
Get lemons, Make lemonades

Getting sent into naruto world as a waifu catalog contractor wasn't in max's plans. However when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and he's gonna get a lot of lemons.

handsomax · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs


"Please come in, the Hokage will see you now." said the Hokage's secretary.

"Thanks" I answered.

I just spent the last few minutes waiting for him to finish his meeting. I received his summon this morning, not long after coming back from the inn I spent the night in with Darcy. Now I am going to meet with Him, and if this meeting goes well, I will have free reign to capture a lot of targets.

'Stay focused Masashi! You have nothing to fear. Even if he's one of the most powerful ninjas in this village, he can't read your true intention with [Information Defense].' I thought to myself to give me courage.

Once I was inside his office, I saw the Hokage sitting at his desk. He was reading a paper before just stamping it and putting it on his left, before taking another from a huge paper pile on his right. He looked up at me and said.

"Ha Kishimoto-san, hello and welcome, I am happy to see you. Please excuse the state of my desk, but the paperwork is a powerful foe" He said while smiling.

"Hello, Hokage-sama. Thank you for seeing me so soon, and I have to say I'm glad I never had to battle such a mighty opponent." I answered him with some pleasantry to start the conversation nicely.

"I hope you never do. Now, Yamanaka-san told me about your case, he said you have a bloodline limit that was never seen before, right?"

"Indeed that's right, it seems to give me some measure of protection against sensory ninja and this cloak of mine." I said while flipping my shroud.

"Ha yes the protection against sensory techniques, it seems to have caused quite the problem for you yesterday at the village gate."

"You are right, unfortunately, I have never been around sensory ninjas before, so I had no idea I had this power." And that's partially true, I knew I had this power. I just didn't know it affected the byakugan like that.

"If you've never been around a sensory ninja before, I guess you are not a shinobi yourself right?"

"No, I have never been trained in the ninja arts."

"Very well, however, Inoichi told me you wanted to form your clan in Konoha, but I don't see why I should allow you to do that. Clans are shinobi-only social structures and they beneficiate from a tax exemption in recognition of the risk of sending their members on missions. They don't have to only have Shinobi, but the leader and some of the members should be shinobi or shinobi in training. If you want we can recruit you into the Sarutobi clan and train you to be a shinobi, that way you would still get every benefice being in a clan brings you." He proposed to me.

"That's a good proposition, but I would still like to have my own clan. There is something I can do to compensate for not being a shinobi, I can grant some part of my bloodline to others. I can bestow a sentient shroud to someone, the coat can both change texture and form according to its user's wishes."

"I'm afraid this would not be enough to create your clan right now. After all, you are also a stranger that only arrived in Konoha yesterday, we don't know you that well. however if you were to get in my clan for long enough that people would know you and get strong enough, I would allow you to create your clan." He added.

"But this clan would be a subordinate clan to the Sarutobi I guess?"

"Of course, at least until your clan gets enough recognition. After all, we would be the ones to say you are trustworthy."

"I will think about it Hokage-Sama, it was not what I expected and I can't make this decision rashly."

"It's not a problem, just know that if you agree you can come here anytime you want and tell my secretary. Now if there is nothing else, you can go." He said with a kind smile.

"OK, good bye Hokage-Sama." I said before leaving his office.

I walked back all the way to the Yamanaka house while keeping a calm face, however inside I was really annoyed at being denied my easy captures. When I arrived, I went into the room they gave me and I closed the door, I needed to rethink my plans.

"This fucking old man! Why did he have to be so careful? Now should I accept to join his clan?

The pros would be that I get access to the status of Sarutobi clan members, and I would probably get easier access to whatever infrastructure I need in Konoha. I am pretty sure I would be more protected to save my bloodline, at least until I have children.

The cons would be that I would be at the direct orders of the Hokage, and I would also probably be more watched over than if I remain a civilian. I would probably be pushed to take a spouse inside the clan to integrate my bloodline."

I tried to think of different ways I could capture everyone, but I kept thinking back on how easy it would have been if I had my clan.

"It's no use, I have to get my mind out of it. I think the best way to do it, and get something out of it is to train, and I need to learn how to use chakra anyways."

I then mentally contacted Anko.

'Anko, what are you doing and where are you.'

'I am in the forest of death, I am preparing for the second part of the Chunin exam.'

'Are you alone?'

'Yes, I am.'

'Perfect, I am coming.'

I then teleported to her position. I was in a clearing in the forest, I saw Anko standing there in front of me.

"Anko, I want you to teach me how to use chakra."

She doesn't look surprised, and that's obvious considering she instinctively knows what I want.

"Very well, then let's start with making you feel your chakra." She said before approaching me and placing her hand on my stomach.

"Normally, we start training when we are young as it is easier to sense it at that time. However, I can still make you perceive your chakra by injecting mine in you." As she said that I started getting a strange feeling in the area she touched.

