
Gift From God

All I ever wanted was to be a mother but Shawn was never ready. Sometimes I feel as if he was cheating on me but I would never ask. I just stayed home as he wanted me to and be his little housewife but I've had enough of being his housewife.

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13 Chs

Chapter 10

Bey Pov

It's been all but a few hours since I showed Blue her room and she's honestly obsessed with it and that makes me happy. Thinking about what went down with Kelly made me shake my head, my own best friend. I'm currently soaking in the tub because I started cramping a little I'm pretty sure it was normal but hot water fixes everything. Then my mind drifts to Shawn, my cheating husband, soon to be baby daddy. I had so many reasons to be down right now, my life is literally crumbling in front of me but having Blue and my unborn child keeps the bad thoughts away which is why I'm so grateful for them.

"Mommy" I heard Blue yell.

Now, what could this child possibly want? I heard her little footsteps and knew she was in my room.

"I'm in the tub baby" I call out to her knowing she had no clue where I was.

The door swung open and she stood there smiling. I swear she's the happiest kid ever.

"There you are, mommy, I been looking everywhere for you," she said while rolling her eyes.

Well, excuse me.

"I thought you were playing in your room," I said while letting the water out.

I heard my phone ringing and dinging and just going crazy but I didn't have time for whoever it was, they would just have to wait.

"I was mom but I heard someone knocking on the door but I didn't wanna get in trouble for opening the door," she said while watching my stomach as I got out the tub.

"Well thank you for doing the right thing and coming and tell me princess"

"You welcome mommy," she said while slowly approaching me and rubbing my stomach.

I knew she knew, but I didn't expect her to be calm about it after how she reacted to Titan.

I lift her chin and rub her cheeks making her smile. I then slip on one of Shawn's big shirts and went to my monitor to see from the camera who had stopped by interrupting my daughter's playtime. The first person I saw was the mailman I'm guessing her documents came sooner than I expected. Then I saw Kelly, what the hell did her ass want. Just seeing her from my monitor ran my blood pressure up. I roll my eyes and went to my phone that was on my bed to see who needed me so badly. I saw a few old messages from Shawn, some recent from Kelly, my mom, and my assistant Shonda she even called me. I guess I would give her a callback but first I want to see what she wanted, so I open the messages.

"You have an appointment today bey"

"Don't be late it's for the baby"

"We still haven't figured out who you were going pick to interview you about the cheating rumors"

"Come on bey, answer, it's better to squash it all now before things get worse"

Ugh, now I was rethinking my whole decision on calling her. I saw Blue crawl into my bed from the corner of my eye, my tiny one had run out of energy and is visibly tired. My thoughts went back to the interview, it was just so much to think about. I would have to send hella nondisclosure agreements because no one knows I'm even pregnant. Then I would have to talk about camera angles and them not showing my belly and what the interviewer can and can't ask me. I sighed now feeling just as exhausted as Blue. Or maybe I should tell the world I'm pregnant with Shawn's child but that could easily backfire and the whole world could think that I went cheated and got pregnant, that would DEFINITELY ruin me. I heard knocking on my door again and quickly took a look at the monitor to see an unfamiliar woman standing at my front door, what the fuck. She lifted her head about to knock again and I felt my blood boil she had some nerve showing up at my house. I press the microphone button on my monitor and spoke.

"What the fuck do you want," I ask calmly so I wouldn't wake Blue.

She look like she shitted herself hearing my voice but not seeing me, she quickly starts looking for the source but failing on finding it.

"I-I just want to talk, jus-just please at least talk to me," she said desperately.

I had to think, we could talk but it would be pointless and did I really want to risk the chance of Blue waking up and seeing her in the house? Wait how did this bitch get my address, hmm trespassing?

"I don't even know your name," I said shaking my head at the fact that I was giving in but not before questioning her ass.

"It's Nyla"

Yup, it's her I remember kelly backstabbing ass saying it.

"Nyla what?"

"Nyla Brown," she said hesitantly, oh wow now she's lying to me.

"Come on Nyla I know you didn't come all this way just to get turned around, I hate liars"

"Ok ok fine it's Love, Nyla Love," she said sighing.

I turn the microphone off and sent my PI her name so he could dig into her life and I sent my assistant her name as well just in case anything happens. I put on some shorts and left my room closing my door and heading to the front door so me and this lady could talk once and for all, this should be good. I peep out the sight bubble first just to see if she got impatient and left but no, her ass was still standing there. I guess she didn't have much of a life. I open the door and watch her sad face fill with an ounce of hope.

