
Gods Among Us

In the middle of what was a private school was nothing but a burning building where innocent children that firemen and heroes were bringing out. But this wasn't just any kind of school oh no this was the school where Sean's sisters went to.

"Over here!" Superman said getting the twins out of the school who both were badly burned.

"Oh no." Diana said rushing to them.

"Be thankful that the Ghost Rider bloodline is what saved them. Without it I fear they would be in the same situation as the other children here." Raiden said in anger seeing such a cruel act done to innocent children.

"Who would do this?" Kitana asked in horror.

"Police already caught the one behind this but this wasn't the only place bombed. The White house the Pentagon and the Empire State Building are in the same condition. All three places were bombed at the exact same time." Jax said.

"Who did this?" Sonya asked.

"Take a guess. Only one person has the means and the knowledge to make bombs like this." Reznov said.

"Travis." Turok said while using his Ghost Rider Powers to heal his adoptive sisters as best he could but the damage was extensive.

"Where is he now?" Liu Kang asked.

"In Gotham and I'm sure he's already on his way to get some answers. Batman, Guile and Frank are already questioning him as to how he got the supplies to make all this." Reznov said.

In Gotham police headquarters

"YOU FUCK!" Frank yelled slamming Travis into a wall. "Where did you get the fucking supplies to make those bombs!" Frank yelled.

"Why you want to make one for yourself. Fuck off." Travis said in humor.

"Argh!" Batman growled before the door flew off the hinges and flew towards Travis hitting him in the back making him groan in pain. The Three heroes looked to see Sean standing in the doorway with an enraged look on his skull face as his white flames burned with intense rage.

"Get away from him." Sean said in rage walking towards his uncle.

"We're handling this." Batman said as Sean walked towards Travis who got back in his chair and looked at his nephew in amusement before Sean threw the table across the room before grabbing Travis by his shirt and slammed him into a wall.

"How dare you do this to my sisters! You had no right...I'll be lucky enough if they ever wake from the most inhuman thing you've ever done to them." Sean said in sorrow having gotten the report by Turok about his sisters.

"Oh please what makes you think that I care. I never gave a damn about my sister just like my mother didn't since like her they were a mistake." Travis said smugly making Sean growl in rage.

"Sean Dont!" Batman said as Sean punched the glass hard shattering it into a million pieces. Travis scoffed.

"Your just like your parents weak and worthless and to think you used to be my favorite family member." Travis said before Sean threw him across the room in rage before Travis got back up and smirked at him. "You honestly think I'm going to change for the better? Please I like the way I am. Your so powerful but so dumb like your mother." Travis said making Sean growl in anger. "Now run along so I can break out of here. I've got a lot more planing and more killing to do to top this." Travis said making Sean grab him by the neck lifting him off the ground.

"Thats enough!" Guile said as he and Batman tried to get him to let go but Sean threw them into the wall while Frank did nothing. Sean glared at Travis in pure rage.

"I know its soon but think they'll ever wake up? Maybe next time you wont be the one responsible for their pain." Travis said making Sean let out the most inhuman roar of his life and to Guile's and Batman's surprise the white flames that engulfed him turned black before Sean tore off his new arms and legs making him scream out in pain before he was engulfed in the black flames screaming in pure agonizing horror.

3 years later in Earth Prime dimension


Johnny cage and Captain America were up against The Red skull and storm shadow.

"Man I hate ninjas like this." Johnny said.

"What is that supposed to mean!" Naruko yelled as she and Erza went up against Grundy and Blob.

"You know what I meant." Johnny said before Starscream flew by chasing Shockblast with Megatron and Jetfire with him.

"Give it up Megatron your a sorry excuse for a leader." Shockblast said firing his cannon at them which they dodged and it hit a building which would have fell onto some civilians had Metroplex, Tripticon and Omega Supreme not stopped it.

"Ok that was a mistake." Jetfire said firing his weapons at him.

Reznov and Raiden were going up against Shinnok and Sektor the later of the two still being a cyborg.

"Give it up Raiden Earth realm will soon be mine." Shinnok said.

"Not so long as good exists to fight your kind." Raiden said as Reznov managed to back flip Sektor and knocked him out.

"Smoke where are you Sub zero and Cyrax?" Reznov asked on the comms.

"Little busy here." Cyrax said as they faced off against Lockdown as the mercenary transformer tried to turn them into metal.

"This is really not needed who hired all these guys?" Julia asked in annoyance as she and Arcee chased Quicksilver.

"Who do you think?" Reznov asked.

"Less arguing more fighting the bad guys!" Turok yelled as he and night wolf went up against a large Kaiju with the help of they're large primordial monster friend Godzilla who roared at the mindless monster. "Well shit." Turok said.

Up at the Watch tower

Things were no better up there.

Shao Kahn, Sindel, Iron Man, Cyborg and a few others were up against Luthor and other villains.

"Stay still and fight!" Baraka yelled facing Coper Head who dodged his attacks.

Luthor fired his missiles from his suit against Wolverine but Sindel managed to redirect them at Bizarro who dodged the attack.

"Your ruining tonights entertainment Sindel." Luthor said.

"I detest Violence Luthor but I'm even less fond of you." Sindel said.

"Look out!" Punisher yelled as Sinestro tried to smash metal objects at them.

"Like all humans you cower!" Sinestro said in arrogance.

"Oh give it a rest already." Shang Tsung said firing his magic at him.

"I thought this annoyance would be stopped by now." Shao Kahn said.

"Names Cyborg not Miracle worker." Cyborg said blasting the enemies.

"Batman where are you and Sean we need some back up." Hawkeye said on the comms.

"I'm at Arkham making sure Travis is still locked up. Sean is at the Avengers tower fighting off against Juggernaut with the other Riders." Batman said.

"Hurry up already we cant last forever you know." Beastboy said.

"Be there soon." Batman said driving to the rebuilt asylum that was now under better management and security.

"We're keeping a close eye on him batman just like you and Sean said but he hasn't moved in hours." The Security guard said about to open Travis's cell when Batman stopped him seeing a small trip wire down by the door. "What in the hell? What is that?" The Security guard asked confused. Batman used a small container of liquid nitrogen to freeze the wire and opened the door seeing a small amount of large explosives in the room with a dummy version of Travis. "How'd Travis do this?" The security guard asked.

"He didn't the real trap..." Batman said pulling his cape over them just as a storm of shuriken came at them and were bounced off. "Is behind us." Batman said as Sports Master, Deadshot and crossbones. 'This might be more difficult then I thought.' Batman said pressing a signal device on his arm to signal back up.

"You're so clever." Sports Master said.

"You three are Luthors pets now?" Batman asked.

"His money is green and as a bonus we get to rid the world of one less hero." Crossbones said before Quan Chi and Skarlet arrived vie portal.

"You really need help with these losers?" Skarlet asked amused.

"Ah shut it tramp." Crossbones said making her left eye twitch in annoyance.

"Oh dear." Quan Chi said knowing what was next as did Batman.

"YOUR DEAD!" Skarlet yelled charging at him and rushed into another room.

Skip fight

"Sorry assholes no bonus for any of you." Skarlet said.

"What the hell is going on over there?" Sean asked on the comms.

"Travis is loose somewhere we'll find him later." Batman said.

"You better I don't need to remind you guys what happened the last time he got free with those enhancements." Sean said before dodging a fist from Juggernaut.

Back in Metropolis

"Ok Ive had enough of this!" Turok yelled activating his blue flamed Ghost Rider state and increased Godzilla's power ten fold allowing him to kill the other monster before he and Night wolf jumped off him as Godzilla went back into the sea to recover from his injuries.

"Fucking finally." Reznov said as he and Raiden took down Shinnok before he vanished like the coward he was.

"Incoming!" Cyrax yelled as Lockdown fell down a few feet away from them out of energy.

"Shit!" Reznov said in surprise.

"Ha nice going!" Turok said driving by before a portal opened and Juggernaut flew through. "Oh come on!" Turok said annoyed before he saw he was knocked out. "Oh never mind." Turok said.

"Boy I swear you need to stop overreacting to every small thing." Sean said putting containment collars on him to suppress his powers and abilities.

"Your mine fleshling!" Shockblast yelled before Megatron and Jetfire took him down.

"The price to pay for going against us Shockblast." Megatron said ripping his weaponized arm off with ease.

"Starscream you and I are taking Juggernaut back to his detainment cell." Sean said carrying the near invincible mutant with him as they flew off.

