
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, a noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, was blessed by the power of the sun and guarded Fontaine for generations. However, everything changed 500 years ago when Egeria was replaced by the new Hydro Archon, Focalors. For five centuries, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was a usurper and a false god who had taken the true Hydro Archon's place. This stance remained unchanged until Tempest Proudmoore rose to become its Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the story and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes. Also, Prologue to chapter 5, might have a few grammar mistakes, since I still haven't started using grammarly from there.

Dummydumdum1 · Videospiele
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86 Chs

Chapter 59: Dunes of Steel II

(Chapter 59 Dunes of Steel II)

The door creaked open, revealing the vast interior of the giant Ruin Guard. The lights flickered for a moment, casting eerie shadows before fully illuminating the chamber. Inside was the bridge, a massive, imposing structure, with an elevator in the center that likely led to the control panel, the heart of the machine.

"Woah! I knew we'd stumble upon something fascinating in here!"

Hatsume exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. Meanwhile, Penance quickly snapped pictures with her kamera, capturing every detail of the discovery.

"Split into groups of three.

Tempest said to his knights, as they entered the chamber. Report anything unusual or of interest. If you encounter something you can't handle, don't engage it alone, call for backup. And most importantly, make sure you all come back alive. We'll regroup here in thirty minutes."

Tempest instructed his knights as they entered the chamber.

The knights nodded in acknowledgment, quickly forming their teams before dispersing into the vast chamber. With focused determination, they moved out in different directions.

"I suppose this will suffice as payment, considering you both were originally here to investigate this thing."

Tempest said to Cyrus, his tone slightly teasing as he referenced the door he had managed to open where Cyrus had failed.

"I suppose, you're right. We'll investigate this place thoroughly and report our findings back to the Akademiya."

Cyrus replied with a thoughtful nod, and Tempest nodded in response.

"Rohan, accompany those two."

Tempest instructed, gesturing toward Cyrus and Cyno.

"Got it, Your Grace."

Rohan responded with a firm nod. He then joined Cyrus and Cyno, and the trio set off to explore further into the Ruin Guard.

"Let's go, Chief! I bet that dome-like structure on top is the control room!"

Hatsume exclaimed excitedly. With a grin, she led the way, while Penance and Tempest followed closely behind. The three of them were the only ones left at the door.

'Tempest, I sense something is not quite right. It's as if you are not alone in this place. Please be careful, and be on your guard. Something may be lurking in the shadows, so proceed with caution.'

Nahida said through Tempest's mind, her voice filled with worry and caution.

'Thanks for the heads, Young Pasha.'

Tempest replied.

"The elevator's not working, brother. Can you do that thing again, like you did with the door? I think it needs to be powered up too."

Penance said, standing next to Hatsume at the elevator.

"No need for that! A great inventor is always prepared!"

Hatsume declared with pride, as she pulled out a grappling hook from one of the numerous pouches strapped to her belt.


Penance exclaimed in awe, clapping her hands in admiration.

"Alright! Le-"

"Let me go first."

Tempest interjected, gently placing a hand on Hatsume's shoulder to halt her excitement. He recalled Nahida's earlier warning and knew it was better to proceed with caution. Hatsume blinked in surprise but quickly nodded, understanding the need for safety.

"Here you go, chief!"

Hatsume said, handing the grappling hook to Tempest with a grin.

He took the device, inspecting it closely to ensure its durability and functionality. Satisfied, he aimed carefully at a metal railing on the second floor of the bridge, calculating the angle before launching the hook with precision. The hook latched onto the railing with a clink.

With a firm grip, Tempest pressed the trigger of the grappling hook. The device whirred, pulling him swiftly upward. As he landed, he took a brief moment to steady himself, adjusting his footing on the ledge. His eyes flicked upward, assessing the distance to the third floor. Without hesitation, he aimed the grappling hook at the metal railing above, ready for the next ascent.


Tempest landed smoothly on the third floor, he pressed the trigger of the grappling hook once more, retracting the cable with a soft whir. As the hook clicked back into place, he took a moment to glance down at the first floor, where Hatsume and Penance waited patiently below.

"You good up there, chief?!"

Hatsume's voice rang out from below, her tone a mix of concern and excitement. Tempest looked down, meeting her gaze with a nod of reassurance.

"Alright! Pass us the grappling hook!"

Hatsume shouted up, her voice bubbling with excitement, Tempest threw the grappling hook to her. Hatsume's eyes lit up as she effortlessly caught the grappling hook, her hands moving with practiced precision. The thrill of the moment was evident on her face, before turning to Penance, ready to help her ascend.

"Let's go, My Lady!"

Hatsume exclaimed, her smile widening as she extended a hand to Penance.

"Just call me, Penance, Hatsume."

She replied with a lighthearted chuckle as she took Hatsume's hand.


Hatsume replied cheerfully.

