
Genshin Impact, Teyvat's Starborne

Orion, a young man who arrives suddenly in the mystical world of Teyvat, with no memory of his past. Struggling with amnesia and unsure of his origin or purpose he embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of his existence. Along the way, he encounters formidable challenges, worthy allies and powerful enemies. and discovers latent powers within himself. as he navigates this foreign land, Orion must seek answers for his unknown past while forging a new destiny in a world brimming with danger, mystery and magic. . Also . Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact or characters, Only the MC Orion and the original characters in this story. Support my Patreon if you want to read extra chapters ahead of release here, I might even consider making it a full time commitment and that will naturally mean consistent and extra chapters, so thank you in advance! : https://www.patreon.com/frenzyaren as for this story, I've played this game up to first patch of fontaine, it will not be the same as Genshin impact's story 100%, yet i'll respect the characters and their traits and what makes them unique. I'll also be adding quite a number of stuff and new Original characters. Romance and relationships will progress slowly otherwise it will be plain and boring imo, and yes it's a Harem.

FrenzyAren · Videospiele
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37 Chs

Trials of the Falcon 2

Check out my Patreon for extra chapters no need to wait for schedule!



As the group proceeded along the shadowy path, the air grew cooler and the darkness more oppressive. Orion suddenly came to a halt, his gaze fixed intently on something in the obscurity.

Bennett, noticing the abrupt stop, turned to him with concern. "What's wrong?"

Orion's eyes remained locked on the darkened corridor ahead. "Wait… you didn't see that?"

Mona, who was scanning the surroundings with a keen eye, shook her head. "We didn't see anything."

Without hesitation, Orion conjured a swirling ball of Pyro energy and sent it hurtling down the pathway. The flames erupted with a burst of light, illuminating the path ahead.

At the end of the corridor, the fiery glow revealed a horde of Hilichurls, numbering around twenty, their forms emerging from the darkness. Orion's eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight. "So these are the Hilichurls," he remarked, his voice tinged with surprise. "They look different from what I imagined, less... monstrous."

Feeling the adrenaline surge, Orion gripped his polearm tightly and assumed a battle stance, ready to spring into action. "Let's dance," he declared, poised to leap into the fray.

But before he could move, Mona raised a hand and called out, "Wait, I'll handle this."

Nico, her resolve clear, added, "I'll take care of them as well."

Mona stepped forward and activated her Hydro Vision. With a swift motion, she summoned a series of large, shimmering water bubbles that rapidly expanded and trapped the Hilichurls within. The bubbles, almost like a watery prison, surrounded the enemies, rendering them immobile and helpless.

Bennett watched in awe as Mona's mastery over Hydro created a dazzling, almost magical barrier. "Wow, that's impressive!" he exclaimed, a mix of admiration and excitement in his voice.

As the Hilichurls flailed inside the bubbles, Nico took his cue. He drew his sword and darted forward. His movements were a blur of precision as he struck through the bubbles, slicing the trapped enemies with swift, decisive attacks. The Hilichurls' futile struggles only made them more vulnerable to Nico's relentless strikes.

Orion, witnessing the seamless coordination between Mona and Nico, couldn't help but be impressed. "Looks like you two have this well in hand," he said, a grin forming on his face. "I guess I can sit this one out."

The Hilichurls, overwhelmed by the combined assault, were quickly dispatched. As the last of them fell, the water bubbles dissipated, leaving the corridor eerily quiet once more.

Orion relaxed his stance, a satisfied grin on his face. "I guess they're not that tough."

Mona eyed the defeated enemies and shook her head with a knowing smile. "There are stronger types of Hilichurls out there, but this area typically hosts the less formidable ones. We might encounter tougher foes deeper in."

Orion, slightly disappointed by the lack of challenge, shrugged. "Well, let's move along then."

The team made their way down a narrow corridor until they stepped into a chamber. The grandeur of the room became apparent. The stone walls were adorned with intricate carvings depicting ancient tales of Mondstadt's past, each one telling a story of heroism and legend. The ceiling arched high above, its vaults painted with scenes of the four winds in majestic flight, their ethereal forms swirling through the skies.

