
Where Did You Find The Genie?

"When did you get her?" Matt asked.

"When I was 15, like 3 years ago," She replied. "Remember that Spring Break where I went away pre-pubescent and came back with a body to die for?" Matt nodded.

"Yeah, I remember," Matt said, thinking back to all the times he'd masturbated to thoughts of her perfect body. "Come to mention it, that's also about when Alexis joined the school, right?"

"Yeah, that's the power of wishing," Sophie explained.

"It's actually a weird story of how I got Alexis. I was walking home one day, when I passed a big mansion. Suddenly, I felt as though I absolutely HAD to go inside. I walked in, and upstairs to the bedroom. On the bed I saw two naked people. One of them was a gorgeous, naked girl, Alexis, and the other was a guy who didn't look any older than his early 20s, but he looked weak.

"Hello Sophie," the man said to me.

"Uh...how do you know my name?" I asked him, quite nervous.

"Oh, I have my ways," the man said. "Come and sit with me." I obeyed, unable to resist this man's commands. "I'm not going to hurt you, in fact, I'm going to give you the greatest gift I can. You see Sophie, Alexis here is a genie, my genie. But I'm dying, so I can't keep her. That's why I'm passing her on to you. And so Alexis, I wish to die."

"Yes Master, and can I say what an honour it has been to serve you," Alexis replied. She snapped her fingers, and the man dropped dead, and Alexis vanished into her lamp. No prizes for guessing what I did next."

"Wow, that's pretty cool," Matt said. "My story's less interesting. Lumiosa's lamp just arrived in a mysterious parcel yesterday. It wasn't even addressed to anyone."

"That's pretty weird," Alexis said. "I wonder if they knew what it was they were giving away?"

"I doubt it," Matt said. "With the fun I've had with her powers, I don't plan on getting rid of Lumiosa any time soon."

"If you have as much fun as Sophie and I, I'm not surprised," Alexis smiled, before looking at her Mistress.

"You are permitted to call your Mistress by her name?" Lumiosa asked her fellow genie, surprised at this fact.

"Of course," Alexis replied. "The bit about us being BFFs wasn't a lie."

"My family just think she's my best friend who lives with us, thanks to a well-granted wish," Sophie explained.