
Genshin Isekai But We Screwed Up The Plot

"I opened my eyes on that beach, the one I remember having seen before when I started playing, but the memories were gone, coming back only after I was done with main events. Strangely enough, I had some strong hunches that lingered about as warnings. The rest is history. This story... even my wildest dreams couldn't have prepared me."

TQXP · Videospiele
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38 Chs


Mark sat in Jean's office, leaning back in his chair, all his swords except for his new claymore left in his room. He glanced at the weapon's hilt, which looked like ice spikes placed beside one another. The blue hues were enough to keep his eyes glued to it, but what amazed him more was the sword's ability.

Despite him being unable to properly use it, the weapon's capabilities far outshone its in-game counterpart. This sword could help one use Cryo without a vision, even if that person wasn't some exception like him.

"Let me get this straight," said Jean, resting her palms on the desk as she stared Mark in the eye. "You went to Dragonspine, a place so dangerous that even most adventurers stray away from it, and you somehow released that giant pillar that had been encased in ice for Barbatos knows how many years, and you also coincidentally found that sword that you're holding?"

Mark nodded, a smirk plastered on his face as he leaned forward, resting his head on his palm.

"Something like that. Also, I almost forgot to mention, but 'something' was also encased in the ice."

The crimson aura began flickering around him before fading away.

"This weird power I now possess seemed to have some sort of will tied to it, but thank God, He made it disappear. Also, it seems I can do this as well."

A red crystal began glowing in Mark's left palm, taking shape as he saw fit, forming a crystal rose, a beautiful crimson color but rough-shaped, like an uncut diamond.

"I can't control it properly, and even creating something like this takes a lot of concentration on my side."

He pointed the flower at Jean, smiling softly as he leaned even closer to her.

"I usually don't do things like this, but I guess I should learn, right? This is for you."

Jean seemed slightly baffled, a slight blush on her face as she took the rose.

"Thank you, Mark."

She held it gently, afraid of breaking it, and she smiled softly before placing it on her desk.

Jean muttered softly, "It's beautiful..." before turning back at Mark. "But that doesn't change that you're still hiding a lot of information. Just who exactly are you, Mark?"

Mark chuckled as he dismissively waved his arm.

"I'm a human, as I told you before. I just happen to like adventuring, and I finally have the chance to do it."

Jean breathed out, exhausted, placing a hand on her temple as she closed her eyes, thinking.

"Fine, I'll take your word as the truth. You did help us, after all, and Ras also played a huge part in Mondstadt's defense. As the Acting Grandmaster, I extend my thanks to you both."

Mark smiled, fluttering his arms left and right.

"Don't mention it; we were simply doing our duty as Honorary Knights."

His eyes drifted back to his sword once more, and Jean couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"You sure seem to fancy swords. I wonder just who left such a relic there."

Mark shrugged. "Even my knowledge has some limits; although there were some strange stone tablets I've read that talked about some sort of ancient hero, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention."

Jean contemplated his words before glancing over at the clock, remembering something.

"I almost forgot. Please accompany me to the cathedral. We still need to return the Holy Lyre, after all."

Mark got up, strapping his sword to his back, taking care once more not to hit the doorframe.

They walked through the busy streets of Mondstadt, which looked completely engulfed by life—the complete opposite of how it was at first. From a silent graveyard to a bustling center of life. Mark took in the sight, smiling softly, feeling grateful that he was able to contribute to their peace.

"God is good."

Jean glanced over at him, watching just how laid back he was, holding his hands behind his head, just above his neck.

"You know, I don't think anyone would believe you just went through what you said you did, considering how carefree you are."

Mark chuckled as they both climbed the stairs towards the cathedral.

"I'm just doing what one should do in the city of freedom. Also, no use in stressing, since God is with me and is always watching."

Jean raised a curious brow.

"Mark, I just wonder what God you are talking about. Is it one of the Archons or something else?"

Mark smiled as he pointed a finger at the sky.

"The One True God Almighty, the Holy Trinity. It's a lot to explain, so I won't talk about it right now. Maybe another time."

"The Trinity..." 

They both entered the cathedral, where a short girl with two curly tails was waiting for them. She waved to Jean before noticing Mark, moment in which she seemed to switch to a more formal behavior.

"So you must be Mark, the man who came and saved the situation in the last minute."

"I simply did my part, nothing more."