Tempest, watching from his vantage point at the top, let out a sigh of reassurance as he observed his sister safely guided by Hatsume. Seeing her in capable hands eased his concerns. With a final glance down, he redirected his attention to the imposing dome-like structure on the third floor of the bridge.

'Tempest, be careful. I can sense that you're getting closer to the thing I'm worried about. My intuition tells me that it is likely nearby, perhaps inside that structure. Please exercise extreme caution, as I do not know what you are dealing with.'

Nahida's voice echoed in Tempest's mind, her tone laced with urgency.


Tempest replied, unsheathing his sword, just in case, his senses sharpening as he prepared for whatever was inside the control room.

"Chief! Heh? Something wrong?"

Hatsume called out, having arrived on the third floor of the bridge with Penance securely held by her side, her arm wrapped protectively around her waist. Both women's eyes widened in concern and alertness as they noticed Tempest wielding his sword, his posture tense and ready. The sudden shift in his demeanor made them aware that something was amiss.

"Get behind me."

Tempest commanded, his expression darkening with seriousness. Hatsume and Penance nodded in unison, understanding the gravity of the situation. Hatsume quickly retrieved her Sparky cannon from where it hung on her back. Meanwhile, Penance assumed a defensive stance, both Hatsume and Penance's Visions were glowing, as both of them moved into position behind Tempest.

The three moved with careful precision toward the dome-like structure, their senses alert to every sound and shadow. As they approached, they discovered that the door to the control room was opened. Inside, the room was eerily empty, its expanse devoid of any discernible activity or presence.

"It's empty?"

Tempest muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he surveyed the vacant room. He slowly lowered his sword, his expression reflecting a mix of relief and caution. Hatsume and Penance, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, followed his lead, easing their stances.

'Tempest! Watch out!'

Nahida's voice screamed in his mind, filled with urgent panic. Her distress echoed with a sharp intensity.

Suddenly, a figure clad entirely in teal armor came out of nowhere inside the control room. The armor was emblazoned with the sigil of Khaenri'ah, the Four-Pointed Star. Without warning, the armored figure charged at Tempest, catching him completely off guard. In a swift and brutal move, the thing seized Tempest by the neck, attempting to strangle him. Tempest's sword clattered to the floor as he struggled to regain his composure. The force of the attack pinned him against the metal railing of the third floor, dangerously close to the edge. The threat of both their lives hanging precariously.

"You... Do not belong here..."

The figure's voice was cold and menacing, each word dripping with contempt as it hissed through the gaps in the armor.



Both Hatsume and Penance shouted. They moved instinctively toward him, ready to intervene and rescue Tempest from the deadly grip of the armored figure.


Penance groaned in pain as the armored figure, momentarily loosening its grip on Tempest, swung its elbow back with brutal force. The blow struck Penance, sending her staggering backward. Her balance faltered, and she teetered dangerously close to the edge of the third floor. Thankfully, Hatsume's quick reflexes kicked in. With a swift, decisive movement, she reached out and grasped Penance's hand firmly.

"I gotcha!"

Hatsume called out with determined resolve, her grip on Penance's hand unwavering as she struggled to pull her back from the edge. The strain was evident on her face as she exerted all her strength.

Tempest's anger surged, his eyes blazing with a fierce red hue as his Pyro Delusion activated. A Pyro knife materialized in his hand, its edge shimmering with intense heat. Driven by rage and desperation, Tempest thrust the blade towards the armored figure's exposed neck. He drove the knife in with relentless force, each stab a furious retaliation against his assailant. The heated blade cut through the armor with searing intensity, each strike aimed to incapacitate the figure and end the threat once and for all.

The armored figure staggered backward, a pained groan escaping as the Pyro knife's searing heat took its toll. The figure's grip on Tempest's neck loosened and eventually released entirely. With a staggered step, the assailant dropped to one knee, his breath ragged and labored. He raised a trembling hand to his wounded neck.

'Tempest?! Are you alright?!'

Nahida's voice pierced through his mind with urgent concern. Her distress was palpable, each word filled with anxiety as she tried to gauge his condition.

'Not now, Young Pasha...'

Tempest replied through his mind, his voice tinged with a fierce resolve. As he spoke, he conjured a Pyro sword in his hands, its flames flickering with intense heat. His anger roared like a volcano, fueled by the assault on his sister. The fiery blade glowed ominously, reflecting the depth of his rage and the determination to protect those he cared about. Every muscle in Tempest's body was tensed, ready to unleash the full force of his fury on the armored figure who dared to harm his family.

The armored figure looked up at Tempest, his gaze filled with a mix of defiance and resignation as Tempest advanced. Before Tempest could close the distance, the figure spoke in a voice that was both weary and resolute.

"I return to my homeland..."

"The thing is... Your homeland is nothing but dust..."

Tempest replied, his voice carrying a chilling edge. His face darkened with grim determination as he spoke.


