you came here with another motive?"

"I'd go with the latter", Tessa replied and he clicked his tongue.

"Zavier's a lucky guy", Allen said and Tessa asked why.

"I would have asked you out if you were single. You're actually my type-"

"I know you like me for my beauty and shape but Zavier likes me for me", Tessa cut in and he laughed.

"Alright! You got me. It's just that… you've got a fat ass and what I would like in a woman. Damn, you're beautiful", he praised her and she blushed.

"You're also handsome", Tessa told him and he blushed cutely.

"Did you just -"

"Yes, I did. I just received a compliment from a pretty girl. It's nice to blush once in a while", Allen said and smiled.

"Is this a Ferrari?", Allen asked.

"Yes. How did you know?", he asked.

"I just guessed, honestly ", Tessa chuckled.

"Your boyfriend will be coming a bit late today. I guess he had some things to sort out"

Tessa nodded and went to sit in a place and waited for Kim to arrive.


"Get your filthy hands off him, bitch!", Kim spoke as soon as she approached them.

"Who's she babe?", the girl asked him and Kim opened her eyes in shock.

"Luke?", She called out. "What's going on here? She just called you 'babe' ", Kim said and waited to hear what he would say.

"I'm sorry Kim", Luke apologized and held the girl's hand.

"I found out that I don't love you. I just lusted after you to satisfy my sexual desires"

"Are you saying that you used me?", Kim asked with tears in her eyes. "Is that why you didn't call me for the past three days?", tears ran down her cheeks.

"No. My phone got lost in the accident", Luke replied.

"So, we're over?"

"Yes, unfortunately "

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me Luke? Why didn't you tell ne from the beginning that you were into my body, bastard!!!", Kim screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks. "That would have been prevented. We won't have a baby. We won't be early parents Luke!!!"

"What does she mean babe?", the pretty girl asked.

"What baby, Kim?", Luke asked with his heart in his mouth.

"I'm pregnant. Congratulations Luke, you're gonna be a father", Kim smiled and fished out the test result to him.