"Hey Kid incase you've forgotten we need some help on the watchtower." Kano said going up against Avalanche with Kitana and Mileena fighting against Sabertooth and Toad.

"Whats the matter sharp teeth cant hit me?" Toad said mocking her making her left eye twitch.

"At least I'm not some worthless virgin." Mileena remarked before kicking him in the family jewels making him let out a high pitched scream before she knocked his ass out.

"Oooh ouch nice." Kano said before taking down Avalanche while Kitana managed to take down Sabertooth with a series of kicks to the face.

"Finally." Kitana said.

"Now if there are no more interruptions..." Lex tried to say before a portal opened and Batman, Quan Chi, Skarlet and Scorpion came in with the last three joining the fight.

"Took me almost two minutes to get past your encryption." Batman said.

"Blonsky, Creel." Luthor said as the two muscle villains appeared.

"Now we break your back." Creel said before Goro and Kintaro appeared besides Batman.

"Abomination is ours." Goro said as they charged at the gamma monster.

Skip fight

"Creel, Blonsky, Shade, Coperhead and the rest are down your alone Luthor." Batman said.

"Geniuses often are." Lex said.

"Psychopaths like you..." Batman tried to say.

"You hero types are all alike even less imposing up close." Lex said.

"Your testing my patience." Batman said.

Skip fight

"Try this on genius." Batman said placing an EMP device on him. "Sean Report." Batman said.

"All clear everywhere now. Need transport to move the dead Kaiju body that our friend left behind." Sean said.

"I'll get on that." Batman said before the alarm went off.

"Whats that?" Toad asked.

"None of your damn business frog face." Mileena said before she brought up the systems to see what was up.

"Radiological Nuclear." Batman said before Luthor started laughing.

"I can see the headlines now. Heroes fail Ex cop kills millions." Lex said.

"You gave my insane uncle a nuke!" Sean yelled on the comms.

"Most of the heroes die and Superman's beloved city is vaporized. I console the masses by offering to rebuild in my own image of course..." Lex tried to say before Jade knocked him out.

"He was done." Jade said.

"DAMNIT! Everyone to those coordinates right fucking now!" Sean yelled speeding through the city while the other heroes rushed towards the location.

Travis and his girlfriend Taylor who was exactly like Harley used to be with the original Joker when he was alive were in the middle of Metropolis with a Nuke in the center where a statue of Superman was.

"Now Lex said to...Ah here we go." Travis said taking it off stand by.

"Oh honey it works." Taylor said before a portal opened and Batman came out. "Uh oh." Taylor said in fear making Travis smirk.

"Back to the car I shouldn't be long." Travis said.

"But honey...Ow." Taylor said as he smacked her.

"Go." Travis said in a commanding tone while she went back and looked hurt. "No one likes a third wheel." Travis said approaching his second most hated enemy. "Batman. The dumbass of the shit zone of Gotham and one of my Nephew's pawns I knew those three idiots couldn't kill you." Travis said as if he was speaking to a normal person.

"To bad for you once he gets here." Batman said before he heard beeping sounds from the Nuke putting him on edge.

"Why so jumpy I only took it off standby. Its this little green button you have to worry about." Travis said.

Other heroes human, Alien and machine alike were rushing towards the location.

Kabal and Flash were running as fast as they could towards the location on foot.

"Don't wait for us you two! Go!" Raiden yelled making them do just that.

Wonder Woman and every other hero who could fly were rushing towards the location.

"You push that button and you'll never get your fight against your nephew like you want." Batman said trying to stall him long enough till Flash and Kabal could reach them.

"No but it will piss him off enough that it will send him into a rage. Plus with all the heroes here lets just say it will be worth dying for." Travis said sinisterly.

Time seemed to slow down as Travis was about to push the button Batman tried to rush over and stop him. Other heroes from land and Air tried to rush him. Flash and Kabal tried to rush over to them. However something strange happened. Some blue energy covered a few heroes such as Shao Kahn, Raiden, Korra, Miya, Wonder Woman and Optimus Prime were covered in the strange blue energy which they noticed but ignored and as they neared the nuke just as Travis was about to detonate it they suddenly vanished along with Batman and Travis.

"Whoa!" Kabal said as he and Flash stopped and quickly disarmed the nuke just for precaution. "What the hell just happened where are the others?" Kabal asked looking around along with the other heroes present.

"The fuck?" Sean said looking around before looking at a device on his wrest.

"Where did they go?" Aayla asked in her fighter.

"I have no idea in hell." Sean said. "Fuck it. We'll find them later. Get rid of this god forsaken thing before Luthor pulls any other goddamned ideas." Sean said.

"Nuke's already disarmed." Stryker said.

"Well just get rid of it for good. Turok your with me. We're going to scout the city incase they were teleported somewhere else. Kabal, Flash you two do the same. The Rest of you secure the prisoners to our new facility. This time they wont escape." Sean said.

"What makes you think that since no offense but..." Jax tried to say.

"Because this facility puts them in stasis." Sean said before Turok turned into his Ghost Rider state while Sean flew off.

"It better since I am sick and tired of dealing with these guys." Mai said in a board tone.

"Do you ever not sound like a buzz kill?" Johnny asked before Sonya hit him upside the head.

"Dumbass." Sonya said.


Travis and Batman appeared in Metropolis but something seemed off about it. Batman looked around and saw no one not a single soul in the city just him and Travis. Travis kept pressing the button to his remote but nothing happened.

"Of for fucks sakes now what?" Travis yelled before smashing it and glared at Batman. "This is your fault as always Batman!" Travis yelled approaching him.

"Metropolis and yet..." Batman tried to say but blocked Travis's enhanced punch and kicked him back.

"Maybe I was to soft before. Killing you will strike a blow to my nephews confidence." Travis said getting ready to fight.

Skip fight

"At times like these I wonder why Sean doesn't do more damage to you." Batman said. Travis growled when he heard his nephew's name and charged at him again but Batman knocked him down. "Stay down and keep quiet." Batman said before he was surrounded and started threatening him.

'The hell since when am I the bad guy?' Batman thought.

"Now isn't this just amusing." Travis said.

'Now I really wish Sean did more then just take his arms and legs off when he broke out the first time.' Batman thought before activating a high frequency weapon nearly deafening the soldiers before he put up some smoke bombs and made away as did Travis.


Batman was observing a group of the soldiers arresting some people.

"Idiots next time wipe your hard drives." One of the soldiers said to a group of teenagers as they were escorted into a vehicle.

"Not rebels?" Another of the soldiers asked.

"No just some kids. Still cant believe we lost Batman. Hope the boss doesn't find out." The commanding officer said.

"I'm in a nightmare." Batman said.

In the Gotham part of the dimension

"Ok is anyone really confused as to what the hell just happened?" Korra asked as they were in top of a building.

"Calm down we might have just been sent to another dimension." Miya said.

"I agree but something unlike other dimensions compared to this one seems off. Theres a large amount of dark energy all over the place. We need to investigate and find answers as well as get back to our own dimension if the nuke went off." Raiden said.

"If this dimension is anything like ours outworld should exist as well as the portals used to get there. Perhaps I could find some information on events that happened here that would explain things better." Shao Kahn said.

"If there is an outworld here." Korra said.

"Its worth investigating." Wonder Woman said.

"I will investigate certain areas in the north while the rest of you stay together. We need to know what we're up against." Raiden said.

"Is it not wiser to stick together in this situation?" Optimus asked.

"True but we need answers and splitting up helps." Miya said as Raiden and Shao Kahn vanished.

Raiden soon appeared in one of the buildings Global Tech owned before he heard voices and slowly approached to list.

"Pretty tough aren't you?" Kabal said to someone.

"I'm not afraid of freaks like you." The voice of Deathstroke said.

"Bull. I don't need to be a mage to tell your lying." Constantine said.

"Kabal? Constantine?" Raiden said surprised before he went inside and found Kabal and Constantine torturing Deathstroke.

"This is your last chance mate. Boss is willing to give you a full pardon." Constantine said.

"Get re-educated into your boot camp. Become a puppet like you?" Deathstroke said before Constantine resumed his magic on him.

"Boss is being generous. I wouldn't. 2 million people died three years ago." Kabal said.

"I had nothing to do with what Travis did." Deathstroke said making Raiden narrow his eyes at that name.

"Doesn't matter. Your still on the wrong side of the law." Kabal said.

"Tell this to your boss." Deathstroke said before spitting at them and Constantine continued his assault before a shield of lightning appeared.

"This how your treat your captives?" Raiden asked not amused.

"So your back to your old gear?" Kabal asked.

