
Genshin Impact: Picking up a Little Loli at the Beginning

It's boring to engage in constant fighting and killing. It's better to go fishing with Jams on the Teyvat continent and become the most skilled angler! Eventually, I'll take my wives to travel around, and before I know it, I'll become a deity in Teyvat! This story is super sweet with many female protagonists!

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72 Chs

Maid Noelle, pleased to be at your service

Just a moment ago, I was thinking about how to trick new recruits into joining the fishing team, and now Noelle... she actually came to me on her own!

Although Jams feel delighted inside, Jams maintains a calm exterior, as if he hasn't noticed Noelle observing him from the forest.

At the same time, Jams recalls information about Noelle in his mind.

Noelle, a silver-haired beauty born into a commoner family, gentle in nature and incredibly powerful, skilled in wielding a claymore with her hands.

Many veteran players have encountered this lovely maid to some extent during their early days in the game, and the true fans have gone all out to earn her the reputation of a "human Gundam."

Without exaggeration, Noelle's overall strength ranks high in Mondstadt, making her one of the best choices for a fishing teammate.

"However, it seems her aspiration is to become an official member of the Knights of Favonius... In that case, she must have come for Jean, the acting Grand Master."

Jams remains composed on the surface while contemplating how to deceive this little maid.

The "Pass the Flame" mission only needs one more person to meet the team requirement, so there's no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity with Noelle.

As Jams lowers his head deep in thought, his fishing rod trembles slightly in his hands.

He hears the voices of Jean and Klee.

"Jams, you've got a bite over there!"

"Calm down, Klee. Go get the net and reel in the fish."

His train of thought is suddenly interrupted, and Jams develops a headache.

He glances towards the forest once again, but Noelle's figure is nowhere to be seen. She must have been frightened away by the voices of Jean and Klee.

"Oh well, no need to rush."

Jams shakes his head, maintains a calm mindset, and shifts his attention to the silver-scaled fish he has caught.

[You have caught an adult Silverback Perch. Charisma +10, Physical Fitness +10, Hydro Resistance +5]

[Detected that you are in multiplayer mode with teammates "Klee" and "Jean." You receive additional attribute bonuses: Charisma +20, Physical Fitness +20, Pyro Resistance +5, Anemo Resistance +5]


The pleasant sensation of attribute enhancement sweeps over Jams, making him unable to resist a satisfied hum.

"Jams, you're going to die! Why did you suddenly make that sound!"

Upon hearing Jams' ambiguous hum, Jean's soft and charming face blushes slightly as she gives him a gentle glare.

"Haha, sorry, sorry. It was involuntary. I'll be more careful next time..."

Jams apologizes with his words, but his gaze remains fixed on the silver fish that Klee has reeled in, lost in thought.

The moment the Silverback Perch leaped out of the water earlier, it gave Jams a spark of inspiration.

Perhaps I don't need to go looking for Noelle at all.

If Noelle is interested in the relationship between me and Jean, she will likely come to me on her own!

With this thought in mind, Jams's lips curl up slightly, and his eyes sparkle even brighter.


This time, he doesn't bait the hook but casts the fishing rod directly.

His unexpected action catches the attention of Jean and Klee.

"Jams, it seems you forgot to put bait on the hook."

"Yeah, Jams is so silly~"

Klee sticks out her tongue playfully, making a cute face.

"You don't understand."

Jams squints his eyes, revealing a mysterious smile. "This is the pinnacle technique of fishing... willing to take the bait!"


The enjoyable fishing time ends up passing quickly.

With their abundant gains in attributes, Jams, Jean, and Klee return to Mondstadt and have a satisfying meal at the "Angel's Share" tavern.

After dinner, Jams suggests that he wants to stroll around the city alone.

Under Klee's reluctant gaze, Jams' slim figure slowly disappears at the end of the street.


Walking through the brilliantly lit streets, Jams watches the bustling crowd. People who are familiar with him slow down and nod friendly, and he responds with a smile.

Unconsciously, he has transformed from a stranger into a member of Mondstadt.

Every day, he walks through familiar streets, chats with acquaintances, and occasionally listens to wandering bards sing beneath the Windblume statue in the central square.


Just as he is about to leave the central square and head home, a somewhat shy female voice calls out to him:

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Jams?"


Jams turns slowly, looking at the silver-haired girl who appeared behind him. A hint of confusion appears in his eyes. "You are..."

"I'm Noelle, a maid of the Knights of Favonius. My dream is to become a true knight. Um... sorry, you probably don't want to hear all this from a stranger."

When Noelle mentions the word "knight," a faint green light seems to flicker in her eyes. But after seeing Jams' puzzled expression, the light in her eyes quickly fades away.

She's here, she's here, my "big catch"!

Although Jams wears a baffled expression on the surface, his heart is already blossoming with joy.

I didn't expect this "waiting for the rabbit" method to actually work, and Noelle came as expected!

"Noelle? Hmm, I have heard of you," Jams says, his puzzled expression turning into curiosity and admiration. He smiles and says, "Everyone says you're an exceptional maid who is everywhere and can do anything."

"You flatter me, but I have only done what a maid should do. I'm definitely not as amazing as the rumors suggest," Noelle modestly replies.

Upon hearing Jams' praise, Noelle's delicate and charming face blushes slightly, and her nervousness diminishes a little.

"That's good. Mr. Jams seems like an easy person to get along with..."

"What did you say?"

"Um, nothing. I didn't say anything!"

Noelle waves her hand in front of her chest so quickly that it leaves an afterimage, denying it with a flushed face.

"You approached me first for a conversation, so why are you so nervous?"

Jams chuckles and shakes his head.

Noelle's shy demeanor is quite endearing, but now is not the time for tender affection.

Since Noelle is hesitant to speak up, Jams takes the initiative to extend an invitation to her:

"Noelle, I haven't been living in Mondstadt for long, so I'm not very familiar with the city. If you don't mind, could you take me around the city and help me get acquainted with it?"

Noelle's face lights up with surprise. "Of course! I would be happy to assist you!"