

"So the cause of what happened was that it was due to geographical problems?" Bou San asked

"Yes, level scale charts, geological diagrams and water channel diagrams," answered Haru while handing over a sheet

"The building was built on moist soil, workers have placed fresh soil on top to repeat the soil moisture before the school was built "Based on the number of wells around the area, there is a large stream of water underneath," explained Haru.

Everyone looked at the diagram shared by Haru while listening to his explanation."Now there are two wells, both of which are dry, that's what He Yi and I found last night," explained Haru

"Hah ? "

"What I have to say is the truth. The building was weak because it was built on damp ground. In addition, the waterways are almost dry. Because of these factors the building sank. "continued lan girl

"Moreover, the building is sinking at a very extreme rate, the area that is sinking the fastest is over here. The building sinks more quickly here, and as a result the rest of the building becomes unstable and distorted.Even though the principal wants to tear it down, it doesn't take long for the school building to come down in a matter of time," said Haru while taking out another piece of paper.Everyone fell silent hearing their explanation

"What, so you mean the chairs moved and the ceiling fell because of this?" asked Bou San, disappointed

"It's true that the ceiling in the west drops 3 inches lower than the one in the east," answered lan girl

"3 inches means 7.5 centimeters, I didn't expect this," answered

" Then the ghost sounds are also because of that? '' asked Mai

"That's not because the sound is made by a ghost, but because of the building," answered Gad

"Stop playing around with me, you mean we are in a dangerous place like that?" Ayako asked in disbelief and Lan Dan nodded in return

"So it's really dangerous.It's best to tell the principal to forbid everyone from getting close to the building desu," he said

"John, please don't use the word desu in Osaka dialect!" Said Bou San who had been put on hold by Jhon's strange conversation d

"Sorry" replied

"Jhon is right, tell the principal that the building is old and he has to forbid everyone to stay away from there because he could at any time," answered Haru.

Not long after, Kuroda came over to them who saw Mai and the girl's emotion and was tidying up the equipment

"what happened?" Kuro asked Mai also explained the situation to Kuroda.

"Then what about the ghost that attacked me?" Kuroda asked

" "Maybe he's a stray ghost," answered Haru carelessly

"How could that happen??, then are you finished with this work?" Kuroda asked

"Not yet, I'll finish after writing the report," answered

"I think there are still ghosts here," Kuroda insisted.

"There aren't any," answered Haru briefly

"I'm sure that even though this place has land subsidence, there are still ghosts here," insisted Kuroda

"Stop it, Kuroda! Instead, you should stop the nonsense and games," said lan girl coldly, she couldn't stand Kuroda's attitude anymore.

"What does senpai mean? Senpai said that what I experienced was a lie? What do you know, senpai!!" Kuroda shouted in disapproval.

"Huh... you should know better whether my words contain lies or not, Kuroda," Said Lan girl with a cold smile, her eyes radiating light in the darkness "(sigh) I'm going out, I need fresh air," answered Lan girl and left them.

'That felt really scary,' thought Mai

After the girl Lan left, they continued their postponed activities until they heard a crack from inside the building and the building collapsed.

There were knocking sounds everywhere, doors closing and opening themselves loudly

" what happened ?" Ayako shouted confused

"Is that a ghost?" Haru asked uncertainly

"NOW RUN OUT!" Haru ordered

"through the window?"

"Now there's no time to argue, everyone has to get out, it's not safe!" L shouted emotionally

Not long after, the sounds and vibrations stopped. The room had been in a very chaotic state since the incident occurred.

"What is this?! Didn't you say there are no Poltergeists here?" Bou San shouted. Naru didn't say anything about it because he had a pretty serious injury to his shoulder

"What happened?" Asked the Lan girl who had just arrived there. "Naru your hand!" She screamed in surprise seeing the condition of Naru's hand

"It's okay, it's not a big problem," replied Naru

"Can you explain what just happened? The sound was not from wood but from someone knocking loudly on the wall" Kaya Ayako

"You are beyond, are you saying a giant is here? You don't know how to explain that feeling, if you just compare it to a big hand knocking on the wall." Bou San said while laughing

"It could be, I almost believed this child," said Ayako while laughing too

Meanwhile, the Lan girl who heard this had a cold glint in her eyes, it seemed that she was not happy with this condition Naru, who noticed the change, approached and gave him a light pat "Stop that," whispered Naru.Feeling the light pat and soft voice from the girl Naru reduced her changes but did not reduce the cold glow in her eyes.

When the others were busy with their respective activities, Naru took the girl and left there.Meanwhile, Lan girl was still silent and she only surrendered when her hand was pulled away by emotion

"You know, it's very dangerous," said Haru after they were far from their previous location

"Gomen " said gril lan.

"(sighs) a-yi, do you feel calmer?" said Haru softly. To which he nodded in return

"We have to treat your wound, give me your hand," said the girl and Haru could only obey what the girl in front of him said.

After treating the pain and bandaging her hand, the girl sat beside the man with both of them in silence

Even though it's a little late, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Ryu_shencreators' thoughts