
Why Not Just Bring The Room Itself Here?

"Hang on, where'd the room just go!?" Alexis asked. She opened her eyes.

"Well, I thought that since we couldn't bring the contents of the room here..." Lumiosa replied, before pointing over to a wooden door, which had appeared on the wall of the room. "Why not just bring the room itself here?"

"Nice work Lumiosa, I'll give you that," Alexis said, and Lumiosa smiled.

"Does this please you, Master?" She asked Matt, and he nodded.

"Very much so," he said.

"Hang on," Sophie said. "Are you saying that the room from Brian's house is on the other side of that door?"

"Yes Miss Sophie, that is correct," Lumiosa replied.

"But that's impossible," Sophie insisted. "On the other side of that wall is the kitchen!"

"Yes, and it is still there, and within the wall is the room from Brian's house. Miss Sophie, surely you are not doubting the power of a genie?"

"It's not her fault, Lumiosa, she's only human," Alexis smiled. "Now come on, it's time for you three to see this for yourselves."

The 4 of them stood up, and went up to the door. Alexis opened the door, and moved back, to allow the two humans to enter. They walked in, and looked around in amazement. All around them, on many shelves, were lamps. Each one had its own little compartment, where the lamp sat on a silk cushion, in spotless condition. Below all of them was a little plaque, which listed time and location where the lamp was recovered, the person it was taken from if applicable, and, for the ones where it was known, the genie's name.

"So many of our brothers and sisters, destined to never again see the light of day," Alexis lamented. "Koschei, Barnabus, Alfresco, Amia, Cressida...oh look, there's Dorothea. I'd know that bitch's lamp anywhere."

"We genies are not supposed to speak ill of the human race, but...these people were monsters," Lumiosa said, trying to hold back some tears.

"It's alright," Matt said, hugging Lumiosa. "It's alright..."

"Alexis, Lumiosa, are you alright being in here?" Sophie asked the genies.

"It's fine," Alexis replied, also clearly trying to hide her sadness. "Because you two are going to wish them out of here. To people who are going to let them out to do their jobs, as all genies should."

"Is that such a good idea?" Sophie asked.

"Sophie what are you talking about?" Matt asked.

"Well, look at all the people who have suffered at the hands of genies," Sophie replied. "The society have basically spent their entire lives as Masters being utter dicks to everyone not like them. And I have no doubt there have been hundreds, if not thousands more people like them throughout history, all of whom have caused untold suffering to people, simply because they had the fortune of finding a magic lamp."