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Lucy · Garfield Vs Isaac · Keno Half-sibling After Lucy's mother, Olivia · Garfield, dies of breast cancer, Leo takes Lucy back to Keno's house to remember her deceased lover. This is where the story begins ...

Popo_0070 · Teenager
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4 Chs

3.When you've seen enough, buy me a bottle of water

露西曾经和她的朋友一起看篮球比赛.她最好的朋友汉娜的暗恋对象是学校运动队的成员,几乎每天都打篮球.她其实无法理解看到一个男孩时被感动的感觉.汉娜递给男孩一瓶水,他们可以开心很久.她是不可理解的.新城高中的篮球场比她以前的学校好多了,男生们穿着篮球衫和运动鞋,这些都是名牌商品,在塑料地板上摩擦发出吱吱作响的声音.露西对篮球不太了解,艾萨克的投篮动作帅气,有爆发力的感觉.宽肩窄腰臀,如果我的朋友汉娜在这里,估计她会说很多话.汉娜的公狗腰应该是艾萨克的那种.无缘无故,汉娜脸红了.艾萨克只打了一场仗,然后他说他有事要做.男孩暧昧地看着他:"你要去干嘛?关于那只小白兔?"男生总是喜欢给女生起绰号,而白兔就是露西的昵称.艾萨克缓缓皱起眉头,对这个绰号没有一点恼火,反而觉得这个绰号很适合.露西起身追上艾萨克,男孩们用钦佩的眼神看着露西.美女总是要和帅哥搭配.他们对此有自知之明.当莉莉娅到达时,游戏已经结束,她把印有红心的矿泉水递给艾萨克.艾萨克没有回答,他的语气透露出冷漠:"谢谢你.超然而礼貌的语气撞进了莉莉娅的心,这已经不是她第一次拒绝了.但这比每次都让她感到羞愧.只因为露西站在他身后.露西能感觉到女孩的敌意,她已经习惯了.她追上艾萨克,低声说:"回家?""你去给我买一瓶水."他边走边脱下篮球服,结实的腹肌,白皙的皮肤和视觉冲击着露西的心.她一时忘了睁开眼睛.艾萨克冷漠地回头,盯着她的脸,他白皙的皮肤变成了粉红色.害羞很容易,你一直盯着自己看.他唇角微微上扬:"你看够了吗?"嗯?"露西听着他有些邪恶的声音,只觉得耳后的根很热."你要是受够了,就去给我买瓶水."他换上了书包里的校服.露西的脑海里回放了很长一段时间沉重的腹肌.她以前只在网上看到过腹肌,而且她感冒的次数也不多.如此近距离的看,她只觉得自己的荷尔蒙在飙升,已经出现在了她的脑海中.糟糕的画面.After the water was purchased, she returned to the gymnasium.As Isaac drank the water, her Adam's apple rolled and Lucy swallowed unconsciously.His Adam's apple is so beautiful.His legs were stretched straight on the steps, straight and slender.Lucy couldn't help but glance at her crotch, which was full of tension.Isaac, as expected of Lucy's quietness, continued: "Let's go to dinner first. "It was getting dark.New City High School, located in the urban area, is surrounded by complete supporting facilities.In the mall, there are a lot of dazzling things.Compared to the coziness of the town, the hustle and bustle of the city has something new to Lucy.Isaac chose a barbecue restaurant.She thought he was just cushioning his stomach, but he didn't expect him to eat it as a meal.Isaac glanced at the menu, staring into her eyes, curled eyelashes glittering like butterfly wings, and a new glance at what was around him."You just ordered two?""I'm not hungry."Isaac ordered his own food, and after a while, Phoebe arrived with a satchel."Brother, I'm dying of hunger. Have you ordered the food?"Phoebe looked at the quiet Lucy and frowned: "Brother, why didn't you tell me and bring her with you?" ""Why is school so late today?" Shen Yan's deep voice was full of majesty, and his slightly frowning brows showed his dissatisfaction, "Went on a date with him again?"Pointing the finger at herself, Phoebe shouted, how could her brother talk about her private affairs in front of outsiders?If Lucy goes to sue her father, she won't die. "No, the midterm exam is coming soon, and the teacher is delayed."Lucy knew that Phoebe was only a sophomore in high school, and she heard what Isaac meant was that she was in early love.Seeing Phoebe's vigilance, she lowered her eyes and waited quietly for the food to be served.