
Gensokyo's Chainsaw Devil

A boy was injured by yokai, when he thought that it was the end for him, a voice echoed inside his head "Do you want to live? Are you willing to give up everything just to live?" The boy who have nothing to lose accepted the offer, and that moment. Is the moment that the chainsaw devil fully manifested into Gensokyo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a Touhou fanfic if you somehow don't realize. The chainsaw devil is not pochita by the way. It's someone else. Multiple grammar mistake. Slow update. I need feedback to fix grammar and and to update more frequently. So there is that.

TheRandomCrit · Videospiele
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2 Chs


Author notes: This isn't my first time writing, but the first time I am confident enough to upload. Feel free to give me feedback. :)

1-Edited a few mistakes.

2-Edited 'Eintei' to 'Eientei'



It all happen way too fast.

'What's going on?'

"Ugh!" I screamed. 'Why did I scream? Why am I running?'

Then a sharp pain suddenly surge through my chest. "Guh"

'Did I cough up blood? What happened? Are all of this real?'

An arm.

A bloody arm penetrated through the left side of my chest. A flood of pain filled my body before the hand was pulled back.

I couldn't breath, I couldn't move. And I feel my body hit the ground.

"Finally... You stopped. You are making this more difficult than it has to, kid. I told Ya I would've made it painless."

Dont wander into the forest. It's dangerous

I tried to turn around, I tried to ask who that was. And why is 'she' trying to kill me.

No.. What I want right now is to live. I don't care who it was, I need to get away. My goal in life hasn't been fulfilled yet..

'I need to get back.. After that I will..' "Ha.."

What am I thinking? I am not going to make it. The world is cruel, it always been like that. I was so stupid to think that living alone in a forest will give me a better life.


I cried.

'"I.. don't want.." I muttered. "To.. die.."

I wish there was someone. Someone to hear my cry. To come and save me. But deep inside, I know that this is it for me.

'Do you want to live?' What? 'Are you willing to give up everything just to live? To enjoy being alive?'

Enjoy being alive?

My life flashed before my eyes.

Up up this moment. Ever since I was young, I always felt unhappy. I was surrounded by people who said that they 'cared' about me.

But I've never felt that way. To me.. They are doing it to make themselves look better. Because it's their job. Not because they cared about me.. Because if they really did care..


'I will take that as a yes'


I breathed in deeply, my chest was suddenly feel like it was filled. I felt like I am about to vomit. But nothing came out.

Then it all gone. The pain. The fear. And.. The wounds.

"Heh" I laughed. 'What? Why did I..?'

My body is moving on its own. My arm reach for my chest, and pulled something out.

"Your desire, I will make sure to fulfill it"


Then it all went dark.


3rd person POV.

In the morning of the human village, everyone was doing their own morning routine.

Then there is this woman with white hair and a dark blue dress. And a hat that looked like A GOD DAMN BUILDING?

Keine Kimishirasawa

She is a teacher who teach history at the Hieda Temple School. But this morning, 'Kuro' had gone missing.

Yesterday, that boy told her. "If a girl like her can go live in a forest alone. Then why can't I?"

"Don't go into the forest alone! It's dangerous out there!"

"Yet, she's fine after all these time!"

"You're not her!"

"Yeah! Because I am him!"

"Oh you innocent little thing.."

She already told him not to do anything reckless. She knows the danger of the forest, that's the reason why there has to be a guard.

Even with the spell card rule, there are yokai that will break the rule once they get their chance.

She was worry. If something horrible happen to him then she wouldn't forgive herself for not giving him a proper explanation.

That boy doesn't have anywhere to go. She took him in to live with her at the school. And she is responsible for taking care of him.

She keeps running around the village, until she hears a commotion. Apparently there is something at the village entrance.

"Pleas no" She muttered.

She runs in, forcing her way through the crowd.

"There is a kid here. He won't make it if we don't treat his wound!"

"Can a wound like that even be treated?"

Keine was met with a familiar face. Dark black hair that seems to absorb light.

'No.. It can't be' "Kuro?"

There he is, the boy she was searching for. But..


"Keine-san! This boy apparently got attacked by yokai when he was in the forest! He is badly injured and we need to do something or else he-"

"Let me see" She said to them. As she rush to the unconscious boy laying on the ground.

She takes a looks at the wound. His chest was covered in blood, a strange claw like marks were left behind. His breath is heavy. He is in pain and is losing blood.

"I will need to get his wound treated" She said as she slowly lift the boy up. The wound wasn't as heavy as she thought but he is losing blood.

"Keine-san wait!"

To her horror, on his back. There is a gaping hole with blood gushing out heavily.

'Is there anyone who can heal such a wound?' She doubted everything. It's already miracle that he is still alive. But how long can it last? She has one person in mind who can heal such wound. But he won't make it in time. He need to be treated. IMMEDIATELY.

"I may have a medicine that can help" A voice rang out from behind.

Keine turned around to see a purple hair girl with red eyes. "But one that slow down bleeding and help with recovery are a bit more expensive tha-"

"If money can save his life then do it! Just give him the medicine I will pay for it!" She responded.

"Oh Uh."

