
Ghost King's Pet Concubine

After time-traveling, she unexpectedly becomes the ancient version of Cinderella. Not only is her fiancé stolen by her sister, but she is also pushed away by her father— What a joke! She's always been the one to butcher others, and now it's their turn to act arrogant?! Hit her? Sure! One needle will make sure you can never lift your right hand again! Insult her? Fine! One kick will send you down the icy lake to feed the carps! Assassinate her? Great! Make it so they can't see the sunlight of tomorrow! No problem! She's the "Sorceress of the World" who plays both the black and white. She wants to see who between them is more bloodthirsty and who is more ruthless! Only after marrying into the Royal Mansion does she find out that Ghost King is quite different from the rumors outside. Not only is he poisoned with a strange toxin and has to take medicine daily, but he also suffers unbearable pain every night when the moon is full. Seeing his frail appearance, she gradually lowers her guard and starts to feel pity for him. She swears that whoever made him like this, she will repay them a thousandfold, no, ten-thousandfold! However, this man seems to be quite different from what she initially thought... ——————————————————————————————— [Scene Appreciation One] "The King, King Jing is pestering the Princess—" "Castrate him." "Young Master Shangguan sends love letters to the Princess—" "Chop them off." "Imperial Concubine is bullying the Princess—" "Dethrone her." "The Demon Domain is seizing our territories—" "Find their master, kill the males, and send the females to the barracks." "King, the Princess is the master of Demon Domain..." "Oh? Make way and give the territories to the Princess!" "Yes..." "Tell the Princess, what's mine is hers——" "This..." "My people are hers, so naturally the same goes for material possessions——" "Uh..." "Didn't the Princess fancy Wuji Palace before? Serve it and send it to her!" "Pfft..." "Ask the Princess what else she likes. If she wants the throne, this King will seize it!" A certain guard collapses with foam at his mouth, convulsing all over. [Scene Appreciation Two] "Miss, there is someone willing to pay a fortune for your husband's head." A man in black clothes respectfully stands outside the red gauze, while inside, a woman affectionately snuggles into the man's embrace. "How much?" The woman chuckles lightly. "Five thousand taels of gold." "What a bargain... My Lord, why don't you give me ten thousand, and we'll call this matter off—." The woman's delicate fingers ignite a series of flames on the man's body. "What if I say no—." The man grips the woman's tender hand and lightly pecks it against his lips. "Qi'er, show no mercy, issue the 'Zhuiming Seal', kill Ghost King and reward ten thousand taels of gold, along with an 'Annual Best Assassin Award'." "Qi'er, are you going to murder your husband?!" "You dare!" New people, new story, thank you for your support!

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Chapter 8: Cousin's Family Bond

Translator: 549690339

For Murong Tai, even keeping a dog had to serve the purpose of guarding the house. As for Murong Qiqi, who had no use to the Prime Minister's family, she was not even worth as much as a dog—

It had been three days since Murong Qiqi, who was sent to Jingxin Nunnery five years ago by Murong Tai, returned to the mansion. So far, Murong Tai had not yet seen his third daughter since her return.

Taking this opportunity, Murong Tai couldn't help but carefully size up Murong Qiqi.

She had fair skin, slender eyebrows, not particularly large eyes, a medium nose bridge, and lips that were neither too thin nor too thick, with a slightly pale color. She could only be described as a delicate beauty.

Speaking of which, Murong Tai himself was a handsome man, and his wife, Li Qiushui, was once one of the twin beauties of the Capital City.

Before his eldest daughter, Murong Xuelian, entered the palace as an Imperial Concubine, she had already been referred to as the "Number One Beauty of the Capital City." Now, his second daughter, Murong Xinlian, was also known as the number one beauty in the Capital City. Although his youngest daughter, Murong Qinglian, was still young, she was already quite beautiful. Even his only son, Murong Jun, had a dignified bearing.

Only Murong Qiqi seemed to have inherited none of their advantages. In this family full of beautiful people, she could only be called an ordinary and unremarkable little plant.

Murong Tai, who had originally thought that Murong Qiqi would have changed a lot after five years, felt a surge of displeasure in his heart after seeing her appearance.

To him, this useless third daughter was like a black mole on a beauty's nose, ruining the landscape. She was also like a fishbone stuck in his throat, unable to go down or be spit out, truly annoying.

"What are you doing standing here!" Murong Tai, having no place to vent his anger, took it out on Murong Qiqi. "You've just returned, and the rumors are already flying around! It's all because of you!"

