
Getting $10 Trillion Out Of Nowhere

Connor McDonald delivered food as his part-time job. One day, he had to deliver food to a hotel infamous for being a sex hotel. When the room door opened, he couldn't believe his eyes. His girlfriend was half-naked, cuddling with a rich kid from their class. "Well, now that you've found out, I guess it's time that you know," the rich kid scoffed. "Your girlfriend is dating me now. "Connor, give up on me. You're an orphan and have no money. Even if you deliver food for the rest of your life, there's no way you can compete with him. You are not good enough for me. Let's break up," his girlfriend said. Connor was utterly dumbfounded, wondering why God would inhibit poor people from being in a normal relationship. Just as he was wallowing in pain, his phone suddenly rang. He received an interesting text message. [You have received 1,000,000,000.00 dollars in your account.] "What the hell?" Connor exclaimed. "Who the heck just transferred 1 billion dollars to me?"

Silent Wind · Urban
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1811 Chs

Just Came Out of The Shower

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

Connor had spent all his money on Mandy before the breakup.


So, his mobile phone was an outdated android machine, which could only make phone calls and would crash as soon as he downloaded WhatsApp.


Eunice had reminded Connor just now. So, after leaving Brasserie Le Bernardin, he bought the latest iPhone from an Apple store.


The cost of the iPhone was just a drop in the bucket compared to how much he had now. Only now had Connor discovered how enjoyable life was for the rich.


Half an hour later, Connor rode his electric bike and returned to his rented place. But, the moment he inserted the key into the keyhole, he hesitated. He wondered if Mina would be sitting in the living room with her hands folded, waiting for him to come home and scold him.


He honestly thought that he had done nothing wrong at noon. But then again, women never talked sense, and men were at fault for everything.