
Gladiatrix System

Battle Fiestas are created to bring entertainment to the new cyber mystic community, together with the development of the supersoldiers known as "Gladiators" and their system administrators that are called "Kaisers". The Gladiator/Gladiatrix System provides a way to control the supersoldiers' unlimited potential on the battlefield. Elzane is just an introverted teenager who only has one dream: to participate in Battle Fiestas as a Kaiser. But before he can do that, he has two problems: first, he does not have a Gladiator partner; and second, he is forced to marry Raynevere, a popular girl and the heir of a multi-million-dollar company. With his whole life planned ahead of him, he is ready to give up on his dream.

ArchlordZero · Fantasie
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156 Chs


"W-What the hell just happened!?"

The tomboy knight could not believe what she was saying right in front of her eyes. The hologram screen says that they already lost the fight before she could ever deliver the final blow to me.

The Cyber Knight looked at her middle-aged Kaiser who is now sitting on the ground. The opponent Kaiser had his sunglasses shattered, and his Gladiatrix still has no idea what happened.

"Old man, what are you doing!? Get up!" The Cyber Knight yelled.

As soon as she finished her sentence, her Knight Armor dematerialized and turned to glowing specks of dust. The Gladiatrix System has already stopped working on her side.

"W-What is this!?" The Cyber Knight looked at her bare hands.

The middle-aged Kaiser picked up his broken sunglasses and tried to clean them by wiping his black jacket. Then he uttered a defeated sigh.

"We got schooled big time. The opponent Kaiser is smart." The middle-aged Kaiser put on his broken sunglasses, not giving a crap even if it's fully shattered.

"Huh?" The Cyber Knight groaned.

"The Cyber Elf's arrow hit me. The moment the enemy activated the Skill Card Position Swap, it was checkmate for us." The opponent Kaiser said.

That's right. My whole plan commenced when I asked Raynevere to fire arrows in my direction. When I activated the Portal Card, the portal only absorbed the first three arrows Raynevere fired toward me. It didn't include the next three arrows fired toward me.

So the moment I used the Position Swap card, it was already too late for the enemy Kaiser or Gladiatrix to act.

"Heh!" The Cyber Knight uttered a short laugh as she hung her sword on her shoulder. Then she turned to me with a satisfied smile on her face. "You're a pretty smart Kaiser, I'll give you that."

"T-Thanks." I nodded with a blush. I can't stand being complimented because most of the time, I get none at all.

"You know, you're quite my type too!" The tomboyish knight smiled with a blush.

"H-Huh?" I was dumbstruck.

Is this lesbian knight trying to flirt with me? First, Raynevere, and now, me? What the hell is this person? Does she swing both ways?

"Hey!" Raynevere shouted as she rushed to my position and hugged my arm. "He's my betrothed!"

"Oh, okay. Hands off then." The tomboy raised her hands to surrender from this chaotic love war she just created. Then she started to walk away while chuckling. "Cherish your love then, lovebirds! Smell ya later!"

"My goodness." The middle-aged Kaiser facepalmed and then exited the scene together with his Gladiatrix.

Raynevere and I were the only ones left in the Third Arena. Come to think of it, the next fight may have already been announced. We have to go back to the audience seat too.

However, somebody is tightly clinging to my right arm. It was Raynevere, and she's stuck to me like a koala. Her twinkling purple eyes are glaring at me up close. I have a pretty good hunch why she's like this, but I still have to ask.

"W-What's the matter, Miss Raynevere?" I asked with a fake smile.

"Mister Elzane, you womanizer!" Raynevere pouted adorably.


After a few minutes of walking (or dragging), we finally managed to go back to the audience seat. I received a hologram notification that the Entry-Grade Qualifiers Certificate will be awarded at the end of this Qualifiers Tournament, so we still have plenty of time to kill in this place.

Raynevere is back to her jolly attitude when we went back to our seats. She was just messing with me a while back there, and now she's happily updating her social media account. She even took a selfie of us, with the caption "We finally won the qualifiers!" with a big red heart emoji. Hundreds of people immediately liked her post and commented "Congratulations!" on her feed.

I'm quite worried about the selfie we just took. It's just the two of us in that photo. Raynevere is almost a celebrity, being a pageant winner and a granddaughter of a well-known rich family. Most people would wonder who the hell is that common guy beside her in that selfie picture!

I'm sure I'll be bullied by people once school starts once again!

"What's with that face, Mister Elzane? Oh, this phone? Your mother bought me a new one as a gift since I pawned mine. Don't worry, I'll be sure to pay her back next time." Raynevere said.

"N-No, it's not that." I shook my head. I'm surprised about my mother's hospitality to my fiance.

Suddenly, my eyes accidentally scanned a peculiar sight.

Right at the First Arena are Kaiser Esthesia and Gladiator Firius. I reckon this is their third and final fight, and they are both getting ready for their battle positions.

Our nemesis is on the other corner of the field: Gladiatrix Himeno Yuusha and her unnamed teenage Kaiser. The purple cat is still as cold as ever.

This is one hell of a fight to watch.

[Battle Start]