"No thats not it. He's Raiden and yet." Constantine said.

"Stand down. This ends now." Raiden said.

"Definitely not ours." Kabal said.

"You feel his pain? Not yet." Constantine said casting a quickly spell on Raiden making him groan in pain before they approached him.

"After we're done with Deathstroke. How about the three of us talk to the boss?" Kabal said before Raiden blasted them with lightning and Kabal was sent into a wall.

"All right thats enough of that. Whoever the hell you are. You're under arrest." Constantine said.

(Skip fight)

"You always were cocky John." Raiden said before approaching Kabal. "Now who's this boss your were talking about. The one who's turned you back into a thug." Raiden said.

"I'll show you who's a thug." Kabal said in anger.

"Talk! Now!" Raiden said.

"Ok. Let's talk about the mess of trouble your in." Kabal said using his speed to kick him back. "And how I'm going to knock that head sideways." Kabal said.

(Skip fight)

"Head's still on straight." Raiden said before approaching Deathstroke.

"Damn scum." Deathstroke said before Raiden blasted off his restraints and pulled him off. "Get off me!" Deathstroke yelled.

"I'm not with them." Raiden said calming him down.

"Whoever you are...they know you now...They catch you...you have the stones to refuse their amnesty." Deathstroke said.

"Who are they working for?" Raiden asked.

"Who's the one person who can keep people like them in line?" Deathstroke asked making him frown in thought before his communicator went off.

"Raiden you there? Raiden?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Wonder Woman?" Raiden asked.

"You better get back here fast. Sektor is here." Wonder Woman said.

"Sektor? I'm on my way." Raiden said before turning and saw Deathstroke was gone making him frown before leaving.

Wonder Woman, Korra, Miya and Optimus were going up against Sektor and were doing poorly since like their Sektor he was a cyborg but heavily upgraded.

"I'll be glade to see duplicates of you four die for a change." Sektor said trying to attack them only for Raiden to appear and blasted him with lightning.

"Trying to force your clan into becoming machines wasn't enough Sektor?" Raiden asked.

"I may no longer be the leader of the clan but I now have a great position of power in the first order. So for now I tolerate my former Clan members. I even tolerate Raiden." Sektor said surprising them.

"So my counterpart has joined you." Raiden said.

"Almost all did." Sektor said before they got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"I'm resisting arrest again." Raiden said before helping Wonder Woman up.

"Raiden." Wonder Woman said making him turn around and saw...

"Someone called?" A more corrupt Raiden said. (Picture him from Mortal Kombat X after the end credits scene.

"What is this?" Raiden asked in shock at his counterpart.

"I find that being on the offensive instead of defensive serves Earth realm much better." Raiden 2 said.

"You've corrupted yourself from the Elder Gods influence." Raiden said before they blasted lighting at each other.

"I'm still about order as they are." Raiden 2 said.

"I'm sure they're proud of what you've become." Raiden said in disgust.

"If you had seen what I have..." Raiden tried to say.

"Silence! I will not hear words from a corrupt version of myself." Raiden said.

(Skip fight)

"That was concerning." Raiden said as the others looked at the downed counterpart.

"And a bit disturbing." Wonder woman said.

"Yeah that look doesn't suit you...No offense." Korra said.

"None taken." Raiden said before police sirens were heard making them run away.

"Running from the cops? Aren't there any good guys in this place?" Korra asked before they came across a familiar face.

"There just might be." Raiden said.

Meanwhile in Universe Prime

Sean on the watchtower approached his smartest people who were doing everything to locate the group that went missing.

"Anything?" Sean asked.

"The energy signature does not match anything in our database." Shockwave said.

"Why don't I just vibrate at the same energy signature and follow them?" Flash asked.

"Cause we don't know if they went somewhere dangerous." Beast said.

"Or if they went anywhere at all." Reed said.

"They're right. It's to dangerous right now." Cathrine said.

"To bad we weren't fast enough to get there in the first place." Kabal said.

"We'll find them. We have to." Sean said.

Back in the parallel universe

Shao Kahn Arriving in this universe's Outworld approached a Shadow Priest.

"Emperor. To what do I owe this rare honor?" The Priest asked.

"I require some information on current events. Making sure all our records are accurate." Shao Kahn said making sure he did not look suspicious.

"Of course. 3 years ago the one known as Travis Ashburn had set up deadly bombs in four separate locations. The White House The Pentagon and the Empire State Building. 2 million lives were lost that day. However the Fourth location was the school of Sean's twin sisters." The Priest said making Shao Kahn widen his eyes. "Badly burned but still alive Sean was beyond furious of what his uncle had done to his sisters. In Rage he had killed his uncle and started a new organization known as the first order." The priest said.

"Yes." Shao Kahn said actin as if he knew this before one Tarkatan approached him.

"Emperor. The commanders envoys await you in the throne room." The Tarkatan said.

"Yes. I will go now." Shao Kahn said leaving.

Arriving at the Throne room he saw Liu Kang and Kung Lao waiting for him.

"Emperor." Liu Kang said as he and Kung Lao bowed.

"We have Business to discuss I believe?" Shao Kahn said.

"Yes. The final Draft. Sean was pleased to hear you agreed to his terms." Kung Lao said handing him a document which he took and looked it over and narrowed his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Liu Kang asked.

"This is complete subjugation. Sean will rule Outworld." Shao Kahn said not pleased by this.

"It's what you agreed to. And what we expect." Kung Lao said.

"You threaten me? Tread Carefully." Shao Kahn said.

"We have our orders." Liu Kang said about to jump and do a bicycle kick on him but Shao Kahn summoned his war hammer and smashed in on him making him crash into a wall.

"You can tell Kruger he will not have Outworld." Shao Kahn said facing Kung Lao who got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"Your orders be damned." Shao Kahn said before Liu Kang tried to fight him. "Let us not fight any further. I wish to speak to Sean about this." Shao Kahn said.

"You don't just talk with him. You do as he says. And you going to do what you promised." Liu Kang said before they got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"You two make sorry diplomats." Shao Kahn said.

Then soon enough the guards showed up and then there was another Shao Kahn.

"There he is." One of the guards said to the second Shao Kahn.

"Well then. Parallel Universe all over again." Shao Kahn said as his counter part approached him.

"Who do you work for? Shinock? Onaga?" Shao Kahn 2 asked.

"I am the emperor of Outworld! I bow to no one! Unlike you." Shao Kahn said in disgust.

"Mind your tongue." Shao Kahn 2 said.

"You would trade your realm like an worthless weapon to an boy from Earth Realm?" Shao Kahn questioned his counterpart.

"The treaty gives us new advantages in Earth Realm." Shao Kahn 2 said.

"You place your army at his beck and call!" Shao Kahn yelled.

"And you have not done the same?" Shao Kahn 2 asked.

"Only when absolutely required." Shao Kahn said.

"I grow tired of this. Kill him." Shao Kahn 2 said getting the guards to move on him but were swiftly killed making him frown.

"I had planed to offer you help. I changed my mind." Shao Kahn said as they prepared to fight one another.

(Skip fight)

"Now lets discuss a revised foreign policy." Shao Kahn said before more guards showed up.

"Kill him!" Shao Kahn 2 yelled getting the original to growl taking out his hammer about to strike but they all froze where they stood.

"Hmm?" Shao Kahn said confused before approaching them and they still didn't move. "Now what?" Shao Kahn asked.

"They do tend to fight first don't they? Though I may have stoked the fires a bit." A man in black armor said appearing in the room and Shao Kahn narrowed his eyes knowing who this was.

"Ares." Shao Kahn said speaking to the god of war. Though technically allied with the Legion in his universe he did not know about this one. "Why are you here?" Shao Kahn asked.

"I feed on conflict. Until today I've been starving. I sensed the return of aggression and sought its cause." Ares said.

"You did more than that. You brought us here." Shao Kahn accused.

"No. But I have a guess on exactly who did." Ares said.

"My fire doesn't need stoking Ares. Tell me who?" Shao Kahn said.

"You presume to command me?" Ares asked insulted.

"I do. And you shall obey." Shao Kahn said as they prepared to fight.

(Skip fight)

"Your weak Ares." Shao Kahn said approaching him as he got back up.

"Sean's reign has nearly eliminated conflict. Left me virtually powerless." Ares said.

"So if you didn't bring us here who did?" Shao Kahn asked.

"Those who would end his rule. The insurgents." Ares said.

"Heroes?" Shao Kahn asked.

"Only one." Ares said making him narrow his eyes.

