
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

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79 Chs

Ch 19-Ahhh Fuck!

'Oh is that a smile I see' Meliodas said in his mind as he saw her face giving a beautiful smile.

Mesmerized by her smile he shook his head attempting to wake himself up from her enchanting smile.

"*Cough* *Cough* anyways although drinking all this alcohol itself will be fun, I have a proposition," Meliodas said with a smile

"Oh, and what would that be?" she asked with obvious curiosity

"A Game" Meliodas replied back

"A...Game?, What type of game?" she asked becoming even more intrigued

"It's called two truths one lie, We will both say 3 things about ourselves and we have to find out which one is a lie out of the three, If you get it wrong and don't find the lie then you have to take a scotch shot," Meliodas said as I saw her eyes glow in excitement.

"Alright then let's play this game, it sounds fun!" she said

"Alright, then I go first, I am a being that has lived longer than the geo archon, second I have five daughters, third I wield two visions," Meliodas said

Looking a Eula she had an expression that looked like she was saying 'Why are all of them so absurd' type of face

"W-well this is quite hard to guess but I will say that the lie is number three it is impossible to have two visions at the same time!!" She exclaimed

Looking at her Meliodas took out two visions one Cryo and the other Electro causing Eula to into a state of shock

"W-What! you have two visions but that's impossible!!!" she said in evident surprise, Visions are the gifts of the gods given to those of great ambition or passion. so you can't possibly have two of them unless you have to separate ambitions that are equal to two vision, and a person with two visions have never existed to her knowledge.. at least until today she knows now.

"Well they just kinda appeared in front of me a long time ago and I use them as decoration for my pockets since i don't use them often," he said casually

"DECORATION FOR YOUR POCKETS!!!" at that moment Eula had become as sober as she could ever be after hearing the blasphemy coming from his words

"Alright Alright, calm down I'm kidding... I use them as night lights because of their faint glow" Neliodas said with a grin making Eula's lip twitch, after a but she calmed down and gave up on reasoning with his words.

"Wait if that ones in the truth then it means that you either have five daughter or your some even more ancient than morax" she said in realization

"Tell me wich one was the other truth" she said in a nervous tone, she felt that either one of them was a huge secret for anyone to know.

"Eh, I'm not telling you, where's fun in the game if you know," Meliodas said with a shit-eating grin making Eula feel like shoving a bottle of whiskey down his throat.

"*Sigh* You will feel my vengeance later for keeping me on edge with such secrets, but for now it is my turn," she said as she downed a whole shot


"Ahhhh~ that really hits the spot~," she said with bliss

"Now then my turn, First I "Borrowed" the family heirloom weapon when I left the Lawrence clan, Second enjoy fragrant light dishes especially salads, third is that i have a twin sister," she said with a sly smile as if thinking Meliodas wouldn't get the right one.

though she was entirely wrong as with his meta knowledge he already knew that Eula had the greatsword [Song of Broken Pines] and he also already knew that she liked salads.

Eula knowing that he knew that she was a heavy drinker, didn't think Meliodas would know that she was a light eater.

"It's number three you don't have a twin sister!!" I said with confidence earning a frown from her

"Tch, yes I don't have a twin sister," she said in annoyance as she promised herself to get vengeance against him fully knowing she won't do it.


As dusk turned into night, the counter stars in the sky came and illuminated the night sky, but in a Pub in a corner of Mondstat, two people were happily playing drinking games while getting to know each other.

Yes, these two people are both Eula and Meliodas, Although it's been hours since they started drinking, throughout this time they have continuously played many drinking games as to know each other, bringing them even closer.

Some of the things that Eula had found out about Melodas were that he was a fan of Inazumian culture and for whatever reason, one of his favorite things that came out of that country was mostly... the food and the light novels coming in on a big second.

And Meliodas also learned some things that he didn't know about Eula already, for example, that she enjoys taking cold baths at the bottom of Dragonspine, and that she likes eating food that's heavy as long as it isn't greasy. she mainly eats lightly not because she eats too much but to stay in shape.

As they kept going with their drinking games Meliodas said "Hehe- i haven't had this much fun in a long while Eula, I've been so stressed about that damed lizard lately. But finally i can unwind with delicious alcohol and a beautiful woman~" meliodas said without shame as he was super drunk.

"E-eh, really you think I'm Beautifull?" Eula asked as she was so drunk that she was reduced to a normal girl instead of her head strong captain of the reconicance team persona. She finally managed to find someone to drink with and have fun since Amber doesn't really like to drink, but when she met Meliodas al that changed and so she opened up to him even more than she would usually would.

