
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, a noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, was blessed by the power of the sun and guarded Fontaine for generations. However, everything changed 500 years ago when Egeria was replaced by the new Hydro Archon, Focalors. For five centuries, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was a usurper and a false god who had taken the true Hydro Archon's place. This stance remained unchanged until Tempest Proudmoore rose to become its Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the story and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes. Also, Prologue to chapter 5, might have a few grammar mistakes, since I still haven't started using grammarly from there.

Dummydumdum1 · Videospiele
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86 Chs

Chapter 74: Ghost

(Chapter 74 Ghost)

"Seven hells, I can't even see myself..."

Tempest muttered, frustration lacing his voice as he raised his hands in front of him. Yet, no matter how hard he tried to focus, he couldn't see them. His entire body had vanished from sight, but he could still feel the weight of his limbs, the fabric of the suit clinging to his skin. He was there, he just couldn't see himself.

"Time to go, I have limited time, until this suit runs out of battery."

Tempest muttered. He exited his room, his footsteps silent as the Ghost suit masked his presence. Navigating through the dim hallways, he approached the main entrance, carefully avoiding any direct encounters.

As he neared the large doors leading outside, he paused in the shadows, waiting. A few moments later, one of his knights, patrolling the grounds for the night, arrived and opened the door without hesitation, completely unaware that the Duke himself was slipping out unnoticed. Tempest seized the moment, slipping through the open door, the cool night air greeting him as he ventured into the quiet, moonlit streets.

Tempest moved silently through the empty streets of Sumeru City, his form invisible to anyone passing by. The city was quiet at this hour, with only the lamplight illuminating the paths. A few late-night wanderers crossed his path, unaware of his presence as they went about their business.

Tempest halted in his tracks, his gaze lifting to take in the towering grandeur of the Akademiya's sprawling structure. The intricate architecture seemed even more imposing beneath the moonlit sky, casting long, eerie shadows over the empty streets. His mind raced for a moment, reflecting on the task at hand. He had come here for a reason, to meet a certain someone.

Tempest moved quietly along the pathway that led toward the Akademiya, his figure invisible in the night. His steps were silent, blending into the stillness of the city as he advanced through the narrow corridors and winding streets. The distant sounds of the city faded as he approached the heart of the grand institution. Each turn brings him closer to his destination. His goal was the Sanctuary of Surasthana, the highest and most secluded part of the Akademiya, where Nahida was imprisoned.

Two guards stood vigil at the entrance to the Sanctuary of Surasthana, their presence a formidable barrier against any unwelcome intrusion.

"Nothing personal."

Tempest murmured softly as he swiftly incapacitated one of the guards with a precise strike to the back of his neck, sending him into unconsciousness in an instant.

The remaining guard spun around, his eyes wide with alarm.

"Huh?! Who's there?!"

Tempest's form remained invisible as he approached the panicked guard. With a fluid and silent movement, he executed a similar maneuver, striking the guard's neck with equal precision. The guard's eyes widened in shock before he too slumped to the ground, unconscious.

"Consider yourselves fortunate, I would not hesitate to throw both of you off this balcony if it weren't for the fact that my little friend has a knack for reading minds. She would be most displeased with me if I resorted to killing you both."

Tempest murmured, his voice cold and steady. He glanced at the unconscious guards with a hint of disdain before turning his attention back to the entrance of the Sanctuary of Surasthana.












Inside the Sanctuary of Surasthana, the atmosphere was heavy with an air of solemnity. Nahida floated gracefully within her prison, her ethereal presence contrasting sharply with the stark surroundings. The door to her confinement creaked open, and a tall figure clad in resplendent golden armor stepped inside.


Nahida murmured, her eyes widening in disbelief. The figure before her resembled the Tempest she had glimpsed in his memories, his Paladin form unmistakable even through her recollections. She blinked several times, hoping to clear her vision, only to find that her eyes were not deceiving her. Yet, the figure she saw was merely a shadow, Tempest himself was concealed, his presence obscured by the Ghost suit. Unbeknownst to Nahida, the suit rendered him invisible to her, hiding him from view despite his proximity.

Tempest removed the helmet of the Ghost suit, and as his form began to materialize, his Pyro Delusion flared to life. In his hand, he conjured a blazing Pyro hatchet.

"Hello, Young Pasha."

"Tempest, what are you doing here? And what do you intend to do with that hatchet? Your presence here is unexpected, and I must admit, seeing you hold that tool has me feeling a bit uneasy."

Nahida's voice carries a note of surprise and concern as she speaks. Her eyes widen slightly as she notices the hatchet in Tempest's hand.