"He's going to die if you don't help him!"

"Ah! Here. This one should stop his bleeding. But I am not sure if he even have strength to swallow the pill"

Keine snatched the container and took one of the pill inside his mouth.

"You know, my teacher have taught me medical knowledge. Even if I am pretty inexperienced, I would say that he wouldn't make it with that injury"

"Your teacher. It's Eirin, right?" Keine asked.

"Ah yes, she is the also the one who made the medicine. And made me sell them.."

"Would she be able to treat this injury?"

"I'm not her. I have no idea, and again, for my opini-"

"Stop. With the medicine, can he make it to Eirin?" Keine asked, seemingly tired with all of her negativity.

"He would, but my teacher Eirin may no-"

"Then I am going" She said. Lifting up the boy and flying off.

"Wait just because you- Hmp! If anyone touch my medicine, I'll beat you to death you hear that?!" And with that, the purple haired girl fly off too. "Wait for me!"


A few hours later.


'It is time for you to wake up'

"Hmm..?" Kuro drowsily open his eyes. "What? Where am I?"

'Do you remember our contract? I saved you and you will give me everything'

"Who- You.. You saved me.." Kuro mumbled, as he tries to move his body. "Ugh.."

He looks down to see a bandage covering his entire chest all the way to the back.

"How did I survive that? Did you heal my wound too?"

'I am not the one who healed your wound. Not with these bandages at least. I healed you once back when you got stabbed through the heart'

"So you can heal a wound like that.. But why did you save me? Who are you?" Kuro mumbled.

'You remembered our contract, you accept me taking everything you have for survival. And for 'what' I am, I am certainly not a human. You will know the rest later.'

"That doesn't sound sinister at all. I almost got killed by a yokai like you. And, I can't give you much. But I will do my best to repay you" Kuro then looked in front of him and noticed a door. "First, I gotta find out where I am"

'You are in the place called 'The Eientei'. In a forest named 'Bamboo Forest of The Lost'.'

"How do you know so much?" Kuro then gets up and stretches "Ouch"

'Be careful, I cannot heal your wound right now. And for that question, I have been waiting for a really long time. That is why'

Kuro then open the door to see an empty hall way. "Huh.. This place looks really big."


"No opinion about that don't you?"

'You shouldn't leave. Your wound wasn't something small. Human cannot regenerate from such wound so quickly. I suggest going back and pretend that you are asleep.'

"I can just tell them that someone saved me"

'You seems to be oblivious to the fact that you weren't fully heal when they found you. Only your heart was 'replaced'.


'I am in your heart. When you agree to give up everything, that includes your body. I am a part of you now'

"So that's how you healed me from such a wound.. Wait, does that make me.. Hm?" Kuro looked to his right.

'She is coming back, the rabbit. Let me use your body for a while'

Kuro body begun moving on its own. He was forced to walk right back in and shut the door quickly and quietly. Before going back into the bed and put blankets over his body.

'You cant just take my body away like that!'

'I will restart your body to make it look like you just woke up. And no, you accepted our contract. Everything you have is mine now'

Kuro then regain his body control and start feeling drowsy. "Who's there?"

"Eh? YOU ARE AWAKE?!" The voice belong to a girl with purple hair and red eyes.. And a pair of bunny ear.

"Hahh? Bunny?" Kuro exclaimed, he was confused before realizing that the being in front of him isn't human. "Are you a yokai?"

"You should be confused, you got attacked by a yokai and was brought here by Keine. And thanks to my teacher great medical knowledge, she miraculously saved your life!" The girl stated proudly. "And I'm not a Yokai. I'm a rabbit! Reisen Inaba. I will notify Eirin-san about you so please wait here!"

"Not like I can move anyways. Oh! I am Kuro.. By the way"

Reisen smiled awkwardly before hurriedly leaving the room without closing the door. He can hear the footsteps getting further and further.

'No. She is several hundred years old. Don't try your luck. And, her full name is Reisen Udongein Inaba, rabbit from the moon. But you should never mention that in front of anyone unless someone tell you about it'

"Got it" Kuro said. "Wait, did you just read my mind?"

'Yes. Now it is time to stop talking to the wall. And stop with those lewd thoughts'

'Heck no. I like bunnies. They are cute, she is cute with bunny ears. It's just too much. Are you also aware of these thoughts?'

'Unholy image. Heresy. You will be dominated by her, not the other way around. Stop it'

"God damnit.. And who's Eirin?" Kuro asked.

'Again, no need to speak. And Eirin is an incredibly knowledgeable and wise woman who works as a nurse or a doctor for Eintei'

'So she can even heal gaping wounds in the chest?'

'Only one, Wound in your chest was healed after I manifested the cord'

'What cord? Huh? Don't just go silent on me. What did you mean by cord.'

'They are here'

'Don't just ignore.. Frick.'

"Hello Kuro. I suggest laying down on your side. The wounds are quite heavy, especially one on your back. Oh, Reisen, let me spend time with him alone for a while, there are several questions I need to ask him"


Don't forget to give me a feed back. I need it to improve the story.

I did it. I posted something. Very cool.

TheRandomCritcreators' thoughts