
Ghost Hunter : The New Beginning

There are many ghost hunters in the world and their main purpose is to protect themselves from the ghosts. Until the hero leads them to reclaim the land and prosperity they once had. A man is suddenly reborn back to the time he was young and met the Ghost Hunting System that changed his future life. Reborn in a new life, he decides not to be a silent hero in this life, search for the heroes he met in his previous life and create a union. In this life, he will become the guardian and slayer of the world.

Tommyky · Fantasie
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35 Chs

The Re-encounter with Allie again

It was evening and Noah took the bus back to the community and then walked directly to his home. Just as Noah opened the door, a heavy hug came towards Noah. After Noah saw It was his mother, he spoke up as well, "'Mom, I'm home." However Noah's mother after hearing this responded angrily, "Where have you been the whole day, Jeni said that you took a leave of absence from school until the school test.

"Noah was silent for a few short moments and then replied, "I'm going to start training in the Ghost Zone from today to earn money from killing ghosts and monsters as I strengthen myself, and look, here's the money I earned today." Noah also showed the money that he made from the sale of ghost and monster corpses at the official station in the afternoon to his parents. Jeni looked at it and asked with surprise how many ghosts and monsters Noah had killed today. But Noah's mother looked at the 100,000 in the bank and sighed sadly, if she hadn't been useless, she wouldn't need to let her child risk his life to fight with ghosts and monsters.

Noah's father also sighed at Noah and said, "Noah, you've been hunting ghosts and monsters in the ghost district the whole day?" Noah nodded and explained: "Yes, I have been hunting ghosts and monsters in the ghost area today, and also tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, I wasn't trying to show your son how powerful he is in front of you guys, I just don't wish to see you guys being more tired for me and for life again." Noah remembered that in his previous life, he had neglected his parents who had been waiting for him at home because of his work and team.

When Noah's mother heard this, she hugged Noah and said, "You have always been our proud, I know that you will have your own reasons since you want to go, but I still want to remind you to pay attention to your safety, and don't try anything that is beyond your ability." Noah nodded heavily to show that he understood. Jeni also raised her hand to indicate that she also wanted to go to the ghost zone to earn money, but Noah then knocked Jeni's head and said, "You're still too young to go." At Jeni's unwilling eyes, Noah's parents also laughed out loudly. The four of them also ended the day in this cosy ambience.

On the next day, after sending Jeni to school, Noah also took the bus to the Ghost Zone for hunting the ghosts and monsters. Since he killed thirteen ghosts and monsters yesterday, Noah was very confident that he could continue to kill more ghosts and monsters and to sell it to the official station. The Ghost Hunting System also displayed Noah's attribute data panel during this time.

Name: Noah

Gender: male

Force: 469

Mana: 420

Agility: 398

Wisdom: 392

Weapon: Sword (Rare)

Trick: Meditation

Having reached 400 in both Force Value and Mana, today's task was to raise both Agility and Wisdom to 400 as well. the Ghost Hunting System also then awarded a main quest "Please allow the host to reach the Bronze rank of Ghost Hunter, with the reward of Seek True Eyes, +1,000 to all attributes and a high-level Bronze ranked Ghost Hunter's suit."

When Noah heard the Ghost Hunter System's mission introduction, he was so happy that he almost couldn't suppress his emotions, but he was still on the bus at the moment, so he could only pretend to be quiet. Advancing to Bronze Ghost Hunter needed a force value of 1,000 and the use of an Advancement Star Core to advance. Only Legendary Ghost Hunters who had reached the Legendary rank didn't need to advance through the Advancement Star Core to level up. The more he thought about it, Noah unconsciously let out some snickers, thinking that no one would hear him, Noah continued to think about how to reach the Bronze Ghost Hunter rank as fast as possible. However, the rest of the people travelling on the bus all noticed Noah's strange noises a long time ago, and all of them revealed puzzled and scornful gazes in Noah's direction. Under this awkward atmosphere, Noah could only continue to watch the mission introduction and pray for a quicker arrival at the Ghost District.

After what Noah considered to be a long time, the bus finally arrived in front of the gate wall of the Ghost Zone. It was still the same as yesterday, with many merchants selling equipment and potions in front of the gate. The official station was still in the very centre accepting the ghosts and monsters that the ghost hunters had killed from within the Ghost Zone.

As usual, Noah also went to the counter to register his identity, and then proceeded towards the ghost hunter apprentices within the area.

Soon thereafter, Noah met his first ghost monster of the day, and Noah also quickly settled it and once again engraved the badge's mark on the ghost monster's back. Just as Noah was about to continue searching for the ghost monster, a scream came from not too far away, Noah instantly felt that a ghost monster was there and rushed to it at a very fast speed. After arriving at the destination, Noah hid on a tree and ready to determine the type of Ghost Monster and deduct how to attack it by observing.

However, when Noah took a closer look, he realised that the source of the screaming voice in front of him was Ellie, who he had met in the training room a few days ago. Noah was quite curious as to why Ellie had appeared here and why she had encountered a tiger-shaped ghost monster with some ghost hunting apprentices. This kind of ghost monster was similar to the bear-shaped monster that Noah had met at the beginning, but possess a higher level of intelligence and strength. Monsters that could become ghosts were of a good rank in their field, and it would take at least a few ghost hunter apprentices to kill it.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Noah could not hesitate and directly jumped down from the tree, killing the tiger-shaped ghost monster with a single sword. At this time, all the attributes of Noah had reached 400+, so dealing with a tiger-shaped ghost monster wouldn't take too much energy. Just as Noah was about to turn around and say hello to Ellie, more roar sounds appeared behind him. Ellie curiously asked Noah why he was here. Both looked at each other with a puzzled look. Ellie spoke up and said, "We're here specifically to hunt ghosts and monsters, the screaming just now was to attract more ghosts and monsters to come." When Noah heard this, he knew that he had misunderstood, and he also said, "I'm also here to hunt ghosts and monsters, and with so many ghosts and monsters later on, can I share a few of them?"

Ellie, who had just seen Noah's strength in action, also understood that Noah's strength was not low then her, so she also agreed to his request. Both of them smiled at each other while looking at the ghosts and monsters that were gradually encircling them.

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