Even Amber at the beginning had a difficult time connecting with Eula!.

But Adter hearing Meliodas calling her beautiful along wth the influence of alcohol, she started blushing immensely.

"Of course you! *Hick* and if they say you arent then it just means *Hick* that they like men *Hick" meliods declared as he kept hicuping because of the alcohol.

"Really do you mean it?," Eula asked as this was the first time anybody called her like that. causing her to go into an atomic red.

On the side Charles was cleaning wine glasses while thinking to himself in the inside 'Oh to be young' looking at the two of them flirting with all the uncocious bodies around them both.

"Alright then Dear customers although i have enjoyed your patronage so far , it is time to close" he said in a sad tone as he couldn't keep squeezing Meliodas dry of his Mora for alcohol.

"*Hick* you got it Charles, lets go Eula" meliodas said as he was drunk.

[Host has abnormal amount of foreign substances inside his system, Forcefully using low tier recovery potion]

hearing this Meliodas felt as if his foggy mind had cleared up.

Realizing that he was drunk he thanked the system internally for using the potion on him.

looking to the side he found Eula looking super drunk. Looking at him with a blush.

And seeing her blush he sudenly remembered all the embarrassing stuff he had said before. causing him to blush as well.

"Meliodas~ I feel so dizzy, take me home I'm tired~" Eula said to him.

'Dam this girl trust me to much' Meliodas said internally but of course he wasn't going to do anything to her as a good person. but if it were anyone else she might have been in danger.

'I have to tell her to stop drinking in public spaces, or at least to have someone she trust with her' Meliodas said internally.

Going over to the drunk Eula, he picked her up and put her arm over his shoulder to help her get up. but to no luck Eula didn't whant to leave.

"Nooooo! I whant to drink some more don't take me away!" Eula pouted as Meliodas tried to support her body.

But after a few tries he gave up and grabbed her by the leg and by her back picking her up into a princess Cary making Eula go sober for a second

"Eh? w-what are you doing!" she exclaimed.

"well 'someone' doesn't want to go home so I have to pick you up like this" Meliodas said as if he was tired but was happy inside as he got to carry her like this

Eula hearing has reasoning turned quiet as her face blushed for the nth time tonight out of embarrassment.

"O-ok if you would be so kind please take me home" she said in a hush voice.


"Alright let's take you home," Meliodas said to her with determination in his eyes.

hearing how much she trusted him to take her home even though she was drunk, made him take the task seriously.


Leaving the tavern he continued to carry Eula in a princess carry. Surprisingly the streets were empty as it was midnight already and nobody was awake.

As he kept walking he was greeted by the figure of a petite looking man wearing a green hat along with his withe shirt, and brown pant.

He looked as if he was as drunk as Eula though he was because he was still drinking from the bottle as he walked down the street.

Finally locking eyes with him. his eyes went wide open and his skin turned pale as he saw Meliodas

"W-what are you doing here? weren't you dead!" he exclaimed out loud as if he had seen a ghost in front of him.

"No no no it must be the Alcohol hahahahaha maybe I should stop drinking altogether!!!" He said as he laughed like a madman

Before Meliodas could ask what in the fucks was going on Venti ran away hoping that who he saw today was nothing but a drunk illusion, leaving behind a very confused Meliodas.

"The hell!, Barbatos should really tone down the alcohol like he said," Meliodas said shrugging off Venti's reaction from earlier. Finally reaching Eula's house she found an apartment that was conveniently two blocks away from Ambers.

the place didn't look luxurious but considering Eula's reputation this was the best she could find without being outright rejected for renting an apartment. Usually, she would prefer to sleep on a tree as she is more used to it than being at her own house.

Grabbing the key from one of Eula's leotard pockets he opened the door and was greeted with a home filled a basic necessities such as a kitchen a couch and one room which he was guessing was Eula's.

Walking through the living room he reached the door of her room. As he entered, he put her down in her bed gently as he didn't want to wake up Eula who had fallen asleep on the way here.

Turning around to leave for his own hotel he suddenly felt a tug in his shirt, Looking behind him he saw the view of a fully awake Eula looking at him with a hungry look on her face making him get chills down his spine.

"H-Hey Eula I just brought you to your house and was about to leave soon see ya tomorrow," Meliodas said before things could escalate.

but it was no use as Eula quickly got up and hugged him from behind. "Am I not attractive enough, You even called me beautifully but you still didn't do anything to me even when I was defenseless and weak?" Eula asked Meliodas as he could feel her warm breath down his neck.

