
GINKEN: Sea Storm

"Embark on an epic journey with Timothy, the protagonist of 'GINKEN: Sea Storm.' In a world engulfed by the infinite Vast Expanse, Timothy sails across the boundless ocean, fueled by the sole ambition to reach the colossal gate that serves as the portal to escape. Armed with extraordinary fire powers, he encounters a spectrum of allies and adversaries, each encounter shaping his destiny in this captivating tale of courage, magic, and the uncharted mysteries of the sea." - The narrative of this novel draws inspiration from the Japanese anime/manga series, One Piece. - The quality of the chapters noticeably improves from chapter 95 onward, extending to the latest chapters currently in development.

StrangeJelly · Fantasie
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433 Chs

La Cadena de Narón

It didn't take long, but at last, Timothy found Chiaki. He arrived at the station with one professional approach and a good pummeling of the ceiling. Supported by Alpha's power, he's about to face one of the strongest foes; the foremost agents.

Timothy and Alpha faced the three agents. "Hey, guess what. I found you, at last, Chiaki. But hang on a little longer. I'm about to kick their assess!" he shouted, raising his fist.

The quickest method of transportation to Vendurn is the underwater train. Timothy and Alpha are crammed in the back of the underwater train, conveying approximately ten different kinds of carbos. The train is surrounded by salty water since it speeds through an underwater railway. Anyone who stays there with its walls destroyed is taking a gamble.

It's dangerous for Timothy, whose developed ability makes his body constructed out of the fire. Being splashed by a large amount of seawater would most likely endanger his life. On top of that, if he somehow fell into the water, he would be risking himself drowning.

It would entirely cancel his skill of swimming as it would weaken his body and possibly put out his body from working.

"It's not safe for us to be in the back. We broke through the wall, and it's starting to flood." Alpha explained, seeing that Timothy's feet were already wet. "D-Damn it... I-I can't move..." she could see his body becoming exhausted and soft.

"Tim! What are you doing?! You know you can't swim!" Chiaki shouted. She, however, didn't continue due to Naeve covering her mouth. "What the hell does she mean? You were always able to swim?" wondered Alpha.

Timothy slipped his finger under his nose, frozen on the spot like an iceberg. "Let's just say that... I'm not very good with water." Alpha observed how his body worked and realized that his feet were trying to burn, but the water canceled it.

Riley stood motionlessly on the ground, relaxed. "You chased us down to the underwater station despite knowing that water is your biggest weakness? You have guts, that's for sure. But interfering with the world government's provisions is an insult. You're risking your life, and while we cannot control the train's direction, we can easily stop you from continuing. You're surrounded by water, and three of the foremost agents, which makes your chances of succeeding slim."

Timothy was sweating from his body becoming weaker and weaker the longer he stood in the water. "Screw the chances. I've known that I don't have much of a chance, but I'm not planning to back off because of your "fierce" comments. I'll push on through until I thrive, no matter the circumstances."

Riley continued the conversation without showing any anxiety. He was as confident and calm as a person could be. "Tim, what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here!" Chiaki called, expressing bewilderment and astonishment. "What do you think, Chiaki?" Chiaki got surprised when she heard that he called her by her real name. "It should be obvious. I came here to save you."

Chiaki listened, but she didn't feel any different than before. "Save me? You can't be serious! You already know there is nothing you can do!" seeing that Chiaki didn't care about his response, he appeared startled. "You should've stayed behind and left me alone! You're just wasting your time!"

The underwater railway lead up to the surface, and it soon began speeding over the ocean instead of underwater.

Timothy and Alpha looked around, seeing that the day began turning to nighttime. "What? What the hell, Chiaki?! I'm not wasting my time! Do you really think I'll leave you behind? They are trying to kill you! Don't you realize that?"

Timothy watched the three agents and his friend, Chiaki, on the other cargo. "Just back off! I know what I'm doing! You following me and the agents is ruining everything!" she shouted out loud, rendering Timothy speechless. "Just... leave me alone." She claimed, turning around. Riley observed her in silence, as Naeve walked with her to the next cabin. "Chiaki!" but she didn't respond. She turned her face slightly to look at him but then continued onward.