Without considering right or wrong, Murong Tai's scolding made Murong Qiqi feel extremely wronged. With Su Yue's support, she carefully stood there, her head bowed to her chest, not making a sound, like an innocent little lamb.

"Uncle, this is where Cousin lives, so she should be here."

As Murong Qiqi was planning to continue playing dumb, a voice from the side came to her defense. To her surprise, it was Li Yunqing. He was actually standing up for her? Although she had to call him "cousin," she thought their relationship was just average and they had no real connection.

Seeing Li Yunqing speak up, Murong Tai could only smile awkwardly, "Oh, that's right, this is Cui Zhu Garden, the residence of my third daughter."

Although Li Yunqing was Li Qiushui's nephew, making him a junior, he was also the legitimate eldest son of the current Patriarch of the Li Family, Li Kui. He was very talented among the younger generation and would be the future head of the family, so Murong Tai had no choice but to give him some face.

"It's been a long time since I've been here, and I didn't know Cousin lived in such a place."

Li Yunqing looked around Cui Zhu Garden, and the shabby surroundings made it clear how unwelcomed Murong Qiqi was in the mansion.

If it were any other time, Li Yunqing would not have spoken up to help, but he had just seen a hint of "watching a show" in Murong Qiqi's eyes. It seemed that his cousin had changed, and therefore, he naturally didn't mind lending her a helping hand.

"As far as I know, Cousin just came back! No sooner had she returned than there were so many rumors outside. I think it must be because someone is jealous that Cousin is about to become Princess Jing, so they made all this trouble. Uncle, this matter must have been spread by someone in the mansion. I think you should investigate who dares to bully my cousin, Li Yunqing's relative!"

Li Yunqing's words had layers of meaning: first, Murong Qiqi had just returned and had no chance to go out, so naturally, the rumors were prepared by others; second, the person spreading the rumors was undoubtedly jealous of her future marriage to King Jing, so these were clearly defamatory; third, no matter how incompetent Murong Qiqi was, her mother was the wife of a high official and the young lady of the Li Family, and she had the Li Family behind her.

Murong Tai naturally understood the meaning in Li Yunqing's words and hadn't expected Murong Qiqi to catch his eye and be defended by him like this.

However, the reprimand of his daughter here was his business, and he would not allow Li Yunqing to meddle.

Thinking about it, Murong Tai glanced at Murong Qiqi again, not expecting her to have learned to complain after not seeing her for five years. Since Li Yunqing said that, could she have told the Li Family something about it?

Seeing Murong Qiqi still maintain a timid and obedient appearance with her eyes lowered, Murong Tai felt even angrier. If it weren't for Li Yunqing standing there, he would have loved to kick this useless girl over.

She had no looks and no abilities; how could he, Murong Tai, give birth to such a thing! It was truly a disgrace!

Murong Xinlian, who had been timid after listening to Li Yunqing's words, thought that Feicui's actions had been discovered. But after waiting for a while, Li Yunqing didn't say anything, and Murong Tai didn't pursue the matter further, so Murong Xinlian breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed they really didn't take Murong Qiqi seriously! After all, a useless person was still useless, having no use to the family. No wonder her father despised her so much!

Before Murong Tai could respond to Li Yunqing's words, a loud cry was heard. Two women dressed in flashy outfits were crying and shouting "my son," as they rushed into Cui Zhu Garden.

"Qing'er, what happened to your face?" Liu Yanzhi, shaking her head full of gold and silver jewelry, brought Murong Qinglian's face close to her. "Who on earth was so cruel to ruin my daughter's face?"

As soon as Liu Yanzhi started sobbing, Zheng Min by her side also hugged Murong Xinlian and began to cry loudly, "Xin'er, my Xin'er, how could you be hurt like this? Physical appearance is the most important thing for a girl! Who would be so jealous of your beauty and want to destroy you like this, my poor Xin'er!"

Cui Zhu Garden became lively due to the arrival of these two women.

Liu Yanzhi hugged Murong Qinglian and took her to Murong Tai, showing him the whip marks on Qinglian's face. "Master, look at our Qing'er. She is supposed to participate in the academy's competition. Now that she's injured like this, how can she face others?"

Liu Yanzhi was an enchanting woman with tender skin and seductive facial features. She was already thirty-six and had given birth to two children, but she still maintained her beauty. As she wiped her tears with a handkerchief, she looked indignantly at Murong Xinlian.