The room was dimly lit by flickering torches mounted on the walls, casting dancing shadows that seemed to bring the ancient carvings to life. At the far end of the room stood the imposing locked door, flanked by four blocks etched with the symbols of the wolf, lion, dragon, and falcon. The mechanism beside the door glinted faintly in the torchlight, a testament to the craftsmanship of the ancients who had built this place.

As they approached the door, Kitzler immediately took charge. "Looks like we have a puzzle to solve," he announced, studying the four blocks positioned next to the door. Each block was marked with a symbol: a wolf, a lion, a dragon, and a falcon.

Mona raised an eyebrow. "Well, duh. Those are the four winds of Mondstadt, everyone knows that."

Orion frowned slightly, mumbling to himself, "I didn't know that."

Kitzler pointed at the symbols. "Since we're in the Temple of the Falcon, it seems obvious to me that we should press the falcon block."

Without waiting for consensus or even a nod from his teammates, Kitzler pressed the falcon block with a smug grin. The mechanism clicked, and suddenly, a flurry of fire arrows erupted from hidden compartments around them, hurtling toward the team.

Instinctively, Orion reacted. He summoned his Cryo abilities, conjuring a swirling shield of ice that enveloped his teammates and blocked the incoming arrows. The projectiles clattered harmlessly against the icy barrier, while Orion's teammates stared in wide-eyed astonishment.

Bennett, his jaw dropping in disbelief, blurted out, "Wait, you can use Cryo too?"

Orion shrugged nonchalantly, hiding his surprise at his own slip. "Uh, no. I guess…"

Turning his attention to Kitzler, Orion's expression hardened. "You dumbass, you almost got us killed! It's clearly not that simple."

Kitzler flushed with embarrassment, avoiding Orion's piercing gaze. Orion took a deep breath, calming himself. "What's done is done. Let me see if I can solve this."

He stepped closer to the blocks, examining them carefully. As he focused, his eyes began to glow faintly. "I can see it!" he exclaimed.

Mona, intrigued, asked, "You can see what?"

"The elemental traces," Orion replied, his voice filled with newfound confidence. "There's a correct sequence to this puzzle. One wrong press, and we activate the trap. Someone made this recently; it was the guild officials."

He traced his finger over the symbols, feeling the subtle shifts in elemental energy. "The sequence is based on the elemental resonance left behind. If we follow it correctly, we'll avoid the traps."

Mona nodded, impressed. "Alright, show us the way, Orion."

He focused intently, his fingers hovering over the blocks. "First, the dragon," he said, pressing the symbol carefully. A soft click echoed in the chamber.

"Next, the wolf." Another click followed, the mechanism responding to the correct input.

"Now, the lion." The tension in the room was palpable as he pressed the third symbol, another click confirming his choice.

"And finally, the falcon." He pressed the last block, and with a satisfying clunk, the door mechanism unlocked.

The team let out a collective sigh of relief as the heavy door slowly creaked open. Orion turned to his teammates with a grin. "Let's move forward."

Bennett gave him a thumbs up. "Nice work, Orion!"

Mona smiled approvingly. "Impressive. Looks like you're more than just a fighter." She paused, curiosity lighting her eyes. "How did you know which one was first?"

Orion chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "It was about the elemental traces. The weakest elemental trace had to be the first. It meant that whoever set up this puzzle started with the dragon block. I just followed the traces from weakest to strongest."

Everyone was clearly impressed by his incredible senses, nodding in admiration. Kitzler, despite his earlier blunder, looked at Orion with thinly veiled spite, though he hid it well. "Sure, great job," he muttered, forcing a smile.

They stepped through the newly opened doorway into another dimly lit pathway. Bennett groaned, glancing down the seemingly endless corridor. "Are we just going to be walking down pathways forever?"

Orion chuckled, clapping Bennett on the back. "It does seem like it, but let's keep our spirits up. There's bound to be more ahead."

As they navigated the winding passage, the team remained alert, each step echoing off the stone walls. Eventually, they stumbled upon another group—Emily and her team. Orion's face lit up at the sight of her, and he greeted her warmly, completely ignoring the others in her group.

"Hey, Emily! These pathways are all connected, it seems. Have you been stuck in door rooms too?"

Emily looked puzzled. "Door rooms? No, we haven't encountered any doors. We've been navigating traps and mazes."

Orion frowned, realizing the complexity of the domain. "Interesting. So, not everyone is facing the same challenges. That means each team is being tested differently."

