
Get Love from Streaming App

Natalie Malca Moana, is a woman who came to Chicago hoping to find a job to help support her family's economy. However, not all went well. She finally tried her luck by doing a live stream on an adult app. She felt bittersweet there, but for the sake of her mother and two brothers and sisters, Natalie keeps trying hard and getting out of her comfort zone. With the fake name LORETTA and the flashy colored wigs she wore, Natalie became a very different person. Until finally, she was met with an account called Zeus The Lorax, an account that continues to provide the most expensive gifts in the three applications that Natalie uses. It was as if the figure in the account was following where Natalie was, without telling her who he really was. Because her curiosity was getting higher, she tried to invite Zeus through a video call, which is also a service in the application. The figure of a handsome man with golden blonde hair, sharp bright blue eyes, a firm jaw, and other facial features that further perfect this creature of God's creation. Natalie never thought that behind the account was hidden a prince with a white horse! The man's name was Nicholas Ramirez. Nothing else Natalie knew because Nicholas was so mysterious, he didn't even talk much. How will their relationship continue? Does it end there? So what was Nicholas' goal is always giving gifts without trying to interact with Natalie? Because to be honest, Natalie was getting increasingly curious about this man named Nicholas.

Kinderhun · Urban
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22 Chs

Behind the 'Zeus the Lorax' Account

Natalie gasped in surprise when Zeus contacted her via video call. The woman straightened the wig she was still wearing, swallowed hard, and finally pressed the accept button. She frowned because there was no Zeus figure there, only the part of the room that seemed to be a study. She still thought positively, maybe the person was fetching water or whatever. Natalie didn't care.

"Hello?" Natalie called.

"Hold on," someone said. Natalie's body froze when she heard the man's voice, his voice is very sexy and must be very comfortable if he is invited to sleep call! If it was like this, Natalie had high hopes that the figure she was about to see was young and handsome. Not! She should not judge people by their appearance. Remember your purpose, Natalie.

After waiting, the figure finally sat on a chair and faced the camera.

Oh my god.

This is too handsome!

A man with blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a sharp nose like a slide, a firm jaw, and other facial features that make this God's creation even more beautiful! Natalie didn't think that the person behind Zeus's account was a royal prince, the man who was making video calls with her at this time really looked like a romantic male character in novels.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I have to feed my cat," the man said.

Natalie gaped for a moment, then suddenly smiled sweetly and said, "It's okay. Oh, you have a cat too? What is the cat's name?" Natalie asked kindly and enthusiastically.

The man was holding a black and brown cat with wolf-like ears, a Maine coon cat that looked very manly and handsome. "His name is Ash."

"So handsome!" Natalie praised with bright eyes because this was the first time she had seen such a handsome cat in person, and she didn't seem to be acting much. Unlike Oreos, although they are both males.

Natalie almost held her breath when she noticed the man's slight smile at her. No, this is too handsome. Whether it's a cat or their owner, their good looks are too hard for Natalie to make sense of.

"Oh, okay. Um ... for today and the days before, thank you so much for watching my live stream and giving me gifts. The gifts are so many that I feel bad about receiving them," Natalie said honestly. Maybe once or twice she wouldn't think about who Zeus The Lorax's account was, but because it had been too many times, Natalie became restless.

"Why?" the man asked.


"Why do you feel bad about it? Shouldn't you be happy?"

"I'm happy! But because the gift you gave cost me a lot of money, I still feel bad," Natalie squeaked, this might be the first time she showed her sad face to a man watching her live stream.

The man fell silent, watching Natalie intensely. Natalie became nervous too, she smiled awkwardly and spoke again to the man. "May I know your name?"

"My real name?"

"Yeah ... if you don't mind."

"Nicholas, just call me Nic," the man replied.

"I see. It's nice to meet you, Nic! Maybe for tomorrow and so on, you don't have to give me gifts too often. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate it, but I don't want you to have to spend so much money just for me," Natalie asked, smiling bitterly.

"But I'd love to do it," Nicholas said, causing Natalie to blink.

'He said he was happy but his face remained flat, I was a little hesitant,' Natalie thought, looking at the blonde man with a smile.

"Okay, I can't push it anymore. Once again, I'm very grateful, Nic," Natalie said resignedly that, apparently Nicholas didn't want to obey and would continue to send palace gifts more than once.

"Don't think about it too much, it's only natural for a fan to give something to what he likes," Nicholas said when he saw Natalie again with a sad expression.

"Huh? Fan? You're my fan?" Natalie asked, pointing to herself.


Natalie seemed to be in a dreamland. She never imagined in her life that she would have such handsome fans.

"Loretta," Nicholas called.


"That's your pseudonym, right?"

"O–oh, actually yep," Natalie replied. She thought afterward that Nicholas would ask about her real name, but it turned out that the man just nodded his head as if he understood and didn't want to know what the real name of this host named Loretta was.

"You must be tired, want to end it?" Nicholas asked.

"I'm fine, really! Ah, but if there is something you have to do, you can end the video call," Natalie replied, even more sad in her heart. Nicholas must have been so displeased with talking to her that he wanted to end the call so soon. He must have regretted spending money on a woman like Natalie.

Nicholas shook his head, the cat started to jump and went out of nowhere because it wasn't visible on the camera. Natalie's heart stopped beating as the man brought his face closer to the camera so Natalie could see more clearly how handsome this man was. "No, I'm free. It's just that since you've been live streaming for too long, I think you need to rest."

And this handsome man was worried about her!

Shit, you can't go crazy over a handsome guy, Natalie.

"I'm fine, really. Sometimes I do video calls after live streaming," Natalie said with a sweet smile.

"You seem calmer when you make video calls, don't you."

"Huh? What am I usually like?" Natalie asked curiously.

"You talk a lot on the live stream, so I think you're too tired," Nicholas replied, cupping his chin and smiling warmly at Natalie.

The woman's cheeks were flushed red even though they were thin. Who doesn't falter when viewed so intensely? Natalie turned her gaze to neutralize her heart, which was beating so fast. She was too mesmerized by this man's good looks. Please, Natalie is not that easy to fall in love with, especially with someone she has never met in person.

Come on, Natalie. Show your charm that doesn't look that easy to anyone you're talking to and just wants to be friendly, especially to someone who has given you a lot of money through gifts.

Natalie smiled sweetly and shook her head. "No, really. I'm a little awkward because it turns out that behind Zeus's account is hidden a very handsome man!" Natalie said, she is slowly getting used to it and it is not as awkward as at first. Even though what she said was true, she made it look like it was just a compliment and that she just wanted to flatter Nicholas.

Isn't that the job of a host? She makes her guests happy with the services she provides.