"He killed those who stood against him?" Shao Kahn asked.

"No, thankfully he did not. Instead he put them all into stasis pods until his work is complete so they'll see how his new ideals work." Ares said making him calm down that his comrades counterparts were alive.

"How exactly did this happen?" Shao Kahn asked since while he did as the priest he was a good idea to hear it from someone else.

"I believe the leader of the insurgents can better explain it." Ares said.

"Send me to them." Shao Kahn said.

At the Insurgent base which was large enough even for Optimus the group was waiting for the leader to come back before Shao Kahn appeared.

"How'd you get here?" Miya asked.

"Ares...Not our Ares." Shao Kahn corrected his statement.

"We figured." Korra said before the leader walked in. "Meet not our Batman." Korra said.

"I was wondering how to retrieve you from Outworld." Batman said.

"I assume you've all been told as to who's leading this first Order?" Shao Kahn asked.

"Yeah...Kinda of a shock considering who we're talking about." Korra said rubbing the back of her head.

"How did this happen?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Travis had set off bombs in four separate locations. One of those locations was the Twins school. They're alive of course but in a coma. Me, Gulie and Frank Castle were interrogating him when he showed up. After all the mocking he finally let his anger take control and...Something unexpected happened." Batman said.

"What do you mean?" Raiden asked.

"His Ghost Rider state. The flames went from white to black." Batman said making their eyes widen or narrow. "Does that mean something to you?" Batman asked.

"Our Sean had a brother named Freddy Kruger who was known as the Dark Rider with that exact same description. But the only way he got that power was from injecting what was left of Apophis into him." Wonder Woman said.

"Well, He only has two brothers here. David and Turok. Theres no missing sibling in our universe. I checked. Figured the best way to beat one Kruger was with another." Batman said.

"So your the only hero left against him?" Optimus asked before someone else walked in who turned out to be...

"Not the only one." Lex said.

"What the meaning of this!" Shao Kahn yelled in disbelief.

"How are you even alive?" Miya asked narrowing her eyes on him.

"He's with me." Batman said.

"Unlike your Luthor I never once thought to indulge in Law breaking. You might say after his parents deaths I became a surrogate father for him. Even helped fund his company when he first started out." Lex said.

"Luthor's involvement is a secret. People critical of Sean's rule are put into stasis in order to keep them from making trouble.

"Well, now that we're all here, explain why you chose us." Wonder Woman said.

"And why you didn't ask before yanking us over. We were kinda busy." Korra said.

"The nuclear bomb. It didn't go off. Your transfer somehow prevented it." Lex said.

"How did..." Korra tried to say.

"We've been monitoring your universe for some time. You six specifically." Lex said.

"I have a weapon to take down Sean. A talisman that disrupts his powers rendering him vulnerable." Batman said.

"Taliman? We don't have one from our universe." Wonder Woman said.

"There are key differences here compared to your universe. For Example Tom and Mara are actually dead here. There is no second Joker who's good and we're not allied with other universes. For every universe they are exactly the same with two or three differences." Lex said.

"So we noticed." Raiden said.

"The weapon is in the bat cave. I need DNA and codes and unlock it." Batman said.


The Sean from this universe was testing his latest invention. A device capable of controlling a creature that was the merged version of both Apocalypse and a creature known as Doomsday. An entity known as the End. As he was doing this Diana in an Amazon dress walked in placing her hands on his shoulders. (For the End Picture Doomsday from Justice League unlimited with Apocalypse's armor and skin texture)

"I see the collar is working. Still surprised you managed to merge these two." Diana said making him chuckle.

"With today's science and magic almost nothing is impossible." Sean said before kissing her hand making her smile. "You needed something?" Sean asked putting the controls down.

"Just reminding you we have a date tomorrow." Diana said.

"And since when have I ever forgotten any of our dates?" Sean asked making her open her mouth. "That doesn't count." Sean said making her giggle.

"Your impossible sometimes." Diana said before he kissed her.

"And yet you still love me." Sean said before Raiden walked in and Diana left.

"I see your relationship is still blooming." Raiden said.

"Doesn't it always?" Sean asked amused making him smirk before turning serious.

"We have a problem. I just ran into Diana's twin. And people who looked a lot like Korra, Miya and Optimus...And Raiden." Raiden said making him frown.

"Hmm. Duplicates from another universe?" Sean said.

"Possibly. While we have never come into contact with other universes we have also done nothing to bring them here." Raiden said.

"See if you can bring them in. I want to know why and how they got here." Sean said.


Travis drove into Gotham with a dead first order troop.

"Hmm. And I thought my Gotham looked like shit. The real Joker would love this place." Travis said getting out of the car.

Unknown to him however was that Batman from Universe Prime was still following him.

"Oh brother. What happened to this hell hole?" Travis said looking around before a train passed by making him turn around and saw Batman flying towards him but Travis delivered a harsh kick in the stomach. "HA! Right in the gut!" Travis yelled in satisfaction.

"Shut it Travis." Batman said before groaning in pain.

"Aw did you hurt your leg?" Travis asked in fake innocence. "How about a broken neck to go with it?" Travis said preparing to fight.

(Skip fight)

"And now for the finishing touch." Travis said holding him down with a knife in hand. However he looked up and saw heroes approaching. "GRRR! Next time!" Travis yelled before smashing him down and ran off.

Hawkgirl and Thor soon approached Batman.

"Batman. Been some time." Thor said before Hawkgirl grabbed him.

"On your feet. Let's go." Hawkgirl said.

"I don't think so Hawkgirl." Batman trying to fight but Thor smashed his hammer on him. Travis was watching this from a distance.

"Well, isn't this something. I guess he's not as popular here as he is back home." Travis said amused.

Meanwhile Sean was still working on the collar to control the End before his communicator beeped.

"Yes?" Sean asked.

"Good news. We've captured Batman." Thor said making him smirk.

"Bring him to the detention center. And unharmed Shayera." Sean said making her smirk.

"You know me so well." Hawkgirl said before they flew away with him and Travis came out of the shadows.

"Ooh I miss him already. Now where was I before I was..." Travis tried to say.

"Pumped full of lead." A female voice said making him turn around and saw someone he knew very well.

"Taylor?" Travis asked seeing her in a different outfit.

"Someone told me some jerk was dressed like Travis." Taylor said shoving her gun at him making him jump back. "Fighting a Batman Wannabe. You got the look and a lot of nerve. What you don't got is the right!" Taylor yelled shoving her gun on him again.

"Ow! Damnit woman!" Travis said completely confused.

"Travis was a hero." Taylor said.

"Taylor it's me Travis! Damnit! Says right here on my dog tags!" Travis said holding up his dog tags from when he was a cop before she tried to shoot him making him jump back.

"Nothing but a fake just like you." Taylor said.

(Skip fight)

"Jeez this world is really messed up." Travis said pulling her up.

"It's really you. But I saw..." Taylor tried to say.

"I'll be blunt I'm not your Travis. I come from another universe. How I got here I don't know. But it looks like this world needs me." Travis said as they walked away.


Sean, Raiden and Wonder Woman were walking to the cell where Batman was at. Inside the cell was Reznov and David and Batman without his equipment with his arms hung up.

"Ok Bruce. Ready for visitors?" Reznov said before the door opened and the three walked in.

"Where are Thor and Hawkgirl?" Raiden asked.

"Had to..." Reznov tried to say.

"It's not him." Sean said.

"What?" David said confused.

"He may look like Bruce but his energy signature is all wrong." Sean said before approaching him. "Your one of the duplicates aren't you? Why are you here?" Sean asked.

Back with Travis

Taylor had taken Travis to what remained of the Joker clan inside the nearly destroyed Arkham.

"I love what you've all done with the place. Arkham never looked better." Travis said getting various cheers. "Now we all know the truth about the bombs that went off three years ago. My counter part did excellent work. Even went after my worthless nephew's sisters and put them into a coma." Travis said getting more cheers. "I think my counter part and the Joker would admire your work. Causing annoyances for my nephew and pissing him off. But let's think even bigger." Travis said getting their attention.

"Ain't he dreamy?" Taylor said.

"Its time we took up a stance against this worthless first Order. Gotham belongs to us and us alone. My Nephew wants it? He'll have to come down and fight for it himself!" Travis yelled before the wall behind him exploded and First Order troops rushed in. One tried to shoot Travis but he used his metal arm to block the bullets before throwing him into a wall.

Hawkgirl and Nightwing soon came in and Hawkgirl went right after Travis before grabbing him. Taylor saw this and activated a device that had Batman's symbol on it.

