
Chapter 53

We should have left hours ago, but none of us made any motion toward the door. Instead, we acted like teenagers having a slumber party. When we finally called it a night, I was relieved the conversation had never ventured into my current dilemma or relationships at all. It had been exactly what I needed.

I should have known better than to think I'd escaped the interference of my friends just because it hadn't happened at Betsy's house. They caught me off guard in the car on the way back home. We dropped Roxie off first because she lived closest and then Beck was next on the list. But the moment Roxie closed the door, Beck turned around in the front seat to face me.

"I wish you'd talk to him, Giselle."

I released a long sigh. "It's not me who isn't talking, Beck. Collier said he needed time to think. I'm just trying to give him that."

"Boys are stupid. They don't have a clue what they need. My brother leads the pack in relationship ignorance, and you need to educate him."