
The Creation

Long long time ago there lived eight gods called the Octagram, their names were Beerus the god of destruction, Whis the god of wisdom, Crain the god of Life, valdos the god of darkness also known as the dark god, kami the god light also known as sun god, villa the goddess love and hate, sterela the god of war and Armin the god of creation also known as the omini king the King of the gods.

Millions of years as past and the Octagram decided to create the universe as we know it, making every that has life eqaul before one another. they created different race and different species all over the globe, from tiny and weak creatures to great and strong ones, everything was fine it was a paradise for all the creature the fruits and food provided by the gods was beyond comprehensive there was no death, no sickness and everything was wonderful,until creatures in earth decided to overrun the gods saying, we don't need any help from the gods and if they try to do anything that affects them whether positive or negative they drag the gods down from the heaven. This really angered the gods so they and they sent lightening, fire and stores from the sky to destroy their creation with this they wipe out more than half the population of the earth. thus the gods caused plagues, curses, death and destruction. unknowingly to the gods this made the creatures of earth to evolve into a more powerful lifeform.