"Back from the grave? Funny there was nothing left to burry the first time." Hawkgirl said before he punched her in the face making her drop him.

"I'm not the Travis you know bird fuck. I'm better then him." Travis said making her scoff.

"I'm going to enjoy watching Sean burn you alive." Hawkgirl said.

"Oh not tonight bird fuck. You'll be in agonizing pain when I'm done with you." Travis said as they prepared to fight.

(Skip fight)

"Lovely girl. If you can get past all the feathers. I have to ask do you lays eggs?" Travis asked.

Nightwing was fighting the Joker clan before he spotted Travis.

"Travis." Nightwing said before rushing to him and kicked him away.

"So Bird Boy joined my Nephew's side. I'm honestly shocked really." Travis said.

"Batman's a criminal just like you." Nightwing said.

"Nothing like me." Travis said insulted.

"So you're a hero where you come from?" Nightwing asked.

"Oh no. My nephew corrupts young minds while I on the other hand smash their brains out!" Travis said with a sick grin.

(Skip fight)

"I'll have to tell Bats theres been a death in the family." Travis said.

Suddenly this universe's Batman and the group rushed in and helped out.

Hawkgirl went to Nightwing and picked him up.

"We're outnumbered." Hawkgirl said before she flew away making Travis growl.

Soon the battle was won.

"You can turn that off Taylor." Batman said making her do just that.

"Thanks for showing up so fast." Taylor said before Travis walked over to them.

"Hello. Who's up for some drinks?" Travis asked.

"Travis!" Wonder Woman said before grabbing his arms and held them tightly.

"OW! Whats wrong with having a nice beer!" Travis asked confused.

"What are you playing at Taylor?" Batman asked not amused.

"Travis can be a big help..." Taylor tried to say.

"Absolutely not." Raiden said.

"After the crap this world's Travis pulled? You really are a worthless human being." Wonder Woman said making her pout.

"If he came here during our little trip." Korra said.

"He probably didn't come alone. Wheres Batman?" Optimus asked.

"There one right there! OW!" Travis yelled as he pointed at Batman only for Wonder Woman to twist his arm.

"Your eyes...Pure evil just like his." Batman said.

"Who my nephew? The guy with the hammer and the girl with Wings took him." Travis said.

"If Batman has been captured we need to free him." Raiden said.

"To free your Batman we need to complete our mission." Batman said.

"I love a good mission." Taylor said.

"Negative. You and the Joker Clan lay low. You're still a target. And he's to dangerous." Batman said grabbing Travis.

"OW!" Travis yelled.

"Go I'll catch up with you later." Batman said dragging Travis away.

"You're a bigger pain in the ass then my Batman is." Travis said.

Meanwhile in Universe Prime

"So they're in another universe?" Sean asked as they looked at the data.

"Looks that way. We can't use the portals since their down for inspection checks again." Iron man said.

"And Cisco is on a peace mission with David and the Twins." Harrison said.

"So how do we get there?" Sean asked.

"We don't. We bring them here." Sally said.

"No risk to an away team. Good. Still same problem. How do we do it?" Sean asked.

"With this." Cyborg said showing Flash's cosmic treadmill. "We use Flash's speed to bring them back." Cyborg said.

"But what if they're there for a reason?" Superman asked.

"Good point. If thats the case we'll go back and help." Sean said.

Back in the other universe

Luthor was looking up at the moon before Deathstroke walked towards him.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Luthor asked.

"The moon? Or its light shining off your bald head?" Deathstroke asked making him slightly annoyed.

"I'm pleased you wanted to meet. Ready to join our little club?" Luthor asked.

"Business is bad. Being hunted is worse." Deathstroke said.

"After so many refusals...Why now?" Luthor asked.

"They made it personal." Deathstroke said.

Meanwhile at Wayne manner

Batman and the Universe prime heroes were at his home and Raiden blasted the security camera above the forcefield. The mansion was a total mess.

"Must have been some party. Sean did all this?" Korra asked.

"Unlike your universe we still used to have identities. He exposed me and froze all my assets. Made Bruce Wayne a non person." Batman said.

"Still can't believe he lost it this bad. Even with what Travis did." Korra said.

"In his mind he killed all those people." Batman said.

"I'm not following." Wonder Woman said.

"Sean had the chance to Kill Travis multiple times but he didn't for Obvious reasons." Batman said.

"He's family." Raiden said.

"Right. While Sarah and Dawn were greatly injured from the explosion at their school. The other bombs killed Lane, Ross, Eiling, Packard, and Shepherd." Batman said making them widen their eyes. "The last connection Sean had to his parents was gone." Batman said.

"What about Talbot?" Miya asked.

"Talbot was killed with his Wife and son at the White house on the same day." Batman said.

"Sean was vulnerable. Probably for the very first time in his life." Wonder Woman said.

"His fear and rage won out." Shao Kahn said.

"Korra and the others tried to explain that but ended up in stasis." Batman said before deactivating the force field.

"Right." Korra said a little uncomfortable. "Whats with all the security? He already trashed the place." Korra asked.

"Would you take any chances with me?" Batman asked making her grin. "I need to turn on the backup generator so Shao Kahn and Optimus are with me. The rest of you can secure the bat cave entrance. It's in the study." Batman said.

"Isn't this your show?" Korra asked.

"Splitting up saves time. And you and Raiden are best suited for taking out the sentry turrets." Batman said.

"Whatever." Korra said as they made way to the mansion.

Korra and Raiden took out the turrets with ease before they approached the study hall but saw there was a mist under the door.

"Cold." Raiden said making the others get into position before Raiden slowly moved to open the door only for it to be blasted off and made him hit a wall knocked out.

"Ah shit." Korra said before she, Miya and Wonder woman rushed in and saw Sub Zero and Grundy.

"Sub-Zero." Wonder Woman said.

"Grundy. Korra is yours." Sub-Zero said.

"Avatar girl." Grundy said before he charged at her only for her to move out the way.

"I'll be honest. I always hated Zombies." Korra said getting into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"And I especially hate dumb ones." Korra said over the downed form of Grundy.

Raiden soon woke up and walked in before narrowing his eyes behind Korra.

"Oh for the love of." Korra said as Grundy got up again. "Raiden!" Korra yelled as she Earth bend the floor making Grundy fly up before he charged at him and flew out the mansion. "Have fun." Korra said.

Wonder Woman and Miya were still going up against Sub-Zero before he froze them on the spot.

"I expected better." Sub-Zero said before Korra used her water bending to unfreeze them but they were both knocked out.

"Wasn't very nice, Kuai Liang." Korra said using his real name.

"In war there is no such thing as being nice." Sub-Zero said before they got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"Thought that would warm me up a little." Korra said before Raiden flew in.

"What I miss?" Raiden asked as Korra used her Earth bending to tie up Sub-Zero.

"Nothing much. Wheres Grundy?" Korra asked.

"Weightless in orbit." Raiden said.

"You didn't." Wonder Woman said before Batman and Shao Kahn walked in.

"Grundy's a zombie he'll be fine. Optimus is driving into the cave. It won't be long till Sean finds out we're here." Batman said.

Soon enough they went down into the bat cave.

"Never been to the Bat Cave. Our Bat Cave anyway. Should be..." Korra tried to say before the elevator opened up showing the Bat Cave that was a total mess before Optimus drove in and transformed. "Interesting." Korra said before they walked in.

"How did you hide anything from Sean? Looks like he was pretty thorough." Shao Kahn said seeing the damage.

"I injected lead Polymer so Superman and those with X-Ray vision couldn't see it. Plus the Talisman had a barrier around itself to prevent any Rider no matter how powerful from sensing it." Batman said touching the walls till he found what he was looking for. "This one." Batman said before Korra earth Bends the wall till one that looked like a case was seen.

"So where did you find this thing?" Korra asked.

"It wasn't easy. Originally it was in the possession of a Dark Mage who wanted to blackmail every Rider to serve him. But me, Nightwing and Batgirl got to him first before he could use it. By then I already agreed Sean's original methods were doing the world some better good then ours. But in the event he ever went rogue I couldn't make the choice alone. So I needed the DNA of his closest allies along with Optimus's codes." Batman said.

"Which is why we're here." Wonder Woman said.

"With my Korra, Miya and Optimus in stasis and the others backing up Sean's First Order organization. I needed to bring you here." Batman said before a device appeared from the ground. A large cord appeared from the ground before Optimus placed it in the back of his head while the others placed their hands on the device before the rock cracked apart revealing a case with the talisman inside. (Picture it as a hand sized Coin with the Rider Face on it)

"Nice." Korra said before the cave shook violently making Batman put the case away before suddenly Wonder Woman 2 and Black Lightning flew in.