"Isn't it obvious? I intend to chop down that tree that holds you prisoner."

Tempest replied, his tone cold and determined.

"Your unwavering determination is admirable, Tempest. However, I must inform you that simply trying to force me out of here through brute strength is not possible. This is my prison we are talking about. It is designed specifically to keep me here, and your efforts, as admirable as they are, will be futile."

Nahida's voice remains calm and resolute, yet there is a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Giving up already? I haven't even started yet..."

Tempest said, moving closer to the tree that imprisoned Nahida. With a determined swing of his Pyro hatchet, he struck at the tree's roots. The blazing hatchet cut through the bark, sending splinters flying.

The tree's body quickly began to regenerate with each strike, but Tempest remained undeterred. With relentless determination, he hacked away at the tree again and again. Despite the tree's rapid healing, Tempest's fury and persistence did not waver. Each swing of his Pyro hatchet was fueled by a fierce resolve to free Nahida from her prison.

"For fuck's sake..."

Tempest gritted his teeth in frustration. He tossed the Pyro hatchet aside, watching it dissipate into nothingness. He needed something more powerful to overcome the tree's relentless regeneration.

"Tempest, listen to me. That plan won't work. I've been held captive in this bubble for the last five hundred years. Please, mind your language, and refrain from using vulgarities."

Nahida's voice remains composed, though there is a hint of irritation in it as well upon hearing the profanity.

"Be quiet, Young Pasha. You can thank me later, once I've freed you."

Tempest declared, his voice firm and resolute. With a determined gesture, he conjured a massive Pyro blade wheel, its fiery edge glowing with intense heat. To support his effort, two additional Pyro hands materialized beside him, bracing the wheel as he prepared for the next assault.

The Pyro blade wheel struck the tree with immense force, its searing edge slicing through the trunk as though it were mere butter. Despite the wheel's devastating power, the tree's regeneration accelerated, its wounded surface knitting back together with alarming speed. Suddenly, a massive, vine-like tentacle erupted from the tree, lashing out and ensnaring Tempest. With a powerful jerk, the tentacle hurled him across the chamber, sending him crashing into a nearby wall.


Tempest grunted from the force of the impact but remained resolute. Brushing off the dust and debris, he rose to his feet and staggered back towards the tree. Determination burned in his eyes as he prepared for another assault, unwavering despite the fierce resistance he faced.

"Tempest, please, that's enough. You are harming yourself through your relentless attempts to free me. I implore you to stop. Your pain is felt within these confines, and I am concerned for your well-being."

Nahida's voice becomes firm and assertive, a note of concern and worry in her tone. She looks at Tempest with a mix of sternness and empathy.

"Are you truly alright being held prisoner here, Young Pasha?"

Tempest asked, his voice laced with concern as he paused his relentless assault. His eyes, though focused on the tree, flickered toward Nahida, searching for any sign of distress or discomfort in her demeanor.

"As a prisoner in this place for the past five centuries, I have grown accustomed to my confinement here, Tempest. Whether I am okay with it or not, it is the reality of my situation."

Nahida gazes at Tempest with a mix of contemplation and resignation. Her voice, while calm, betrays a hint of weariness and acceptance.

"During the day, I immerse myself in the vast knowledge provided by the Akasha System, absorbing information and learning about the world beyond this prison. As night falls, I retreat to my dreamscape, where I find solace and escapism through the wonders of my own mind."

Nahida's voice conveys a sense of routine and inner peace despite her confinement.

"I must admit, Tempest, witnessing your adventure through the desert provided me with endless entertainment. Your determination and resilience in the face of danger truly captivated me. It was a privilege to observe your journey and be your guide."

A soft smile graces Nahida's face as she speaks, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.

"Tempest, I know what thought is crossing your mind, and I implore you not to do it. This is not the way. Please, Tempest..."

Nahida's voice carries a tone of authority and caution as she speaks, sensing Tempest's thoughts.

"Tsk, fine, if you're against that idea, then I have one final option."

Tempest said, his voice resolute as he raised his hand. In his palm, a golden flame began to dance and flicker, its intense heat casting a warm glow across the room.

"Are you ser-"

Before Nahida could finish her sentence, Tempest swiftly clenched his hand, extinguishing the golden flame with a decisive motion. He then quickly donned the Ghost helmet, vanishing from view as his form became invisible once more.

"You're still awake? I assumed you'd be lost in your dreamworld by now."

The Grand Sage inquired as he entered the Sanctuary of Surasthana, flanked by a contingent of guards.


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