I suddenly started feeling a flow all around my body, it was really weird. However I didn't linger on the new feeling as the energy from Anko was uncomfortable, it felt like she was injecting ice into my veins. I managed to move my chakra to counter hers and after I put all my chakra to work, I pushed it out.

"Huu? I didn't expect you to do it that quickly." She said with a surprised face.

"Well anyways, what you did is more or less the way to get out of a genjutsu. Obviously, a genjutsu user would make it a lot harder to detect the chakra and he would inject much more than I did. But it is still impressive for a first-timer"

"I am always good in my first times" I joked, getting a small win like this already improving my mood.

"Very well let's see if you can keep that up." She said as she took a leave from the ground and gave it to me.

"Put that on your forehead and try to make it stick there with your chakra."

- Timeskip 3 hours -

"Anko, I think I should stop for now and take a pause. I am almost out of chakra"

After our little training session, I managed to learn both leaf-sticking, tree-climbing, and water-walking, [Soul Talent] for the win! However, I could feel my chakra reserves almost empty, [Soul talent] gave me good control and reserve for a beginner, but my reserves are still meaningless in front of a jonin's.

"Are you? I mean usually, when people train for that long and are tired, they reek of sweat. You on the other hand still smell like flowers. I don't think the Yamanaka's flowers print their smell that much, do they?"

"No they don't, I can just control how I smell, don't worry about it."

'It is just my [Potpourri] perks making itself known.

"That's neat! It's a power I would like to have. Anyways, if we are not training anymore, I will have to go back to my duties, I still have to prepare the forest for the chunin exam."

"Yeah, you can go" Once I said that, she turned back to the forest and jumped on a branch before disappearing.

'Now that I have cleared my head, I can start to think of ways that I could use to interact with capture targets. I don't really care to have them all under my rule, I only want to be a free man and enjoy life day by day. Unfortunately, in this world, I can only do that if I m powerful enough to destroy any threat to my lifestyle. And to become that powerful, my best bet is to earn enough points through captures, that I can buy myself incredible powers. Once I am that powerful, I wonder what I'll do. I could open a restaurant, with [Faerie Feast] all dishes I cook are delicious, and that applies no matter the quality of the ingredients.'

I suddenly stop.

'Of course, why didn't I think of this immediately? I don't need to be part of a clan to interact with a lot of ninjas. I can just open a restaurant, and with [Fearie Feast] I can even make my food addictively good. If I don't put the prices too high, I can become a gathering spot for ninja teams-meeting. I don't even care about the price as I have the monthly salary from the waify catalog company.'

As I think that, I contact Inoichi.

'Inoichi! Where are you right now?'

'I am at work, I am mostly reading reports from the members of the analysis team.'

'Very well, the Hokage refused that I create a clan, as an alternative, I decided to create a restaurant. But for that, I need a building, do you have one that I could use?'

'Unfortunately no, the Yamanaka is a small clan, we don't have a lot of real estates. However, I can still get you in touch with a trustworthy person that deals in real estate.'

'Perfect, when can you present him to me.'

'I can present him to you this evening if you want, we can meet at the bar near my home.'

'Ok see you there' I then cut the communication between us.

'Now I just have to find something to do until then. Well, I can start to get to know Konoha better.'

I then started to wander around without any goal in mind besides exploring the village.

'I think that besides managing my restaurant, I can also do some mission for the company. That way I will have another source of credit, perks, and waifus.'

- timeskip until the evening -

'Konoha is a wonderful village, even if it is more a big town than a village. I think I will like it there.'

As I think that, I arrived at the bar. I entered and saw Inoichi at a table with another man. He was quite large and had long spiky red hair. I immediately identified him as Choza the father of Choji.

"Ha, here you are! Choza, this is Kishimoto-san. He's the one I told you about. Kishimoto-san, this is Choza, he is the head of the Akimichi clan. They quite a lot of real estate and more importantly when you want to open a restaurant, there are no better partners"

"Hello Akimichi-san, it is a pleasure meeting you."

"Hello Kishimoto-san, so you want to open a restaurant? Do you have experience? This is a very important and very demanding job." He told me in an intimidating way. He obviously cared a lot about food as an Akimichi.

"Don't worry, I am the best cook in the world. If you want, I can cook you a meal and you'll find out just how good I am." I boasted.

'The Akimichi clan is known for being good-food lovers. If I can make the head of the Akimichi clan love my food, I will easily become famous as a good cook.' I thought.

He laughed at that.

"You don't have to prove me anything yet, I trust Inoichi and he vouched for you. I will just come to see you when you've finished setting up your restaurant"

"No problem, I'll be waiting for your arrival at that time then." I answered with a smile.

"Now let's speak numbers, how big of a restaurant do you want to create?"

"I want to open a small restaurant for now. I don't have enough money to pay for more than one waiter. So I need a building with a kitchen and a room big enough to fit around 10 tables."