"You." Wonder Woman said looking at her counterpart.

"Hello Bruce." Black Lightning said before blasting him.

Korra immediately Earth bends the walls hitting Wonder Woman 2 making her groan in pain which made her chuckle.

"Our Korra is just as arrogant." Wonder Woman 2 said.

"And probably just as hot." Korra said before they got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"And another thing. Our Wonder Woman is way better looking." Korra said.

The others were going up against Black Lightning but deciding he had enough he sent a current of electricity at everyone knocking them out before all that was left was Korra.

"Havent seen you around in three years." Black Lightning said.

"Oh jeez I wonder why?" Korra said sarcastically.

"Hey it's her own fault for not agreeing with the rest of us." Black Lightning said before they got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"And sparky makes four." Korra said laughing.

Batman went to check the case and saw it was burned from Black Lightning's attack and opened it.

"Damn!" Batman said.

"Is the talisman?" Raiden tried to ask.

"It's intact but the laser is fried. Even with Luthor we don't have the resources the repair it." Batman said.

"We're gonna need some help." Korra said.

Meanwhile in Universe Prime

Sean and his team built the device they needed to bring the others back to their universe.

"We good?" Sean asked.

"Good as we'll ever be. I'm linked up." Iron man said.

"All right. Barry start this thing up." Sean said.

"I'm on it." Flash said before he started running.

"Platform should lock into their signatures and pull them back." Soundwave said.

"Uh guys." Sean said before the device started acting up.

"Iron man shut it down." Superman said.

"Hang on!" Iron man said before he got caught in the blast.

Soon Iron man appeared in a tunnel and looked around.

"Great. Don't know if I should congratulate myself or kick myself in the ass." Iron man said before he heard voices.

"Lexcorp is supplying equipment. But we're short on personnel." Lex said making Iron man follow the voice.

"The Joker Clan is reckless. Undisciplined." Deathstroke said.

"The Chaos they create is useful." Lex said.

"We need more than pawns if we're gonna take down Kruger." Deathstroke said making Iron man frown.

"That was all I needed to hear." Iron man said before flying in and tried to blast them.

"You said this area was secured!" Deathstroke yelled.

"Keep him busy." Lex said running off to get something.

"With pleasure." Deathstroke said.

(Skip fight)

"I honestly thought you changed Slade." Iron man said before Lex walked out in a suit larger than his.

"Like it Tony? Like yours only better and bigger." Lex said.

"It's the man not the machine." Iron man said.

(Skip fight)

"That was for putting me in a cell for a month." Iron man said.

"Cell?" Lex asked before it hit him. "Oh your from Earth Prime." Lex said confusing him.

"Excuse me?" Iron man asked.

"At ease Iron man." Batman said as he and the others walked in.

"Batman? Guys?" Iron man said.

"Welcome to Universe of Everything is upside down." Korra said.

"Uh?" Iron man tried to say.

Back at the Bat Cave

Sean and Diana were in the cave looking around while Sean looked at the empty case that held the talisman.

"He took a big risk coming back here. Why now?" Diana asked before Sean placed his hand in the case and groaned before she pulled him back.

"Magic. He has a weapon to use against me." Sean said before glaring. "We need to flush them out now." Sean said.

Back with the heroes

"Ok lets get this portal fixed up and get some of ours weapons here to fix this." Iron man said inspecting the talisman.

"And come back with reinforcements." Raiden said.

"We might as well..." Diana tried to say.

"Theres no time." Batman said walking in and turned on the news showing Sean with a suit on.

"Three years ago my uncle placed bombs at three high value targets and cost the lives of millions. Many of which were friends and family of mine including my sister's school that put them into a coma. One who was overwhelmed by guilt in the part he played unknowingly he was driven mad. He became an agent of Chaos. An enemy of peace and security. But no longer. The leader of the insurgency will pay for his crimes." Sean said.

"Oh I do not like the sound of this." Iron man said.

"At 6 PM local time. Batman will be executed at Stryker's island. May god have mercy on his soul." Sean said before Batman shut it off.

"Getting help will have to wait. Rescuing your Batman just became a top priority." Batman said.

"It's a trap." Shao Kahn said.

"Of course it is." Batman said.

"We'll have to be sneaky about it." Iron man said.

"Sneaky how?" Miya asked.

"Watchtower portals." Iron man said.

"Stryker's is equipped with teleportation dampeners." Lex said showing the building.

"But it only covers the building. We just need get Batman outside." Optimus said.

"You'll need a diversion. To keep Kruger occupied." Deathstroke said.

"Leave that to me." Korra said with a grin.

"I'll take the teleporter. I'm the most qualified to work it. Plus since my counter part is with the First Order as it's called I can infiltrate their ranks." Iron man said.

"I'm with you." Deathstroke said.

"Sure why not." Iron man said.


After getting on the tower Iron man fought against Kazehana and his counter part and Deathstroke set the reactor to blow and went to get a weapon capable of firing a laser of the talisman at Sean for Luthor who felt responsible for what happened to his surrogate son.

Meanwhile Batman and Raiden were waiting for Korra to give a distraction.

Suddenly from the ocean large underwater beasts came to the island to attack.

"And Azula said having a device capable of commanding animals was self indulgent." Korra said looking at a device on her hand.

"Let's go." Batman said as they went to recuse Batman Prime.

However suddenly Nightwing and Chun-Li rushed at them and Chun-Li went after Batman while Nightwing attacked Raiden.

"Hello Bruce." Chun-Li said kicking him back.

"Chun-Li. You know what Sean's doing isn't right. This is not him." Batman said.

"After what Travis did we had to take our jobs more seriously. I don't like what we do but someone has to protect those who can't protect themselves." Chun-Li said getting into fighting position as did he.

(Skip fight)

"Your right we protect people who can't protect themselves. But not like this." Batman said.

Raiden and Nightwing continued to fight one another.

"He took you in and raised you." Raiden said before kicking him back. "I understand he can be a little to serious but you abounded him for Sean?" Raiden asked before NightWing kicked him back.

"I'm not Dick Grayson." Nightwing said about to strike when Batman stopped him.

"This is Damian Wayne." Batman said.

"Damian?" Raiden said surprised since Damian was only nine years old in his universe.

"His son." Damian said before Batman kicked him back. "But Sean has always been more of a father to me then you ever were." Damian said.

"Your right he has been better to you. But you stopped being my son the moment you killed Dick Grayson. He was my son." Batman said making him growl.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Damian yelled.

(Skip fight)

"I'm sorry. Damian." Batman said at his downed son.

"You ok?" Raiden asked.

"Lets go." Batman said as they continued to move forward.

Soon enough they entered the place where Batman Prime was held before Batman 2 opened the doors.

"So your what all the fuss is about." Batman prime said.

"I could say the same to you." Batman 2 said before Raiden tried to blast them but it looked force as he was engulfed in a purple shroud. "Raven." Batman 2 said before she appeared with Red skin instead of the pale skin from the Prime universe.

"You always were quick to catch on. But that ends here." Raven said.

(Skip fight)

"Sorry Raven but you'll thank me for this later." Batman 2 said before he and Raiden Carried Batman Prime out. However suddenly Superman crashed down next to them.

"Bruce?" Superman said surprised before getting into fighting position. Raiden and Batman Prime left while Batman 2 stayed.

"Clark you don't want to do this." Batman 2 said.

"Your right I don't. But after what Travis pulled I realized we can't hold back anymore. Sean was right all along. Take one life to save millions maybe billions more. We have innocent blood on our hands." Superman said.

"Your right we do. But this is not the way." Batman said getting into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"Sorry Clark but Sean isn't himself." Batman said with Kryptonite in hand before dropping it next to him.

Sean held Diana by the throat before Shao Kahn jumped up and hit him with his hammer making him growl before he saw an explosion at the prison wall making him frown before appearing by the walls and saw Raiden and Batman 2 with Batman Prime over their shoulders.

"Bruce don't make me do this." Sean said.

"Sean listen to me. I get your angry at what Travis did but this is wrong." Batman said.

"Maybe. But people are actually safe now. I could have prevented what happened to my sisters. Saved Talbot and his family and my dad's team from Death if I just acted sooner." Sean said.

"Crime took my family to Sean." Batman 2 said.

"But it wasn't by your own blood." Sean said about to attack.

