
Gintama: Reincarnated as a samurai

John reincarnates after his death in a place he did not expect and will not expect, in Gintama. To watch his growth and development take place, he becomes stronger, And interacts with gorillas*—I mean, girls—and assumes the role of Yoruzuya leader. Do you wonder what might change in the story? Follow us to find out the answer. . [1] Note:each chapter with approximately 5000~6000 characters [2] Note: I only own Yamato. The rest belong to their owners. This is a fictional story, do not take it seriously. [3] Note : The picture is mine. [4] Note : this is my *discord* https://discord.com/invite/9UbSQCUD [5] Publishing schedule: 3 or more chapters per week. (^_-) If you throw to me 200 energy stones, 1 chapter, 350, 2 chapters, 500 energy stones, 3 chapters

ichigo7ma · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Meet otae and a despicable duel


Meet Tai and a despicable duel


When Yamato arrived at the restaurant where they were going to meet, he walked in and started looking around to find where they were and where they were sitting.

Yamato heard some loud sounds, smiled as he looked in that direction, then walked towards them, and found that they were already sitting with an extra person, Shinpachi sister, Otae Shimura.

"Hey good morning," Yamato said as he sat among them, they all replied with good morning, and then Otae looked at Yamato curiously. "Are you the person they talked about? Yamosha, isn't it?"

Yamato's smile trembled as he remembered a character in *DRAGON BALL* with that name, never wanting to have a similar name.

"Sorry, my name is Yamato, not Yamosha," he says, to which Otae replied, "Isn't it the same thing?" The veins almost burst from Yamato's head. He looked at her smiling.

"You haven't introduced me to this gor..Little Miss yet."

"Oh, she's my older sister, we talked about you yesterday and she wanted to meet you in person," Shinpachi replied.

Otai's face twitched with anger, Yamato almost called out to her gorilla but stopped before he did.

"Hi, my name is Otae Shimura, nice to meet you."

As she stood up and reached out to shake his hand with a fake friendly smile, Yamato replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Otea-chan, my name is Krosaki Yamato."

Otaie's smile shook and she said, "We're not friendly with each other, please call me officially,"

Yamato decided to ignore the situation and avoid engaging with her, thus just ignoring her and avoiding responding to her.

and turned to Shinpachi, "So what's the news?"

Shinpachi remembered and said

"Please help us Gin-san, Yamato-San "

Yamato looked at him and remembered the plot of the day,

Gintoki was eating ice cream,

"Aren't you happy that someone wants to marry you, marry him for money, then you divorce him quickly before he knows who you really are."

Otae jumped on the table and grabbed his head as she hit him with his ice cream plate and then on the table, "What do you mean by that?"

And the veins beat violently in her forehead.

He raised his shaky finger and pointed at her with his face still glued to the table,

That's exactly what I meant," as he groaned painfully,

She grabbed him by the hair as she lifted his head, "Did you say something, I didn't hear you well?"

Are you deaf?" his words were cut off in his throat as he looked into her eyes as he saw the death flag, he said in a low voice, "I was trying to say I'm sorry."

Yamato was in a good mood watching gintoki go through his ordeal, while Yamato was watching Gintoki,

He noticed silence in the restaurant and the attention of the customers they were looking at.

Embarrassed by their gaze,

he tried to calm her down and said, "Please, calm down, people are looking at us."

Otae turned around and people were already looking towards them,

"Aha, ~Ara~Ara~ Oh my God, sorry for the trouble"

Yamato's expressions "Please don't say this word, because it is not worthy of you" convulsed as he looked at her flat chest, when she understood what he meant by his words, she would have almost pounced on him if Shinpachi hadn't stopped her, after she calmed down and sat down,

"I thought he just gave up, and he wasn't going to bother me, that's when I realized... Wherever I went, there was, uhh, that was weird."

"So what do you want me to do, if it's part of the work I'm going to do it perfectly."

Shinpachi rolled his eyes, "Gin-san I didn't receive my wages in two months, do what you have to do ."

Yamato looked at gintoki,

"So bad was your situation?"

Kagura and Shinpachi looked at gintoki with penetrating glances,

"Well, I hope it's going to get better."

"Okay, I'll complete your order,"

Gintoki responded to their gaze, shouting, "You foolish stalker, where are you, I'll beat you up."

They were surprised to see someone coming out from under the nearby table, and they seemed to wonder how long he had been hiding there.

"What the hell, try it and you'll see!"

Shinpachi's response


"He was here.... "

Gintoki looked at him, "You're really stupid to get out when someone calls stalker you have to be a retard, clumsy, so you admit you're stalker?"

Kondo Isao replied with certainty, "If someone follows the path of his love, he is stalker, then yes."

Everyone looked at him.


Yamato looked at him with a strange look, "Do you want to marry this girl? You must have something wrong with your head.

Tea tried to hit him on the head, but Yamato avoided hitting her easily and then started punching him, but it didn't work to hit him either, smiling at her provocatively...

Anyway , you've been talking to Otea-san very closely for a while now, what kind of relationship you have, it's enough to make me so envious."

Everyone "...."

Otae referred to Yamato, "He's my lover ," and then she pointed to gintoki, "This is my My fiance."

Yamato rolls his eyes as she dragged him into this mess, and then grabbed Yamato and Gintoki's hand, "So please leave me alone, plus we did this and that,"

Kondo has burst his head angrily, "this and that, and other things

"No, they didn't do other things," Shinpachi replied with dead eyes.