Meliodas panicked at the moment as he didn't know what to do to defuse the situation, so he did the one and only thing he could do.

Turning around he looked Eula straight in the eyes, returning the passionate Gaze that Eula was giving him.

Meliodas Grabbed her by the waste pulling her in for a kiss.


Feeling Meliodas lips against hers Eula panicked as she didn't think things through. But eventually, she got lost in the moment as they both started kissing eagerly trying to taste each other lips. after a while, Meliodas forcefully parted making Eula pout

"Why did you stop" she asked in an annoyed tone

"Because I want to do this with you when you're not under the influence so good night," Meliodas said as he blew some sleeping powder he had in his inventory on her face, he usually used it on Violet since sometimes she refused to sleep because she was reading a good book.

"N-no don't-" were Eula's last words as she fell back into her bed and fell asleep.

"*Sigh* I really am a good person," Melidas said half regretting his decision but he knew that it would cause some strain in their relationship if they just went ahead and slept together immediately.

Going out of her room he reached the living room and was about to leave the house when he heard a notification

[Ding! hidden quest complete

Name: Professor of Rizziology at the University of Rizzia

Detail: Seduce three girls related to Mondstat's side or main quest within a month.

Reward: 5 Gacha tickets Random]

What kind of quest is this!!!

Meliodas was dumbfounded at the fact that this type of hidden quest even existed, for a moment he wondered what would happen if he seduced everyone but he shook that thought out of his mind knowing how stupid that was.

Pressing accept he gained the gacha tickets

"System roll the 5 tickets for me," Melidoas asked

[Of course host

Ding 5 new items obtained:

-Random Multiverse travel Ticket(EX)

: Allows user to travel to a random universe


-Judgment of Shamash(SS+)

: The "Judgement of Shamash" is made of Soulium just like other Divine Keys. However, in each of the pistols, half of the Herrscher core was installed. It also has two other forms which are the combined form of the pistols treating a greatsword, and the released power of the great sword"

Form 1= the shape of its first form is of two pistols in which both have half of a harsher core in each gun. Its ability is that it shoots out powerful fire-imbued shots towards the user's target.

Form 2= It is in the form of a cleaver after you connect both guns, increasing its power for reconnecting both harsher cores in one weapon instead of two

Form 3= its last form is called "Might of An-Utu" or Judgement of Shamash unleahed. In the form of an upgraded cleaver, its power exponentially increases giving its user complete control over its destructive fire Also known as its 0th power. If not strong enough the user might die of use of the weapon as it was made with a harsher core at its center


-Time Travel Tickets(SSS+)

: Allows users to randomly go into the future or past of the world they currently are located in.


-Fragrant Olive Sword(A+)

: The long sword was once a fragrant olive tree that had grown at the bank of a beautiful spring at the heart of the village of Centoria, where the Central Cathedral was later built. Although the olive tree did not seem to have any irregular aspects to it at all, it was the first "immortal" object created by the Goddess of Creation Stacia, thus the sword has the attribute of eternal immortality.


1= Its first ability is called [Ehance Armament] in which the sword is capable of splitting into hundreds or even thousands of golden flakes of flower petals, each measuring less than a centimeter long. The petals have an absurdly large weight, are capable of high-speed and unrestrained movement in the air, and can become sharper than a slender sword's tip. A single petal possesses the clout of a giant's fist and is capable of splitting a rock into two or breaking the ground upon touch. The swarm of flower petals is controlled by moving the sword's grip.

2= The second ability is [Rellease recollection] It is the same as the first move but the petals can concentrate energy in themselves and explode with each blade petal, You can also concentrate all the flying petals creating a destructive blast of energy.

P.S.- it can also turn back into its original form of an olive tree.


-Devil Contract(C)

: Allows users to make a contract with a random devil from the Chainsaw Man Universe, the user can decline to make a contract and the devil will be sent back without problems.]


Meliodas couldn't believe that he had obtained such great things even after what he had received from his last draws but he remembered that his luck was incredibly great so it probably won't run out anytime soon... Right?.

Claiming the [Judgement of Shamash] two futuristic-looking guns that had a crystal in the middle like a slug terra gun appeared in front of him. looking at them with a daze he grabbed one each in his hands.

'This power i can feel it already just by holding them' Meliodas said internally as he could feel the sheer power the two guns emanated from themselves.

Looking at them he went to the store quickly to buy a gun holster that he could wear under his trench coat.