"Now!" Batman 2 yelled as they jumped and were soon teleported away making him widen his eyes before looking up.

"Damnit!" Sean yelled before he got on his Bike that used to belong to LOBO before Sean killed him after he tried to capture him for a bounty from the Hutts. Sean flew up into space to the Watch Tower before it blew up. "AHHHHH!" Sean yelled in rage.

"Sean! Your time is over!" Lex yelled on the comms making him widen his eyes.

"Huh?" Sean said before flying to the source.

Lex after fighting both Taylor and Travis was ready to end this. He saw Sean coming straight at him and was about to fire the talisman but Black Lightning appeared and blasted him rending his weapon useless before Sean jumped off his bike and destroyed his suit.

"Lex?" Sean said completely confused and baffled his father figure went against him. "I don't understand. Batman I get would go against me but you? You taught me to always act to save lives." Sean said.

"I did. But not like this. Son this is not peace. Look around you." Lex said making Sean do that but he started to groan in pain which he noticed before he was holding his head. "Sean?" Lex said before.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sean yelled as a stream of black smoke erupted from his mouth and into the air which the First Order saw and went towards it. Sean soon fell to his knees before SuperMan and his cousins arrived. PowerGirl then grabbed Lex by the throat.

"What did you do?" PowerGirl yelled.

"Nothing. I don't know what happened I swear." Lex said in concern before Superman picked him up and carried him to the Fortress of Solitude.


"Feeling better?" Superman asked Sean.

"Ugh. What the fuck happened?" Sean asked.

"You tell us? All we saw was a cloud of black smoke and nothing more before you passed out." Liu Kang said.

"No idea. Where is Lex?" Sean asked.

"In stasis. Still surprised he turned on us." Wonder Woman said.

"Thats makes two of us." Sean said before everyone else gathered.

"The Insurgents are gaining more followers after the stunt at Stryker's island." Shao Kahn said.

"We must not allow this filth to spread." Saktor said.

"Willfulness leads to Anarchy." Raiden said.

"We protect them and yet they complain just because of a few laws we made. I was so hoping not to do this." Sean said.

"Do what?" Flash asked.

"Destroy Gotham and Metropolis. Be a reminder of what happens when you side with the wrong people." Sean said.

"Wait we're destroying the cities we swore to protect?" Kung Lao asked.

"You got a problem with that?" Sean asked.

"Well, yes. It's not right. We'll be doing everything we're against." Kung Lao said.

"So what? They should have thought of that before they went against us." Kano said.

"Besides this will prevent any further thoughts of rebellion." Sindel said.

"No this is not..." Kung Lao tried to say before Sean grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down hard knocking him out.

"Take him to stasis. We got a job to do." Sean said as he and everyone left. Everyone but Flash, Turok and Hal Jordon who was now a Yellow Lantern.

"He was right. This is not what we signed up for." Flash said.

"We did our job. We eliminated crime." Hal said.

"Kung Lao wasn't a criminal. He was..." Flash tried to say.

"Stressed out. He'll understand..." Hal tried to say.

"Understand what!" Flash yelled making him sigh.

"I let myself believe we were doing some real good. But we're not. I'm done." Flash said about to leave but Hal Grabbed him.

"What do you have a death wish? There is no done." Hal said.

"Maybe not for you. Goodbye Hal." Flash said about to run away but Hal created a barrier.

"Barry don't make us do this." Hal said before A chain wrapped around him and smacked him into a few walls knocking him out. Flash saw it was Turok who knocked him out.

"Your right we need to stop my brother. This isn't like him." Turok said.

"Right. Got an idea where to find Batman?" Barry asked making him grin.

"Hey I used to work with him. I know him better then anyone." Turok said.


Miya was cleaning her blade for the next fight before she felt a presence and saw Flash and Turok appear.

"Miya? Is that you?" Turok asked.

"In the flesh." Miya said trying to slash them but they dodged.

"Wheres Batman? Our Batman?" Flash asked.

"Off somewhere not being a murderer." Miya said trying to slash them again.

"Oh come on Miya you know you can't hit us." Turok said.

"What makes you think I was trying to?" Miya asked making him look up and saw the ceiling before it collapsed on top of them.

"YIKES!" Turok yelled before jumping away while Flash was buried under it.

"Got to think fast to be fast." Miya said getting into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"Thats enough Miya we're not here to fight. I need to listen to us." Turok said making her look at him.

Minutes later

"Gotham and Metropolis will be history once he's done. Then he's going after your universe." Turok said.

"I can't believe he'd do it. It's insane." Iron man said.

"We have to stop him." Wonder Woman said.

"It's going to be a difficult fight considering who we're up against." Raiden said.

"No. I brought you here to get the Talisman and that failed. You're going home. Then I'm destroying the dimensional transporter." Batman 2 said.

"Thats not gonna stop him. He'll just make his own in hours." Korra said.

"It'll buy you time." Batman 2 said.

"Luthor sacrificed himself. We won't dishonor him by leaving." Wonder Woman said.

"We have another alternative. We bring our Sean and finish this fight." Batman Prime said.

"One Sean in this world is enough." Batman 2 said.

"He's not like yours. Don't let emotion cloud your judgment." Wonder Woman said before an explosion occurred behind them and members of the First order rushed in.

Luke Cage however went right after Wonder Woman.

"Cage? Why would you serve the first Order? It goes against your beliefs." Wonder Woman said.

"You do what you have to in order to save lives." Luke said before they got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"Unlike you and my counterpart I don't go against my beliefs." Wonder Woman said before she vanished.

Wonder Woman then appeared on her home Island by a statue.

"Themysicra? How did I?" Wonder Woman tried to ask herself.

"I brought you here." Ares said appearing behind her.

"You! I have no time for you're meddling." Wonder Woman said.

"Calm please. I only wish to talk." Ares said making her eyes narrow.

Back at the base the heroes fought off the First Order before they were all down.

"We need to move the transporter before it gets damaged." Batman 2 said to his counter part who nods.

Back on the island

"I know of Sean's plan this is not news." Wonder Woman said to Ares after he told her about what Turok and Flash told them.

"But do you know how he plans to do this?" Ares asked.

"No. If you hadn't brought me here." Wonder Woman said before Ares created a projection of her people gathering for war. "No. She wouldn't?" Wonder Woman said in shock.

"Love can make people do things that goes against their principles. You should know. Like your counter part when they first met was against what the Riders did before she saw they brought in results like the others did in time." Ares said.

"Why show me this? With Sean's plan you would regain your power back from conflict." Wonder Woman asked.

"For a short time. But if this plan does work I will be powerless forever." Ares said.

"I would thank you for this but I know this is only to help you." Wonder Woman said.

"Not exactly. Sean and I actually used to agree on many things before the incident that cost the lives those who were important to him. I don't recognize this version of him." Ares said before Raven appeared. "Best of luck." Ares said before vanishing.

"So Ares aids the insurgents. As a strategists he's no Athena." Raven said.

"Your look betrays your loyalties, Raven. You're Trigon's servant, not Sean's." Wonder Woman said.

"Wrong. Sean killed my father as a reward for my loyalty. And gave me a fraction of his power. My loyalty to him is eternal." Raven said.

(Skip fight)

"Blind Loyalty is not a good thing." Wonder Woman said.

Down at the docks Wonder Woman 2 was ordering her fellow Amazons to be ready for war.

"We leave within the hour." Wonder Woman 2 said.

"Diana." Wonder Woman said gaining her attention as she flew down towards her. "Your army will stand down. They will not follow Sean's madness." Wonder Woman said.

"You hold no authority over me. After Travis nearly killed the Twins I swore I would no longer hold back. Saving the lives of criminals like Travis only gives them more chances to kill innocent lives like theirs." Wonder Woman 2 said.

"I understand your anger for what happened to them. I truly do. But is not what they would want. Where I come from they are unharmed and fully capable of protecting themselves and others as Ghost Riders." Wonder Woman said.

"Thats good for them. But this world needs to be reminded of who's in charge." Wonder Woman 2 said as they got ready to fight each other.

(Skip fight)

"This needs to end now." Wonder Woman said approaching her counter part.

"If you had been there you would have done what I have." Wonder Woman 2 said.

"I know you still love Sean. Even with whats he's done. But you know this is not who he is. This is not the man you fell in love with." Wonder Woman said making her frown before sighing seeing she was right.

"I know...But what else can we do?" Wonder Woman 2 asked.

"Remind him of who he is." Wonder Woman said.

Meanwhile the Heroes went up against the First order but were not enough to stop their assault.