"No... It's okay, Otae-San, no matter how sexually promiscuous you are in your life, I will accept you, because you said you love me and you love my ugliness."

Quickly and sarcastically, otae replied: "But I don't love you at all!"

He continued speaking without paying any attention to what Otae she had uttered, pointing his hand at gintoki, "Silver-haired curly! I don't care if you're a Otae-San fiancé, it's impossible for someone like you to love Otae-San more than me!! "

While Yamato pointed to himself, he said, "And what about me who plays that lover? Aren't I dangerous for you?"

Everyone looked at him. "...."

What?, wouldn't it be better I play the lover seriously?"

"Yes, indeed you are more dangerous than the silver-haired curly, the role of a lover seems really dangerous"

Kondo pondered the situation for a moment, then expressed surprise before returning to calm down and thinking about the next steps.

Kando drew his sword as he pointed to gintoki, "I challenge you to a duel!! And Tea-San is the prize, if you two beat me."







They agreed that the fight would take place on open ground under the bridge near the river.

"Apparently I won't have a role today."

Otar was surprised by his words, "Do you trust the power of gin-san? "

Yamato's smile trembled, "No, but I'm sure something else will happen."

Shinpachi sighed and said, "If you hadn't lied, it would have been better, things seem to get worse somehow."

"That guy seems to be very strong, look at him and he's very calm before the duel, and the proof is that he has faced the brink of death several times," Otae said.

"Don't worry, if Gin-chan gets into trouble, I'll parachute my gun," Kagura said confidently.

"Try not to kill him," said Otae

"I'll try not to end his life completely," Kagura replied seriously.

Kondo was waiting for Gintoki to get into the fight, even though it's been a while and he's still waiting patiently.

He turned to Shinpachi who stands on the bridge with Yamato, otae and kagura,

"hee four-eyed! Where did he go?

Shinpachi angrily replied, "Who do you call the four-eyed? , he went to the bathroom"

"What confidence he has," kondo muttered, waiting patiently.

The crowd began to gather upon hearing the news that a duel would be held and the prize was a girl.

= At sunset =

Gintoki came and stood in front of kondo while he says

"You're too late, idiot."

"The hero is not late to urinate, we have taken our beautiful time," Gintoki replied in style,

Kando humorously responded: "I've never heard of a hero taking a good time pee!"

"If you prefer to use real swords, I'm willing to lend you whatever you want," Kando replied confidently.

"For me, my wooden sword is enough."

"Do you underestimate me, you bastard," kondo's smile trembled.

"Someone who uses a stick to fight and risks his life for someone else already seems like a great thing," Gintoki replied smiling with a brilliant response.

Gintoki continued carefully, "It seems like I'm risking my life on it,

Instead of betting on Otae,

" what if I put my life on the line? Even if she runs away, Otae won't become your bride, but with me you can feel free to try and lure her, or whatever, as you wish, of course. If I win, I'll marry Otae."

The crowd was surprised by his attitude and decision.

Otae reflected on his words, if he puts his life at stake with a sword, this is a brave but risky decision. If he loses, he is likely to be at risk and possibly lose his life.

"Wait! Stop this right away gin-san"

Kondo replied to him with a smile

"You're a great guy."

Isn't it?

It's not surprising how Otae-San feels about you

Maybe because you're more handsome than me in the eyes of girls."

Throwing his sword to the ground, he looked at Shinpachi

"You boy, lend me your wooden sword,"

"you are a gentleman anyway...."

Gintoki threw his wooden sword at him.

"Use it," Gintoki said, "It's my favorite sword that I'm proud of."

Shinpachi threw his wooden sword to the gintoki.

"Win or lose, don't complain"

" .... Yes, an honest duel between men."



We duel"

They rushed to face each other, suddenly when Kondo was raising his sword half of his upper sword slipped to the ground as if it had broken,

"Eh?, huh?"

When he saw that gintoki was still advancing towards him with great steps.

"Wait, my sword has broken," he said... He receives a blow from a gintoki sword in the face


Everyone seems to be shocked by what happened,

"You stupid fool who was deceived, took a weapon from an enemy, it is likely that this wood will break easily because of the ravage I was working with."

Kondo painfully replied, "You bastard to go that far...."

Gintoki interrupted his speech while smiling maliciously, "Any fool who would put his life on the line for such a silly duel, it would be better to solve everything quietly."

Kondo muttered "quietly" as he fainted.

Gintoki turned to them, "Hey!, what do you think of my ingenuity..." Before he could finish his sentence, kagura and Shinpachi "AHGGGHH" jumped as they trampled his face to the ground with their legs.

"You did it all to win, are you convinced!? You coward!!" Shinpachi angrily tramples on him and says.

"You scammer don't deserve to be a samurai," Kagura shouted as she beat him from all sides.

Gintoki said painfully as he was beaten, "I saved your sister, didn't I?"

"We'll go home now, don't show your face in front of us again."


"I need a vacation," Shinpachi said,

"Teehehe everything quietly huh?" Otae smiled as she looked at him, but somehow, gin-san was the only he ended up covered in mud, what a clumsy person, but I know clearly.... I turned to Yamato, "You are right, there was no need for you to fight either."

Hijikata Toshiro passed the bridge looking at the crowd gathered and said to someone, "Hey, what is this crowd?"

One of them replied, "It looks like it was a fight over a girl."

"Girl?, something negligible! Who is the fool who will..... AAAh!!," that was his leader Commander Kondo Isao.....

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There is 2000 words in this chapter,

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