"You thought about it, didn't you? that's a good thing. I will transmit your specifications to one that handles the real estate in our clan, he should be able to find you a good enough building for you by tomorrow evening."

"Thanks a lot, Akimichi-san!"

'I will be able to start my restaurant the day after tomorrow. People from all over the fire country will come to Konoha to be able to taste my food. Why chase capture targets around when you can just make them come to you on their own?'

"Perfect! Now that you are finished talking business, why don't we start drinking? We are at a bar after all!" said Inoichi, interrupting my thought.

"You are right! Waitress, We would like 3 beers and some food with it." Exclaimed Choza!

The waitress brought us our command before leaving. We ended up drinking a lot more than what we first ordered. Once we finished, we left the bar and went back home. Once I was in my room I just flopped on the bed.

'Damn Choza can drink a lot. He drank more than me and Inoichi together. Must be because of some Akimichi jutsu, I am sure they have one that allows them to win all drinking battles.' I thought idly.

'Now I wonder if Darcy has finally reached the capital? Now that I think about it, how is she gonna get close to the Daymio? In the beginning, I didn't really think about it, but this meeting with the Hokage made me realize that not everything is gonna be as easy as I thought.'

'Hey Darcy, where are you now? have you reached the capital yet?'

'Hi, Masashi! I have been in the capital for an hour now. I am currently in a room in an Inn."

'Very well, I am coming I have something to talk about with you!' As I thought that I teleported to her position.

"Hi, Darcy! So how have your two days on the road been?"

"Mostly boring. you know, when I arrived in this world with you, I didn't think the thing I would miss the most would be a car. I mean the landscape is beautiful, but I am not a hiker and I am not used to walking for two days with nothing to entertain myself. The merchants I traveled with at the beginning were nice but they went away this morning so today I was alone." She said, complaining to me.

"The only distraction I had was when 2 bandits tried to mug me, guess they didn't expect my cloak to knock them out." She added with a small smile.

"Well, now at least you aren't in the wilds anymore. Hey, I was wondering, how do you intend to get close to the Daymio? He isn't someone you can just walk up to."

"To be honest I don't really know, I planned to try and get a job at the palace and see if there was an opportunity."

"What kind of work?"

"Well I thought about trying to get hired as a servant, eventually I think I would be able to get close to him and teleport with him to you. You would capture him, and once you did, we would release him, and he would say he managed to escape his kidnappers."

"You're aware that would have been a long-term dangerous mission, and after you captured him, there would have been a bounty on your head."

"Of course I am, and honestly I am not particularly happy to do it. However, if I want to go back to my world, I need you to become strong enough to leave this one first. As such I will do what I can to help you reach this point."

"I am touched that you are pushing yourself to help me, even if in the end it is for your sake. But I don't want you to get hurt or killed, you are the one I feel the closest to. You came with me to this world and while it hasn't been a long time, I still feel responsible for it. I think I have a better way to do it without putting you at as much risk."

As I say that, I looked through the perks I can buy and found what I am looking for. I immediately buy [Template Stacking I] (Violet Parr) for her. Once I did, she must have felt something because she jumped as if she was startled.

"I just gave you the power to become invisible and create energy constructs."

"Ok so now I am basically Violet from the Incredibles right?"

"Well yes since this is the powerset I bought, I didn't know your world also had the Incredibles. Anyways, tomorrow will stalk the daimyo with your powers and when he's alone, you call me. I'll teleport to you and capture him. After that, we will both teleport to Konoha, my restaurant open in 2 days and you can be the waitress. It will be a lot less dangerous."

She got close to me and hugged me.

"Thanks for caring, Masashi. When I arrived in this world, I was kind of afraid of what you would do to me. But you have only been nice to me even if I wasn't that useful to you." After she said that she kissed me.

After that, we went to the bed, and let's just say that we didn't sleep immediately.


Now starting from this chapter, I will always put the current power of the hero at the end of the chapter.


World: Naruto

Rating: 6 (365 credits)

Origin: Dropped-In

Binding(s): Shroud of Power (-80)

Lures: Sticky Fingers (-5), Potpourri (-20), Faerie Feast (-10)

Other Controls: Conjonction (-25), Apportation (-25)

Heritage: Death Mask (-100)

Home: Pocket Space (-5)

Talents: Body Tune-Up (free), Everlasting (free), Soul (free), Martial (-10), Template Stacking I (Ban (Nanatsu no taizai)) (-20)

Defenses: Body (free), Destiny (free), Information x2 (-50)

Misc: Mapper (-10), Exit Stage Left (-5)

Generic: HUD (you) (-10)

Point(s) left: 19


Darcy Lewis (Bought): Shroud-bound, Template Stacking (Violet Parr (The Incredibles)) (-20)

Mitarashi Anko: (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Inoichi (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Nanao (Ino's mom) (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Santa: (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Ino (Captured): Shroud-bound