
chapter2.the spoiled phoebe ì

After she was welcomed into the living room.there she saw a girl her age who was swapped at birth also. Her name was phoebe..phoebe looked at her with disdain and she ran into her room to spite her.

Mr and Mrs Hart were ashamed but they couldn't do anything as they raised her.

They invited Sophie to sit down and they both sat on each of her sides.

Mrs Hart said" oh my poor baby.you must have suffered a lot in the wendels " I heard they don't treat you well and hate because of the rumours saying you eloped with an old man for three years. I know something mist have happened for you to dissappear. But it's OK now you are home and we will protect you.her older brother Jared said 'mom Sophie just came home let's show her to her room to freshen up and come down for lunch.And her second brother Jamie took the initiative to hold her hand and led her room but was interrupted but Joseph who was the youngest of the brothers..the boys fought for attention from their sisters.phoebe was hiding behind a pillar in the second floor watching scene unfolding in front of her. Is that my older brother who has mysophobia.she was shocked and jealous because Jared never allows contact with any of the siblings.