As they stood there, Aether, Paimon, and Venti walked in as well, their steps echoing through the imposing building.

"Seems that we're all here. I think Ras is still in the library with Lisa, right?"

Jean nodded before turning towards the others, motioning to the short girl with her right hand.

"This is Barbara, the Deaconess of the Church. She is here to retrieve the Holy Lyre der Himmel."

She placed a hand on her chest, speaking softly, her voice nearly making Mark feel like sleeping.

"May the Anemo Archon protect you."

Everyone was paying attention to her words, even Venti, who would usually be thinking about either a bottle of booze or ways to buy a bottle of booze.

"I'm not really in a position to speak compared to our Acting Grand Master... But I still want to thank you all on behalf of all of Mondstadt for your assistance!"

She seemed eager for a moment before returning to her calm demeanor.

"Fortunately, everything was resolved peacefully... I can't imagine how an all-out war between the military and the dragon would have ended..." 

Mark chuckled slightly, thinking about what this implied.

"The Fatui have no excuse now. They can simply go and fu-"

He stopped, eyes wide, as he cleared his throat.

"Ahem, they can no longer try to do anything about this."

"No longer do anything...why do I feel like I'm missing something?" thought Mark, feeling a cold shiver run along his spine.

Barbara looked at him, smiling gently, before speaking once more.

"So, did you bring the Holy Lyre with you? We cannot ask you to keep defending the lyre forever. The Seneschal has been pressing me for a while now..." 

Paimon scratched her head, speaking awkwardly.

"We ahh... did bring it with us... Ummm... It's just... it's a little..." 

Barbara tried to reassure Paimon.

"Oh, don't worry! I'm not here to collect rent! The Church has always received special funding..." 

Aether handed her the lyre, and Barbara let out a surprised noise as she saw it. Everyone scratched their heads as Barbara screamed out.


She fell to her knees, holding her palms together.

"Oh, Lord Barbatos... Even if I atoned for these sins for the rest of my life... It would still not be enough!"

Mark couldn't hold his laughter, wheezing as he tried to turn his face away, but a grim feeling was still nudging his side.

Venti sighed before asking Aether for the lyre. He held it in his hands, and for a few moments it was engulfed in Anemo, revealing a brand-new-looking lyre the moment the energy dissipated.

Barbara saw the fixed lyre, and she quickly got up, embracing it fondly before running off with it, afraid they might break it once more.

"We really should get going now," said Venti as he paced around, waving his finger up and down.

"The trick I used to repair the lyre... hehe, I mean the magic I used," 

He leaned in, placing a hand around his mouth as if trying to block the sound on one side.

"Isn't going to hold forever, you know?"

Everyone but Mark was baffled, their eyes widening as Venti revealed the truth about the restoration process.

He gave them a small salute before running off, with Paimon calling him a 'tone-deaf bard' as he left. Mark followed closely, feeling his heart thump loudly in his chest. Time seemed to slow down around him, a cold sweat engulfing him.


As Venti went through the door, two assassins leapt at him from the shadows, rising straight from the ground, their daggers aimed at Venti.

Aether sent them flying to the side with an Anemo swirl.


Mark's memories finally came back, just in time for him to unleash as strong of an Anemo current as he could, aiming it to where his regained memories told him.

His wind collided with a strong wave of ice as he stood face-to-face with none other than...

"Signora, 8th Harbinger..."

The assassins tackled Aether, while Mark stood close to Venti, holding him by the collar.

"At last, Mondstadt's rodent ruler in the flesh." said Signora, walking confidently, her voice emanating a certain something that made Mark's blood boil.

"I didn't expect you to be guarded," said Signoram, glancing at Mark as if he were a worthless runt.

"Bitch, you better back off lest you cause problems for Snezhnaya. You're still here as diplomats, as far as the outside world is concerned."

She glared at Mark before sending another strong Cryo wave at him, which once again clashed with a strong Anemo current from Mark.

Mark placed a firm hand on the hilt of his sword, his eyes glowing a strong crimson.

"Back off now, or else things might turn ugly."

His grip tightened around Venti's collar, holding him as close as possible.

"You mongrel...do you even know who you are up against?"

Mark smirked, eager to take the chance and use his old-new knowledge.

"Rosalyne, that's who you are."

Mark heaved his calymore over his shoulder, pointing it at her.

"Don't tempt me, woman. I won't hesitate to cut you down here and now."

