
Getting my way in the multiverse

Guy typically as always dies and gets reincarnated with a few op perks

Oscar_Rangel_2766 · Anime und Comics
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"So your saying I will be immortal and be really strong with a few extra perks" Bella said

"Yup" hunter replied

"You know maybe. This can show you some of the changes you might go through." Hunter said as his wolf like ears began to grow and appear on top of his head his canines also made an appearance and something that he didn't notice last time was that he also had a long fluffy tail.

Bella at first seeing the ears was startled as she clearly is seeing some supernatural shit right in front of her, but then as hunters canine came out she for some reason felt more attracted towards hunter which is surprising since she knew he was extremely handsome. 'Maybe it's the teeth giving him a more bad boy vibe' she thought

Everything was still surprising for Bella but just as that tailed popped out, the only thing that she can do to stop herself from jumping on hunter and rubbing her face on his tail was her biting her lips to keep herself in control.

After hunter explained a few more things to Bella and how she would end up practically being almost the same species as him.

she asked for some time to think since this is a big step. Especially when they just started dating and knowing each other. The relationship would take a big leap in everything and it will also pretty much mean that her whole life will be changed. Not that it already is since she began dating hunter.

Bella sat down and closed her eyes seemingly thinking about everything that she was told and what will happen to her. No matter how many times she thought about it there was more pros than cons and she really couldn't think of a reason to deny the offer.

She might not have known hunter for a long time but she felt that there was a deep connection between them and she knew without a doubt that if she ever left hunters side it will cause her harm.

(Don't think too much about this, in the original twilight this bitch was practically obsessed with Edward when she did not even talk to him on the first day)

Opening her eyes she looked straight at hunter as she replied with complete conviction in her voice " okay... I'm willing to do this."

Hunter hearing her reply instantly had a big smile and couldn't help but hug Bella and twirl her around in happiness.

Bella seeing his smile instantly knew she made the right choice. The feeling of seeing hunter happy made her happy. (Cliche/corny I know)

"Okay" Hunter said

At the same time hunter was asking the system if there is a way to do so.

'Yes there is. All you have to do is bite her, but when you do so make sure that your thoughts are off making her yours and the process will begin by itself.' The system told hunter directly in his mind

'Making her mine, got it' he replied

Hunter seeing Bella waiting on the reply just goes up to her and says "this might hurt" and bit her shoulder/collarbone.

At first Bella felt a sting but afterwards she felt bless she felt like something that was wrong was now put back in place. Like literally she heard a clicking noise or it might just have been the puncture of hunters teeth on her skin. With this was also her loss of consciousness

After hunter bit her he let go of her and saw that she blacked out so he laid her down and also noticed the changes done to her body for some reason her body seemed like she got a tan her posture even if laying down seems more straight. Her hair became healthier, and it seemed like she added a few more muscle which caused her body to look sexier , well all in all she went from a 7 to a 10.