"Hey! Chiaki! I know you can hear me! Do you even know what the hell you're talking about?! You're saying it as if you want to die! Do you even hear yourself?!" he yelled out, infuriated. "Chiaki!!"

She stopped for a moment, but only looked away from him. "You should've stayed back while you had the chance, Tim..." her comment surprised Timothy. He didn't know what to make out of it.

Riley had to deal with Timothy and Alpha as a storm grew in the skies. "You should have stayed behind, as you've heard from your "friend." Things may have gone better for you if you hadn't interfered with the global government. But we can't excuse you for interfering with the authorities. Dead or alive, you are a sought-after pirate with a $300,000 bounty. Additionally, pirates are viewed as adversaries when they pose a threat to the Vast Expanse. Having said we will have to kill you if you continue the altercation. We advise you to reconsider your decision for your protection." Riley argued, yet Timothy couldn't abandon Chiaki after coming so far.

"Damn it! I don't care what anyone says! Whether it's you and the agents or Chiaki! I'm going to save her, and there's no way I'm changing my mind! I don't care how strong you are, and I don't care if I'm surrounded by water! I won't quit until I get her out of your hands!"

The moment Timothy shouted that Riley received a call. He tapped on the device in his ear and listened. "Foremost agent, Riley. Change of plans..." Timothy and Alpha tried to understand what the call was about, but they couldn't hear a word other than Riley agreeing.

"I understand, fleet admiral Warren. We will proceed." Riley ended the call but then looked at Parth. "There were new orders from the fleet admiral. He claims that the underwater railway was redirected to head for "la Cadena de Narón" due to Vendurn getting ambushed by the "Sea Wolves" pirates."

He explained, but that wasn't the end of it. "Our forces failed to defend it due to their abnormal power, so we received new orders. They were clear as follows. We head for "la Cadena de Narón" and meet with director Mikel. We are to proceed with Yasuda's execution tomorrow by utilizing the "Forbidden Chain". Understand?"

Parth faced Riley, with a relaxed face. "How many times will they alter the procedure? Wasn't it enough for them to start the execution sooner? But who am I to judge? I'll inform Naeve about it." Parth sighed and followed into the back.

Timothy repeated the name while still perplexed. "La Cadena de Narón? What does that even mean?" Timothy got pushed toward the train cargo's edge by Alpha's kick. "What the hell are you standin' in the water for?! You tryin' to get yourself killed! I have no idea where we are going, but our goal is to save Chiaki! Isn't it?" Timothy gave her a startled glance before nodding. "What the hell are you waiting for then? Get up and ready up! We didn't come here for a romantic getaway, did we?"

Timothy looked up at Alpha, who had his arm placed on his hip. He could see her undergarment, but what mattered was her serious expression. She looked down at him with her arms stuffed inside her pockets and then reached with her left arm forward. "If you want to save Chiaki, then we'll just go to la Cadena de Narón!" Timothy needed a few seconds to answer, but once he did, he accepted and stood up.

"Yeah. You're right. Let's kick some asses and save Chiaki!!"

To be continued...

Character Profile: Chiaki Yasuda (17 Years, currently)

[BOUNTY]: $400,000 (current)

1. Hair Color: Mauve (Medium-long)

2. Eye Color: Blossom Pink

3. Height: 5'2/160 cm

4. Rank: Agent (Yasuda Member)

5. Forbidden Technique: N/A (currently)

6. Special Ability: Soul Link

- Summary: A high relationship between two individuals is required for the power known as "Soul Link." Although Soul Link is a very powerful ability that gives one's self and the soul to which they have linked an efficient boost in power, it is only used by members of the Yasuda family and some other individuals with similar meanings. Chiaki is the last member of the Yasuda family to possess this ability, though she is still in training and does not yet know how to fully activate it. When Soul Link is used and activated, the user's eyes change color to match the color of the other soul's aura.

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