
The day I died...

I was a typical cleshay nerdy fourteen year old kid,you know the kid who every bully knew about,the weak geek who would never fight back.But that day July 4th my life changed forever,that day it was my fifteenth birthday and it's also the day I died...

It was early in the morning my sister was banging my door trying to wake me up but she always bangs my door to wake me up.She has been like my mom and dad ever since our parents died,I don't really know how they died and my sister never talks about that day.But all the stories I've heard about them they seem like kind but weird and secretive people I guess that's where me and my sister got our weird traits.My sister is twenty three years old she's studing to be a doctor maybe because both my mom and dad were nurses and she has a part job at Starbucks she doesn't make much money at her job yet she can pay for the house,pay for food,pay for electronics and Netflix I've always wondered how she got the money but I never asked her.So my sister dragged me out of bed and dragged me to the shower and she makes me breakfast I get out the shower and wear my clothes.We normal talk about what happened yesterday mostly because she's comes home really late from work and I usually worry about her when she comes late because of all the weirdos at night but she said she can handle herself so I don't worry about her as much as I'm supposed to.But today she had to had to go early the conversation kinda went like this

"hey Jay I gotta go to work early.Haha the coffee maker blew up last night so I have to open for the guys to fix it.So you have to walk to school today is that alright."she said to me

I responded

"yeh it's alright Jam . I'll walk with Ally today besides it's been a while since I talked to her."

So I ate my breakfast and cleaned the dishes while she drove off to work.As I walked out the house I saw Ally in Jason Ray's car going past my house.I waved at her and she just looked at me with a plain expression on her face and I just felt a weird stab through my heart.So I walked on my own to school it basically takes an hour to walk to school so I had some time to think about my life and I suddenly remembered it was my birthday today.It was actually a surprise mostly because my sister and Ally wish me a happy birthday early in the morning well ever since my parents died they've been doing the same thing every year.I mostly thought my sister and Ally forgot my birthday but it wasn't really like my sister to forget especially if she's done it since I was seven.Ally I kinda understand if she forgot about me mainly because we weren't friends for almost seven months now.Ally and I used to be best friend we used to do almost everything together and she was the only person I could talk to if I didn't want to talk to my sister but seven months ago we just stopped talking to each other and we just went our separate ways.Well I guess she's happier without me weird thing is me and Jason used to be friends back in the second grade but he's changed over the years he's gotten more aggressive to people...maybe I should be worried about Ally...Nah its probably fine.Before I knew it I was at school a lot quicker than I thought but I didn't ponder it to much.I went to my locker to get the first three periods books and I saw Jason and Ally talking.No one was around at the time because it was still really early and I'm guessing they thought I wasn't there so they made a lot of noise.It kinda sounded like they were arguing

"Who said could look at that little boy huh bitch.Do you still have a thing for Jay huh!"Jason said to Ally

"Get the fuck off me you retard! I was just looking at him nothing more so stop being a little bitch about it!" Ally relaid

"What you call me. Listen here your my bitch so you do what I say you understand." Jason said while holding holding Allys arms.

Ally managed to break free and pushed Jason away.Jaosn just looked at Ally with this phycotic look look,he reached for something in his pocket it was a knife he held it by Ally neck and said with a phycotic smile

"All bitches die!"

OK from this point on everything was kind of a blur to me all I really remember was Jason try ed to slash Allys neck but I caught the knife and I ended up breaking Jasons arm.But to be honest I don't even know how I got to them so quickly they were about 20 meters away from me and Jason had the knife right by Allys neck it was basically impossible for me to catch the knife so quickly but I didn't really think about it at the time so I just blamed it on adrenaline.But what I do remember was Jasons face as he was kneeling in pain and Allys horrified look.Jason mumbled

"I will get you back for this little boy.You will pay for this you shit."

I looked at Ally with a plain expression kind of amused smile.I then looked at my hand and drops of blood spilled on the floor I didn't really care about my hand so I just left I took my books and went to class.I couldn't really focus in class so I just slept the whole time.While I was sleeping I heard this voice I can't really discribe it but it kept talking to me saying

"Why are you so weak."

"Why do you let everyone put you down."

"Why don't you fight back."

"Why don't you EAT THEM!"

I woke up all of a sudden with Ally playing with my nose

"Uh...whatcha doing?"I said to Ally

"Shhh it's ok go back to sleep."She said to me

"It's kinda hard to do that now."I said to her

"Argh fine show me your hand then."She said while grabbing my hand

She opened my hand and and she looked so shooked and weirded out she made me show her my other hand and she looked more shooked.

"You don't even have a scar.No scratches no nothing.This is so fucking weird."She said

I pulled my hand back and asked her what she wanted it actually suprised me when she said we should hang out tonight like the good old time.We used to hang out at McDonald's so that seemed like an alright place to hang out yet I was kinda sceptical about the whole thing.Before I knew it lunch was over Ally had a different class so she had to leave but we decided to meet at eight pm she seemed happy as she was leaving.I slept the rest of the school day not because I still couldn't focus in class I really just wanted the school day to end plus I'm a A minus student so I'm not really worried about school.

So before I knew it school was over and I walked home to get ready for tonight when I got home I saw my sister car by the drive way so maybe she was home but no one was home so I just thought she went with a friend or her boyfriend.So it finally came time to go I didn't know weather to wait at my house or go to hers while I was thinking I heard a knock on the door.It was Ally I wasn't really surprised but I didn't really care so we went to McDonald's and just talked about life and what we've been up to.She got a tattoo a few months ago I was actually surprise because she wasn't the type to get a tattoo but things change I guess.I got a text from my sister asking where I was I guess she was home at the time I told her I was at McDonald's with Ally and I apologised about not telling her she seemed like she was angry at that and she told me to get back home.So that's I did Ally walked me back home we where close to her place when she stopped me she grabbed my by the coller and whispered in my ear

"Thanks for earlier with Jason and happy birthday."She said as she kissed me on the cheek

She walked to her place and I waved her goodbye I was happy that me and Ally are talking again.I noticed someone was following me I tried to walk faster but two other guys came up from the front and they jumped me it was Jason and his friends he pulled out a gun and with the same phycotic smile said

"I told you I was gonna get you back little shit!"

He then pointed the gun at me and just like that...BANG!....that's how died on my birthday...