Back at the bat Cave

"It's getting worse. We have to..." Batman Prime tried to say.

"Once I'm finished, you're all going home." Batman 2 said making him frown before approaching him.

"You know, I get it. Like you, I also planed for the day when Sean might lose control. But without help, you'll die. And the insurgency along with you." Batman Prime said making him stand up.

"Then maybe thats my fate." Batman 2 said.

"We don't believe in fate." Batman Prime said going to the terminal trying to activate the gateway but Batman 2 grabbed him and both got into a fight.

"This is my world. My fight." Batman 2 said.

"You made it our fight when you brought us here." Batman Prime said as they got into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"If we're done here...We're losing time." Batman Prime said approaching his counter part.

"This is a mistake." Batman 2 said.

"Your bought us here because you had faith. Faith we're uphold the values you've given everything to defend. So trust us. Trust yourself. And lets end this." Batman Prime said. This made his counterpart think hard on this before sighing.

"You have absolutely no idea how to use this do you?" Batman 2 asked making him smirk.

"I was hoping you wouldn't figure that out." Batman Prime said before Batman 2 activated the counsel and started the transfer as a being in white armor appeared.

Minutes later

Sean from Universe Prime was briefed on everything after he arrived.

"We need to get started. Innocent people are getting hurt or dying." Sean said.

"We'll take the others so you can focus on their Sean." Batman Prime said.

"No we do it together to prevent more damage and casualties. This The End character is going to be tricky since while we know what to expect from Apocalypse we know nothing about this Doomsday." Sean said.

"Collateral damage." Batman Prime said.

"I need to force that fight at the fortress." Sean said before turning to face Batman 2. "Anything else I should know?" Sean asked as he approached him.

"I realize this isn't entirely accurate. But its good to have you back." Batman 2 said making him nod.


The heroes were still continuing to fight the First Order but were heavily out numbered.

Raiden 2 was about to smash a car on top of Iron man but it suddenly blew up making everyone look up seeing Sean Prime flying down to them.

"Thats enough Raiden. Your job is to protect Earth Realm not kill its innocent citizens." Sean said before he tried to blast him but Sean deflected it right back at him.

"Earth Realm needs more than just protection. It needs warriors to attack it's enemies before they attack us!" Raiden 2 yelled before getting into fighting position.

(Skip fight)

"There is always a peaceful solution before violence Raiden." Sean said before grabbing his head and engulfed him in white flames making him groan out before they stopped and his eyes returned to their normal glow.

"I am...Restored." Raiden 2 said in surprise.

"You were corrupted by dark magic. No longer." Sean said before he was smashed down by Sinestro who laughed before Hal Jordon flew down next to him.

"Not so powerful is he?" Sinestro asked.

"Excuse me?" Sean said behind him making his eyes widen before he tried to use his ring but Sean grabbed his hand and started squeezing making him groan in pain as his hand was crushed before Sean took his ring and destroyed it. Sean then looked to Hal. "Heres your chance to do whats right Hal. I would take it." Sean said making him sigh before taking off his ring.

Meanwhile a group of Insurgent troops ran away from a large wave of water that was created by Aqua Man.

However suddenly it was frozen making him frown before Sean picked it up and destroyed it with ease.

"Are you ready Kruger! To take on the might of Atlantis?" Aquaman challenged making him smirk under his mask.

"Oh yes. We certainly are." Sean said before on top of the buildings appeared Amazon warriors led by Both Wonder Woman's.

"Fire!" Wonder Woman Prime yelled as her fellow amazons fired arrows at the Atlantis Troops who created a shield.

Aqua man growled before charging at Sean who kicked him back.

"You're not wanted here!" Aqua man yelled.

(Skip fight)

"I may not be wanted Arthur but I'm clearly needed." Sean said as Aquaman and his troops retreated. Sean floated up to both Wonder Woman's.

"Sean we've broken their ranks. They're falling back." Wonder Woman prime said.

"Great. Once their pushed back we'll need help with rescue and recovery." Sean said.

"We'll break off a legion as quickly as possible." Wonder Woman said.

"You always make it look easy you know?" Sean said making her smile.

"Let's get through this first. Then tell me how easy it looked." Wonder Woman said before suddenly the End appeared and held onto Sean as they crashed through three buildings before Sean threw him on the ground hard.

"Oh boy this is gonna be tricky. Not as strange as Thanos no doubt but still." Sean said before dashing down and picked him up before both appeared in the Fortress of Solitude. The End kicked Sean back before he stood up and glared at him.

"I am your end." The end said.

(Skip fight)

"The end is not today...Wow that sounded really stupid." Sean said to himself before grabbing the End and spins around before throwing him into the phantom zone. "Bye." Sean said laughing a little before gettin serious as his counter part in his black flaming Ghost Rider State appeared.

"I knew they'd send you here eventually. You don't belong here." Sean 2 said.

"My duty doesn't end at the boards of my universe." Sean Prime said.

"I protect this world." Sean 2 said making him scoff.

"You call that protection?" Sean Prime asked.

"Disobedient Children will be punished." Sean 2 said.

"Children? We are not gods no matter what amount of power we have. Our job is to lead and protect them nothing more." Sean Prime said before his Visor in his helmet picked up something.

"Cortana what am I looking at?" Sean asked through a special link with his suit. Currently he saw a black shroud around his counter part that was not human.

"No idea. But this energy signature does have a match from the data banks from our universe." Cortana said.

"What signature?" Sean asked.

"It's not human but it's also from Earth but...It's evil." Cortana said.

"Wait a minute I've felt this energy pulse before. I think I know whats going on." Sean said.

Sean suddenly grabbed his counter part by the shoulders and engulfed his hands in white flames.

"What are you doing?" Sean 2 demanded.

"Freeing you from the influence of the worst of the worst!" Sean Prime yelled as he began to pull and they both screamed before suddenly once Sean Prime pulled hard enough he pulled out a red Figure who was thrown into the wall. "Hello...Mephisto." Sean said to the Devil himself who glared at him with a cruel smirk on his face.

"I'm impressed. How did you know I was manipulating him?" Mephisto asked as they circled each other.

"Ten years ago on my Earth you and Fought to the death in Mortal Kombat after you tried to do the same shit to me. You thought my will was still shattered after my parents were taken away. I killed you fair and square." Sean said making him growl at that.

"We'll I'm not like my counterpart. I carefully planed my rise to power through your counterpart. I manipulated Travis into placing those bombs. Killing those who were close to him and the last connection he had to his parents. Luthor was supposed to be at the Empire State Building but he got side tracked into helping a homeless shelter. And then his sisters survived because of that infuriating Ghost Rider Bloodline. I would have had perfect control." Mephisto said.

"So you could only make suggestions. When Luthor managed to get through to him you nearly lost control. Another minute or so with him and you would have lost full control." Sean said making him laugh.

"Yes. But it doesn't matter now. Now that I'm finally free I can take over this world now that your counter part is weakened. And I doubt your strong enough after all those fights." Mephisto said.

"Oh you'd be surprised the differences between me and my counterpart." Sean said.

(Skip fight)

"Your reign is over." Sean said making him growl and tried to charge at him but a chain was wrapped around him making him turn around and saw Sean 2 with his flames returning to the original white Before he threw him in the air making him scream.

"GO! TO! HELL!" Sean 2 yelled slamming him down on the ground making a hole and Mephisto screamed at he was thrown back to hell and killed for good this time.

Soon the other heroes arrived.

"What happened?" Batman 2 asked.

"Oh boy do I have a lot to tell you." Sean said.


The First Order was officially disbanded after discovering all of them were actually under the influence of Mephisto and turned themselves in. Both Sean's managed to heal the twins from their coma while Sean 2 would be put on Trial for whats happened. Travis of course was brought back to Universe Prime to return to Arkham.

"You know it's funny." Sean Prime said.

"Oh? What is?" Lex asked.

"Given the same events. I probably might have ended up the same. We never know what exactly what we're fully capable of." Sean Prime said.

"I hope for your universe's sake you never do." Batman 2 said.

"Hmm." Sean said as they walked away.

"Just keep this in mind." Batman 2 said.

"Yes?" Sean asked.

"If something ever happens and you do lose control. I'm coming for you." Batman said making him laugh.

"Get in line. I'm pretty sure Talbot going to get a kick out of this." Sean said laughing some more.

In a cell Sean 2 sat in a chair with his hands on his face regretting his actions. It would be a long time before he ever forgave himself for his actions under the Influence of the Devil himself.