Mona nodded thoughtfully. "It makes sense. The guild officials probably set it up this way to test a variety of skills and teamwork under different conditions."

Orion glanced between his team and Emily's, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know, considering how unpredictable this domain is, maybe we should stick together. Two teams might handle the challenges better than one. Do you think that would be considered cheating?"

Emily shrugged, a slight smile on her lips. "I don't see why it would be. There's no rule against it, as far as I know."

Mona, pondering the suggestion, added, "If the guild officials wanted to test our adaptability and teamwork, then forming alliances could be part of that."

Bennett, ever enthusiastic, nodded eagerly. "I'm all for it! We'll be stronger together."

Kitzler, with a hint of reluctance but recognizing the practicality, said, "Fine by me. Just don't slow us down."

Emily's teammates, including her friends and the other participants, exchanged glances and seemed to agree. "Let's

 do it," one of them said. "Safety in numbers and all that."

As the combined teams navigated the winding passage, the air was tense with anticipation. Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a roar of battle cries. Hilichurls sprang from the shadows, their leader, a massive Stonehide Lawachurl, bellowing a challenge. Flanking the Lawachurl were three Abyss Mages, their elemental auras crackling menacingly.

Orion's keen senses immediately detected the threat. "Abyss Mages!" Bennett shouted, gripping his sword tighter.

"I'll take the big one," Orion declared, eyes locking onto the Lawachurl. With a swift leap, he vaulted onto the creature's back, his movements fluid and precise. The Lawachurl roared in fury, but before it could react, Orion's eyes flared with an intense light. Channeling his Pyro energy, he charged a devastating flame punch, driving his fist into the Lawachurl's skull with explosive force. The impact was so powerful it sent the massive beast crashing to the ground.

Not wasting a second, Orion planted his polearm and plunged it into the Lawachurl's head, ending its life in an instant. He pulled the weapon free, standing atop the fallen beast with a cold, bloodlusted expression. His swift and brutal takedown sent a chill through the onlookers; even his allies felt a flicker of fear witnessing his lethal efficiency.

Bennett, shaking off his awe, charged at the Cryo Abyss Mage. "I'm a perfect match for this one!" he yelled, his sword blazing with Pyro energy. He unleashed a flurry of fiery slashes, each one melting the Cryo shield bit by bit. With a final, powerful swing, he shattered the mage's defenses and struck it down.

Meanwhile, Mona faced off against the Pyro Abyss Mage. "You dare challenge the stars?" she taunted, her voice dripping with confidence. Summoning a torrent of water, she created a spiraling vortex, dousing the Pyro Mage's flames. With precise control, she unleashed a series of Hydro blasts, extinguishing the mage's fire and defeating it.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Orion's attention briefly shifted to Kitzler, who was cowering behind a large rock, clearly avoiding the battle. Orion shook his head in disappointment but quickly refocused on the task at hand.

On the other side of the chamber, Nico attacked the Electro Abyss Mage. Sparks flew as he clashed with the mage's electric attacks, his sword dancing through the air. However, a sudden burst of energy caught him off guard, sending him sprawling. Emily's team quickly rushed to his aid, fending off the remaining Hilichurls while Emily herself joined the fray. Emily's sword flashed with precision as she cut through the Hilichurl ranks. Her friends supported her, coordinating their attacks to keep the enemies at bay. The team's combined efforts created an opening, allowing Nico to recover and strike back at the Electro Mage. With renewed determination, he delivered a powerful slash, breaking through its shield. The mage, weakened and vulnerable, stumbled backward, landing at Orion's feet. Without missing a beat or even glancing down, Orion drove his polearm into the mage's core with deadly precision. The Abyss Mage crumpled instantly, its dark energy dissipating into the air.

Orion's teammates exchanged impressed glances, the efficiency and cold-blooded nature of his attack leaving a lasting impression. "Nice work, Orion," Bennett said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Orion simply nodded, his focus already shifting back to the task at hand. "Let's keep moving," he urged, leading the group forward. Despite his calm demeanor, a nagging feeling of unease gnawed at him, like a dark cloud looming just out of sight. He couldn't shake the sense that something was amiss, but he pushed the thought away.

Check out my Patreon for extra chapters no need to wait for schedule!



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