Popularity or wanting to be known more at school is the dream of students and high school students of Jakarta Insan Cendekia High School. Ivana and Tania's rivalry, who are two popular girls at their school, has continued from 1st grade of high school until now they are in 2nd grade of high school. “I will win against Ivana, I will not lose this time.” Tania said enthusiastically answering the mid-semester exam. Besides the two of them, Melvin and Kenzo are popular boys in the school with their cool style and handsome faces. "Oh, sorry, really. Here I help." said Kenzo who extended his hand to Ivana. "Ohh so it's Ivana, not bad." Melvin continued to look at him and smiled. The two of them start to meet Ivana, the coldest and most ignorant girl in their school. But will any of them be able to thaw Ivana's frozen attitude?
SMA Insan Cendekia Jakarta is a prestigious and very popular high school with an A accreditation, so many people struggle to get into that high school. Not only high school, popularity or wanting to be known more at school is also the dream of Jakarta Insan Cendekia High School students.
The popularity of students is assessed from academic scores, organizational and extracurricular activities that are followed by these students.
The competition from Ivana and Tania who are two popular girls at their school has continued from 1st grade of high school until now they are in 2nd grade of high school.
Ivana is a very competitive child and is active in organizations such as student council, she has attended student council when she was in 1st grade of high school as Treasurer until now 2nd grade.
Because of that, she became one of the popular students at SMA Insan Cendekia Jakarta who became Tania's toughest rival. Tania with her attitude that always wants to win from people and wants to be number one.
Ivana and Tania's families know each other closely but are not on good terms either, they also compete in the development of their company.
So they often compare their child Tania to Ivana, and that makes Tania want to be number one and not want to lose to Ivana.
"Honey… you were escorted by Mr. Surya, Dad, there's an urgent meeting, the thing is. It's okay, isn't it." Said Ivana's papa who wanted to hurry to go to the office.
"Yes Dad, just calm down, I hope the meeting goes well, Dad. Bye," he waved his hand
"Thank you dear, dad will go first. Tell your mom, okay?" Ivana's father said and went to work
"Hmmm, Ms. Mother hasn't woken up yet, has she." Say ivana to the housekeeper
"Not yet, I don't think Mom is feeling well. The problem is that she came home late last night."
"Well, if that's the case, then Ms. Ani will tell you to take a break. You don't have to work today. Ivana wants to go to school first, Ms.
"Okay, be careful. Surya, be careful, don't speed."
"Yeah, I've never been speeding with non Ivana."
"Hahaha yes, Mr. Surya always takes him calmly. If that's the case, Ivana goes to school, Mis."
"Ehh non (the name for the employer), this is almost out of stock again." Ms. Ani said bringing lunch and running to the car
"Ehh yes, thank you, Mis, almost. Bye, Mis." ivana went to school
As usual, Tania also went to school accompanied by her driver and never met her parents in the morning.
"Sir, let's go. Come on."
"Well." said the driver and prepared the car
"Eh, you don't have breakfast anymore, if you don't, do you want to make lunch, don't you?"
"You don't have to, Mis, the money that has been placed on this table is enough for breakfast in the canteen instead."
"Well, poor Mis, I cook but no one eats."
"Hmm, okay then, Ms. I'll make the lunch so that Tania will eat later at school."
"Yeah, okay." said the maid and ran into the house excitedly to make lunch for Tania.
Arriving at school, Ivana immediately went to her class.
"Morning Van..." Putry said
"Morning Put, Sarah hasn't come yet?" said ivana who put down her bag and straightened her clothes
"Not yet, you have prepared two hats, right. The child must have forgotten that today is Monday and the ceremony." said Putri who was waiting for Sarah at the door
"That's okay, then you just give it to him, okay? I'm going to the Student Council room first to take care of the MOS (student orientation time) planning for tomorrow." ivana put on her hat and went to the student council room.
"Hmmm, the child must be really busy. Ehhh, one child has just appeared, it's been a long time coming." Putri said to Sarah who just came
"Why are you waiting for me?"
"Well this is it, you should know why I'm waiting. Here's a hat now is the ceremony and Monday, you must forget it."
"Ohh thank you. Where's Ivana, how come it's not with you."
"He's usually the student council who will take care of the first graders later."
"Oh, I see, then we'll just go straight to the field."
"This is the strange thing about you Sarah, you are very disciplined at memorizing but why do you forget about Mondays and ceremonies? That's weird"
"I don't know, let's just go to the field. Come on." said Sara and they went to the field
The school bell rang and they all lined up in the field and would carry out the flag-raising ceremony.
"The bell has rung, we'll continue our meeting after we rest. Then, let's have the ceremony first, okay?" said the student council president, Bagas, Ivana's classmate.
Ivana went running to the field to attend the ceremony.
"Ouch." Ivana said and fell because he hit someone who was running opposite him.
"Ehhh sorry, really. Here I help." said Kenzo who extended his hand to Ivana. But Ivana ignored the hand and immediately stood up on her own.
"Next time you come to school, you have to be on time, so you don't run like this to class to put your bag." Ivana said and he left immediately and Kenzo pulled back his neglected hand.
"Hmm, it's really cool to be a girl, not that she also runs away to be spacious. What's the difference, it means she's also late." said Kenzo and he ran to his class put down his bag and went in line to the field.
The ceremony took place and they followed it well. After the ceremony, the teachers introduced the new students.
"We will still have a quiet week in the next 3 days. But the word calm does not mean we are playing. For grades 2 and 3 we will do the cleaning for each class. And we will decorate the classroom and a clean and very creative class will be selected 3 classes and get a prize." Say the supervising teacher who gives directions.
"And for the new grade 1 students, each of your classes will be led by the student council brother for an introduction to the school environment. And tomorrow you will start the MOS or student orientation period for 2 days which will be led by the student council as well. Then we can disband. Good morning all."
"Good Morning." said the students very loudly and they broke up in line.
The Student Council members again gathered in the Student Council room and continued their discussion and divided to lead each 1st grader. They would discuss the activities they would provide for the first graders and would supervise them.