Both their gazes sent sparks through the air, the tension increasing by the minute. Mark glanced over at Aether, who was still held down by both assassins.

"Don't you DARE say that name again!"

She leapt at Mark, moving fast, before nudging herself to the side, aiming for Venti. With a jolt of energy pushing through him, Mark pulled Venti aside, slapping Signora in the gut with the sword's fuller.

She took a step back, reigning herself back into control.


Her words held an intense amount of animosity, their very sound putting Mark on edge.

"Leave, Signora. You're not taking his Gnosis, at least not today."

"You... I'll make sure that you mongrel will meet your fate..." 

Mark could feel a hint of pity, which he decided to cling to as Signora was leaving, her assassins disappearing.

"Signora, I know about your past. Cast aside your hatred, since that fire will only burn you and no one else."

She nearly snapped back at him, but she chose to walk away, sparing Mark a sharp gaze that nearly froze him.

"Watch your tongue..."

She then disappeared from their sight, leaving behind a cold afterthought. Mark let go of Venti, tumbling to the ground, sweating.

"Phew, those new powers sure took their toll on me. I might need a moment..." 

Aether turned to him, worried.

"Are you sure you're alright, Mark?"

Mark nodded, a solemn smirk on his lips.

"Yes, all good. Thank God I didn't lose my wits."

Venti seemed deep in thought as he looked down at Mark.

"Just how did you know about the Gnosis?"

Mark's smirk seemed to only deepen.

"You see, I'm a man of few talents, but I do enjoy what I do. Also, Venti, I might need you to give that Gnosis to me, lest you remain a target for them. I'm sure they have eyes watching, so it would be better for everyone."

Slightly reluctant, Venti took out his Gnosis, handing the small object to Mark, who put it in his pocket for the time being.

"Great, now I can go and sleep."

Mark stood up, his legs shaking as Aether tried to support him, Paimon also trying to hold him up.

"It's alright, Aether, Paimon. I'll try to stand on my own; I think I'll manage."

His step was somewhat weird; Mark could barely stand. He heaved his claymore on his back once more, looking as Barbara came outside with Jean by her side.

"Are you alright?" asked Jean, Barbara quickly rushing to Mark's side.

"By Barbatos' name, you look awful! Please allow me to try and heal you."

She put her hand on Mark's forehead, muttering some soft words as a blue light shone under her palm. Mark could feel his energy come back to him.

"That's better. Thanks, Barbara." 

She smiled, walking back beside Jean, who had been talking with Aether, trying to contain her surprise.

"Well then, everyone, cheer up a bit. We saved Mondstadt; we should be celebrating by now!" said Mark, his attempt to lighten the mood seeming to work.

"I didn't mention it, but I did manage to earn quite a pretty sum of mora from my expedition in Dragonspine. I reported some things back to the Adventurers' Guild, and guess what? The wine's on me for the night."

Venti's eyes seemed to sparkle, his body nearly floating towards Diluc's tavern. Jean sighed as Barbara looked to her sister for confirmation.

Paimon's mouth was wattery, which Mark noticed.

"Food as well, as much as you'd like—and as long as I have the money for it."


Paimon joined Venti, both of them in a stupefied state.

"We'll also get Lisa, Ras, Kaeya, and Amber, since why not?"

Jean sighed once more, shaking her head from side to side.

"No can do. I have a lot of work to ta-" 

Mark stopped just a few centimeters away from her face, his eyes closed as he made the same motion as her.

"No can do to your no can do. You've worked too much. Have some fun, at least for one night."

Mark glanced at Barbara for confirmation.

"Right? Your sister has been overworking herself too much; she should let her hair down a bit."

Barbara nodded, looking at Jean with puppy eyes. She had no choice but to accept.

"Also, I'll help you with work, so don't worry. With the two of us, it'll all be over in a jiffy."

Mark's attitude seemed to have finally broken through Jean's rigid attitude as she chuckled.

"Fine, but you better be prepared to work overtime."

Yep, double chapter baby! Let's go! Thanks to all of you who hyped me up by joining me on my journey, I decided to write two chapters today (it's more or less midnight here, but that doesn't count). Also, I'd like to thank AuRaAngelz for coming in strong with 9 shiny stones donated. Being the first to have ever donated for this fanfic, he played a huge role in my motivation for work. Thank you all, people! Deus vult, peace out!

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