"Follow me," I said while rolling my eyes and leading her way on the other side of my house, hopefully, my baby didn't wake up but she just went to sleep so I guess that could spare us anywhere from thirty mins to an hour.

We went into one of my dens and sat down but not too close, I sat on the opposite sofa from her.

"So Nyla you wanted to talk so badly, talk," I said while consciously rubbing my belly.

"You're pregnant?" she asks.

Oh shit, oh shit, do I lie? yup, I'm gonna lie. I have to tell Shonda to email me a NDA so I can make her ass sign it before she leaves.

"I don't think that's what you came over here for"

She shook her head agreeing and sighed, well here goes nothing.

"I miss her, I miss her so much. I know you probably read her letter which is why you're acting so cruel to me but I wasn't in my right mind. I had to let her go for her own safety, I wasn't clean but I'm clean now, and I want to be the mother that she needs me to be. I've been sick ever since I came to, realizing I gave up my only reason to live-"

"So you're suicidal and came here to ask to have my child so you could take her somewhere that you could possibly relapse and kill yourself or both of you for that matter, is that what I'm hearing," I ask being a little bitch, yea I know but nobody told her ass to come here.

"I-I no that's not how I meant it I just meant that she's my world. I know I probably explained that terribly" she said while rubbing the back of her neck.

I was done playing games with her.

"Look Ms. Love I know you probably miss Laila but she's not Laila anymore. That's my baby Blue and I love her to death, she saved me in so many ways till the point where I would think God sent her as my personal angel. I'm not letting my baby girl go, you can't have her back Ms. Love and quite frankly I don't even think she would want to go back to you but that's beside the point. Her name is Blue Ivy Knowles the Laila Love you came here for is gone." I said hoping this would make her give up.

She burst into tears and I didn't know what to do. All I did was be honest with her, she wasn't getting Blue over my dead body.

"I don't have anywhere to go, I lost my child and coming here to get her was my last resort please don't do this Mrs. Carter, you already seem to have a child on the way just give me mine back," she said now on her knees begging.

This was becoming hard to watch and I was starting to feel bad for her, truly, but if she still had nowhere to go how did she plan on taking care of a child.

"Nyla get up, look all I can do is talk to someone to see about helping you get a job and find a place. That's all I'm willing to do." I said while looking at her softly, she's so young, why did she do this to herself.

"What about Laila"

"What about her," I ask totally over this conversation.

Nyla Pov

"What about her," she asks nonchalantly.

She really wasn't going to give her back, after all the pleading and searching I've done she can't see that I want my child back, no, that I need my child back? This felt like karma for all those nights I would leave her alone, all the drugs I've done, all the pain I've caused her. Maybe I really didn't deserve her, maybe she's better off with Ms. Knowles, the least I could do was take her help.

"Ok" I nod no longer able to look her in her face.

"Ok? ok well give me your number and I'll have someone contact you," she said while typing away on her phone.

"Um it's (225)978-0009, can I have your number," I ask hopefully.

"What exactly would you need my number for, we aren't friends now"

I could tell she tried to say that in the least mean way but it didn't stop her words from hurting.

"Just to check in on Blue," I said now looking at her, she now look like she was having a battle within.

"Fine but that's all you better ever text me about, don't call me," she said while snatching my phone out of my hands.

Maybe there was hope.

Bey Pov

I have to admit I didn't think it would be that easy, but now it's time for her to go I'm drained and tired and I just want to sleep.

"So I guess it was nice talking to you," I said while getting up, her following, but I didn't lead to the front door we went to my office.

NDA bitch I ain't forget, can't trust anyone these days, especially desperate ex-mothers.

"Nyla I'm gonna need you to sign this before you leave," I said while grabbing it freshly from the printer.

"What is this," she asks.

"It's an NDA, I just want to make sure that I'm safe and that you won't go telling my business or giving out my number or address to anyone," I said while handing her the papers.

She read through the papers and I hand her a pen.

"And if I do," she asks before signing.

"Well if you do you're going to jail since I obviously can't sue you for anything"

She just shook her head signing the papers handing them back.

"Thank you"

"Thank you too," she said catching me off guard as we walk through the hallways now going to the front door.

"For what," I ask curiously.

"For loving her as much as I do, for being the place she can call home, for picking her up that day and for being the mother I couldn't be," she said now walking out the door, never looking back.

Now I felt like shit, I basically took her daughter and here she is now thanking me while all I ever done was be a bitch, just great.