
Ghost Stories and Tea

Some stories that take place between people and ghosts

Treesaid · Horror
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11 Chs


After a simple dinner, Han Yueping lay in bed early.

My father realized his mistake and decided to stop gambling, which was really a happy thing.

Han Yueping rubbed the paper given to him by the harelip man, thinking about what the man had said to him during the day.

One said Fu paper to save life, the other said Fu paper dangerous, which made him tangled up again. He had been convinced of the Fu paper's survival, but after thinking about it, he began to doubt it again.

However, since father said the harelip man was his old friend, he would not return it to him, and the piece of paper was kept close to him.

He closed his eyes as he thought about it.

Hot summer always makes people sweat.

But that night, especially hot, sweat line after line. At last he could bear it no longer and opened his eyes.

The books on the desk were on fire, the broom on the floor was on fire, the telephone was on fire, and there were flames all around.

Han called out to his father, but never got an answer. He opened the window and called for help, but no one responded for a long time.


The door of the house was thrown open and slammed against the wall.


Thinking that his call for help had worked, Han turned around and saw the red child living in the basement.

The ghost dragged a mangled corpse into the room, it did not say a word, to Han Yueping outstretched his hands.

All of a sudden, Han Yueping even before the reaction, has been strangled by the throat.

He could not remember how many times he had been held by the throat, and with no way to resist, he had to entrust his last hope to the piece of paper.

The little boy in red seemed to see what he was thinking, and with a little wave of his hand, the paper flew into the air. With another flick of his wrist, a mass of green ghostly fire covered the Fu paper, which soon burned away.

With his hopes dashed, Han closed his eyes and waited for death.

Suddenly a figure appeared at the door, and it flew over the boy in red.


Break free from the red devil shackles Han Yueping fixed eyes, two little devil looks exactly the same. The only difference was that one was dressed in blood red and the other in a small white floral dress.

Then it dawned on him that there was more than one child in the house.

The situation is too late to think about, the most important thing is to get out of the house. However, Han Yueping's body does not belong to their own general, despite their own efforts to control, always unable to move, he can only silently watch the two children fighting side.

"Let go!

"Snapped the kid in Red.


"Don't you hate them for turning you into a child and not being reincarnated?"

"They were good to me. I don't hate them. Please leave him alone."



"Bang", small Zhi threw to the wall, red kid slowly up, holding Han Yueping's neck went to the window, smile play taste: "you just stand here honestly, enjoy the feeling of being burned in the body!"

-- -- --

"Unfortunately, I trusted the wrong person." The undertaker sighed. "Every step is wrong, every step is wrong. I never dreamed there would be two children in the house."

The undertaker looked out the window at the sky and said with a lump in his throat, "I still want to thank the man with six fingers... He walked into that fire and pulled me out. One eye for a life is worth it."

The owner of the teahouse did not speak, but picked up the teapot and helped the undertaker fill the cup with tea.

"But I can't understand, my family and that harelip man have no hatred, father and he is a long time old friend, why he wanted to murder us like this, I have thought about it for nearly half my life, still can't figure out..."

"Because your eyes are different, even from many people who see ghosts. Most people have a pair of Yin and Yang eyes. They are rare and rare." The teahouse owner stroked his right eye and did not hide it.

"No wonder the six-fingered man wanted my eyes too..." The undertaker nodded and murmured, "You know a lot, Sir."

"It's all crooked stuff, and it's off the table." The boss smiled, and this smile showed a tiger's teeth, just like the young children under the willow tree at that time.

The owner of the shroud shop looked carefully at the owner of the teahouse in front of him. He tapped the table gently, trying to remember the scene under the willow tree, and suddenly nodded his head for no reason, with a look of sudden enlightenment.

It was a long time before he said to himself, "Now, if only I had promised to give the six-fingered man my eyes, Father would not have had to be skinned by that little boy... I'm sorry for my father. ' The undertaker let out a sigh, tears welling up in his eyes, and he tried not to let them fall.

The teahouse keeper stood up, patted the undertaker on the shoulder, and sighed. "You needn't blame yourself too much. He couldn't have saved your father. Even when under the willow tree, you give the eyes to the six finger man, he can only keep you a person's life. Your father turned the Kid in Red's sister into a kid, locked away in a basement, and even if her sister doesn't hate you, the kid in Red hates you to the bone. She wants you to die, even if it means breaking your heart."

The undertaker leaned over the table and answered. He suddenly looked up at the boss and asked, "Boss, how do you know this?"

The boss smiled, walked over to the counter, stroked the girl's forehead, and said, "Don't you already know something? You're a wise man, Uncle."

The undertaker got up, too, and took money out of his coat to settle the bill.

The teahouse owner shook his head and said, "Today there is a story, the money is not necessary, I can use the story here to settle the bill."

The undertaker was not too pleased. He put the money back in his pocket and smiled at the girl who was looking down at the counter. "This girl is very cute.

"She... His name is Xiao Zhi."

The undertaker of the shroud shop suddenly froze and looked gently at Xiao Zhi in the counter. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes seemed to have tears twinkling.

"Thank you, boss."

The undertaker did not say anything to the girl at last, but thanked the undertaker and strode out the door.

All the past are in the moment he stepped out of the door, was sealed in the memory.

-- -- --

The owner of the shroud shop does not know, the night of the fire, he was taken away by the six finger men soon, hare-lip men walked into the fire.

As if he did not mind the heat, he lingered in the fire for a long time, and did not find what he wanted. The harelip did not look very disappointed.

"Late, or you beat me to it."

He smiled a strange smile and closed the door of Han's house gently.

-- -- --

This is a teahouse. Welcome.