

Running to the cemetry in the dark was extreamly difficult. The cemetry was located a little into the forest. The road there was a dusty one with thorn bushes on both sides of the road. They attached themselves to my clothes, tearing off bits of the fabric. I even got some wounds on my thighs and legs.

While still running, I heard an echoing sound followed by an attack from a bat. It hit me right across the face and sent me flipping backwards. In an attempt to lessen my fall, I used my right arm to break my fall. (Terrible mistake). I felt the bone in my right arm snap.

(Arrghhhh! Damm it, damm it,damm it.damm it!!!)

I got my arm broken again. God!! it hurts. I mean why would a bat attack me. What are the odds of this ever happening. I almost wanted to go back but my soul wouldn't give in. Instead I took off my long sleeve shirt and tied it around my neck to help support my hand. Getting up i continued to run, slowly at first but I gradually gained speed.

I stopped when the gates of the cemetry came into full view. I stopped partly because I was really tiered out and partly because of what I saw. Standing right infront of the gate were two gaurds but here's the hitch, they weren't humans.

I took closer but careful steps. The gaurd on the right was the first to notice my presence. He then alerted the second gaurd.

"Is that a human?" The first asked.

"Well he looks alive... What do we do?" He asked the first.

"Go get the Ancestor, and make it quick."

They were having a discussion of some sort. The second one opened the gate and left at an incredible speed.

"Are you a ghost?" I asked when i finally reached the gate.

"Are you human?" He replied. Well it was more of a question.

"Who are you?" I aaked.

"I'm the gaurd of the gate." He answered.

(Wooo, should i be scared? And wait why wasn't i scared.) I wanted to ask those questions but i decided against them.

"So what are you guys gaurding the cemetry from? Is it to stop something from entry or to stop exits?" I asked but someone interupted before the gaurd even got the chance reply."

"Human, what do you seek here?" Some older ghost asked. He looked really pissed off.

"I seek my sister. I just want to talk to her." I said.

"Well today is the day of the dead. Come by tomorrow and you can see her." He said.

I understood him perfectly what he said. On this day, the dead were given some privacy. Nobody was to go visit the cemetry. I backed up slowly.

"Sorry, mister..." Waiting for my name.

"Gabe." I said

"Ah, mister Gabe, well you can't see her tomorrow but you can talk to her over her grave." He said with a smile.

"Wait, why can't i see her tomorrow?" I asked.

"Technically, you can't see none of us tomorrow or the day next till this time next year."

"Why not?"

"You see the only reason you can see us today is because today is the day of the dead.we are ghosts for crying out loud. It's all part of the whole ghost thing."

"So... If i come tomorrow i wont be able to see her?" I asked


"Then let me in. I wanna see her. I wont be long, i promise."

"No can do kid. Just come tomorrow and try comming during day time thi time around."

"Why can't i come in?"

"Kid, It is what it is. From like the beginning. Mortals and ghost can't have physical contact."

"There's nothing physical about you. I wont even touch her. I just wanna see her. I was unconscious when she was buried.please."

"Would like to help kid but no can do. It's law."

I was getting pissed by this dead man right now. So sturbon.

"Well to hell with your law!" I said and try to enter but i hit something that ricocheted me back.( A shield, great)

Just as pulled myself up trying to favour my injured arm i saw her. Alexa. She looked a little pale but she was still a beauty.

"Gabe!"She said. "You came." She said and moved at an amazing speed to the shield. I also run at top speed to the shield. She touched the wall and i watched as her hand passed right through it

"No! stop them!" The Ancestor commanded. To late, I held on to her had and felt it. My heart fell warm eventhough her arms where cold. Meanwhile the Ancestor wouldn't stop telling the gaurds to pull us apart.they tried to pull us apart but i held on thight. A white light then appeared and envloped both our hands. The light grew brighter and brighter becoming bigger and bigger.

"Stop that!" The ancestor cried out."you don't know what you are doing.!"

The light grew even more now , exhibiting a black light within and releasing a dark aura.

"What have you done?" As soon as the ancestor ended there was an explosion. It was so big that even other kingdoms could see.the explosion destroyed the entire town and vapourized part of the sea. A light shot up from the explosion into the sky creating a kind of worm hole. It sucked every dead soul in the world and then spat them out.

This was the last thing I saw befor sinking into the earth. This was what would be know as the Ghrost Apocalypse. My very own creation.

End of volume one. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dark_Lucicreators' thoughts