The armored figure began to speak, but before he could finish, Tempest moved with lethal precision. With a swift, decisive swing of his Pyro sword, he severed the figure's head in a single, fluid motion. The headless body slumped to the ground, the severed head rolling away as Tempest's face remained resolute.

"Augh! Hold on!"

Hatsume's voice was strained as she struggled to pull Penance up, her strength waning under the effort. The weight of the situation and the strain on her muscles were taking their toll. Just as her resolve seemed to falter, Tempest, having dealt with the immediate threat, rushed to her side. He swiftly grabbed Penance's hand, his grip firm and reassuring. With Tempest's help, Hatsume was able to pull Penance to safety, their combined effort ensuring she was pulled back from the edge and away from the perilous drop.

"Are you alright, dear sister?!"

Tempest's voice was filled with concern as he swiftly moved to check on Penance's condition. His eyes scanned her for any signs of injury or distress.

"Mm, you're the one who looks worse, brother..."

Penance replied, her voice carrying a hint of concern as she gestured toward the bruised mark on Tempest's neck, a visible reminder of the choking grip he had endured. Her eyes softened with empathy as she took in the sight of his injury.

"It's fine, I'm glad you're alright..."

Tempest said, his voice softening as he pulled Penance into a heartfelt embrace. The relief in his expression was palpable as he held her close, grateful that she was safe. Hatsume, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but smile at the touching scene. The bond between the siblings was clear and moving.

"Must've been the pilot, nice cut, chief!"












Fifteen minutes later, Tempest's knights had regrouped at the entrance to the giant Ruin Guard. The earlier confrontation with the armored figure had led them to conclude that he was a pilot of this colossal machine, a solitary soldier from Khaenri'ah who had managed to survive for hundreds of years, waiting in isolation. They chose not to dwell on the strange circumstances and focused on their immediate task.

Inside the control room, Tempest, Penance, and Hatsume were at work. Hatsume, with an excited grin on her face, was busy attempting to power up the massive behemoth. Her enthusiasm was palpable as she fiddled with the controls, eager to activate the ancient machinery.

'I don't think this is a great idea, Tempest...'

Nahida's voice conveyed her concern through Tempest's mind, her tone laced with apprehension. She was borrowing Tempest's eyes to observe Hatsume, who was energetically focused on activating the enormous machine. Nahida's unease was palpable as she watched Hatsume's eccentric, almost reckless enthusiasm, and her words carried a note of caution.

'No worries, I'll tell her to turn it off, when necessary.'

Tempest replied.

'I trust you would...'

"Booyah! There we go!"

Hatsume exclaimed triumphantly as she successfully activated the behemoth. The central screen flickered to life, displaying a live feed of Tempest's caravan resting on the cliff. The sight of the caravan instantly caused a tense reaction among the caravan. They quickly raised their muskets, aiming them at the behemoth's eye with a mixture of alertness and readiness.


Tempest called out her name with a firm yet calm tone, drawing her attention. His voice carried a note of both urgency and authority, signaling that he needed to address something crucial.

"I got it! I got it!"

Hatsume shouted with enthusiasm as she controlled the behemoth's massive arm. She directed the arm to wave at the caravan, her face alight with excitement. The soldiers at the caravan, initially on high alert, watched in slight confusion as the enormous arm moved. They slowly lowered their muskets, though their guard remained vigilant.

"Is that Falric?"

Penance asked, her voice tinged with surprise as she looked at the screen. Her eyes widened as she recognized the solitary figure on the edge of the cliff, holding a stick.

Falric traced patterns in the sand on the edge of the cliff, using the stick to write a single word, 'Tempest?'

"He's quick to react, nice!"

Hatsume remarked with a satisfied grin, controlled the behemoth's massive arm into a thumbs-up gesture. Falric, catching the signal, nodded in acknowledgment. He then gestured to the caravan, signaling them to stand down and relax their vigilance, reassuring them that the behemoth posed no threat.

"Very good, Hatsume."

Tempest said, his voice reflecting a tone of approval and satisfaction.

"Ohhh, is that a hilichurl camp, right there?"

Hatsume exclaimed with a mischievous grin spreading across her face. Her eyes sparkled with a playful glint as she controlled the behemoth's massive head to focus directly on the hilichurl camp.

"Don't tell me..."

'Tempest! Stop her!'

Nahida shouted in Tempest's head, as she knew what Hatsume was going to do.

"Oops, tehe!"

Hatsume said with a cheeky smirk, her eyes glinting with mischief. As she pressed something, the behemoth's eye ignited with a blinding light, and a powerful beam shot forth, streaking across the desert. The intense energy obliterated the hilichurl camp in a spectacular display, leaving nothing but a smoldering ruin. Hatsume watched with a mix of satisfaction and playful glee, clearly enjoying the dramatic effect of her unintended action.



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