
Looking back

"Lahhhh, if I'm like that, I'll report Rita, so that she can be immediately expelled from school, right, Vin? What do you think?" said John

"I don't know, I'm also too lazy to deal with teachers. Well, I'm really thirsty, I want to buy a drink first at the canteen." said Melvin and left

"Ehhhh, let's follow.." Ari said and they went to the cafeteria

"What do you want to eat van?" say Bagas

"I'm not eating, I just want to drink it like that. Just mango juice." Ivana said

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll order first." said bagas and went to order a drink

"Ehh there is ivana, he's alone. It's really not like his other friends." said John

"Yeah, well, just say you're looking for Putri, right?" said Ari

"What the hell." said johan

"Would you like to come with Ivana or not?" said Ari

"Why don't you just let it go. I want to order a drink first, okay?" said Melvin and went to order his drink

"Why is it Melvin, let's just go there, let's sit with him, take care of yourself." said ari and they walked towards ivana and suddenly bagas sat on the chair

"Ehhh puta back, turn around, it turns out that he is with Bagas." said ARi and they sat in the back seat of ivana

"Yeah, it's just good enough, what's wrong?" said John

"Well, you don't know, if Bagas likes Ivana, you know..." said Ari

"Oh, I see..." said John

"Uhhh I'm really thirsty." said melvin who came to their seat

"Well vin, why did you buy only one drink? Where are we?" said John

"Well did you guys say you were thirsty too? Isn't it okay?" said melvin

"Well, this Melvin has no humanity." said Ari

"Well, you don't talk, you know, Vin, I'm thirsty too, so if you have a mouth, I use it to talk..." said Melvin

"I'm already annoyed, yes, Melvin is no match for us, Ri. Well, there's no need to talk about it anymore. It's better if we don't have to drink." said John

"Lahhh hahaha on sulking." said melvin

Ivana also looked behind her because they were very loud, and she saw Melvin and the others.

"Here van, do you like mango juice?" say Bagas

"Ehh yes, you're not going to eat?" say ivana

"I'm also not hungry, I'm just thirsty, Van. Oh, I just want to tell you, I know about your problem with Rita from Juan. It's okay, I know, don't be upset with Juan, okay?" say Bgaas

"Yeah, it's okay, bro." say ivana

"That's good of you." Bagas said, Ivana drank her drink and smiled

"Why are you smiling Van?" say bag

"No, it's funny what they talk behind." Ivana said

"Ohhh I see, who the hell is that..... ohhh it's Ari, it's the same with Melvin, the other one doesn't know me." said Bagas who looked at them

"Ehh, how come my brother Bagas suddenly saw us here, is it because our voices are so loud?" said Ari

"I don't know, thanks to you, Vin. It's okay if we go back to class. We don't drink here either." said John

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, look the same, big brother. Yokkkk vinnn." said Ari

"Ehhh, my drink hasn't finished yet.." said Melvin and he was left by his two friends

"Another one's name is johan." say ivana

"Oh, I see, they're already disbanded.... Oh, yeah, how long has Mos been a 1st grader with you." say bag

"Yes, they don't have such a badass." say ivana

"Oh, thank God, tomorrow you just have to accompany the homeroom teacher, why not van." say Bgaas

"Yes bro." Ivana said

"Excuse me, it's good that the principal was called to his room." said the students who came to them

"Oh, okay, okay, thank you." say Bagas

"Yes." said the student and left

"I forgot again that I have business with the principal now, if that's the case, I'll go first, van. Oh yeah, who will you go home with?" say bagas

"Going home with friends, I'll find the principal again later." say ivana

"Oh, that's right, if that's the case, be careful." Bagas said and went to the principal's office

Melvin also saw Bagas who left Ivana in the cafeteria itself. Ivana also turned around and saw Melvin who was still sitting behind him.

"Why are you looking at clay?" said Melvin

"Ha? Don't worry." ivana said and went back to her class

"Ahhh, it's so cheesy.." Melvin said and he also went to his class

"How is it bro, is your throat fresh? Drink alone." said Ari

"Ahhh, why are you guys discussing that again, just a drink... are you ready to go back?" said melvin

"Well, it's not time to go home yet.." said John

"Ughhhhh, just a second... it's going to sound yuhh." said melvin and suddenly the school bell that signaled going home rang.

"Oh, yeah, hmmm, I don't see the clock anymore. Btw, I'm with you, Ri." said John

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I'm going to the library first. And it looks like it's going to take a long time. Where is your motorbike going?" said Ari

"Yeah, my motorbike is still at the garage. He's angry with me. Well, if that's the case, I'll just take public transportation." said johan

"Just be with me, John." said Melvin

"We're in different directions bro... I don't need to take public transportation instead of bothering." said John

"What are you doing, just like other people. Well, I can take you first. It's okay with me." said melvin

"Yeah, as long as he's still good, Jo, and you can save money too, right." said Ari

"Yes, yes, dehhhh, thank you in advance." said John

"Yeah ujdahhh yokk." said Melvin and they went to the parking lot

"Where have you been van?" said Putriy

"From the canteen just a moment ago, accompany Bagas." say ivana

"Oh, that's right, it's getting closer and closer to big brother. Ehemmm..." said Putryy

"What the hell, put, we're not going back here." Sarah said

"Yeah, yeah, did you pick up Van or not?" said Putry

"No, I can come with you, right?" Ivana said

"Juna is with her boyfriend, the rosa. I think they want to go for a walk. We will be with Bima." Say Sarah.