'Dam I'm poor' Melodas thought as he didn't have many Multiverse shop coins to buy stuff as he used the ones he had left to buy his daughter presents, but enough to buy a double-sided holster.

[Ding! Purchase complete

Items: [Uncharted double-sided leather holster(D)]

Making his purchase he equipped the holster under his black trenchcoat along with his guns.

'Dam I feel like Nathan Drake now, should I go treasure hunting now?' Meliodas asked himself jokingly. Deciding to put away such thoughts for now since he thinks that Treasure hunting would be fun, he headed to the next item.

a long sword appeared out of nowhere as it floated midair, The Fragrant Olive Sword is a longsword with a slender form. Every part of the sword from the guard to the pommel seems like they are made out of dazzling gold while the blade itself is dyed in a bright golden yellow distinctly more intense than the sword's scabbard. A cross-shaped flower design decorates the sword's guard.

Looking at the beautiful sword, Meliodas reached out to it with one hand. As he grabbed the sword, it suddenly fell out of his grip falling to the the ground destroying the wooden floor

"Holy shit!!! I forgot that this thing was crazy heavy!!!!" Meliodas picked it back up and he could feel the weight of [Fragrant Olive sword] he could tell that the dam thing was 800 pounds, which was as much as holding a monster truck wheel!

'Dam Alice must have had some crazy strength!!!' As he was holding its incredible weight in his hands, he wondered how strong Alice was to use it one-handed.

Putting it in his storage he looked at the next item he got.

A scroll appeared in his hands which was the [Devil Contratc] although he wanted to use it, he didn't because he knew he wasn't strong enough to beat an entity that embodied a whole concept. who knows what would happen if he summoned the darkness devil or the plague devil by accident?

Having such thoughts a chill ran down his spine and he quickly put it away in his storage for safekeeping.

Sighing in relief he went to the next one which was the [Random Multiverse travel Ticket(EX)] which was in the form of a golden ticket with a planet engraving on it.

[Would you like to use the random world travel ticket Y/N]

Looking at the notification he pressed no as he had more important problems here right now.

putting the ticket away he went to the last item he obtained which was the [Time Travel Tickets(SSS+)]. As its name suggests, it would allow Meliodas to go back in time or to the future of the world he currently resides in. Thinking of it Meliodas became excited because of he used it in the one-piece world he might be able to see the battle of God Valley between the Rocks Pirates and Garp along with the other marine Admirals he didn't bother to remember.

[Would you like to use the Time Travel Ticket Y/N]

Meliodas wasn't going to use it right now so he was going to press no. but as he was about to press no he sneezed and closed his eyes along the way.



'Dam did Eula get me sick' Meliodas thought inwardly as he remembered that she also sneezed when they were back at Angel's share.

[Commencing Random time Travel in universe [Genshin Impact] in T-minus 6 seconds]


Meliodas hearing this notification became dumbfounded at thins.

Didn't I press no when did this happen?

Suddenly Meliodias remembered that he closed his eyes when he sneezed so making an educated guess, he deduced that his finger coursed off from the no button to the yes button in that singular moment

"Wait! System stops immediately!!!" Melodas shouted in panic as he regained his wits.

[Apologies host but once you press yes, the process could not be stoped] even if it was an accident

[T-minus 5]

"Are you serious!!! Damit is there something I can do!" Meliodas asked in high hopes

[Sorry host but there is nothing you can do]

[T-minus 4]

[T-Minus 3]

Hearing this Meliodas panicked not knowing what to do.

"Fuck I hope its the future because the past in this world isn't so pretty!" Meliodas said as he started praying a bit to whoever would take his prayers that he would go to the future instead of the past.

[Do not worry host you will be fine, and on that note, once you come back you will appear exactly at the time you disappeared so no need to worry about missing anything] the system said as it tried to treasure its panicking host.

[T-Minus 2]

"That Doesn't help at all!" Meliods shouted.

[The host also will need to stay within the timeline he is sent to for at least 3 months, after that, you can come back anytime you want]

"What! 3 months!" Meliodas screamed out once again in absolute panic

[T-Minus 1]

"Ahhhh Fuck!!!" Meliodas shouted out loud as a distorted vortex sucked his body in making him disappear from this timeline completely... or at least until he comes back IF he manages to survive what the future or past holds for him.


To be continued


A/N: I hope you will all enjoy this teaser chapter I made. though I am still going to take a week off to make out the plot. I decided to make this chapter because why not I would also like to hear your thoughts on what you will all think would happen. Anyway, see you all next week.

